MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 62 Worry about gains and losses

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Qin Shiwu didn't see Lu Tong that night, which made him very disappointed all night.

Before he went to morning self-study, he took off his school uniform and mixed in with the team of day students, and slipped outside the school gate.

No. 1 Middle School has two types: commuting and dormitory. For Qin Shishi who lived on campus, they all settled in the cafeteria in a unified way. It was not his turn to eat at the breakfast stand at the school gate.

Moreover, he had something on his mind today, and he had a sad face when he went out.

It's a big deal.

Lu Tong and Qin Chu got together earlier than he expected. According to the 100% compatibility between the two, if something happens to kill someone, that's fine.

Another one is Lu Tong.

It is not difficult to see that Lu Tong is an extremely sensitive person, and he is also very meticulous. The longer Qin Shiwu spent with him, the more he could detect the other's subtle temptations.

Although the matter of crossing seems very unreliable, after eliminating all the impossibilities, the only possibility left is the truth.

Qin Shiwu bought a cup of soy milk and sat listlessly on the stall to drink it.

The breakfast stalls at the school gate are all set up anywhere. A table and four stools are put together to form a stall.

Qin Shiwu didn't eat for long when he saw a scene of bullying on the opposite table.

He stared at it for a while, then suddenly stretched out his hand and dragged Lin Xiaomian from another table.

She still held some pocket money tightly in her hand.

When several male students saw Qin Shiwu, the anger that was about to explode suddenly disappeared, and they left without saying a word.

Qin Shiwu complained, "Why do I always bump into you and get bullied?"

Lin Xiaomian lowered her head, "Thank you..."

Qin Shiwu drank soy milk and asked casually, "They asked you for money?"

Sixteen years ago, it seemed that there were quite a lot of behaviors where seniors asked juniors for money.

Lin Xiaomian nodded.

Qin Shiwu: "They ask you to give it if you want it? You have so much money."

Lin Xiaomian "If you don't give it, they will beat you up."

Qin Shiwu "How did you provoke them?"

Don't ask others for money, just bully you?

Lin Xiaomian was embarrassed, "I didn't take the initiative to provoke them. That's how they are..."

Look around the school and bully whoever you see is easy to bully.

It used to be Qin Shiwu, but now it is Lin Xiaomian.

Qin Shiwu never thought about what it would be like to be asked for money, he said, "Why didn't you tell your parents?"

Lin Xiaomian struggled for a while, "My parents don't care about me."

Qin Shiwu let out an "ah", and suddenly felt a sense of sympathy for each other. Sitting face to face with Lin Xiaomian, it seemed that they were both fallen in the world.

Speaking of his concerns, Qin Shiwu fell silent.

Lin Xiaomian finished his porridge and asked him, "Do you want to go in? If you don't go in, it will be too late for self-study."

Qin Shiwu lowered his voice, "Lin Xiaomian, let me ask you, do you believe in time travel?"

Lin Xiaomian's IQ is already very high, after all, she was the first in the first grade test.

At the first glance, Qin Shiwu didn't laugh when he heard Qin Shiwu's enigmatic speech, and said seriously, "I don't believe it."

Qin Shiwu breathed a sigh of relief, "Why?"

Lin Xiaomian "I didn't ask anything, do you believe in time travel?"

Qin Shiwu thought this is not nonsense, I myself have traveled through time!

He changed his mind and thought, if even Lin Xiaomian doesn't believe it, Lu Tong probably won't believe it either.

Qin Shiwu suddenly realized, "Let's go! Have you finished your homework? Let me copy it."

Lin Xiaomian: "The Chinese homework is to translate classical Chinese, you don't have time to copy."

Qin Shiwu: "Then copy some for me."

Lin Xiaomian sighed, "How can you get into college like this..."

Qin Shiwu never thought about going to college at all. He doesn't regard himself as a person of this era, and thinks that he will go back sooner or later, but when to go back is a difficult problem.

After testing Lin Xiaomian here, he was a little bit sure that Lu Tong would not believe in these strange things, so he happily went to find him.

Lu Tong has also been dizzy because of school affairs these days, and after asking Qin Chu that night, there was no result.

To put it bluntly, this matter was entirely his imagination, and it didn't count.

Qin Shiwu returned to his previous appearance, sticking to Lu Tong to and from get out of class.

It's just that Lu Tong was busier than before after the second semester of high school. Not to mention Qin Shiwu, even Qin Chu couldn't see each other a few times.

It's obviously a relationship, but finding time to date is harder than reaching the sky.

Time flies, and it's the midterm exam.

This time No. 1 Middle School reached a cooperation with other schools and conducted a simulated college entrance examination.

The mid-term exams were assigned to other schools according to the pattern of drawing test numbers. Qin Chu and the others were drawn to No. 3 Middle School, and they had to get up early in the morning to take the school bus to go there.

Ji Rang was very dissatisfied with this. When he woke up early, there were still tears in the corners of his eyes, "I said, is the principal mentally ill? The college entrance examination has nothing to do with us now. Just arrange for the second and third grades to go. What shall we do?"

He held the test number and looked at it for a while, then turned around and asked Qin Shiwu, "How much is your test number?"

Qin Shiwu's examination number was next to Qin Chu's, and the two probably belonged to the same class.

"Qin Chu, where's your exam?" Qin Shiwu asked him.

Qin Chu lay on the table absent-mindedly. He had been in this state for a while, and Qin Shiwu asked again, "What have you been up to lately?"

He lowered his voice, "Did you quarrel with Lu Tong?"

Qin Chu leaned on his arm, "No."

Qin Shiwu muttered, "No? Without it, why do you look like you were dumped?"

He recalled the period of time, Lu Tong seemed to be normal.

It's just that compared to the first half of the semester, he finished class later and started class earlier.

When we fell in love with Qin Chu, we took time out of our busy schedules, so there was no time to quarrel.

He turned over two pages of the test paper, and Qin Shiwu had an idea, and turned around and asked, "Did your relationship break down?"

Qin Chu "Are you looking for death?"

Qin Shiwu said sincerely, "I care about your well-being!"

What he said came from the heart, and it was related to the relationship between his parents, so he cared about his own birth.

Qin Chu seemed to have been stabbed by him, unwilling to speak, lying on the table sullenly.

If there was really any problem between them, there was nothing wrong with it. Lu Tong was the same as before, there was no difference, he should eat and sleep, except for the first few days when they were together, he couldn't feel how much the other party liked him afterwards.

Qin Chu was depressed for a long time, wanted to ask but felt unable to open his mouth.

In case you go to ask, and they say yes, you asked a good question, so let's break up.

How long have we been talking!

Qin Chu rushed to graduate and get married, but before he got engaged, the relationship became insipid.

Is it because Lu Tong's original personality is like that, or is it because he agreed to be with him just to coax him to play.

Because he was impatient with being entangled and needed pheromones, he simply fulfilled his wish.

Speaking of which, in the past month, Lu Tong never asked him for pheromones.

This is what puzzled Qin Chu the most.

According to Dr. He, he will reject the pheromones of other alhas, so he should need himself very much.

Now it seems that this is not the case.

Seeing Qin Chu's appearance, Qin Shiwu thought to himself that he might not have guessed right.

He hesitated for a moment, "Are you guys really at odds?"

Qin Chu: "No."

Qin Shiwu thought in his heart that it would be awkward if there was no reason.

In my impression, the relationship between his parents has always been good, let alone quarreling, there is no such thing as bickering.

After school that day, Qin Shiwu was still thinking about Qin Chu.

He ran down from the fourth floor, not going to eat in the cafeteria, but going to sneak off campus to find a restaurant. As soon as he arrived downstairs, he was caught by Lu Tong.

The other party held a test paper and asked him, "Where are you going?"

Qin Shiwu hurried over, "I want to go out to eat!"

Lu Tong "Why aren't you with Qin Chu?"

Qin Shiwu, "He went to the music room to practice the piano."

Lu Tong said to him, "Wait for me, I'll go out with you."

Qin Shiwu couldn't wish for it, so he obediently stood at the stairs and waited for a while.

The restaurant Lu Tong chose was just opposite the school, so it was convenient to go back and forth.

He ordered Qin Shiwu a bowl of noodles, and told him to wait until it was cold before eating.

Halfway through eating the noodles, Lu Tong tapped twice on the table with his fingers, "Qin Shiwu, is there anyone at your house this weekend?"

Qin Shiwu: "No one. What's the matter?"

He took a sip of noodles and raised his head.

Lu Tong "I want to come to your house to have a look."

Qin Shiwu paused his hands and said vaguely, "There is nothing to see in my house. Just a nanny and me."

Lu Tong: "Is there no one else?"

Qin Shiwu hurriedly nodded.

Lu Tong asked in the same tone as usual, without any flaws.

Qin Shiwu said, "Besides, does that family deserve to be called a family?"

He changed to "My mother..."

It was about the mother of the original "Qin Shiwu".

"She is not at home all year round, I live alone."

Lu Tong vaguely knew something, but Qin Shiwu never told him in detail, so this was the first time he heard him mention his family.

Qin Shiwu has nothing to mention about this family now, the left and right are not his own.

He said, "If you want to come, call Qin Chu."

Call Qin Chu over, that's my home.

Lu Tong: "Okay."

Qin Shiwu chased after the victory, "Lu Tong, did you quarrel with Qin Chu?"

Lu Tong asked him back, "Why do you ask that?"

Qin Shiwu: "I guessed it from his expression, aren't you two in a relationship? Why is there no period of passionate love at all?"

Lu Tong "Not every relationship is about life and death."

Qin Shiwu: "But you are too indifferent, don't you want to hug him?"

Lu Tong paused, and said, "I told you, but you don't understand either."

Qin Shiwu muttered, "I don't know what, I just know that if I like someone, I will definitely want to be with her every day, and I will love her desperately."

Lu Tong "Eat your noodles."

He looked out the window thoughtfully and sighed.

When I went back to the dormitory at night, I was hugged by Qin Chu as soon as I entered the door.

Lu Tong patted his hand, "Release."

Qin Chu "hug for a while."

Lu Tong "go to Qin Shiwu's house this weekend."

Qin Chu raised his eyebrows, "Are you going to his house?"

"And you. He asked me to take you with him."

"He has a conscience. What have you been up to recently? Why do you come back so late every day?"

Lu Tong sat down, "What else can I do, just take the exam."

Looking at his back, Qin Chu felt that his love affair was up and down, worried about gain and loss, and had no sense of security.

Lu Tong didn't look like he was indulging in feelings, he was like a rational bystander, as if he was waiting for the moment when Qin Chu got tired of playing, and then got out unscathed.

Qin Chu sat beside him, holding down his pen.

Lu Tong looked up at him, "What's wrong?"

Qin Chu said, "Lu Tong, let me mark you."

Lu Tong "I'm not in heat yet."

Qin Chu: "I know. I mean, I need you, and I want to mark you."

Lu Tong touched the back of his neck, and the teeth marks on his glands had completely disappeared.

Qin Chu is his boyfriend now, so it doesn't matter to mark him, but...

"Another day, I'm not ready yet."

Qin Chu's heart was blank for a moment, as if a voice said that it was true.

He subconsciously asked, "Don't you like me, why don't you want to develop further."

Lu Tong "This is enough."

Like you, just being together is enough. If people are greedy and want more things, they will have to pay some price.

Unexpectedly, Qin Chu suddenly raised his voice, dragged him up from the stool, and threw him onto the bed.

The bed in the dormitory of the International Department was soft, and a soft dent was made by throwing it down. Before Lu Tong could get up, Qin Chu leaned over and pressed down.

Alha's pheromone exploded in the room in an instant, and the overwhelming sense of oppression made Lu Tong's whole body limp into a puddle of water, becoming a lamb to be slaughtered.

A little cold sweat broke out on Lu Tong's forehead, "Qin Chu, what are you doing?"

Qin Chu's eyes were a little dark, "If I have to mark you."

Lu Tong "Temporary mark?"

Qin Chu: "Do you think this is what I want?"

That is the mark of life.

Qin Chu took off his school uniform jacket, revealing the soft body inside.

Lu Tong's collarbone fell into his eyes like a butterfly fluttering its wings.

Qin Chu lowered his head and kissed him. Lu Tong had no resistance under his pheromone. He honestly waited in Qin Chu's arms for a while. The other party went crazy and woke up.

"I'm sorry." Qin Chu said.

Lu Tong "Are you in a bad mood today?"

Qin Chu shook his head, "No."

Lu Tong seemed to have turned back to that calm and rational person, and Qin Chu could feel that he liked him, and he could also sense the short shelf life of this love.

He sat up from the bed, probably feeling that the atmosphere was too awkward, so he said, "Qin Chu, wait for you to think it over before deciding whether to mark me."

"I've thought about it a long time ago." Qin Chu hugged him from behind and buried him in his shoulders and neck.

Lu Tong's pheromone was the same as his, a little cold, but it didn't wake up Qin Chu's head much.

He hugged him tighter and tighter, and finally realized that there was something wrong with his relationship with Lu Tong.

He has never been in a relationship before, and he doesn't know how other people handle their emotions in their relationship. He just thinks that Lu Tong's handling method is wrong.

The next day, Qin Chu walked into the classroom listlessly.

Qin Shiwu said, "Morning, Qin Chu."

Qin Chu opened the stool and sat down, sighing.

Qin Shiwu "Looks like a widow, who messed with you?"

Qin Chu didn't bother to talk to him.

Ji Rang suggested; "Why don't you go out to play in the afternoon, how about going to the side street?"

Small street, a narrow alley next to Provincial No. 1 Middle School.

Although narrow, the alley is well-equipped with all kinds of fly restaurants.

Cosmetics stores, jewelry stores, and clothing stores are all inexpensive and good-looking, and it's clear that they are here to make money for students.

Qin Chu went shopping once, but was not interested.

Ji Rang, "My girlfriend said that there is a card counter in the small street, and he is very accurate."

Qin Shiwu complained, "You are feudal and superstitious!"

"Is it true?" Ji Rang said, "Didn't I have Mercury retrograde last week, but I did the math. The boss gave me an amethyst, and my luck this week will immediately increase!"

Qin Shiwu "created something out of nothing!"

Gu Chi poked his head over, "Is the one you mentioned next to the mobile phone store?"

Ji Rang, "That's it."

Gu Chi, "So it's this. I said it's always being discussed on the forum. Last time, Qu Muyao dragged me to calculate feelings."

Ji Rang, "What did you figure out?"

Gu Chi said happily, "After calculating that it's not suitable for us to have an AA relationship, she almost demolished the shop."

Ji Rang gave him a punch, "Are you going to make an inch of it? Show off to me?"

Qin Chu, who had been lying on his stomach, moved his ears, raised his head, and said casually, "Is it still a relationship?"

"Forget it, many young couples on the forum have posted posts to prove it, and the calculation is quite accurate. Metaphysics, I also saw some people who broke up and got back together."

Qin Shiwu opened his mouth wide, "It's so awesome. But girls should only go to this store."

Ji Rang nodded, "Yeah, I won't go anyway, it's too embarrassing to be squeezed in a circle of girls."

Qin Shiwu remembered that Qin Chu and Lu Tong's relationship was not going well recently, so he asked him, "Are you going?"

Qin Chu "Of course not."

His out-of-time secondary illness had reappeared. "If feelings are all calculated by card counting like this, then it's a **** relationship. Let's count cards." He said coldly, "My own feelings are, of course, I make my own decisions."

Qin Chu, who decided to decide his own feelings, appeared at the door of the card counting shop wearing sunglasses on a sunny afternoon.

As expected, it was the girl Ruyun, Qin Chu lowered his peaked cap, and minimized his sense of existence.

"I'll count it once." Qin Chu was thoughtful, "First figure out why this scumbag Lu Tong plays with his feelings like this."

He lined up outside for a while, listening to all directions, looking around, and learned from the chattering voices of girls around him that this small shop was really accurate.

Qin Chu's original doubts were dispelled, and under the background of this mysterious atmosphere, he also entered the state involuntarily, and began to feel a little nervous.

When it was his turn, he opened the door and entered.

A familiar voice exploded in his ear, "Welcome."

Qin Chu paused and looked up.

Dr. He was wearing a very deceptive windbreaker, with a smile on his face.

"Student, what do you want to count? On the left is the Tarot card, and on the right is the Eight Diagrams formation. The Tarot card is fifty, and the Eight Diagrams formation is seventy. The Chinese and Western mixed algorithm requires an extra ten yuan."'s a magic stick shop.

Qin Chu stood in the shop expressionlessly, and came to this conclusion with great confidence.

Doctor He said "Huh", "Are you Qin Chu?"

Qin Chu took off his sunglasses.

Dr. He suddenly realized, "It turned out to be an acquaintance, acquaintances get a 20% discount, sit down. Boy, if you have any emotional troubles, you can tell me."

Qin Chu sarcastically said, "Aren't you going to the hospital?"

Dr. He smiled, "Today is a day off, come out to earn some extra money."

Qin Chu sat for a while, and a thought popped up in his mind: I'm such a fool.

The reason why he really believed in this kind of card counting shop made him feel like an idiot even more was because he met the versatile Dr. He in front of him!

He walks away.

Dr. He hurriedly said, "You haven't counted yet, what are you going to do? It must be related to Lu Tong."

Qin Chu paused, "How do you know?"

Dr. He had a hippie smile on his face, "I figured it out?"

There was a "bang".

Dr. He covered his eyes and got up from the ground.

With a serious face, he said solemnly and gently, "I thought about it carefully, it's like this, Lu Tong came to look for me some time ago."

His eye circles were red, as if he had been beaten.

Qin Chu's punch dispelled a lot of the magic stick aura in him.

"He asked me to take the medicine." Dr. He said.

Qin Chu asked him, "What kind of medicine?"

Dr. He, "The scientific name of this drug is Docaine, which is used to suppress pheromones."

Qin Chu was stunned, "Isn't it an inhibitor?"

Dr. He "is different from inhibitors. Inhibitors can be bought on the street, and docaine is taken for surgery. In theory, it should be taken one year in advance, which will cause great harm to the body."

Qin Chu asked him, "What surgery?"

Dr. He sighed, "Remove the gland."

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