MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 49 confession

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At the gate of the ticket office, Qin Chu and Chen Anqi met on a narrow road.

Qin Shiwu poked his head out from behind his father, looked at Chen Anqi, looked at the boy beside Chen Anqi, and the two of them were holding hands.

What could be more satisfying than bringing your current boyfriend in front of a male **** who failed in his pursuit.

Chen Anqi looked good at Huang Li when she went out today, and said, "Long time no see, Qin Chu."

She paused: "You don't look very good? What's the matter?"

Qin Shiwu stabbed his father in the back, without any intention of covering up, and said directly: "His wife is dating someone."

"Wow." Chen Anqi glanced at Qin Chu in surprise, "This news is explosive enough, and the ongoing tense has suddenly become the past tense. I don't know whether to lament that you have a girlfriend first, or lament that your girlfriend has a girlfriend." Run well. Surprising."

Qin Shiwu explained: "It's actually the future tense."

Chen Anqi introduced: "This is my boyfriend."

The boyfriend hesitated for a moment. Facing Qin Chu, a suspected rival in love, the man's defensiveness instantly increased a lot.

On the other hand, Chen Anqi is more relaxed. She is a beautiful woman with a decisive personality. If she can't catch up with Lu Tong, she will go after Qin Chu. She has never hanged herself on a man, and if she can't catch up with her, she will change men.

Now she is holding her boyfriend's arm, proud and smiling.

Qin Chu is more like a middle-aged frustrated man whose wife has run away and his children are still turning his elbows.

Qin Chu: "You did it on purpose."

Chen Anqi flicked her hair: "Yes, how about it. I haven't suffered enough from chasing you, don't be angry, this is called retribution."

Qin Shiwu let out a "wow" and said, "When a woman doesn't love you, she's so **** ruthless."

Chen Anqi said: "I bought the ticket, let's go first."

Qin Shiwu waved his hand and said, "Bye bye, Sister Chen. Ouch! Why did you hit me?!"

Qin Chu uttered a sentence coldly: "Eat the **** who are inside and outside."

The 4D starry sky exhibition hall is very romantic. Once you walk in, your sight will dim.

Qin Shiwu sighed as he walked, "It's so big."

The subtext is very obvious: such a big place, but also so dark, how can you find Lu Tong?

Qin Chu took two steps forward and came to the most prestigious project of the Starry Sky Exhibition Hall: Traveling in the Universe.

This project was considered very attractive sixteen years ago. It is a lift platform controlled by a machine, a bit like a Ferris wheel, but the seats are fully open, and only two people can sit in a row .

Qin Chu stood in front of the amusement project, and suddenly, Lu Tong's voice came from his ear.

Qin Shiwu pulled off the corner of his clothes, and the two looked up. He and Ren Yuanye happened to be lining up in front.

Prepared to play Traveling the Universe.

There were not many people in the starry sky exhibition hall, and their voices fell into Qin Chu's ears verbatim.

With a drink in his hand, Ren Yuanye took off his outer suit and put it on his hand because it was a bit hot from walking.

Lu Tong's attention was taken away by the Starry Sky Exhibition Hall, and he treated Ren Yuanye in the same manner. Ren Yuanye was used to Lu Tong's character, so he didn't think it was so cold, but warmly introduced to him the major galaxies displayed in the starry sky exhibition hall.

Qin Shiwu rubbed his chin and thought: It's tricky, it's too tricky.

Qin Chu recruited a staff member and pointed at Ren Yuanye expressionlessly: "Do you still allow drinks in your exhibition hall?"

In theory, it is impossible. There is even a sign at the door to remind customers.

However, the flow of people in the Science and Technology Museum is so large in a day, and not everyone in the staff can come to see it.

So most of the time with one eye open and one eye closed.

Now, it was pointed out by Qin Chu, and the staff felt sorry for not reminding them, and seemed to be negligent.

He walked lightly to Lu Tong's side and reminded: "Sir, it's forbidden to bring drinks inside."

Lu Tong glanced at the Coke in his hand, he didn't take a few sips, it was almost full: "Where to throw it?"

The staff instructed: "There is a trash can over there."

Lu Tong walked to the trash can.

Qin Chu suddenly pushed Qin Shiwu. Before the latter could react, he staggered a few steps and stood beside Ren Yuanye.

He really didn't hesitate at all when he cheated on his son.

The starry sky exhibition hall was really dark, and Lu Tong left—Ren Yuanye didn't notice.

Qin Shiwu had no choice but to stand beside Ren Yuanye dryly. The other party looked at the ever-changing universe in front of him for a while, and felt a little emotional: "Xiaolu."

Qin Shishi listened boredly.

"We have known each other for almost twelve years. I know a little about your affairs and personality. When Aunt Lin chatted with me last time, she talked about your physical problems. I'm sorry, I didn't expect such a big change in your body. I heard from Aunt Lin that you have been borrowing your classmate’s pheromones, right? Xiaolu, I know a foreign friend. It’s not a good thing for you to rely on other people’s pheromones. I’ll take you abroad to check it out. ?”

Qin Shiwu yawned.

Ren Yuanye made mental preparations for a while, and didn't even dare to look back.

If he had looked back, he might have seen that the people around him had been stolen.

Ren Yuanye took a breath calmly, "How did you think about what I told you last time? Xiaolu, I hope that when you encounter trouble, the first person you think of is me. We have known each other for so many years, I will definitely help you. Except now, I hope I can help you in the future."

He said: "When you are in college, go abroad with me. I will take care of you."

After saying this, Ren Yuanye was silent for a long time.

After Qin Shiwu heard it, he didn't know what to say, so he clapped "Pa, Pa, Pa": "It's such a touching speech, I couldn't help but burst into tears."

Ren Yuanye paused, and when he looked back, Lu Tong had long since disappeared.

"Where's Lu Tong?" He asked in surprise.

Qin Shiwu pretended to be stupid: "What Lu Tong? Are you still queuing? If you don't line up, it will be my turn. Really, I've been chanting alone in front for so long, and my ears are covered in cocoons."

Ren Yuanye quickly took out his mobile phone and called Lu Tong.

It's a pity that high school students' mobile phones either vibrate or mute, and answering the phone depends entirely on fate. Unfortunately, Lu Tong is still the latter: he is a silent guy.

After throwing the drink back, Lu Tong arrived at the queue, and the staff said, "It's your turn, please fasten your seat belt."

Lu Tong didn't think much about it, sat on and fastened the safety belt, turned his head, and planned to talk to Ren Yuanye, but Qin Chu's face came into his eyes without warning.

He sat calmly in the seat on his right, as if nothing had happened.

Lu Tong: ...

The buckled seat belt made another "click" sound, as if it was about to be undone.

Qin Chu finally couldn't maintain his inscrutable appearance, and immediately grabbed Lu Tong's hand: "Is that why you don't want to see me? Even if you just sit for a while?"

It was a dark environment again, and the two of them were alone again.

The memory that Lu Tong had finally forgotten came back to his mind in an instant.

He patted Qin Chu's hand away: "Don't move."

Qin Chu withdrew his hand out of self-indulgence, and asked, "Are you still angry?"

Lu Tong: "No."


Only ghosts will believe this.

This project, which is a bit like a Ferris wheel, gradually started, and Lu Tong felt that his legs were hanging in the air and had left the ground.

He had a slight fear of heights, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed. A few seconds later, under the visual effect of the holographic projection, he felt that he was in the sky thousands of miles away.

Lu Tong's back was stiff from nervousness, and he stared forward, not daring to look down.

His hands were gripping the chair, his fingers were clenched tightly, and the veins on the back of his hands were almost showing.

The projection in front of you just happened to talk about the time of the Big Bang of the universe.

In order to cooperate with the explanation, the stools vibrated very substitutingly, as if they were also affected by the explosion.

Lu Tong was so shaken that he almost thought he was going to fall, his right hand broke away from the handrail, and caught Qin Chu's left hand on the handrail in an instant.

Qin Chu's hand holding the phone paused.

After Lu Tong grabbed him, his body froze, only to realize that he had grabbed the wrong thing.

Want to let go? he thought.

Will it appear that there is no silver three hundred taels here?

Lu Tong's mind was in a mess, and the cosmic explosion, stellar movement, etc. he was talking about before him couldn't get into his mind. Even the symptoms of fear of heights improved a lot, and all his attention was attracted by the temperature of the back of Qin Chu's hand.

From another point of view, it is not a bad thing to at least solve the problem of fear of heights.

Qin Chu was grabbed with one hand, and did not dare to move the other hand playing with the mobile phone. He sat upright and began to study the popular science content in front of him.

It's a pity that like Lu Tong, it's one thing to look at it, but another thing to get it into your head.

After putting down the phone for a while, Qin Chu picked it up again, and searched on Baidu: After kissing someone, what should I do if the other party ignores me?

The problem is searched out in all kinds of ways.

Among them, the answer to the first one is as follows: Do you have a girlfriend? It's normal, girls are generally shy, it will be fine after a while, don't act too hastily.

The answer to the second article is as follows: You just ask!

The third one is that a person who sells pornographic films left a WeChat account.

Qin Chu thought for a while, and felt that the situation was wrong, so he added another adjective after the question: not a girlfriend.

Now, the answer given by Baidu is not as kind as the previous question.

A scumbag, a beast, a bastard, dare to come to Baidu to ask questions after cheating? court death!

Qin Chu glanced down, and was scolded **** by unfamiliar netizens.

There is only one answer that can be seen a little bit: Not a girlfriend? Do you mean not being together? If she likes you, you can try it out after you kiss her. Otherwise, become her boyfriend first?

Qin Chu turned off the phone screen.

Lu Tong's hand, which was originally on his hand, was taken away at some point.

In this project, neither of them made a sound, and they looked ahead without looking at it, as if the science popularization program was so attractive.

After the holographic projection introduced the galaxies, it started to introduce each star.

Lu Tong didn't say that he was drowsy, but he had no interest in listening.

Qin Chu leaned back on the chair, and spoke in a rather unfamiliar manner. It was rare for him to have no confidence when he spoke, as if he had never asked anyone like this before, and every word he pronounced was very deliberate: "Lu Tong, do you have a boyfriend?"

Caught off guard by his question, Lu Tong first turned his head to stare at him, and couldn't help thinking in his heart: Is he finally crazy?

Qin Chu: "What are you looking at me for? You answer first."

Lu Tong pursed his lips and sat back. There was something in his heart that was about to come out, but he suppressed it: "No. Have you changed your career as a pimp? Come to me as a matchmaker."

Qin Chu paused, and said, "I mean, if not." He tapped the armrest with his index finger: "How about I recommend myself?"

Lu Tong was silent for a long time.

This silence made Qin Chu very uncomfortable.

After a while, Lu Tong finally said, "You fight poison with poison?"

Qin Chu: "What?"

Lu Tong: "I feel that I did something sorry to me that night, so today I use an even more outrageous thing to cover up the previous thing?"

Qin Chu: ...

"No, I propose it seriously."

After Qin Chu said it, the stone in his heart finally let go, and he let out a sigh of relief.

When he said it the first time, he was still a little rusty, because he had never mentioned such a thing to anyone, and Qin Chu had no experience.

But when I said it the second time, it seemed as if I had replayed the words thousands of times in my heart, and finally conveyed them today.

So the more I said it, the smoother it became, and the more I said it, the more I felt it made sense.

Qin Chu said enthusiastically, "I'll chase you."

Lu Tong: "Excuse me, no need. Did you have a whim?"

Qin Chu: "No. I'm serious, I'll chase you. Ren Yuanye can chase you, why can't I?"

The grand universe unfolded in front of the two of them, and Lu Tong suddenly felt that it would take a lot of energy to reason with a single-celled creature.

His heartbeat slowed down, and he said calmly, "Qin Chu, do you know what liking is?"

Qin Chu turned to look at him.

Lu Tong sighed, looked at Qin Chu, a bit like looking at his own fluffy puppy, with an attitude of a senior, and said, "Do you want to chase me, including kissing me, because you are affected by pheromones?" Misleading. Otherwise, you are not convinced. The temporary mark will make Alpha feel possessive psychologically. The relationship between me and Ren Yuanye makes you feel a sense of crisis. By the way, Ren Yuanye didn’t chase me, so you don’t have to panic Make irrational decisions. Think about it for yourself and stop wasting time on me."

Qin Chu's liking must be short-lived and fleeting. Just like fireworks, when they erupt, they are beautiful and charming, and when they disappear, they are as indifferent as gray.

There is no need for me to join him to play this love game with him, and become the experience value of the teenager's emotional growth.

Am I a philanthropist? Lu Tong thought meanly, rushing to practice for his first love?

What he wanted and what Qin Chu gave seemed to be two very different things.

Three minutes of exhibition time is over.

Lu Tong unlocked the safety buckle and walked down.

Qin Chu hurriedly pulled him back: "Lu Tong!"

He didn't let go, the son of a **** was very clever at the critical moment, although he was rejected for some reason, but he didn't let go of Lu Tong's hand.

"I haven't chased him yet, how do you know I was misled by pheromones?"

Lu Tong turned around and looked at him: "If I were an Alpha, I wouldn't have so many things. Qin Chu, obviously, you don't like me, what you like is holding things in your hands."

Qin Chu thought: What happened to him? Who do I like, it's not my turn to make the decision, but it's his turn to make the decision?

He was a little aggrieved, his brain circuit changed direction, and he turned to ask Lu Tong: "Then you don't like me?"

Lu Tong didn't answer the question.

The love of teenagers comes suddenly, and the hormones of youth can make them make the worst decisions at the most impulsive time.

As a science student, Lu Tong analyzed from all the known conditions he got, no matter how he looked at it, he and Qin Chu were two parallel lines that should not intersect, and there would be endless troubles if they were twisted together.

The more rational you are, the more you can understand that you shouldn't be together.

Qin Chu's heart beat a drum: He doesn't like me? Is it inappropriate? Family background, cognitive differences at home and abroad, or parental disapproval, it is not insurmountable...

Lu Tong thought for a moment, and said to him, "You are not my type."

Qin Chu: =口=!

——It didn't hit any of the ones he thought.

—It’s not because of the outside world, but because of oneself.

Qin Chu, who has been invincible in love with his face for sixteen years, encountered the worst Waterloo in history for the first time, and was rejected because of his face!

Lu Tong said slowly: "I like people with good grades, round faces, long eyelashes, gentle and virtuous, diligent and thrifty housekeepers. As far as I know about you, you don't seem to be suitable at all."

Qin Chu said fiercely: "What kind of straight male aesthetics are you?"

Lu Tong clapped his hands: "I am such a straight man with aesthetics."

After he finished speaking, he hesitated, "I'll go first."

Qin Chu: "Wait. I'll be with you, but wait for me first, I still need to find someone else. I'll settle things with you slowly."

Lu Tong:?

Qin Shiwu was in the starry sky exhibition hall, counting the stars bored.

He had only counted seventy-eight drops when his back collar suddenly tightened. He turned his head and saw Qin Chu's uneasy expression.

"What's the matter with you?" Qin Shiwu asked: "How is the talk with Lu Tong going? Judging by your expression, it seems that the result is not satisfactory."

Qin Chu dragged him forward a few steps, but his expression did not improve.

Qin Shiwu had a mysterious telepathy with him, and he guessed what happened to Qin Chu almost immediately.

He said in horror: Isn't it? The little aunt lied to me again, didn't she say that my parents' relationship is going well!

But since Qu Muyao had lied to him so much, it doesn't hurt to add this little thing—it probably lied to him again.

Qin Chu dragged him straight to the point: "Let me ask you. What does Lu Tong have to do with you?"

Qin Shiwu blinked and said innocently, "Good friend."

Qin Chu snorted coldly: "You know that's not what I asked."

Qin Shiwu continued to blink, and the cold sweat on the back of his head had already come down. He pretended to be stupid and said, "Then what are you asking? I don't know."

No! Dad!

Qin Shiwu didn't think so in his heart, he said incompetently and furiously: After you failed to confess your confession, why the **** did you go directly to the back to refer to the answer!

Hold! Watching TV without watching the finale first!

Moreover! Even the illiterate know the word butterfly effect! How about you cheat so directly!

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