MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 581

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Jiuyuan camp, next to the tributary of the big river. m music network

Strictly talking to the rescued Tian Wu.

Tian Wu was very wounded, and there were two fewer heads, not to mention wounds elsewhere.

It is no stranger to the wounds of Tianwu, which is the injury caused by experiments and collections.

Tian Wu is very painful, and her faceless man is full of hatred and extreme anger.

"Human... betray me!"

It’s impossible to let such a huge force stand on the opposite side of human beings. It’s a good word for Wuyuan. “They didn’t all betray you. Moorish priests and many people want to protect you and they are killed. Even the chieftain’s sons were degraded as slaves, and they only let me know that you were arrested and imprisoned. They asked me to save you."

Tian Wu’s anger subsided a little, but she was more painful.

"My children... a lot of them have been killed..."

"Kill the Moore Chief! Kill the light... There are horns!"

Strictly giving her treatment, she said, "Trust me, you will have the opportunity to retaliate against them, and will not let you wait for a long time."

"The horned man...the weapon...strong."

"I know."

"Pain..." Tianwu’s voice was full of temptations, and the voice with real feelings was even more distressing.

Strictly touch her gently to relieve her pain.


"it is good."

At this time, Jiuyuan Houying has been busy flying up, and it is necessary to accept nearly 5,000 people before and after. If it is not the abundant reserves of Jiuyuan, there are a large number of blood-blood soldiers to help, and the system is well-informed, only this is the rear. The point of the hand has already collapsed.

The original battle also went to help temporarily make some sheds for the people who came back to live.

Black water listened to the report of Caomachi and others, and frowned slightly.

“The food is consumed very quickly, and the stored coal must be shipped again. Otherwise, it will not last for ten days.”

"The herbs are also, including salt, quilts, clothing, footwear, etc. are not enough."

"How do these newcomers arrange? Are they using the boat to send them back to Jiuyuan, or let them stay here? How long do we have to raise them?"

"They are in poor physical condition. If you send them back to Jiuyuan now, it will be good to survive half."

"That can only leave them, but now it is winter, we must first guarantee the supply of soldiers."

Hei Shui won the stone and listened to the situation reflected by everyone. Finally, I concluded: "I will tell the truth to the leader and the priest. I don’t think you have any special worry. Since the two dare bring people back, they must have thought of it. This is a problem."

There is no worry on the faces of Caomachi and others. They have always had great confidence in the original war and the sternness. Now they just say what they have to say according to their duties.

"There is another thing." Caomachi stood up.

"What is it?" Blackwater Winstone attaches great importance to the advice of Caomachi.

"There was a seriously wounded slave. He said that he was called colored stone. There is a very important secret to tell the leader and the priest."

From top to bottom, he changed a thick clothes and grabbed a piece of grilled meat that was being blown cold. He walked and ate, and said with sternness: "Color stone is a confidant, one of the tribal warriors, I thought He was in the slave barracks and did not expect to bring him back this time."

Strictly speed up the pace, "I will know what is going on when I see him."

The original battle has already reached the temporary treatment of the newcomer treatment point, and saw the silence to reach out.

Grabbly grabbed his hand and jumped into the shed.

As soon as Wuyuan walked into the shed, he felt that his body was embraced by a warmth, and the frozen face and hands began to feel a little bitter.

Color Stone saw them, struggling to get up and saluted, and was gently pressed by Caomachi.

"Adult." Caomachi smiled and saluted.

Strictly returning to the ceremony, naturally called: "Caomachi sister, I have worked hard."

"Not hard." Caomachi looked at the strict eyes and gentle and admired. "This stone brother is hurt more seriously. He was whipped, and the hamstring of one foot was cut. I can only help him treat trauma." His hamstrings..."

"I will take a look later." Strictly instructed her not to care, and turned to color stone: "You said that there are important secrets to tell us, we are here, you can say."

The color stone gaze swept past Wuyuan. "I, I have conditions."

The original battlefield stood on the side with an expressionless arms.

Strictly and unexpectedly, I raised my eyebrows. "What conditions, let's listen."

Wuyuan stunned the eye color stone, my heart was dark: this idiot!

The idea of ​​colored stones is colored stones. He is already disabled. His master and Jiuyuan have a bad relationship. He believes that if he wants to live a good life in Jiuyuan in the future, he must grasp the opportunity before him and let him know. The message is as high as possible.

"The secret that I said is about the survival of Jiuyuan. I know that you are very powerful, but the horns are not weak. This secret is generally unknown to hornless people. If I was not sent to do something somewhere, I occasionally saw... ...and because I accidentally saw that those horned people used my intention to spy on their secrets, not only to punish me, but also to drive me out of the barracks and to the slave camp."

Color stone observes the original battle and the harsh face, biting his teeth: "I don't ask for it. As long as you promise me, I will not abandon me, sell me, see me as a nine-atom, and provide me and every year. The five-level warrior-like food distribution, provide my place of residence, and then give me two female slaves to take care of me until I die, I will tell you the secret."

"The secret you said refers to the weapon of the horned man?" Yan said in a sigh of silence.

Color stone discoloration, "How do you know?"

"It's a good guess. Most of the horned people don't have the ability to sacred blood. They rely on their weapons and bones. They know that we are high-ranking fighters with nine or more levels. Fighting against us, this shows that they must be dependent, and this depends on the ninety-nine and the weapons. And they have not come up with this weapon, I think it is related to its energy consumption, or that the weapon is too powerful, not easy Use. Am I right?"

Although the colored stone saw the experimental scene of the weapon, but the truth has not been strictly guessed and understood. He listened to his card slowly and could not help but rush. "I, I know where the weapon is hidden, and Know its weaknesses!"

"Oh?" Slightly revealing a little surprised expression, "Do you know the weakness of the weapon? What is it?"

"You promise me the conditions first." The color stone is full of gas.

Strictly laughing, "Your condition is not a problem, but I am you, I will change a condition."

"What conditions?" Color Stone is afraid of losing money.

Suddenly grabbed his right ankle and looked at it, let go, and said: "My medical skills are very good. Although your right tendon is cut, it is not difficult for me to reconnect. I will give it to you now. One choice is to maintain the original conditions, or do you want me to pick up the hamstrings for you?"

Color stone is excited. "I want to add conditions. You must promise me to cure my right leg and promise me..."

Qiyuan want to rush to beat him.

The original battle took him.

Lift your finger tightly. "You can only choose one."

"Don't you want to know where the weapons are stored and the weaknesses?" Color Stone strives.

Wuyuan couldn't help it anymore, and said: "Color stone! You are enough! Don't forget who saved you, greedy people can't end well!"

Cai Shi does not feel that he is wrong. Jiuyuan rescued him from returning. He will be willing to pay for Jiuyuan as long as he has a good leg. After all, he is a five-level blood warrior, and the exchange of messages is another matter.

Suddenly, he suddenly smiled: "Color stone, you know, your blessing is very good today. If you change to normal, I will promise you the conditions at the beginning. After you say everything about the weapon, I will tell. You can treat your foot injury and let you live in remorse for the rest of your life."

The heart of the colored stone jumped, and a horror spread from the heart to the whole body. On a cold day, his forehead was so sweaty that he dared not stick to it again. "I... choose to treat a foot injury. You, you must promise me. I have to treat my feet as before, and I can't have any residual problems."

"Let's talk." The smile on the face of Yanmou was all collected.

Color Stone wants him to help him first, but he can look at each other's eyes, and finally he is embarrassed. How could he think that if the other party saved them, they would be kind and deceived? These two are in a short time to bring a weak tribe into a terrible figure alongside the forces of the upper city!

Perhaps it is because the atmosphere of Jiuyuan is too good, perhaps because the Jiuyuan people who helped them were too soft for them, so that he was stunned by the eyes.

"I say……"

Half an hour later, the fierce and the original battle came out of the shed.

Wuyuan left, saying that there are things to ask about colored stones.

Kusama was busy looking after other wounded people and did not come out.

"Is it regret?" The original war stepped up and walked side by side with each other.

Slightly chuckle, "I can't talk about regret. What kind of people have, some people will be grateful to you, naturally there will be some people who are greedy, and even some of the people we rescue will be for various reasons or resentment, or betray Jiuyuan. ""

I didn’t feel relieved when I heard the original war. I only felt distressed. “You have experienced a illusion and you have completely looked at it.”

"I didn't look at it because I finally wanted to understand a truth." Strictly grasping his hand, the two hands clasped together in the snow, "When we eat, even how to pick it up." Fine selection, there will always be a few bad, not good to eat. But we will not eat because of these bad?"

Of course it is impossible not to eat.

"The same is true for saving people this time. You feel that I am saving people. I feel that I am just doing the necessary things. Just like we have to eat food to survive. Saving these people can supplement the population of Jiuyuan and quickly enhance the nine. The original strength, then I will not give up most people for individual people."

The original war felt that his priest was a little different.

Strictly, he seems to know what he thinks. He smiles and smiles. "A war, I am not doing good. I save these people except to see them poor. The most important thing is because they have the value of use, otherwise I will not They brought back to Jiuyuan and only put them in the wilderness and let them run away. Let you down, your priest is still not a good person."

The original battle suddenly laughed.

He was shocked by his smile.

The original war shook his hand slightly. "Yes, you are not doing good deeds, you just want to use them."

Shutter his eyes, "Laughter laughs! Laozi is telling the truth to you, do you think I am shy?"

The original battle laughed even more.

Severely angry, "Pig! What do you think about it!"

In the original battle, there was an impulse to lift up the rigor. After a second, he took the person up and sighed, "My priest is an adult."

Strictly clinging to his head and licking his ears.

The original war did not further stimulate him.

The two fell into the snow, rolling around and fluttering like two little beasts for a while.

It was not until the faces of both of them showed a blushing blush, which stopped the noise.

Speaking tightly, picking up the clothes and squeezing the big ones. "Speaking seriously, there are horned people who must retaliate back. The best way to strike us is not to fight with us. It is to disturb us from the inside. There is something going wrong in Jiuyuan City. ""

"You retaliate, they don't just want them to do this?" The original battle slammed his head.

Strictly, "There is no way, some small bugs are hiding too deeply. If they are investigated one by one, it is really hurtful. It is better to let them take the initiative to jump out. For us who are recruiting talents, we are going to recruit talents. Negative arguments such as surveillance, vigilance, etc. are best not to have. We want to let all the creatures in the world know that Jiuyuan is a new force that can accommodate all living things, not an old-fashioned conservative."

The original battle was not astonished by the ambition of strictness. As early as the establishment of Jiuyuan, he discovered that his priests and adults not only wanted to establish a tribe with only human beings. "Why, your revenge on the horned horns ends here?" ”

"How is it possible?" The smile did not reach the eyes. "We harassed them twice in a day. They must have been vigilant and armed. Let's wait a second. Let's go and have a good night's sleep, wait until we wake up. I will go to their camp and stroll."

"I will go with you."

"No, you stay guardian, prevent the horned people from secretly attacking us. They dare to confront us, and they must be reliant. The weapons that the colored stones say don't know if there is only one or more, and I don't believe him. It just happened to know the weakness of the weapon. If he saw such an important thing, the horned man could not let him continue to live. This time I used to see what their reliance was." Suddenly speed up the speed: "You don't have to worry about me, have the will, and they can't find me."

The original battle stood still and turned to be opposite to the silence. "Mom, tell me, what do you want to do? Or I should ask you this way, how are you going to deal with the horned person? You must tell me your plan so that I can Let the whole nine original match you."

I’m a little embarrassed, I’m a little embarrassed. “In fact, I didn’t think about it. Well, I said that our plan was to take this opportunity to gather the strengths of all parties and expand the influence of Jiuyuan, while borrowing horned mills. It is best not to use the 9th and 10th level fighters to train my Jiuyuan warriors. And the horns want to stand firm in the East China, and certainly will not fight with us, 95% will choose to slowly with us. Grinding, I think this is why they stopped after they discovered that Jiuyuan was not good."

"what about now?"

"Now..." There was a glimpse of a sudden sigh in the eyes, and then became firm. "You may feel that I am too deeply affected by the illusion. I also admit that I am really affected, but I have been deliberating below, not My wayward decision."

"You said."

"The situation has changed. We have to solve the horns with the fastest speed, but it is not for you and me to shoot them directly, at least until they use the last force, we can't shoot."

The original war did not agree. He liked the more direct way. He was confident that he and Yan Mo and others had this power to let the horned people disappear from the East China all night.

Slightly bent over and grabbed a sleigh of snow. "If you are a horned man, what do you do when you have a strong enemy who is forced to come to the door and you can't deal with it? After you have a full backup, you are completely desperate." In the case?"

The original battle has not yet answered, and Yan has already replied: "If it is me, I have tasted the kind of desperate taste. As long as there is some strength in my hand, I will definitely choose to die together! So I must first confirm whether there is any color. The weapons in Shikou, as well as the quantity and power, if possible, I will get them together. If we can't get it, then we must be able to attack the horned people so that they don't dare to stay in the East China, but also let They hope that they will not want to go with us."

"Think about it, if the weapon is really big or small like the colored stone, if a horned person uses the traitor to bring the weapon into Jiuyuan City, even if we can escape, what about other people?"

The original battle is also not serious: "So your plan is?"

Strictly beckoning, "With the ear, I plan to do this..."

The author has something to say: Today's first chapter, still being revised later, about 18 pm upload

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