MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 7 Make up lessons

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After the evening self-study, Lu Tong packed his schoolbag and prepared to go home.

Provincial No. 1 Middle School is a boarding school, but Lu Tong's family is strictly controlled, and he is not allowed to live in the school, so as not to meet any dubious people. He did not spend the night outside when he was in high school.

The relationship between He Nian and Lu Tong is not bad, knowing that Lu Tong's house still has access control, earlier he complained about Lu Tong's parents, but later got used to it, and stopped asking Lu Tong out to play at night.

Provincial No. 1 Middle School is in the city center, and Lu Tong's home is in the scenic area of ​​the city center. From the subway outside the school, go back two stops, get under Longxiang Bridge, and cross Yan'an Road.

Both his parents were natives of City H, and Lu Tong's father, Lu Zhiyan, was a university professor and was a bit rigid. His mother, Lin Siyin, is a drama actress who tours around the world all the year round.

His house is a single-family small villa with two floors. This villa faces the West Lake, and the scenery is very beautiful. Because of the good location, it can be regarded as a low-key "small mansion".

Lu Tong walked across the yard and hesitated when he pushed the door.

He and Lu Zhiyan just had a quarrel some time ago, and they are currently in a cold war. The warm light in the living room was on, but the light in the study was off, which meant that Lu Zhiyan was reading newspapers in the living room. This meant that as long as he opened the door, he would have to face Lu Zhiyan's face.

He took a deep breath, and after unlocking with his fingerprints, the door opened slowly.

When Lu Zhiyan saw him come back, he poked his head out from behind the newspaper and glanced at him.

Lu Tong didn't speak, as if he was going to continue the cold war with Lu Zhiyan. The room was silent, and there was an awkward atmosphere in the air.

It's not that the relationship between father and son is bad, but his father is too strict, and his discipline to Lu Tong since he was a child is like a firm shackle, locking Lu Tong tightly in this small, square world. Calling Lu Tong really can't bear it.

When he was sensible, he began to sign up for various cram schools. Apart from studying, he played the piano and practiced calligraphy, and his only recreational activity was reading books. He has never experienced any of the childhood fun of laughing and playing among his peers.

Lu Zhiyan wanted him to go to Peking University, and then to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to find a stable job.

Lu Tong didn't know whether he was controlling him too much or what, but he didn't want to go to Peking University, so he wanted to go to be like his mother, pass the exam and learn acting.

For this matter, the father and son have been arguing since he was a sophomore in high school. Every time he mentioned that he was going to study media, Lu Zhiyan was furious and often broke up.

However, this time is the longest cold war between father and son.

The previous quarrels were all quarrels, but after a few days of the cold war, Lu Zhiyan couldn't help but really get angry with Lu Tong, and often used the trick of "not eating at home today, going out to eat" to find a reason to take Lu Tong out to eat, eat It's over.

This time it was different. Lu Tong was determined to apply for the Chinese Academy of Drama, and even rejected the invitation to Peking University's summer camp. After Lu Zhiyan found out about this, he really got angry, saying that he was willful and reckless, and didn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

But this time, in addition to getting angry, Lu Zhiyan also used his relationship to reach out to the Political and Education Office of Provincial No. 1 Middle School, and directly contacted Lao He.

After Director He found out about this, he called Lu Tong out alone for a heart-to-heart talk. During this heart-to-heart talk, Lu Tong turned pale and trembled with anger, and when he came back, he had a quarrel with Lu Zhiyan.

The content of the quarrel is always the same. Lu Tong wants to be free and decide his own life. Lu Zhiyan staidly thought that Lu Tong was his son, he was someone who had experienced it, and everything he did was for Lu Tong's good, and Lu Tong would thank him in the future.

The chicken told the duck that after the quarrel, Lu Tong never said a word to Lu Zhiyan.

This time, to show his determination, he didn't even need the living expenses given by Lu Zhiyan.

Some time ago, Zhou Hai saw that Lu Tong was working outside, and that was the reason.

Lu Tong pretended not to see his father, and walked upstairs.

Lu Zhiyan said coldly: "What's your attitude? I'm in the living room, and you don't even say hello?"

Lu Tong responded coldly: "I'm back. I'm going to do my homework."

Lu Zhiyan was choked by him, and said, "I don't care what you think, you'd better give up your unrealistic fantasies as soon as possible, and stop talking back to me."

Lu Tong's footsteps paused.

"Unrealistic fantasy?" He carried a shoulder bag and turned his head: "I can take whatever test I want, and you don't have to worry about it."

Lu Zhiyan: "What is something you should be proud of studying Chinese opera? Don't be too selfish, you only think about yourself."

Lu Tong twitched the corner of his mouth: "Are you considering it for you? Going to Peking University will become your talking point and the reason for others to flatter you?"

Lu Zhiyan was impatient: "Did you take the exam for me? You took the exam for yourself. You are too young now, and your thinking is too naive. When you go to college, you will know how correct the decision I made for you is." .”

Lu Tong raised his voice and said angrily, "I don't need you to make a decision."

In two or three sentences, both Lu Tong and Lu Zhiyan were furious.

If the words are not speculative, Lu Tong knows that he can no longer talk to Lu Zhiyan. If he keeps talking, the final result will only become a dead end. Usually, Lu Tong asks "why do you care about me?" Slapping the table and cursing "Because you were born by me" ended.

Lu Tong hadn't thought of how to refute Lu Zhiyan's strong words, after all, he couldn't admit that he picked it up in the trash can.

He quickened his pace and went upstairs, closing the door forcefully.

The mahogany doors slammed together with a loud bang. In this way, I express my anger towards Lu Zhiyan.

Lu Zhiyan shook the newspaper in his hand, his head was blue with anger.

When Lu Tong entered the room, he threw himself onto the bed. He rolled over on the bed a few times, kicked the air a few times, but he was still puzzled, so he sat up suddenly and stared at him. the door.

Lu Zhiyan is worthy of being his biological father, and he knows how to completely anger him.

Lu Tong was so interrupted that he couldn't write any more on the simulated papers he brought back. He took out his phone from his pocket and flicked through the post bar boredly.

He first clicked on the Animal World post bar, and was concerned about what the animals in this season were doing. Then I clicked into the "T-Rex" post bar skillfully, and the topic of "Is Tyrannosaurus Rex the most powerful dinosaur in the Cretaceous Period" has been arguing in the post bar for ten years.

Lu Tong clicked on these tearful posts, and commented forcefully: Is there any doubt? No doubt, of course it is.

He quit the post, and checked the Tyrannosaurus rex post bar again. The light from the phone fell on his face, and by the way, it illuminated several rows of dinosaur figures on Lu Tong's desk. There were big ones and small ones, obviously kept by the owner. Well, every single dragon comes to life - the most numerous of which is the Tyrannosaurus rex.

This is one of Lutong's few hobbies: collecting dinosaur figures.

He is currently saving money to buy a newly released dinosaur figure in the United States, which costs 3,000 yuan alone. Lu Tong has been staring at this Tyrannosaurus rex figure for a long time, but his money is tight, and the money he earns from odd jobs is not enough. He can only look at the "dragon" and sigh, and click on the picture every day to enjoy it.

If it was Qin Chu, he wouldn't have to hesitate for so long, he's from the second generation rich.

Lu Tong turned over, thinking of the time when he met Qin Chu in the office in the self-study tonight, whether the other party was sitting or standing, he heard that he was a three-nothing product with no parental discipline, no teacher's interference, and lawlessness.

But quite free.

If he became like Qin Chu, fighting and playing truant, Lu Zhiyan would crawl out of the coffin even if he died, and chase him all the way to Leifeng Pagoda with the coffin board on his back.

However, if it was really Qin Chu's virtue, his father would definitely be furious to have such a son.

Lu Tong was amused by the picture he had made up in his brain, and while laughing, he flicked the screen, clenched his hands into fists and propped his chin, lying on the bed, with his legs raised up, swaying. He is usually not so relaxed outside. With his words, his words and deeds are controlled, like a dummy with threads.

Lu Tong's self-control is very strong. After browsing the post bar for a while, he felt that he was in a better mood, so he sat down at the desk and spread out the physics paper.

He likes to pick and choose when doing questions, and doesn't like to use the sea of ​​questions to do it all the way. As long as it is the same type of question, he will not do it a second time after doing it once.

The physics paper was white and black, and the unanswered questions were left by him.

Just after writing a piece, the phone vibrated on the table.

Zhou Hai suddenly sent him a text message.

Before Lu Tong clicked on it, he thought that Zhou Hai was looking for him to discuss the physics competition, but when he clicked on it, Zhou Hai actually asked him if he was interested in doing a part-time job.

- Lu Tong, a class teacher in the first year of high school came to me and said that he had a student with poor grades and it was inconvenient to find a teacher from another school to make up lessons. I recommended you to her. If you are interested, you can call her and ask. , Make-up lessons may be 200 yuan an hour, which is also a part-time job, just go on weekends, and then you can come to me to write chapters on your social practice book. Teacher Zhao's number is 138xxxx0213.

200 yuan?

Lu Tong caught this number at a glance.

He looked at the issue price of the Tyrannosaurus rex figure on his phone again, and replied "yes" to Zhou Hai.

When Zhao Yan received the news, the stone in her heart fell to the ground, and she couldn't help but said, "It's done."

Qin Chu at the desk raised his head, "What happened?"

Zhao Yan took the board and knocked on the table: "The job of finding a teacher for you is over. Don't be lazy, how many homework did you not write? I usually don't write if I don't stare at you, right?"

In front of Qin Chu was a mess of test papers, all of which were blank. From the beginning of school to the present, none of them had been written.

The study committee members in the class didn't dare to remember Qin Chu's name, which led Zhao Yan to find out now that Qin Chu hadn't handed in a single homework.

Therefore, she specially set aside time tonight to lock Qin Chu in the study, staring at him to write one by one. But Qin Chu's biggest concession was to stay in the study honestly, as for writing papers? That is not willing to move.

"Tomorrow Saturday, the tuition teacher will come in the morning, and you are not allowed to go out to play. I will guard you at the door at five o'clock."

Qin Chu blocked his ears: "Understood, Lao Zhao, you have reached menopause, so annoying."

Zhao Yan glared at him: "Do you know how difficult it is to hire him? It's not easy for me to invite him. If you don't score 300 in the midterm exam, I will really tell your parents!"

Qin Chu lay on the chair, said with a smile, "Go ahead and talk, I didn't stop you."

Zhao Yan knew that she couldn't talk about Qin Chu, so she immediately changed the subject: "Hurry up and write, you are not allowed to sleep until you finish writing, I will go and see Xiaonan, and when I come back, I must watch you finish writing the multiple-choice questions."

In addition to Qin Chu, a hermit crab, there is also an old nanny living in her family, and her sister's youngest daughter, Xiaonan.

Qin Chu occupied the second floor by himself, while Zhao Yan lived on the first floor with Xiao Nan and the nanny.

As soon as she left, Qin Chu threw away the paper, strutted out of the study, got into his room, and fell asleep.

Zhao Yan couldn't find anyone else when she came back, and saw that his bedroom was ajar, Qin Chu was already lying on the bed and fast asleep. She sighed bitterly, turned off the light for Qin Chu, and closed the door by the way.

—I hope that Lutong will come tomorrow and be able to save this mess.

Qin Chu's tomorrow came very slowly, and it was later than others.

Most people's tomorrow will come at seven o'clock in the morning, but Qin Chu's tomorrow usually depends on when he sleeps until he wakes up, that's when it will come.

Lu Tong abided by the agreement and acted quickly. For the Tyrannosaurus rex, he followed the map at nine o'clock in the morning and found the community next to the Civic Center. At this moment, he was standing at the gate of Zhao Yan's house—the yard door was not closed, so he walked in directly.

Lu Tong hesitated for a moment, then knocked on the door twice: no one answered.

— Zhao Yan took her little girl out for a walk early in the morning, and she still hasn't come back from the vegetable market.

There was only Qin Chu who was sleeping soundly at home, Lu Tong rang the doorbell twice and no one answered, so he raised his hand and patted the door three times.

These three times, the shooting was loud, and the rhythm was quite good, as if it was going to be filmed for a concert - it woke Qin Chu up.

After Lu Tong patted it three times, no one came to open the door, so he felt suspicious.

Pausing for a moment, he raised his hand and knocked on the door again.

As a result, at this moment, the door was suddenly opened from the inside.

Lu Tong's hand that knocked on the door didn't stop, it directly hit the man's chest, making a crisp "pop".

Qin Chu: ...

What came from the shop was the extremely aggressive Alpha pheromone, like the cold fragrance of roses, sweet and cold, enveloping Lu Tong in all directions, causing him to take a small step back weakly.

Lu Tong tried his best to stand still, raised his eyes, saw Qin Chu with a bird's nest head on his head, and was stunned for a moment.

When Qin Chu saw Lu Tong, he was also taken aback for a moment, and then he slammed the door shut.

This time it's Lu Tong's turn:...

Standing in the room, Qin Chu reacted dully in his heart: Did you dream about Lu Tong? What ghost dream am I having?

The author has something to say: It's not a dream!

A happy tutoring career is about to begin!

In fact, I originally wanted to set Qin Chu's pheromone as milk fragrance 555, but Liao, who is too soft, doesn't attack at all! Thinking about it later, Little Beauty Rose is also pretty good! Gorgeous, mysterious and difficult!

Xiaolu's pheromone is frosty, clean, clear, cold, and smells great! And, Xiaolu is an avid dinosaur fan!

By the way: the baby is actually A! [In this chapter of the original body, mom and dad are in love, ignore the baby first!

·Thank you for the little angels who voted for me to overlord or irrigate nutrient solution~Thank you for the little angels who voted for [Mine]: 2 Jiumi; 1 Amaimai, paper towel, Hansu, (●?ω`●) ;Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]: 30 bottles of Amaimai; 19 bottles of Xiaowangshu; (●?ω`●) 10 bottles; Losyki 1 bottle;

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