MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 4 Times 4

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A man of blood is carrying a **** man and stalking from the side of the two. He is followed by a few people, holding a spear in his hand and having blood on his body. The woman and the two children are crying. run.

A few people ran into the tent that the woman ran out, and vaguely heard someone shouting: "Go to the priest?"

"It has already gone." Someone replied.

Kushiro slammed his mouth, squatting down/body, whispered: "That is the second-level warrior, watching him hurt so badly, I don't know if I can save it, that family... It will be bad later. ”

Suddenly regained his gaze, the soldier who called the big river broke his right arm, and the broken bone suddenly protruded outside. There may be injuries in the abdomen, otherwise it is impossible to flow so much blood.

According to the blood flow of the man, he will not be allowed to stop bleeding. If he does not have an hour, he will have to go to see the king.

Maybe this is an opportunity for him, but it is not the best time to come to him.

Suddenly bowed, pretending to unwittingly spread the right palm, I saw a book roll again, the open book is lit in the center of a sentence similar to the last time.

- Teach others knowledge, scum value -1, total scum value of 99999998 points.

what is this? What is the use?

If you change someone else who is "informed" and sees such a thing appear in your own palm, you might be excited first.

But harsh...

The premise of counting billions of households is committed to making yourself a good person, trying to make yourself better than others, doing everything possible, and spending a lot of time on learning, drilling, work and other In all kinds of business affairs, I lived to thirty-nine years old. I have never played an online game. I have never seen a web novel. Even the martial arts novels that everyone passed crazy in junior high school have not seen a few books.

And on TV, apart from the news, he barely watched other programs. The movie is occasionally going to have a look, but it is also very rare. He can know the soul wear, but also suffers from the fact that several children in a movie and news have committed suicide in order to cross.

He always felt that his time was not enough. He couldn't even understand why the young people could spend so much time on the Internet and talk about love.

If those people waste time giving him, his achievements before death are definitely more than that, and he will use those times to make himself richer and more powerful, maybe he can escape...

However, even if he was "lost", he also heard that the judge in the land had a merit book that recorded all the creatures in the world, and did the things in his right palm belong to the same series? Let this thing appear directly to him, is it to warn him? More to replace the role of prison guards?

So to see such a thing strictly, first of all is not excitement, but... an anger that is controlled and monitored by others!

For the words of scum in the exile retrofit guide, the words scum are strictly scorned.

In the words of his grandmother, he was not a good thing when he was born.

Although he felt that he was very honest and kind when he was a child, everyone said that he would not bother to deny it.

Thoughts are accidentally caught in the memories of the past, which makes the silence very hateful.

He doesn't like to recall the past, but hates memories of the past 20 years old. He doesn't like himself before the age of twenty. He doesn't like the family, friends, relatives, and all the people he met in those 20 years. He is dislike.

Since the age of twenty, he has told himself that he will not be allowed to regret anything in the future.

Sometimes people accidentally take a wrong step, they will be wrong, step by step, and then they will not be able to turn back. They can only know that it is wrong and continue to move forward.

In fact, he always knew that he had gone the wrong way. His outlook on life, values, and morality were ruined, but he was stubbornly reluctant to admit that he was making mistakes or even sinning until he lost most of his life. Good, he is willing to exchange all the treasures.

He suddenly thought of the words that he cursed and insulted God before he died.

He can't remember the original words, but he still remembers that he seems to mention his own baby? He seems to curse God to say that he is unfair, and asks why he wants to bring retribution to the innocent head. He has a lot of jealousy. It is his last vent, and it is his only regret.

Does that curse have anything to do with this crossing?

Does the exile retrofit guide appearing in his palms implicitly indicate what?

He has now reduced the scum value by two points. If he reduced the scum value of 100 million points? What can he get? Or what does God know about him?

Strictness is a very realistic person. He doesn't think that God has let him wear the world to him. He has to give him a copy of the guide to record his merits.

Regardless of who is the "person" who brought him to the world, the other party must have his purpose.

"I need a promise." Speaking to the right hand in Chinese.

Caomachi looked up at him. "What are you talking about?"

Slightly and weakly laughed, "Nothing, it is a few spells that the old priest handed over to me, saying that it is possible to speed up the recovery and drive away the disease."

"Ah, sorry, did I bother you?" Caomachi hurried.

"Nothing, don't interrupt me below." Strictly gave Caomachi a peace of mind and continued to ask his right hand.

"I want to promise! If I honestly stay in this world to transform, if I can zero the scum, can you give me something?"

The page did not respond and did not seem to have the function of communication.

Suddenly not discouraged, he muttered to himself: "Since you are the guide, then you will at least tell me what to do, then why do you ignore me? Guide... book... Since it is a book, how can I answer me? Of course, you have to check it yourself, the book... Do you have a directory right? I want to see the catalog! Show the catalog!"

The book was responded this time. Several pages were turned over and stopped, and a page titled "Directory" appeared.

I only took a general glance and judged that 90% of the guide can find the answer I want, but now is not a good time to read. Take a deep breath and take a sigh of relief. Hold your right hand and let go, and continue to deal with your injuries.

The guide seems to be able to judge whether it is strict or not, and when it is tightly held to the right hand, it is automatically hidden.

The rotten meat has been scraped, revealing the fresh flesh and blood below.

Pick up the wooden scoop that was also boiled, take a spoonful of salt water, and take a sip first, and feel that the concentration is still okay.

"Oh ah ah ah!!" Severely trembled, the neck and head blood vessels swelled high, and the five senses twisted.

Caomachi was so scared that he sat down on the ground, reacted and immediately rushed over and asked: "What happened to Xiaomo? What did you do? God!"

Strictly sweating, relying on the water tank for a while to recover.

He can not do this, but in the absence of drugs, a certain concentration of salt water can not only play a role in blood clotting, but also disinfection. His wounds have been dragging for too long, even if the wound looks like new, he also Do not dare to care.

Caomachi does not understand why it is so tortured. It is not only using a stone knife to scrape its own meat, but also pouring it with salt water. Is this the treatment of the Yanshan priests? God, it is cruel than the old priest of the original tribe.

Hey, this child is really pitiful. In the future, not only will he have to be a blind man, but he will have to suffer such a crime first. There is no idea in the heart of Caomachi that he can cure his broken leg. She feels that she can make her wounds grow well. It can be as bad as other slaves.

The screams of sorrow did not attract the attention of others, and there were many slaves screaming for various reasons.

At this time, the crying from the big river tent was enough to cover up other noises nearby.

Strictly sitting upright, straightening his right leg, he had not eaten for two days and he lost too much blood. It is reasonable to say that he should have been lying down for a while, but he has not spoiled for two days. Like the wound, there seems to be a strange energy in his body supporting him.

Thirst, hunger, pain, dizziness... These negative feelings have not disappeared. It is like someone has a deep hatred against you. In order to punish you, while tortured you, while hanging your life, let you be consciously "Enjoy" everything.

The sweaty face shook his head and smiled lazily, raising his left hand and comparing a **** against the blue sky.

Caomachi thought that he was still casting a curse.

Four tall, dark-skinned, tattooed warriors accompanied an old man with a scepter and a teenager from a small road.

Strictly turn around and guess the identity of the old man.

When Cao-cho saw the old man, his face changed immediately, and he leaned against the sternness of sitting on the water tank. "Let's lie down and close your eyes!"

Caomachi said quietly and quickly, she has changed her mind to bow down, waiting for the old man and the soldiers to walk.

None of the six people who walked past gave them a look.

Caomachi slightly sideways, secretly saw the old man walking into the tent of the river, which gently vomited a breath, relaxed the suppression of the silence.

"Who is that?" Yanmou slowly sat up and asked under the support of Caomachi.

"It's the priest and his disciple. Later, you remember, seeing the soldiers are good, but when you see the priests, elders, and chiefs, no matter what you are doing at that time, you must bow down and not look up at them. If you can't get rid of it, just lie down or kneel down to death."

"If you didn't do it?"

Caomachi looked at him mercifully. "So even your master can't keep you."

"What punishment will you get?"

"Penalty? Oh, it depends on their mood at the time."

Strictly ... the evil slavery society!

But even if he is not a slave, watching the face of the old priest is not like a generous person. If he offends him, he will not have any good fruit to eat.

"Is the priest adult able to heal the wounds of the big river?"

"Of course." Caomachi is of course authentic.

"Oh?" It seems that the priest's medical skills are more powerful than he thought.

"It’s just that the big river adults can leave their lives this time, I am afraid that they can no longer be soldiers." Caomachi is sad, and the Dahe adults are good people, just as good as her master. In the future, Dahe adults can no longer be soldiers. What should his wife and children do?

"Can't be a warrior again? Why?"

Caomachi looked at him strangely. "He hurt so badly that his bones are poked out. Even if he doesn't cut it, he can't use it later, and it still takes the right hand of the weapon."

It turns out that the priests here can't treat broken bones, so he still has some value.

It’s just that the priest is not as good as it is. If he is out of the way to treat the injury, it is likely that he will not be able to ask for it, and he may be hated by the priest.

These high-powered people are used to being held by people. Will they be happy to be beaten up by a girl?

Imagine that an old professor who is highly respected in the medical profession has encountered a case that cannot be handled. Others have said that it has not been saved. As a result, an intern jumped out to say that I can cure this disease. It is too simple. Is this not a face?

Looking to the old professor to look at you differently? Count on other people to worship you immediately?

Shit! You still have to pray that the old professor is a kind and generous, open-minded and really good person.

He had never touched such a person before, and the lessons were adequate enough. The old priest, with his experience in watching people, he dared to bet with his own life, definitely not a broad-minded Lord.

In this case, this time he will not take the lead, and honestly raise his own injuries first and then say the other.

Caomachi gave him a sweat and gave him some water to see him start playing with his wounds. He immediately felt that the child was strong.

If the Yanshan people were not attacked by the Yi people, would the child grow into a powerful warrior? Maybe he can reach level 3?

However, it is impossible now, and the eyes of Caomachi fell to the severe broken leg.

No matter how strong the warrior is, once it is disabled, it may be just a downgrade, but most people will completely become civilians. Although as a reward, the property before the relegation of the soldiers will not be deprived, but there is no way for the civilians to contribute more to the tribe. How can we support the extra slaves and family?

Strictness did not reveal the sympathy of Caomachi, but he did not intend to be a slave all the time, waiting for him to be hurt...

Strictly instructed Caomachi to give him a small stone pot, use a stone knife as a scraper, and spread the smashed eucalyptus leaf juice evenly on the wound.

"Sister, I want to ask you to help me a little, very simple, don't be afraid, grab my leg like this, right, just grab it."

Strictly instructing Caomachi to grab his right leg. "I need to connect the broken bones right, but now because the bones are broken for a little longer, the flesh shrinks. You need to pull the flesh first, so you will see later. My head, when I nod, you lick my calf in the direction of your arms, until you reach the broken bone.

Strictly afraid of Caomachi can not understand, said the side of the plan, said three times, until Caomachi hesitantly nodded.

I vomited, and I found a peeling wooden stick of the right size and stuffed it into my mouth. The young boy helped his right leg and took a deep breath twice. He was again in the downward direction, prepared, and nodded to Caomachi. .

Caomachi didn't work hard, she didn't dare, but her strength was obviously bigger than the strict default, only a slight glance.

"Hey!" Strictly bite the branch in the mouth, but he can't faint now!

As the skin is pulled apart, he immediately straightened his leg bones and connected the broken bones as closely as possible.

Applying the eucalyptus leaf juice, this stuff is not useful for healing the broken bone, but at least it can reduce inflammation and stop bleeding.

Grab the wooden sticks placed on the left and right in advance and fix them on the sides of the broken legs, and tie them tightly with the straw.

The speed of handling it is quite fast. Although he has various problems and his character is not good, he has real skills in his hands, and he is embarrassed to others and more embarrassed to himself.

While dealing with the injury for himself, the teenager who was next to the priest came out of the big river tent with a wooden stick and burned the stick into the fire pit.

After a while, the teenager entered the tent with a burning wooden stick.

After a while, "Ah ah ah!!" screaming screams broke through the sky, and it was far and far.

The hand that tightly bound the straw rope was tight, and it was vaguely felt that he smelled a burnt smell of flesh. But he only paused a bit, and he continued to deal with himself if nothing happened... How did it shine again?

Strictly open the right palm, only the book page is written this time:

——Seeing death can not save once, the scum value is +1o, and the total scum value is 108 million.

The words disappeared after five seconds, and another sentence appeared:

——The scum value exceeds 100 million points, and the pain of torture is imposed, the number of times is 8 times, so as not to affect the daily transformation of the exile, the penalty is applied once a night, and is not reduced by the decrease of the later **** value. .

Strictly: ... fuck!

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