MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 38 want to kiss him

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When the two returned to the dormitory, the door of the International Department had already been closed for them.

But as the saying goes, if God closes a door for you, he will definitely leave the door key with the dormitory auntie. As long as you have the means and experience to commit crimes proficiently, you can reopen God's door.

Qin Chu's crime methods are very skilled. His ability to steal keys has been perfected, not only opened the door of God, but also opened the switch of God's wrath.

"God" chased him out of the room, furious: "Qin Chu! It's you again!"

Qin Chu blinked and said innocently, "Auntie, I'm late."

Qin Chu's face was lovable, as long as his expression wasn't so cold, there would be a hint of cuteness when looking at people.

Qin Shiwu inherited part of the little devil's genes from him.

When you pretend to be good, you will never lose the chain.

Auntie ran out from the room at the door, intending to make a serious note of Qin Chu.

For a student who returns late, once his aunt remembers his name, what awaits him is that he will be notified and criticized when the national flag is raised on Monday-this is a shame on Bking's life history!

As a result, as soon as the auntie came out and saw Qin Chu's face, half of her anger dissipated.

In addition, Qin Chu recently acquired a new skill of acting like a baby. He smiled at his aunt, with two canine teeth looming, and his mother's love suddenly overflowed, and even his voice dropped several degrees.

"Why are you back late?"

Qin Chu: "It won't happen next time, Auntie. Just let me go this time."

In fact, Auntie has let Qin Chu off countless times.

But Qin Chu always has countless next times.

As soon as he begged for mercy, his aunt couldn't get off.

After a while, she glared at Qin Chu and said, "Last time! If you come back so late next time, I must write your name down!"

Qin Chu immediately perfunctory for a while, and brought Lu Tong back to the room.

As the aunt said, they came back really late.

The evening self-study in the international department has ended, and even the students from the ordinary department who live in the international building have come back one after another.

Fortunately, 1201 is the last room in the corridor. Although Lu Tong is difficult to deal with when he is drunk, he will not yell in the corridor.

Pushing open the bedroom door, Qin Chu put Lu Tong on the bed.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

The other party was not heavy, but he couldn't withstand his tossing and turning. It took him a lot of effort to get him back.

Qin Chu originally planned to turn on the light, but when he turned on the light, Lu Tong who was lying on the bed was unwilling.

Due to the principle of proximity and some unspeakable mysterious power, Lu Tong is not sleeping on his own bed at the moment, but on Qin Chu's bed.

He was blinded by the blinding light, turned over immediately, pulled Qin Chu's quilt over, and covered his head.

Qin Chu hesitated for a moment, and finally turned off the headlight, and only turned on the night light by the bed.

When Lu Tong pulled the quilt, he also tore off a Yagu beast doll from Qin Chu's bed.

He was hit lightly and finally opened his eyes.

Qin Chu looked at him condescendingly, just looking at Lu Tong.

Lu Tong rarely showed such defenselessness.

Qin Chubai picked up a big joke and watched it, and he couldn't think of leaving while watching it.

Lu Tong usually takes a lot of face when sleeping on the bed. Although he sleeps in the same room as Qin Chu, the well water does not interfere with the river water, and the management model of one room, two systems is implemented. He wants to save face very much, even if he is sleeping, he is well-behaved, go to bed early and get up early.

In short, I have never seen him like this before - now, his hair is sleeping in a mess, with a bunch of hair curled up in the east and a bunch in the west, his eyes can't focus, and he looks at him blankly.

The lips after drinking the wine are still wet, and under the light of the night light, there is still some watery light.

This appearance... really made people feel like bullying him a little bit.

"You'd better drink less in the future." Qin Chu looked at it for a long time and came to such a conclusion.

He silently added in his heart: At least don't drink in front of others, otherwise, it will be like this, and sooner or later someone will be taken away to give birth.

Lu Tong stared at him for a long time, then said softly, "I didn't drink."

Qin Chu picked him up from the bed: "Change first before going to sleep."

Who knows, Lu Tong is unwilling.

When he saw Qin Chu coming to hold his hand, he felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, his eyes widened, and he hurriedly crawled to the corner of the bed.

"I'm going to sleep, don't disturb me!"

He gave Qin Chu a fierce look.

It's a pity that for a drunk person, this stare has no deterrent effect.

Qin Chu didn't bother to pay attention to him, and directly grabbed him from the bed and "twist" him to the bathroom.

Qin Chu learned to take care of people for the first time, squeezed toothpaste for him, poured water, and put it in front of him.

"Wash up."

Lu Tong fell limply from the sink, planning to take a nap in the bathroom.

Qin Chu quickly supported him, thought for a while, and didn't expect Lu Tong to have the ability to wash himself. He took the toothbrush and brought it to Lu Tong's mouth.

"Open your mouth."

Lu Tong stared at the mirror expressionlessly.

Qin Chu said patiently: "I said open your mouth. Ah—like this, do you hear me?"

Lu Tong: "Ah—" Qin Chu nodded in satisfaction, and put the toothbrush into Lu Tong's mouth.


In the next second, Lu Tong suddenly closed his teeth, his face paralyzed, and he bit his toothbrush tightly.

Qin Chu:?

"You let go!"


Qin Chu pulled the toothbrush, but it was bitten tightly by Lu Tong.

"Why are you biting your toothbrush? Don't you know how to brush your teeth?"

Lu Tong refused to let go.

Qin Chu never expected that he would still have such a drunken madness after being drunk. At this moment, he could only stare seriously at the surviving piece of toothbrush exposed outside, and fell into deep thought.

He can't be soft, so he can only be hard.

Lu Tong refused to let go, Qin Chu later pinched his chin, and squeezed lightly.

He is much taller than Lu Tong. When doing this action, Lu Tong needs to look up at him. Looking in the mirror, he is as intimate as a pair of lovers who are kissing.

"Lover" Qin Chu didn't have that much gentlemanly spirit of pity and tenderness, so he struck quickly and accurately. Lu Tong felt his jaw hurt, he frowned deeply, and immediately spat out the toothbrush.

Qin Chu took the toothbrush and found that there was no toothpaste on it.


Most likely it was eaten by Lu Tong - I can't tell Lu Tong about this tomorrow, otherwise, according to the other party's thin-skinned level, he might have to assassinate him, the only insider, in the dormitory.

He turned his head, and Lu Tong slid down from the sink again.

Qin Chu bent down to help him, but when he saw his face, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Not so good on the upper body, not so good on the lower body either!

Lu Tong's piece of toothpaste hadn't been eaten, half of it fell into the sink and was washed away by the water.

There was a little left, which stuck to the corner of his mouth.

The other party sat down on the ground with an innocent face and looked at him blankly.

this pose...

this angle...

No matter how you look at it, it is not suitable for children.

Qin Chu's ears turned red, so he pulled him up from the ground: "Don't sit on the ground, it's cold."

He hurriedly took a towel, wet it, and then played a trick on Lu Tong's face.

Lu Tong obediently stood on the spot and let Qin Chu wipe it for a while, his face was blushing without knowing it.

If everyone could see Lu Tong's appearance sixteen years later, the Weibo would have exploded long ago.

The "Mom loves you" like swiping the screen can directly send him to the hot search.

Sixteen years later, Lu Tong's personality in the entertainment industry is also indifferent, salty and lustful, and he is a well-deserved flower of Gaoling. Fans like him to be indifferent to others. This person entered the entertainment circle, firstly, he did not make his debut through the draft, and secondly, he did not participate in any variety shows. The first movie was accompanied by various big-name stars. He wrote "I am supported by capital" on his face. Mu Qiang, a fan, only knows that Lu Tong's resources are outrageously good. He is the best in the entertainment industry, and even Lu Tong has a lot of face.

The key is that all the big shots in the circle have a good relationship with Lu Tong. Even the most difficult directors will smile when they see Lu Tong. To be Lu Tong's fan, it's like walking sideways in internal entertainment, okay?

It is also because of this that since Lu Tong's debut, there have been an endless stream of people who have speculated that he has a financial backer. Basically, they would make a fuss every year, or pick out a certain financial backer, and they are convinced that he has Lu Tong.

It's a pity that after so many years of chasing rumors, he almost selected all the wealthy people who can be named in the country, but he didn't pick out Qin Chu.

Of course, there were a few coincidences where Qin Chu was already suspected.

After all, no matter how low-key the vice president of SUPCO is, someone with a heart can still find him. Just look further down, and you can't find anything more on the Internet. Although netizens and marketing accounts love to spread rumors, they don't dare to spread rumors on the Qin family. The only few suspicions are gone. Of.

Therefore, Lu Tong's impression has always been that he can be seen from a distance and not be played with. When can he be caught in his arms like this and rubbed at will?

The key is that he hasn't resisted yet!

Qin Chu felt a strange sense of satisfaction in his heart, and thought triumphantly: It's not that difficult to serve.

If he was not very familiar with Lu Tong before, how could he have the opportunity to get so close. The other party was covered with thorns all over his body, like a little wild cat that he didn't know how to raise.

As soon as he sees him, he will explode his hair, show his paws from the soft cat mat, and threaten him fiercely.

- It's not just lying obediently in my arms.

Qin Chu wiped his face repeatedly, and carried him back to the bed.

This time, Lu Tong made a lot of noise.

When they were in the bathroom just now, the two had a quarrel for a while, and the pheromones were somewhat leaked.

The faint fragrance of roses on Qin Chu's body enveloped Lu Tong very gently. Lu Tong knew his pheromones, and Qin Chu's pheromones still remained in his body, so he didn't resist, and even liked him very much. He changed his normal state and became clingy.

When he was sober, he would never have any dependence on Qin Chu's pheromones, but after he was drunk, his head became dizzy, and the things he thought could no longer pass through the brain, but all passed through the spine.

Lu Tong relied on instinct to stick to Qin Chu's body.

Qin Chu just wanted to put Lu Tong on the bed, but before he reached his bed, Lu Tong struggled.

Compared with his own bed, Qin Chu's bed is more tempting to him.

Qin Chu's pillows, quilts, and even the dolls on the bed all had rose-flavored pheromone residues on them.

Lu Tong struggled in his arms, and when he found that he couldn't break free, he said in a tangled voice: "I don't want to sleep there."

Qin Chu paused: "Then where are you going to sleep? Do you want to go back and sleep with the sink in your arms?"

Lu Tong firmly pointed to Qin Chu's bed: "I want to sleep here."

Qin Chu frowned: "According to my observation, this bed should not belong to you."

Lu Tong nodded seriously: "You're right!"

Also "you're right".

Qin Chu couldn't help laughing out loud.

Lu Tong started to struggle again, he was a boy anyway, if he really wanted to make a fuss, Qin Chu really couldn't hold him.

"Don't move!" Qin Chu clicked his tongue: "You can sleep in my bed, but I charge you, so I can't sleep for you for free."

Lu Tong didn't care about this, he kicked his feet twice in the air, Qin Chu was finally careless, he didn't hug him, and both of them rolled onto the bed.

Lu Tong didn't know where he knocked, and there was a loud noise.

Qin Chu sat up from the bed, quickly pulled Lu Tong over, and checked up and down.

Lu Tong hugged his Yagumon doll and looked at him seriously.

Qin Chu: "What do you think I am doing? I need to take advantage of you? This is a serious inspection."

Lu Tong stared at him firmly.

Qin Chu felt a little guilty after being stared at, and he thought to himself: Well, at most, I touched my waist just now, and I didn't do anything else!

He coughed, changed the subject and asked, "Where did you hit?"

Lu Tong's bull's head didn't match the horse's mouth: "Can you give me your little Tyrannosaurus rex?"

Qin Chu was full of doubts: "What little Tyrannosaurus rex?"

Lu Tong raised the Yagu beast doll he was holding in his arms very high, and hit Qin Chu's face: "This."

Qin Chu pushed the doll away: "This is not a Tyrannosaurus rex, but a Yagu beast."

Lu Tong took the Tyrannosaurus rex-like doll back into his arms again, and lay obediently on the bed, but still stared at Qin Chu stubbornly with the eyes of a class enemy.

He seemed to have planned Qin Chu's Yagu Beast for a long time, and as soon as he held it in his hand today, he made up his mind not to return it.

Qin Chu's back felt hairy when he saw it, and finally said helplessly: "Well, if you say it is a Tyrannosaurus rex, it is a Tyrannosaurus rex."

Lu Tong lay on the bed contentedly hugging the fake Tyrannosaurus rex.

Qin Chu remembered that when they met for the first time, this person seemed to have recognized the Tyrannosaurus on his desk as a Tyrannosaurus rex.

He thought strangely: Isn't it? Does he have any attachment to T-Rex?

Qin Chu pulled off the quilt, took off his school uniform jacket, and prepared to go to bed.

Who knew that Lu Tong suddenly stretched out his foot unexpectedly and stepped on him.

Qin Chu looked down, and first saw Lu Tong's straight calf, which was so white that it was almost dazzling at night.

Like suet milk jade, it is extremely delicate, and it really doesn't look like a man's legs.

His foot stepped on Lu Tong's waist, but luckily it was the waist. If he stepped on it a little harder, Qin Shiwu would have completely ruined his chance of being born.

Qin Chu said, "What are you doing?"

With lingering fear, he moved away and took Lu Tong's foot off.

Lu Tong said, "My bed can't sleep anymore!"

Qin Chu: "Correct me, this is my bed."

Lu Tong didn't hear his words at all. When he was drunk, he was not only naive, but also a thug, he only listened to what he liked, and if he didn't like what he heard, he pretended that the other party hadn't said it.

"Too crowded!"

The beds in the international department are fairly big, not single rooms in ordinary dormitories, one bed is more than enough for two people.

Lu Tong's "too crowded" is purely to find fault.

He also immediately explained why one bed was too crowded.

"I sleep here." Lu Tong motioned Qin Chu to see where he slept, "It sleeps here."

He put the Yagumon doll beside him, carefully covered him with a quilt, then turned his head and said seriously: "So you have no place to sleep."

Qin Chu didn't bother to pay attention to him, and directly stuffed the doll into Lu Tong's arms.

"Don't you want to sleep with it?" He said without any pressure: "You sleep with him, and I sleep with you, why can't you fall asleep?"

Lu Tong's head froze for a moment.

After Qin Chu said this, he also felt that he had said it.

However, relying on the other party's unclear thinking now, he only struggled for a while before accepting it calmly.

He leaned against the head of the bed, and Lu Tong was still in shutdown.

Qin Chu laughed and said, "Did you press the pause button yourself?"


Qin Chu: "Ding again?"

After Lu Tong finished "ding", his head opened up, and he was very confused and said: "What you said makes sense."

Qin Chu hadn't turned the corner yet: "What makes sense?"

In the next second, Lu Tong hugged his little doll tightly, and without fear of difficulties and obstacles, overcame all difficulties, and slipped into Qin Chu's arms.

Qin Chu only felt that the pheromones on Lu Tong's body were soft, much better-behaved than usual, and stayed by his side, tentatively playing tricks on him.

...fucking hell.

His throat moved, and it took a while before he heard his own voice: "You throw yourself into your arms? Didn't I say that you are not allowed to use beauty tricks?"

Lu Tong rested his chin on the doll, as if he was thinking about something.

In the darkness, Qin Chu's pheromone enveloped Lu Tong silently.

The latter did not reject Qin Chu's pheromones, but got entangled with him, causing Lu Tong's dizzy mind to almost completely lose his ability to think now.

With a nearly 100% matching rate, this degree of fit is not a closeness that any pair of AOs can rely on willpower to resist.

Lu Tong subconsciously wanted to get closer to Qin Chu. He let go of his beloved little tyrannosaurus rex, turned around, put his arms around Qin Chu's neck, and leaned closer to him.

Qin Chu thought calmly: This is not my first move. He made it up by himself, left and right have nothing to do with me.

After being so clingy for a while, Lu Tong was no longer satisfied just holding him.

Qin Chu gave too little pheromone, he could only capture a little bit in the air. Instinctively made him want to seek more comfort, the marked gland even ached faintly, and there were unhealed tooth marks on it, showing how deep and hard Qin Chu's temporary mark was last time.

His hand slipped from Qin Chu's shoulder and caught Qin Chu's hand.

"You hold me."

Lu Tong spoke in a muffled voice.

He put Qin Chu's hand on his waist and ordered: "Hurry up and hug me!"

Qin Chu was kind, and said, "You said that. I've already recorded it. If you dare to turn your back on me tomorrow and beat me up, the recording made tonight will become evidence in court."

Lu Tong heard it in a daze, and said in his arms: "Can you give me some more pheromone."

Qin Chu's high-sounding nonsense: "You can't give more, the pheromones of handsome guys are limited."

Lu Tong was puzzled, raised his head and widened his eyes fiercely: "Why!"

Qin Chu: "This is called marketing, understand? Do you know what hunger marketing is? I have a hundred Tyrannosaurus rex dolls, but I lied to you only ten. Are these ten dolls going to be robbed? All the **** is given to you, otherwise I would be useless."

Lu Tong half-understood. After listening, he nodded: "What you said makes sense!" After speaking, he seemed to have lost his memory, and said again: "Then can you give me some more?" Pheromones."

Qin Chu paused for a while: "Do you really want it?"

Lu Tong nodded quickly, very well behaved.

He touched the back of his neck and turned around in Qin Chu's arms.

This meaning is too obvious, an Omega unreservedly exposed his glands in Alpha's arms, no different from courtship.

Qin Chu's eyes darkened a little in the night.

"Lu Tong." His fingers rubbed against Lu Tong's gland twice, and Qin Chu said, "Do you know that if you mark it many times within a month or two, you will become dependent on my pheromones?" feeling."

Lu Tong stared blankly ahead.

"You're drunk now, even if I tell you, you won't understand. You should know about pheromone dependence. Once you form a closed loop of pheromones, you won't be able to accept any Alpha pheromones in the future. You can only rely on me. I, no one else can do it except me, maybe under the misleading pheromones, you will have the illusion of falling in love with me."

Qin Chu left his hand from the back of his neck, and joked, "Didn't you say you would never fall in love with me?"

Lu Tong repeated: "I will never fall in love with you."

This is not very comfortable to hear.

Qin Chu was speechless: "Why are you repeating it?"

Lu Tongfu felt his heart, his eyes lit up: "I'm drunk, I don't understand much!"

...At this time, I knew that I was drunk again.


Lu Tong said: "However."

Qin Chu lowered his head slightly, looking at the person in his arms.

Lu Tong's voice softened a lot, as if he was a little embarrassed to speak, and also a little begging for mercy: "When you bite me, can you bite me a little softer, it hurts me every time."

Qin Chu didn't speak for a long time.

After being quiet for a few minutes, he said: "Lu Tong, you said this on an Alpha's bed, can I understand that you are seducing me?"

Lu Tong was stuck for a moment, and swears to the sky with a serious face: "I never have any unreasonable thoughts about Auntie!"

When Qin Chu heard his words, he almost fell off the bed, and he began to feel that Lu Tong was intentionally incomprehensible.

"This is a rhetorical question, not that you seduce my mother!" He raised his eyebrows and said, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Lu Tong changed the subject by himself: "It really hurts, can you be lighter next time?"

Qin Chu hated him for ruining the atmosphere, so he suddenly stood up. Lu Tong was defenseless against him, and was pinned down by Qin Chu in a whirl.

Lu Tong narrowed his eyes, raised his head slightly, and looked at Qin Chu.

Qin Chu put his hands on both sides of his head, and one leg was bent and pressed between Lu Tong's legs. This posture is very possessive, almost locking Lu Tong in his arms.

There was still some distance between the two, Qin Chu's body pressed down again, and he smiled slyly.

"Why didn't you talk about the pain before? Now come to my bed and tell me, didn't you really mean it?"

Lu Tong replied honestly: "It's shameful to say it hurts, so I won't do it."

Qin Chu stretched out his hands and pinched his cheeks, forcing Lu Tong to look at him.

"Then how about I teach you a method that doesn't hurt at all?"

Lu Tong: "What method?"

His mouth was pouting after being pinched by Qin Chu, and his eyes were even more dull, as if he was so drunk that he had lost his basic ability to think.

Qin Chu's eyes fell from his eyes to his lips.

Lu Tong's lips looked very soft. Pressing Qin Chu's thumb on his lips, it felt warm to the touch. With a little force, his thumb even sank into his mouth.

"Actually, kissing can also complete temporary marking."

Lu Tong couldn't figure it out.

Qin Chu asked in a low voice, "Do you want to try?"

His voice was almost provocative, and his peach blossom eyes looked especially affectionate in the night.

Qin Chu is good-looking, there is no doubt about it.

But he rarely used his beauty to do some bad things.

Except this moment.

Lu Tong stared at his face, feeling that he was in the forest, as if he had encountered some mountain spirit.

This "mountain spirit monster" is very skilled in using his beautiful face. Even if Lu Tong is not a straight steel man who judges people based on his sex, at this moment, under Qin Chu's bewitching, his mind is slightly shaken.

It's just a kiss, and it doesn't hurt. No matter how you look at it, it's a good thing.

Lu Tong stared at him in a daze, Qin Chu showed two small canine teeth, like a little devil, as if he could see two sharp horns growing on his head.

His personality is indeed not good, sometimes it is very bad, and now he has learned to use his beauty without a teacher.

"Is my proposal not bad? Let me kiss you, and I'll give you pheromones."

Qin Chu thought in his heart: Yes, just a kiss will be fine.

Recently, he has always been thinking about Lu Tong, and his eyes and eyes are not under his control, and they frequently fall on him.

After much deliberation, I couldn't find any reason.

Just now, he suddenly realized that it was probably because he was thinking about kissing.

Last time, he saw Lu Tong's lips in the night, and the thought of kissing him to taste the taste was buried in his heart.

Qin Chu reflected on himself, thinking that he just couldn't get it, so he felt that the other party had a strong sense of existence. Otherwise, there are so many Omega in the world, why would he circle around Lu Tong every day?

Just a kiss.

Kiss him so you don't think about him all the time.

The problems that bothered him were also solved.

Qin Chu didn't wait for Lu Tong to answer, and compared to Lu Tong, he was more like the one who was bewitched.

The slightly trembling eyelashes drooped down, and when Qin Chu's peach blossom eyes stared at the other party, they became a little more affectionate for no reason.

These eyes look at everyone with a little bit of affection.

Therefore, sometimes, no one can tell whether he is really in love with you or whether you are deluding yourself or others.

The dormitory door suddenly clicked.

Qin Chu's movements stopped.

Qin Shiwu stood at the door and said silently: I just came to test whether my mother noticed anything wrong, just take a look and leave.

He opened the door decisively, and light poured in from the door.

——Qin Shiwu saw his father pressing on his mother, no matter how he looked at it, it was so ambiguous, no matter how he looked at it, he looked like he wanted to do something wrong.

The Wangzai milk in his hand rolled down on the ground.

Qin Shiwu stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

The room was silent.

After a while, Qin Shiwu pointed at Qin Chu tremblingly: "What are you doing?"

Qin Chu's good deed was interrupted, and his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot: "What do you think?"

Qin Shiwu came back to his senses suddenly, and uttered a national curse: "Fuck!"


He was stunned.

"You—" Qin Shiwu recovered from his sluggishness, and went crazy: "You, you, you, you, let go of Lu Tong quickly!!"

He immediately jumped into the room, and said almost collapsed: "Are you a beast!! He is not yet an adult, okay! Can you be in a hurry for a while!"

There was an intoxicating smell of alcohol in the room, Qin Shiwu's face turned pale: I'll wipe it! ! It's still messy, messy, messy after drinking! This **** Qin Chu is taking advantage of others' danger!

Qin Shiwu hurriedly pushed Qin Chu away, grabbed the Yagu beast doll on the bed, and punched his father like a gust of wind and rain.

For a moment, the room was full of chickens and dogs.

Although he wanted his parents to develop a little relationship - but is it really okay to be 18X at the beginning! ! Put it in Jinjiang and be blocked within minutes, okay? How can this kind of thing that seems to be unsuitable for children with a restricted grade appear at this time! !

The key is…

Qin Shiwu counted his birth date, at least two years away! In other words, he was born two years later!

damn it!

Then if you win the bid at this time! Who is that **** that was born! Who is it!

That's definitely not him, Qin Shiwu! !

sleep back to sleep!

But can you sleep according to the basic time method!

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