MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 73 reunion

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"I seem to..." Qin Shiwu sat on the bed: "I had a very long dream."

He looked ahead, his emotions had calmed down, but his eyes were still red.

Qin Shiwu lowered his head and saw that he was still holding Qin Chu's badge of hope in his hand, his heart beat violently: It really wasn't a dream!

He lived about two years sixteen years ago, and sixteen years later he may have been lying in the hospital for a month. The time is different.

Qin Shiwu hurriedly hid the badge of hope in his pocket and swallowed.

Lu Tong sat by the bed: "What did you dream about?"

Qin Shiwu shook his head: "I want to eat hot pot." He turned to look at Lu Tong: "Let's go eat hot pot, the doctor said I can be discharged from the hospital."

Lu Tong's hand stopped by the bed, and then returned to normal.

Qin Shiwu looked at the floor.

When he said this to Lu Tong, he was a little apprehensive.

After Qin Shiwu finished speaking, he immediately added: "If it's not convenient for you, you can also order takeaway, or go home to eat..."

Lu Tong: "Okay, where's the hot pot do you want to eat?"

Qin Shiwu was stunned for a moment: "The one in the central square."

He was still wearing a hospital gown, Lu Tong brought him the bedside clothes and put them on for him silently.

After putting it on, he held Qin Shiwu's hand again and was stunned for a while.

Qin Shiwu moved his hands: "...that."

Only after Lu Tong came back to his senses, Qin Shiwu muttered, "You seem to have something on your mind."

"No, what do you want to eat? Now drive." Lu Tong picked him up from the bed.

Qin Shiwu felt embarrassed again now.

He used to act recklessly with that "Qin Fifteen" face, acting like a spoiled child could be called shameless, but now that he has changed back to his own face, how dare he do that? He is a quasi-high school student, and he is so big. Don't you want to lose face by getting into your mother's arms!

"I'll do it myself." Qin Shiwu broke away from him, jumped off the bed and put on his shoes. He touched his nose, and then carefully held Lu Tong's hand: "Won't I delay your work?"

"No." Lu Tong grasped his hand tightly.

Qin Shiwu was a little apprehensive, and asked, "Aren't you filming today?"

Lu Tong knelt down and tied his shoelaces for him: "No."

Qin Shiwu: "Aren't there any variety shows going?"

Lu Tong stood up: "No."

When Qin Shiwu heard that he could go out with Lu Tong, he quickly and skillfully took out two masks from the bedside table, one for himself and one for Lu Tong.

Handing it to Lu Tong, he heard Lu Tong say, "I'll accompany you today."

Qin Shiwu's face was already small, half covered by the mask: "Where's Dad?"

Lu Tong: "Dad, come over later."

When Qin Shiwu saw Lu Tong go to open the door, the feeling of being unable to vent appeared in his heart again.

He pursed his lips, "da da da" ran forward, hugged Lu Tong from behind: "I'm sorry...I'm sorry!"

Lu Tong turned around and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Qin Shiwu said sullenly: "I shouldn't fight with my classmates at school."

Lu Tong squatted down: "Does your hand still hurt?"

Qin Shiwu shook his head: "I shouldn't quarrel with you either..."

He remembered that afternoon.

It was rare for Qin Chu and Lu Tong to come to school together to deal with his fight.

Qin Shiwu had a big fight with them at the political and religious office, ran outside and landed in the wishing pool, and fell into a coma on the bed for a month.

Of course, no one knew that he had other adventures in this month.

Qin Shiwu looked into Lu Tong's eyes: "Did I worry you?"

Lu Tong hugged him, feeling his eye sockets began to sore again.

"Qin Shu, I'm sorry."

It should be yourself who should say sorry.

He buried his face in Qin Shiwu's shoulder and neck: "I'm sorry..."

Qin Shiwu imitated how Lu Tong treated him, and patted him on the back lightly.

"I'm fine."

Lu Tong seemed to be crying again.

Qin Shiwu said in his heart: I shouldn't have said this.

He is not a fool, so of course he can feel Lu Tong's mood. After he woke up, Lu Tong's emotions had been wandering on the edge, and his mother couldn't help but touch him to make sure he was really healed.

And he was in a daze at every turn, Qin Shiwu didn't say a few words just now, Lu Tong's tense appearance was shattered into a puddle.

He probably didn't want to cry in front of him.

Qin Shiwu thought gloomily, sixteen years ago Lu Tong also shed tears for him, and sixteen years later he also made Lu Tong sad.

During this period of time, he saw Lu Tong crying too many times, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"I won't be like this in the future." Qin Shiwu assured him.

Lu Tong hugged him and stayed there quietly for a moment.

Qin Shiwu realized that he seemed to have less weight in Lu Tong's heart than he thought. He felt refreshed for a moment, and then cheered up again.

"Is Dad still in the company?" Qin Shiwu took the initiative to grab his hand.

I'm tired of this day, and I'll be cool again tomorrow, he thought in his heart.

Lu Tong didn't nod. In fact, Qin Chu contacted a foreign hospital and was planning to take Qin Shiwu there.

As a result, Qin Shiwu woke up by himself just after this matter was implemented today.

The assistant called Qin Chu, and he will be in the hospital soon.

"Not in the company, if you want to see him, he will come soon." Lu Tong answered him.

When Lu Tong and him came out of the hospital, Qin Shiwu immediately took a deep breath, his waist was not sore, his legs were not painful, and the most important thing was that his lungs were not painful. Unlike the day before, he took a breath into his lungs and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

The terminal illness that tortured the dead finally said goodbye to myself!

Qin Shiwu was in a good mood, and sat on the car window with interest, looking at the buildings outside.

In sixteen years, the city has undergone earth-shaking changes. And according to Qin Shiwu's judgment, he should not be in Hangzhou now, and he probably has arrived at the hospital in Beijing during the month of coma.

His heart skipped a beat, and he remembered that when he just woke up, the address he mentioned was a hot pot restaurant near No. 1 Middle School...

Lu Tong didn't notice anything wrong, did he?

Qin Shiwu swallowed his saliva and hurriedly went to see Lu Tong.

It just so happened that Lu Tong was also looking at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Qin Shiwu said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, and I want to see you more."

Lu Tong hugged him a little closer: "Me too. Are you hungry?"

Qin Shiwu: "I'm hungry."

Lu Tong refused to let go, still hugging him: "It will be there soon."

When getting out of the car, Qin Shiwu asked the driver to find a pair of sunglasses, and he found a hat for Lu Tong to cover him tightly.

Lu Tong randomly found a commercial plaza, and when he stepped on the ground, Qin Shiwu saw a huge billboard hanging on the commercial building in front of him. Seven or eight vertical screens were put together, all of which were Lu Tong's faces.

Qin Shiwu suddenly remembered that before he fell into a coma, Lu Tong was on the hot search because of his affairs, and he didn't know how he was dealing with it this month.

Thinking about it carefully, this mess almost ruined all of Lu Tong's work.

Qin Shiwu let out an annoyed scream, covered his face and didn't know how to speak.

He didn't know that Lu Tong had already announced his retirement from the film industry.

As Qin Shiwu guessed, his mess really ruined Lu Tong's job.

Lu Tong hardly left the hospital for a month. There was a lot of noise outside because of his affairs. The phone calls from various media blew up the manager's phone, but the manager didn't dare to come to him to discuss what to do. Calm the storm.

Although he did not announce his second gender, it was revealed that he has a son in his teens, which is enough to shock the whole circle. All of a sudden, all kinds of ghostly posts popped up on the Internet.

It wasn't until a few days ago that the studio released a message on the Internet announcing that Lu Tong was no longer in the film—the specific press conference has not yet been held, but the trending search has been rounded up several times.

To this day, the outside media forums are still overwhelmingly guessing what Lu Tong is doing. I didn't show up for a whole month and didn't accept interviews. Isn't this a guilty conscience?

Of course, there are also those who dig deep into his son Qin Shiwu. In short, it is as lively as the New Year, and it can be regarded as the biggest melon in the entertainment industry this year.

Lu Tong never responded, and everyone kept guessing.

There are all sorts of strange claims, and the most credible one is actually the guess of an illegitimate child.

Correspondingly, in the early years, they guessed that Lu Tong was taken care of by a certain rich man, and the backstage was such and such, so Lu Tong's resources were so good that he was typically a capital proponent. Using this as a chain of clues, he said that he gave birth to a son for the benefactor's father, but the benefactor's father already had a family, so Lu Tong's son had been hiding for more than ten years without revealing it.

—Of course it can’t be exposed, and if it is revealed, his career will be over.

For so many years, there are so many competitors in the circle waiting for him to overturn, the wall is overturned and everyone is pushing, Lu Tong just overturned, and all kinds of pull and step notices have come out, pour another bucket of oil on this fire, and see how he plans to wash later White yourself.

Who knew that after the matter got out of hand, Lu Tong didn't even bother to clean up the whitewashing, and directly announced that he would retire.

When this news was announced, another big stone was thrown in the entertainment industry.

Qin Shiwu sat at the table with a guilty conscience, and Lu Tong chose a small semi-open box. After taking off his sunglasses and mask, he picked up the menu and looked at it.

Qin Shiwu had just woken up, and he didn't want to eat heavy oily and spicy food. Lu Tong ordered a hot pot with bone soup base. The waiter tremblingly checked the menu. Lu Tong glanced at him, and the waiter immediately looked away.

Qin Shiwu ran over from the opposite side: "I want to sit with you."

He took off his mask, revealing a handsome face, somewhat resembling Lu Tong, but more like Qin Chu. With this face, even if he sat with Lu Tong, he didn't lose the wind.

The waiter recognized Lu Tong the moment he came in, and now looking at Qin Shiwu, his hands shaking when he checked the menu.


The waiter is also a fan of Weibo, and he is no stranger to Lu Tong's very popular face. As for the melon he gave birth to in secret marriage, she still ate it without sleeping all night.

Unexpectedly, just after following the latest progress in the morning, I saw the Lord in front of me at noon! !

Among other things, Lu Tong's so handsome.

The waiter couldn't help but take a second look. Qin Shiwu noticed her gaze and raised his head to glance at her.

The waiter quickly bowed his head.

It's a little Alpha.

Her heart was beating violently, as if she had discovered a shocking secret, she was in a daze several times.

After ordering in a daze, when she returned to the back kitchen, Aqian, who was also a waiter, asked her, "What's wrong with Xiao Chen? I lost my soul after ordering a meal?"

Xiao Chen said "Fuck", and then he recovered from the state of vomiting.

"Guess who I saw?"

Xiao Chen quickly pulled all the waiters who were resting in the back kitchen together.

"Who is it?"

"Lu Tong!!"

The crowd in a circle gasped.

"Are you talking nonsense?"

"It's true, he came with his son in the small box at table four!"

Everyone ran out to take a look at it in unison, and they were shocked—it turned out to be true!

"His son???! Is the one that broke the news on the Internet true???"

"Damn it, I saw his fans talking about everything in the popular commentary this morning, waiting for the studio to reply. I thought it was a false revelation, but it turned out to be true??"

Xiao Chen patted his chest: "Damn it. There can be fakes, his son is an Alpha, and he looks so handsome! Damn, he looks like he's fifteen years old."

"Did you take a picture??"

"How the **** do I dare! Lu Tong is right next to me, okay? I'm afraid to scare the snake away. If I know him, what if he doesn't eat in our shop? If the boss finds out, I will be beheaded!"

The current store marketing methods include stores where "a certain star" has eaten, etc., using the influence of the star to attract customers.

Their business district is the favorite place for celebrities to shop, and many Internet celebrities also like to come here to check in. Stores usually use this gimmick to earn money from fans.

Other starlets are eating well, but this is Lu Tong.

Xiao Chen said: "I can already see the running water in our store with the naked eye."

"I'm still thinking about his son, Xiao Chen, let me serve it when it's time to serve! Let me have a look!"

"You are dreaming!" Xiao Chen picked up his phone and began to tweet.

@陈年粉糖: #路通##路通气影#精草繁炒草草草! ! Lu Tong and his son are eating in our restaurant! ! I'm mad! !

With a name and super words, as soon as Weibo was posted, the phone vibrated non-stop.

Xiao Chen is usually a little transparent in life, let alone online - he is still a little transparent.

There are only one or two likes on Weibo comments, and the message bar has changed to a dozen or twenty red dots without even a single click.

She felt refreshed for a while, and clicked to open it: they were all scolding her.

Comment: "Please delete."

"Bringing a big name and super talk to spread rumors, are you sick?"

"Does the passer-by on the keyboard press the end key?"

"Don't pick, look at the handsome guy [picture]" a passer-by on the keyboard, specifically referring to a star in Lu Tong's circle who imitated him and started his career, his name is Chen Xiaojian.

Because his temperament and face look a bit like Lu Tong, he was called Xiao Lu Tong by outsiders. He has touched porcelain Lu Tong since his debut. He is a variety show star. Later, he participated in the draft and became a C debut. There was a wave of excitement in the summer of the previous year. The fanatical wave of fans has become a preparatory top stream, and has been torn apart by Lu Tong's fans several times, and has also been torn up on the hot searches.

This time the wall fell and everyone pushed inside, and Chen Xiaojian's fans were the ones watching the show.

Xiao Chen is a fan of Chen Xiaojian's passers-by. After a period of drafting, Weibo posted news about the disadvantages of Lu Tong. Fans found out that she had joined Chen Xiaojian's super chat, and immediately labeled Xiao Chen a black fan.

Xiao Chen said "Damn", probably never been scolded on such a small scale.

The fighting power of Lutong fans is one of the best in the fan circle. Any fan who sees them has to politely call "sister", they are considered old-timers in the fan circle.

In addition, Lutong has a lot of resources, and the resources are very advanced, the background is hard, and the background is also hard. He looks three hundred and sixty degrees without any dead ends, and black fans also have a famous comment out of the circle, "It's so good to be good-looking, and the heart is also black." For so many years, except for the black material that has been supported by the gold master, it is basically invincible.

Moreover, his family has a lot of rich fans. Every time Lu Tong’s birthday is supported by hot air balloons and private helicopters, it’s super cool to be a Lu Tong fan. , Fans even stood in the fan circle to see all the mountains and small mountains, with a high status, and envied a group of fans of small transparent idols.

Xiao Chen responded angrily with a few words: -Founding rumors that have been reposted five hundred times will lead to jail time.

- Please delete "Are you **** sick? Why do I listen to you? Don't delete it or delete it."

-The heart that wants to be popular has fallen to the ground, will you die with super talk?

"Lu Tong brings his son to eat by himself, can't I tell the truth? Chaohua is a public platform, which law stipulates that I can't bring it?"

-Have a hammer and take a hammer, spread rumors and kill the whole family "You wait for me."

Xiao Chen's Weibo comments are still increasing, from twenty to more than one hundred.

The bottom is nothing more than something that Lu Tong's fans are cursing in a fancy way, Xiao Chen simply sees it and quits Weibo.

After a lot of tossing, all the dishes ordered by Lu Tong and the others were served.

When Xiao Chen passed by, several waiters did not give up and came with her, ready to take a peek at Lu Tong.

In the semi-open private room, Lu Tong was playing games with Qin Shiwu.

Qin Shiwu is a master at games, and Lu Tong is a rookie. He knew this sixteen years ago.

The two of them had a great time playing, one big and one small were beautiful, and the three who were hiding behind another sofa burst into tears.

"What kind of picture is this picture of a loving mother and a filial son? I am in tears...The composition of the gods..."

"Lu Tong is really an Omega, I cried, my relationship was stillborn before it even started..."

"Since when did you like Lu Tong?"

"Just now, sister, ask yourself, who the **** wouldn't fall in love immediately after seeing this face?"

"Hey, didn't you say that this kid is Lu Tong's illegitimate son, I want to be his father."

"You dream faster."

Aqian said, "My little husband only looks a third like Lu Tong. Who else looks like him? Is he his father?"

Colleague: "? What kind of little husband are you?"

Aqian: "It's just Lu Tong's son who just became my little husband. I thought about it. Since Lu Tong is an Omega and can't be with me, I can't be his wife. I'll just be his daughter-in-law." !"

Colleague: "Is it true or not that Lu Tong was raised on the Internet? Isn't that like giving someone a mistress?"

Aqian: "Looking at his son's appearance, the gold master is not far behind."

Colleague: "There are several rumors. One looks like a pig's head. Now we can rule it out."

Xiao Chen put down the dishes, added water for them, and did not leave immediately.

She put her phone in her pocket, only a camera was exposed, and she snapped a few photos quickly and accurately.

In just such a short time, Xiao Chen was already covered in cold sweat.

At this time, Lu Tong's cell phone rang suddenly.

Xiao Chen was so frightened that his feet slipped, and Qin Shiwu quickly helped him up.

The phone fell out of her pocket and fell to the ground, Qin Shiwu bent down to help her pick it up: "Here."

Xiao Chen's face flushed red: "Thank you, thank you!"

Qin Shiwu braced his chin, Lu Tong finished answering the call, and put the phone on the table.

Before Xiao Chen's heartbeat calmed down, a man in a suit came in at the door of the store.

He walked quickly and with a clear goal. After seeing Xiao Chen's table, he strode over.

Seeing this, Aqian hurriedly stepped forward and said, "How many guests are there?"

-Depend on! What a good day today, let's forget about Lu Tong, who is this handsome guy!

Although he is crazy about Lu Tong and his son, he still has the professional ethics he should have.

The person who came in from the store was Qin Chu, and he said directly, "I'm looking for someone."

Aqian hurriedly said, "May I ask what table number is your friend's?"

As soon as she finished speaking, without Qin Chu answering, she saw Lu Tong's son's eyes lit up, stood up and waved, "Father!"

Aqian's footsteps froze for a moment.

When Qin Chu saw Qin Shiwu, his heart felt tense, he stepped forward and picked him up from the stool, and rubbed his face in his hands.

"Little bastard..." Qin Chu's voice was a little choked up.

After rubbing, he punched Qin Shiwu.

"How anxious is your mother? Why don't you lie down for a year and then get up again!"

Qin Shiwu's joy was gone. Sure enough, Qin Chu was still that **** Qin Chu, and his father was still that violent boy! Even after sixteen years, it hasn't changed!

Facing an unwarranted disaster, Qin Shiwu's eyes, which were exactly the same as his father's, were rounded, and he covered his head with tears in his eyes: "You beat me as soon as I woke up! I fainted again in a while!"

Qin Chu was frightened by him, and he really didn't dare to hit him a second time, muttering, he was pulled aside by Lu Tong.

He looked very happy, "Eat first."

The author has something to say: Baby: Dad is still the same dad, **** it!

Start to solve the mess left by Qin Shiwu, and - see everyone's guess! In fact, some readers guessed it right before, and they do have memories! Specifically, quack quack, I will write it slowly later!

Then yesterday, a small reader sent a private message to ask me if my baby will have a CP. I didn’t think about this at the beginning, and now he is an Alpha! Do you think we should find him a wife?

Still adhering to the "mother belongs to father, baby belongs to everyone", let him be a cool single dog...

·There is another thing that made me laugh so hard, my friend said that it must be very effective to let the baby and daddy go to the show where is dad going hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Thank you for the little angels who voted for the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution for me~Thank you for the little angels who voted for [Grenade]: 195753591; thank you for the little angels who voted for [Mine]: 2 cold crisps; 1 peach; Thanks to the little angels who irrigated [nutrient solution]: 50 bottles of Chihiro; 1957535931 bottles; 20 bottles of boiled water, 20 bottles of pear susu; 13 bottles of circle circle circle; Fish, today is also a waste wood, Momo, bay, Jichuan 10 bottles; Qingwu 6 bottles; 5 bottles; 3 bottles of Guifei Yuli; 2 bottles of Ye Suoxi; orange cat, cool summer, 518, Xiange V5, salt?, He Hexuan 1 bottle; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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