MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 71 do not Cry

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Lu Tong's guess was right, Qin Shiwu really couldn't go far and had to stop to rest.

Qin Shiwu blamed this on his clothes, and firmly refused to admit that it was because of his poor health. He said that he was wearing too many clothes, so of course he couldn't walk. Lu Tong didn't allow him to take it off, and before he reached the parking lot, Qin Chu's car arrived.

A car can't fit so many people, so Ji Rang volunteered to take a taxi. After checking the destination, the group quickly set off towards the small commodity market.

Its location was already in the suburbs, and when we got off the car, it snowed a lot outside. This time when we got off the car, Lu Tong knew how to open an umbrella.

The mall is still warm with the air conditioner turned on. When Qin Shiwu entered it, it was like grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, dazzled by the sight.

Qin Chu had never been to a small commodity market before. He picked up a bunch of weird toys on the side, and saw that the price was only one yuan and fifty cents. The cheap ones almost began to doubt life.

"Do you really want to buy it here?" Qin Chu hesitated.

Although compared to other weddings, this wedding is more like a party organized by Lu Tong to satisfy Qin Shiwu's wish. But that kid Qin Shiwu was too serious, and he made himself look forward to it, and couldn't help but regard it as a big event.

Qin Chu naturally thought about the matter of his marriage to Lu Tong. Not to mention how extravagant and wasteful it is, but it is impossible to come here to buy wedding supplies!

It's so down-to-earth!

"I only bought ribbons and balloons, why are you nervous?" Lu Tong said casually.

"I always feel...too cheap. Do I seem to be worth this little money?"

Lu Tong looked at him: "Special circumstances are dealt with specially, understand?"

Qin Chu sighed helplessly, and his eyes fell on Qin Shiwu.

"The doctor said that his condition has been better recently. I think he is the same. He hasn't been in the emergency room for a while."

"It's enough to see him go to that kind of place once."

Qu Muyao and Qin Shiwu put their heads together and were discussing something mutteringly.

Qin Shiwu carefully studied the balloon in front of him. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Qin Chu and Lu Tong looking at him. The feeling of being cherished made his heart swell infinitely. Qin Shiwu hurriedly waved his hand.

Seeing him say hello, Lu Tong immediately dragged Qin Chu to Qin Shiwu's direction.

"Are you hungry?"

Qin Shiwu hasn't eaten anything since morning.

When he heard Lu Tong's question, he shook his head: "I'm not hungry. I want to go to the printing shop."

Lu Tong was always concerned about his physical condition, and quickly touched his hand. Qin Shiwu's hands have been cold since he fell ill, and now he can't feel any good signs.

"I'm not afraid of the cold."

Qin Chu said, "What are you doing in the printing shop?"

Gu Chi interrupted: "When I came here, I saw one on the first floor, but you have to go through the vents in the lobby. Your body can't get wind."

Qin Shiwu: "I'll go around from above!"

He seemed to have something very important to go to the printing shop, Qin Chu said, "I'll go with him."

Qin Shiwu hastily said: "No need, Gu Chi will accompany me."

Qin Chu:?

Qin Shiwu immediately grabbed Gu Chi and dragged him to the printing shop downstairs.

Gu Chi leaned against the door, watching Qin Shiwu take out a mobile phone he had never seen before, tossing around in front of the computer for a long time, and then importing a few photos into it.

After printing, he put the photo in his pocket again: "Let's go."

Back at the shopping mall, Qin Chu didn't ask any further questions.

He was carrying several bags in his hand, all of which were carefully selected by Qin Shiwu.

When Qin Shiwu came back, Qin Chu was complaining, "When will so many balloons be blown up?"

Lu Tong closed his eyes and leaned on his shoulder for a while.

Qin Chu asked him, "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Tong felt restless when he got up this morning, every time he felt flustered, it was not a good sign.

After Qin Shiwu finished shopping, Gu Chi proposed to have dinner together.

It was snowing outside, and because of Qin Shiwu, Gu Chi didn't find a restaurant far away.

Opposite the shopping mall was a soup restaurant with a good reputation. Lu Tong rejected Qin Shiwu's wish to eat hot pot and took him into the restaurant.

When he arrived at the door, his eyeballs were still glued to the hot pot restaurant next door, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be drooling.

Qin Chu said: "Want to eat so much?"

Qin Shiwu swallowed his saliva and expressed how much he wanted to eat with actions.

But the hot pot was heavy in oil and spicy, so he couldn't eat it at all. When something travels in the stomach, it will be spit out in the next second.

Lu Tong said in a low voice: "We'll come out to eat after you recover."

Qin Shiwu said in his heart: Then we have to wait until the year of the monkey!


"Really. You can eat whatever you want."

Qin Shiwu reluctantly went to the restaurant, but the next second his mood immediately improved again.

Lu Tong chose a seat by the window for him. As soon as he opened the restaurant, there was a lot of voices and fireworks. After watching too many tragedies of life and death in the hospital, he seemed to have stepped into the ordinary world.

Qin Shiwu had never felt that human life was so fragile and so lively.

He fell ill once, and his attitude towards life changed a lot. Sitting in his seat, Qin Shiwu let out a dry cough and announced a big news to Lu Tong: "When I get better, I will definitely study hard."

Lu Tong looked at the menu: "Why are you suddenly trying to get stronger?"

Qin Shiwu: "It's not about being angry, it's about not wasting life."

Lu Tong handed the menu to Qin Chu: "Okay. What do you want to eat?"

Qin Shiwu glanced roughly: "Just eat this chicken soup."

Qu Muyao ordered a cup of coconut juice for him, and asked Lu Tong if he could drink it before buying it.

Ji Rang asked casually: "Qin Shiwu, why didn't your mother come to see you? I saw her the last time I came here, but I haven't seen her since."

Qin Shiwu: "Forget it if you don't come to see me, I don't need her."

His cheap mother's love for him was as short as a shooting star. He only came to the hospital to cry for a few days when he was first hospitalized.

Later, I was stumbled by various jobs, leaving only an aunt and a card to pay the hospital bills on time.

Qin Shiwu said, "I don't care."

Lu Tong's hand paused, and he asked, "You... Mom has always been like this."

Qin Shiwu didn't know what Cheap Mom was like before, so he could only say: "Ah, yes. I didn't take care of me much."

Lu Tong was so entangled in his question that he even hesitated for a moment: "Why?"

Qin Shiwu took a sip of the soup: "I don't know why."

He used to think that Lu Tong was very busy at work, but later he felt that Lu Tong didn't love him enough.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Lu Tong can be so kind to a classmate, so it doesn't make sense that he is his own, so he can't get love?

"But it's okay, I think it's fine now." Qin Shiwu looked at the scenery outside.

The snow fell silently, but their small dining table was very lively.

Qin Shiwu huddled under his coat and leaned on the sofa: "I really want to be like this for the rest of my life."

"I don't want to." Lu Tong reached out and touched his forehead: "I hope you get better soon."

Qin Shiwu closed his eyes: "I want to sleep for a while."

Lu Tong covered him with his coat and sighed.

After Qin Shiwu fell asleep, the relaxed and happy atmosphere that everyone had pretended disappeared instantly.

Lin Xiaomian put down her chopsticks and wiped her eyes: "How could this happen..."

Gu Chi gave a dry laugh: "Seeing him today, I lost a lot of weight. He... used to be alive and kicking in class, and it's rare to see such a listless look."

Qin Chu: "I'm already in good spirits today."

They didn't see that Qin Shiwu was in the intensive care unit that day, like a person pierced out of white paper, and would be wiped out in the next second.

Few of the people present were in the mood to eat, and they were silent for a while, not knowing what to talk about.

Qin Shiwu only rested for a short while, didn't hear anything, rubbed his head on the sofa and woke up.

Seeing them put down their chopsticks, Qin Shiwu asked in surprise, "You finished eating so quickly?"

Qin Chu nodded: "Aren't you still going to decorate the church? The doctor stipulates that you have to go back to the hospital before seven o'clock in the evening. Don't worry?"

Thinking of this, Qin Shiwu quickly jumped up from the sofa.

As a result, he got up violently, his eyes darkened, Lu Tong quickly supported him, Qin Shiwu shook his head, thinking that if he appeared weak, Lu Tong would definitely let him go back to the hospital to lie down, so he said quickly: "I fine."

Lu Tong saw through his little thoughts at a glance, and only said, "Be sure to go back to the hospital before seven o'clock."

The driver drove them to the small church, and the head of the church came out to receive them.

Qin Chu spent money to rent it for a few days, and Qin Shiwu started running as soon as he got out of the car. He walked around the hall of the church a few times, very satisfied.

The interior of the church is warm yellow light, with walls made of stones on both sides, each with a window cut out, the snowflakes outside are floating on the window sill, covering it with a thin layer of snow.

At a glance, the front is a table covered with a thick blanket, a bunch of flowers is leaning on the back, and there is also a small window on this wall.

Yes, although it is not big, it is better than warm.

Qin Shiwu commanded: "We put balloons on every stool, and then put flowers here, as well as on the walls."

Qin Chu poured out all the balloons, Qu Muyao took an air pump, made a cheering gesture to her brother, and said with a smile, "Happy newlyweds."

Qin Chu didn't bother to talk to her, and handed the remaining pump to Gu Chi.

Lin Xiaomian took out all the flowers from another bag, tied the two together, and put the flowers on the wall with his feet.

When she turned to the bottom of the bag, Lin Xiaomian found that Qin Shiwu also bought crayons and a picture book. She flipped through it, and two photos fell out of the picture book.

Lin Xiaomian's eyes were fixed on the photos. One of the photos was of a boy he had seen before. He had two small canine teeth when he smiled. It was Qin Shiwu's cell phone wallpaper.

The other photo clearly shows Lu Tong and Qin Chu!

No, it was Lu Tong and Qin Chu, but the age was wrong.

Lin Xiaomian's heart skipped a beat. The more she looked at the photo, the less she looked like the current Qin Chu and Lu Tong. In this photo, the two are very close. The key is...

The key is that compared with the present Qin Chu, almost all the youthful temperament has faded away, and he is very mature and stable.

If it wasn't for the fact that he looked too much like Qin Chu, and there was Lu Tong next to him, Lin Xiaomian would definitely think that this was Qin Chu's elder.

Ji Rang: "Mianmian, bring me some of your flowers!"

Lin Xiaomian quickly hid the photo in the picture book, swallowed, "Here we come."

Ji Rang looked at him: "What's wrong with you, are you hot? You're sweating so much."

Lin Xiaomian shook her head, then lowered her head again, and put the flowers in Ji Rang's hands: "It's okay, I, I'll go and insert the flowers on the other wall."

Lu Tong stood in front of the **** statue, and he could see the stained glass window when he looked up.

He stood there for a long time, and Qin Chu waited for a while before speaking: "Do you want to pray?"

After thinking for a while, he said again: "I remembered, you don't believe this at all."

Lu Tong is a very rational person, so rational that he is almost heartless. Therefore, he scoffed at all theories about gods and ghosts. If ghosts saw him in the middle of the night, they would probably find it difficult to deal with.

Not to mention asking him to step into this kind of church and pray to that Schrödinger's Jesus.

It's totally out of his style.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Qin Chu finished speaking, Lu Tong replied: "I have prayed."

Qin Chu was stunned for a moment.

Lu Tong: "But it's useless."

His eyes fell in the distance, Qin Chu looked at it for a while, and suddenly his heart ached: "Lu Tong..."

Lu Tong's voice was a little choked up, and he put his hands on the table: "I have been to temples and Taoist temples, I have been to Qinchu, I really have no choice."

With a thought, Qin Chu hugged him.

Lu Tong leaned against him, sighed, and his eyes turned red immediately: "I've tried everything, I really can't help it..."

When Qin Shiwu was pushed into the emergency room for the first time, Lu Tong had been to the temple.

His mother thought he was being possessed by a ghost, so she quickly asked him if he was under a lot of pressure from studying.

In addition to being superstitious about the gods and Buddhas in these temples, Lu Tong even looked up a lot of things related to traditional Chinese medicine in the library. He also asked about folk remedies and ancestral secret remedies.

If he continues to let it go, Lu Tong will probably be tricked into direct selling by the seller of health care products.

But there is no way.

The hospital couldn't save him, his life was passing away day by day, and there was nothing the living could do.

Fortunately, Lu Tong was still holding on to a life-saving straw. Knowing that this was his son, he still had a glimmer of hope, looking forward to a more illusory "crossover" than Jesus.

But those who really face death, when desperate, have no choice but to believe in ghosts and gods.

The hospital cannot save the life, and the traditional Chinese medicine cannot save the life. In the end, I can only enlighten myself, look more at the past and present, and take the initiative to reconcile with death.

But easier said than done.

But... there is no way.

All the tears that Lu Tong had endured all day were vented in his arms.

There's no way, he is such a young child, he didn't do anything harmful, why should he endure all these tortures.

Like all young people, Lu Tong once felt that he was awesome and omnipotent, but in the face of death, he suddenly became helpless.

Eighteen or nine-year-old boy, with inexhaustible strength and infinite possible future, before the colorful world unfolds in front of his eyes, life has taught him a hard lesson.

This lesson was so harsh that he could hardly bear it, and even began to believe that gods and Buddhas could help him.

Qin Chu held his hand and comforted him: "Maybe these gods didn't hear it, and they are not within the scope of business. Otherwise, how about paying homage to the local gods?"

Lu Tong wiped away the tears on his face, paused for a while, amused by his words: "Qin Chu, thank you."

Qin Chu: "I don't need you to thank me. If you are sad, I will be sad too."

Lu Tong shook his head: "Qin Chu, I'm serious, without you, I would be finished."

Qin Chu was stunned.

Not far away, Qin Shiwu's voice sounded: "You can't place it like this, you have to put the flowers in the middle."

Qin Chu said: "He will be fine."

Lu Tong looked at Qin Shiwu blankly, as if feeling Lu Tong's gaze, Qin Shiwu suddenly turned around.

When he saw Lu Tong, the smile on his face widened, and he waved cheerfully to him with a flower in his hand.

Lu Tong couldn't be happy, Qin Shiwu stood there as if saying goodbye to him.

Before seven o'clock, the church was finally decorated.

Qin Shiwu was taken back to the hospital by Lu Tong. Before returning, Qin Shiwu was still studying how to be a best man.

He was proud of himself: I am probably the first in history to be the best man for my parents! Awesome, there is no one before or after.

In the evening, the nurse came to change his needle again, and Qin Shiwu lay on the bed and scribbled.

Lu Tong sat on the hospital bed and looked at him. After watching for a while, he suddenly asked with interest, "What are you painting?"

Qin Shiwu generously spread it out to Lu Tong: "Pilot Lu Tong."

Lu Tong pointed to the ugly villain he drew: "This is me?"

Although the pilot is extremely ugly, it can be seen that Qin Shiwu wanted to express his handsomeness in the painting. Compared with other stick figures, the pilot's face and body are drawn very delicately, and every time he appears on the scene, he will be very handsome. With sparkling special effects.

Qin Shiwu took a yellow crayon and began to paint another villain.

Lu Tong asked, "Who is this?"

Qin Shiwu: "It's the little prince Qin Shiwu."

After finishing drawing the little prince, Qin Shiwu took a red crayon and painted an animal that was barely a fox. Lu Tong had read the book, pointed to the little fox and asked, "Is this Qin Chu?"

Qin Shiwu nodded.

Lu Tong commented: "You seem a little perfunctory in your drawing."

Qin Shiwu frowned: "Really?"

He hastily and carefully painted it to make the little fox more delicate: "Is this better?"

Lu Tong nodded, and pointed to the mouth of the little fox Qin Chu: "You should draw two fangs for him."

Qin Shiwu said: "I also have two canine teeth, so paint them on me too!"

He didn't notice that he had slipped his tongue at all, and wagged his head and tail to create his own masterpiece.

Lu Tong occasionally heard him reveal some news about himself, and every time he knew something, he was very excited and kept these little secrets in his heart.

There is still an unfinished hat in his house that is extremely rough and messy. During this time, Lu Tong is knitting when he has time, except for doing quizzes. Added to reading, there is no talent for handwork.

The more flustered Lu Tong was, the more he wanted to do it faster.

He didn't know what he was panicking about, but he was always afraid that there was not enough time.

Qin Shiwu writes and draws and draws to pass the torment caused by the long night of illness.

He took a breath, looked down at the back of his hand: "Is it bleeding? My bones hurt."

Lu Tong blew lightly: "Does it still hurt?"

Qin Shiwu laughed and said, "Then you can blow it off."

Lu Tong blew twice more, Qin Shiwu stared at his profile, and the small night light cast a layer of dim yellow light on Lu Tong's profile, making him look very gentle.

"Lu Tong." He said in a low voice and respectfully: "I'm going home."

Lu Tong froze, as if he understood what he meant.

Qin Shiwu had never spoken in such a gentle and sensible voice, "The way I went home was very difficult. Looking at it like that, you will think I am dead."

Lu Tong's lips trembled, but he didn't answer.

Qin Shiwu said: "You understand, the road is very long, I can't take this body with me, it's too heavy."

"We will meet again." He said to Lu Tong: "Don't cry for me, it's my fault, I always make you sad."

Qin Shiwu kissed him on the cheek, pushed away the table, climbed onto the bed and lay down obediently: "Good night. When the sun rises tomorrow, I will be by your side."

Lu Tong sat motionless in front of the bed. He lowered his head and looked at the painting. The crayons on the picture book suddenly smeared with a lot of water stains.

Tears fell on the picture book and wet one side of the paper.

The little prince Qin Shiwu sat in front of a large sunset, the pilot Lu Tong sat on his left, and the little fox Qin Chu sat on the right. The sun set soon, but it will rise again tomorrow.

There is the distant hometown of the little prince in the sky, and Lu Tong knows that it is the future sixteen years later.

There is the rose of the little prince, although they were too young to know how to love each other, but he is still waiting for him to come home day after day.

The road was too far, Qin Shiwu couldn't take his body with him.

-The wedding, which was originally scheduled for two days later, was delayed for a few days because of Qin Shiwu's complications.

Qin Shiwu was used to entering the emergency room. This time, the doctor gave him a critical illness notice. Lu Tong received so many such notices that he became a little numb.

Qin Chu sat beside Qin Shiwu's bed for two days before he woke up.

He spent his birthday in bed, and it was not until New Year's Eve that Qin Shiwu could take two steps down the ground.

As soon as he landed, he remembered his unfulfilled wish.

Both Qin Chu and Lu Tong couldn't hold back him, so they could only follow him and send out the invitation letter again. This time, when Gu Chi and the others came, they were all prepared in their hearts, knowing something faintly, and sat in the church with a forced smile.

Qin Shiwu was unable to walk after leaving the hospital this time, so he could only sit in a wheelchair.

But he was in a good mood, and he was still in the mood to fight with everyone in the wheelchair.

Lin Xiaomian cried a lot, her eyes were red.

Qin Shiwu sat in a wheelchair and looked up at the flowers on the wall. They were arranged two weeks ago. They were fresh flowers when they were bought, but now they are all withered.

He felt a little regretful, and when he was sad, Qu Muyao patted his head lightly: "Lu Tong is here."

Qin Shiwu hurriedly looked over. Lu Tong was wearing a white suit today, which matched him very well.

His eyes lit up instantly - Lu Tong's outfit was exactly the same as what he had seen in the wedding in the future.

Qin Shiwu ran down from the wheelchair, and Qin Chu picked him up like a chicken: "Sit down."

He was wearing a black suit, Qin Shiwu: "Wow, it looks good."

Lu Tong touched his head: "Aren't you going to be the best man, and you haven't changed your clothes yet?"

Qin Shiwu decided to enjoy the royal treatment: "I want you to change it for me!"

Qin Chu pushed him on the wheelchair and took him to the cubicle.

Lu Tong put on his shirt for him, tied a cute bow on his white shirt, and then put on his coat.

Qin Shiwu disliked his ghost-like complexion and asked Lu Tong to put some lipstick on him. Qu Muyao found out about this, and she laughed mercilessly at the door, embarrassing Qin Shiwu.

Apparently, he also felt that he was not very manly when he put on lipstick.

Qin Chu patted his collar, stood a little further away, and looked at Qin Shiwu from the beginning to the end.

Qin Shiwu patted his chest: "Is he handsome or not!"

Qin Chu: "Well, he's very handsome." He said slowly, "But he's a little worse than me."

Qin Shiwu and him laughed and fought together, the pastor urged at the door, and everyone tacitly agreed to this weird and funny wedding that was only related to the goodwill of young people.

There wasn't any one right move, there wasn't a huge audience, and there was no choice of words for eachother, just simple red carpet and long hours.

Qin Chu stood at the front of the chapel, and Qin Shiwu pulled Lu Tong to stand at the door.

It was snowing heavily outside and it was a bit cold, so Lu Tong put him on a thick down jacket.

Qin Shiwu began to dislike ugly clothes again. After the church bell rang three times, the gentle wedding march sounded in his ears.

Qin Shiwu was so emotional that he put Lu Tong's hand on his own.

He thought to himself: It's amazing.

Lu Tong was worried that he would be freezing, and his mind was not on the wedding at all.

After hearing the bell ringing, Qin Shiwu took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

The door of the chapel was slowly opened, Qin Chu stood at the end of the red carpet, Lu Tong stood at the starting point, Qin Shiwu rarely calmed down, and followed Lu Tong on this section of the red carpet.

Gu Chi took the video camera and recorded it for him.

Qu Muyao asked, "Why did you film this?"

Gu Chi: "Qin Shiwu strongly requested it. He said that this is a major event that has never been seen before or since."

Qu Muyao: "...I really don't understand what's going on in this kid's head."

Halfway through the red carpet, Qin Shiwu felt dizzy and leaned against Lu Tong.

Lu Tong supported him: "Is it uncomfortable? Do you want to sit for a while?"

Qin Shiwu leaned on his shoulder for a while: "I won't sit down, I will sit down after I finish walking."

He waited for his head to relax for a while, and after he was less dizzy, he straightened his body.

The red carpet in the chapel was not long, and in order to cooperate with Qin Shiwu, no matter how slow he walked, it took five minutes.

Qin Shiwu put Lu Tong's hand on Qin Chu's, feeling relieved, as if he had accomplished a major event in his life, heaved a sigh of relief and was extremely satisfied: "Okay, now we can get married."

He took his hand away from Lu Tong's, and Qin Shiwu froze for a moment.

— Lu Tong has blood all over his hands.

Qin Shiwu quickly looked at his hands—the blood was flowing from his hands.

He subconsciously wiped it on his body, and immediately after, the base of his ear was itchy, Qin Shiwu hurriedly touched his ear, and there was blood again.


He raised his head and looked at Lu Tong in surprise, Lu Tong was already in a daze.

Qin Shiwu seemed to be hit hard by some blunt object, his eyes blurred, and the strong feeling of vomiting caused him unbearable pain. The body protection mechanism was activated in an instant, causing him to faint.

Before Qin Shiwu hit the ground, Qin Chu immediately picked him up horizontally. Qin Shiwu's consciousness had already fallen into a semi-comatose state, and he hung his hands in the air for a while before Lu Tong realized it.

Lin Xiaomian screamed: "Qin Shiwu!"

Qin Chu quickly comforted him, "It's normal, he had bleeding once before, so he was sent to the hospital."

Even he himself didn't believe the nonsense he said.

Lu Tong's white suit was covered in blood. When he spoke, his voice trembled: "He didn't bleed so much before..."

Qin Chu kicked open the door of the chapel: "It's useless to say anything now, go to the hospital!"

"Should I call an ambulance?"

"It's too late, the hospital is nearby, I'll take him directly."

Lu Tong followed behind Qin Chu, and the icy wind and snow outside the house scraped his face like a knife.

There was already a thick layer of snow on the ground, and the blood that had slipped from Qin Shiwu's hand fell on the ground and dripped all over the floor.

His face was covered with a layer of frost, Qin Shiwu's eyes were tightly closed, and he leaned against Qin Chu's arms, as if he had fallen asleep.

It's just that he slept very restlessly, and at the same time, this restlessness made Lu Tong collapse.

The tears that fell from Lu Tong condensed into ice almost instantly, almost cutting his face.

As soon as the nurse outside the emergency room saw this situation, she pushed the cart out without saying a word.

There were many people sent to the emergency room on New Year's Eve, and the emergency room was very lively, and this excitement was terrifying.

Qin Chu put Qin Shiwu on the ambulance bed, and a doctor had already performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on him.

Lu Tong held on to the ambulance tightly, gritted his teeth, tears streaming down his face, and he followed the nurse to the corridor.

Qin Chu clicked his tongue and grabbed his hand: "Lu Tong, don't go!"

Lu Tong was in a daze, holding on to the ambulance but refusing to let go: "I shouldn't...I shouldn't have let him out...Blame me..."

Qin Chu couldn't break his hand, and said helplessly: "Lu Tong! Let go, listen to me, it's useless for you to follow."

Qin Shiwu's face was covered with a ventilator. In the corridor, only the doctor's calm command and the sound of the wheels of the ambulance rolling over the ground could be heard.

The doctors and nurses were running, and Lu Tong followed them, stumbling and heartbroken.

This corridor has never been so long, as if it is about to run directly into the gate of hell.

Lu Tong tried his best to stare at Qin Shiwu's face, weeping uncontrollably: "...Qin Shu, Qin Shu! Don't die! Don't die!"

It was the first time he called his name, but at such a time.

The other party seemed to be conscious, and the originally closed eyes opened a crack. There was no light in his eyes, as if he was unconscious, but he saw Lu Tong vaguely.

Qin Shiwu curled his fingers slightly, and Lu Tong hurriedly pulled him back.

His mouth was moving in the ventilator, as if he was talking, Lu Tong felt as if struck by lightning, he could hardly move in place.

Qin Shiwu rubbed his hand and spoke silently.

"do not Cry."

The nurse pulled him away politely, and Lu Tong's hand caught Qin Shiwu in the air, only touching a corner of his clothes.

He was the suit he put on for Qin Shiwu.

The door of the emergency room was closed in front of him, Lu Tong stood where he was, and suddenly burst into tears, heartbroken and mourning.

He stood in front of the door in vain and collapsed, and within a moment he heard the long sound of the electrocardiogram inside.

After the beep, all the movement in the emergency room disappeared.

Lu Tong seemed to understand something, and slumped on the ground as if disconnected.

Even though he had expected it long ago, he still couldn't bear it when the separation came.

The author has something to say: The metaphor about "going home" in the middle part is quoted from "The Little Prince". You can go and see the little prince, good stuff! One of my favorite stories!

·The baby is back!

·Thanks to the little angels who voted for me to be the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution~Thanks to the little angels who voted for [Landmine]: 22345109, Pingpengxiang, Haihaihaihaikelp, Quesusu, I’m rude in this room, 1 piece of cold crisp; thanks to the little angel who irrigates [Nutrition Solution]: 29 bottles of Luojueacridine; 20 bottles of Pingpengxiang, Pulupulala, I have not noticed it, 樛樛木木; 19 bottles of Yijianrong; 17 bottles of Chen Duxiu, the president of Xinhui; Dida, Haihaihaihaikelp, Shark wants to eat melon, milk and salt, powder round milk wave, Guique Laixi, 38454038, Jichuan, Guifei Yuli, Tianxi Banyue Mountain, halfway monk, Qiu Erbao's piggy bank, 10 bottles of sweets if you feel bitter, and 10 bottles of fish mixed with sesame sauce; 5 bottles of Dede, Mojin Yushang, Twilight Return, Ba La, Meng Xiaoke, Tianxiaweigong; Zhou Ningning's 4 bottles of Papa Song; 3 bottles of the brightest star in the night sky; (:-), I want to go to heaven!, Luo Luo, 2 bottles of the year; Cool Summer, Sucking Sucking, Xiao Xihe 1 bottle; thank you very much For my support, I will continue to work hard!

Read Cursed Immortality
ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts
Read Damn Necromancer

Chapter 192

30 minutes ago

Chapter 191

a day ago
Read Godzilla In Konoha
ActionAdventureMartial ArtsSupernatural
Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read Celestial Bloodline
Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

30 minutes ago

Chapter 98

30 minutes ago