MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 36 catch rape

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Qin Chu glanced at Qin Shiwu, and said calmly, "What are you looking at me for? What's your expression? Look at me and dig out your eyeballs."

Qin Shiwu was indignant and had difficulty speaking, so he turned to look at Lu Tong again.

His tears came as soon as he said it, his big eyes were full of tears, and his small face was extremely wronged, silently accusing Qin Chu of his atrocities.

Lu Tong looked soft-hearted, and said Qin Chu: "What do you care about with him?"

This tone...

Complaining to the wife about her husband's tone...

It seems...

After Lu Tong finished speaking, he also felt awkward.

Ask yourself: What is my tone? Are you sick?

Huang Nian took a step forward calmly, getting a little closer to Qin Chu.

The distance between Lu Tong and Qin Chu widened.

Qin Chu didn't notice this little detail, and kicked Qin Shiwu: "What are you doing standing here? Aren't you going to the commissary?"

Qin Shiwu was angry: "I won't go!"

Lu Tong asked him, "What did you buy at the canteen?"

Qin Shiwu was sullen: "Buy candy."

Qin Chu's eyes fell on Lu Tong's hand - he was holding two packs of candy.

It's the same as the sugar in Lu Tong's pocket.

Last time, Qin Chu found candy in his pocket.

Lu Tong should often prepare sugar for himself, and the taste of these sugars is the same.

It seems that he particularly prefers this brand of toffee, Big White Rabbit's, just like everyone else.

Qin Chu also felt that Lu Tong was like a rabbit—although sometimes he was fierce and like a kitten.

Lu Tong grabbed a handful of candy and gave it to Qin Shiwu: "I'll give you some points. There are many people in the sports meeting, so don't run around. If you are caught by the student union, points will be deducted from the class."

Qin Shiwu got the candy and instantly forgot about the unhappiness just now.

This time it was Qin Chu's turn to be unhappy: "What about me?"

He holds out his hand.

Lu Tong glanced at him.

Qin Chu was firm: "Where's my candy? Why does he have me?"

Lu Tong took another look at Huang Nian.

Huang Nian said, "Ayu, if you want to eat, I'll buy it from the canteen."

Qin Chu interrupted without thinking: "No way. He has to give it."

Is this why I crave sugar?

Qin Chu didn't have this hobby of eating sweets!

This is of course the reason why Lu Tong is not partial! Why did Qin Shiwu have a copy, but he didn't?

Damn, he disagrees!

Lu Tong was blocked at the entrance by Qin Chu, unable to leave, so he could only grab another handful of candy and give it to him: "Take it, don't stand in front of me."

Qin Chu held it in his hands and stopped him: "You have 1,500 meters today, right? How much is the number plate?"

Lu Tong said casually: "What? Are you going to contribute to me?"

Sports meeting submission refers to each class cheering on the athletes in the class. It is usually handed over to the members of the radio station on the commander's platform. One letter does not exceed one hundred and forty dollars, and it is basically a rainbow fart.

In order to encourage this kind of interaction with classmates, the school adds one point to each vote, and three points if it can be read by the radio station.

"You still have this hobby." Qin Chu raised his eyebrows.

Lu Tong: "Don't block the way."

Huang Nian took the opportunity to say, "Can people from outside your school come in? I'll leave after a while."

Qin Shiwu hurriedly said: "No! Where are you going to stay?"

Huang Nian said with a smile: "I haven't chatted with Ayu for a long time, and I plan to catch up with him."

Qin Shiwu: "What is there to reminisce about the past? To be a human being, one has to look forward, and when the past is over, it is over. What if you always stand still?"

While speaking, Lu Tong had already walked away by himself.

Qin Shiwu hurriedly turned his head, intending to chase after Lu Tong.

Qin Chu immediately grabbed his collar: "Go to the canteen and buy me a bottle of water."

Qin Shiwu waved his teeth and claws: "I won't go! I'm going to find Lu Tong!"

Qin Chu: "What are you looking for? He can't escape?"

Qin Shiwu succumbed to Qin Chu's lustful power and walked aggressively to the canteen.

As soon as he left, Huang Nian said, "You are equally popular in China. Who was that just now?"

Qin Chu: "Friend."

Huang Nian: "He looks cold, I didn't expect you to be able to deal with such a person."

On the other hand, Huang Nian was actually a little bit embarrassed.

Qin Chu is a man of many stars abroad, everyone let him go, when did he ever see someone so disrespectful to him?

The origin of Lu Tong immediately aroused Huang Nian's curiosity.

If Qin Chu's friends abroad came to see him, no one would believe that the person who didn't answer a word was Qin Chu! Since when did he have such a good temper, if it were someone else, he would have died 800 times sooner rather than later.

Huang Nian: "However. He is quite good-looking."

He murmured in his heart: Qin Chu would be the same even if he returned to China, with a very picky eye. Making friends is based on looks. Lu Tong's top-notch looks, even in the wealthy second-generation circle abroad, are rare.

Qin Chu didn't talk to him, and looked at Lu Tong's back thoughtfully: "Really? You think he's pretty too?"

Huang Nian smiled: "Isn't this visible to the naked eye?"

While the two were standing at the entrance and chatting, Qin Shiwu kicked small stones all the way to the commissary.

Lin Xiaomian has been standing at the entrance of the canteen for a long time, she is hesitating whether to buy the original milk tea from the canteen, which is the only one in the middle of the country.

It's sweet, greasy and unpalatable, but it has a magical power that makes people want to stop.

Moreover, at this very moment, she was in a little trouble.

"Hello, classmate." A young girl in a sleek dress called Lin Xiaomian.

Lin Xiaomian looked back and saw that there was more than one Taimei, and there were two or three sister groups around her.

She has a little impression of this young girl, she is in Class 15, high school, and her family has a little money, which caused her to be domineering in school, and no one cared about her.

Lin Xiaomian is a typical good girl who never dealt with these people. When she was stopped at first, she looked very dazed.

Taimei's school uniform is men's, with sleeves covering her hands and colorful clips on her head, which was the fashion sixteen years ago.

"Do you know Qin Shiwu?"

Lin Xiaomian held hands tightly and looked at them.

Taimei smiled and said, "Can you do me a favor?"

Lin Xiaomian thought silently in her heart: Can I not help...

Obviously not.

Once this kind of student asks you for help, she must not mean to ask you to make a decision, but to inform you.

Lin Xiaomian timidly said: "I can't help you much, you can find someone else..."

The voice is as low as a mosquito.

Taimei didn't hear it at all, and continued: "Help me get Qin Chu's mobile phone number."

Lin Xiaomian's nervous hands were sweating.

Qin Chu's phone number?

That's not so good.

Qin Chu's mobile phone number was listed on the school forum before, and some bold people called him directly, blowing up Qin Chu's mobile phone.

A few weeks ago, Qin Chu changed to a new number. This time, the confidentiality measures were well done, and so far, few people have been able to contact him.

Taimei said: "Are you and Qin Shiwu at the same table? Ask him to ask for us."

Lin Xiaomian stammered and said, "I, we don't know each other very well..."

Is she joking?

Ask yourself to ask Qin Chu's number?

Although Lin Xiaomian was in the same class as Qin Chu, he couldn't speak a word from the beginning of the semester to the end of the semester.

She was originally introverted, with a shy personality, submissive, and a completely different world from these ignorant students.

Not to mention Qin Chu, even Qin Shiwu—that was also Qin Shiwu who came to the door by himself. If he hadn't helped Lin Xiaomian that time, I'm afraid the two of them might not have been able to talk to each other in the third year of high school.

Taimei was indomitable: "Who are you coaxing? Will you die if you help me?"

As he spoke, several girls surrounded him.

Lin Xiaomian's friend saw this scene when he came out of the canteen.

Fu Xingyue shook his hand, and the ice water almost fell to the ground.

"Mianmian!" She yelled anxiously.

Lin Xiaomian was blocked at the entrance of the canteen, her face was flushed, she shook her head, and mumbled, "I'm really unfamiliar..."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Xiaomian's wrist tightened. A huge force came from behind, and her thin body couldn't help taking a few steps back. Before she could stand still, she heard Qin Shiwu's voice.

"Why don't you just ask me?"

Taimei stood still.

Fu Xingyue ran up quickly, and Lin Xiaomian was dragged behind Qin Shiwu. Halfway through the run, she was a little afraid of Qin Shiwu, so she observed carefully at a distance of several people.

Qin Shiwu clapped his hands: "Is there something wrong?"

Once he is not with Qin Chu and Lu Tong, the school bully gene will start to make trouble in his bones. Sixteen years later, Qin Shiwu was also a famous figure in the school, relying on his good-looking face to misbehave, and everyone who met him would give him three points.

The momentum is sharp and compelling, making people shudder.

This group of young ladies bullied the weak and feared the strong, and seeing Qin Shiwu himself coming, it was hard to speak up.

To be honest, they had heard Qin Shiwu's name before.

I only know that there is a little stutterer in Class 12 of Senior High who is easy to bully, and everyone can order him to run errands.

Later, this little stammer suddenly changed his appearance and took on a completely new look due to some stimulation. Not to mention the face value has risen several degrees, even the momentum has changed. The fight with Gu Kaifei is well known to everyone, and everyone thinks that Qin Shiwu's force value is terrifyingly high. In short, it is a master who is not easy to mess with.

Besides, he got mixed up with Qin Chu.

It is impressive.

Taimei muttered, "I'll just ask."

Qin Shiwu spit out three words: "Hurry up and get out."

Taimei's face turned pale: "Don't you **** pretend to be here."

Qin Shiwu: "You can take a step forward and try, I have no principle not to hit women."

Taimei's face turned even paler. Several sisters pulled her and persuaded her, "Let's go...don't get involved with him."

The subtext is: go back and call someone.

The girls, if they confront Qin Shiwu, they won't get any good.

After they left, Lin Xiaomian said gratefully, "Thank you."

Qin Shiwu: "No need. What are you doing here?"

Fu Xingyue quickly took the call for Lin Xiaomian: "We are here to buy water. Who knew that we met the eldest sister from Class 5..."

Qin Shiwu let out an "oh".

Lin Xiaomian asked, "Are you also here to buy water?"

Qin Shiwu: "I bought it for Qin Chu." He took out his campus card and put it on the credit card machine: "Boss, bring me a bottle of Wangzai milk."

Lin Xiaomian laughed.

Qin Shiwu asked, "What are you laughing at?"

He's in a bad mood.

That guy Huang Nian made it clear that he wanted to stay to watch the Qin Chu Games. When Qu Muyao talked about it, such as foreign lovers, Qin Shiwu's alarm bells were loud.

However, Huang Nian's appearance belongs to that of Xiao Baihua, she looks soft and not aggressive, and speaks softly. But Qin Shiwu still had a little understanding of Qin Chu after all, Qin Chu didn't necessarily like Xiao Baihua, he was a typical straight male cancer with high eyesight, it wasn't that big beauties couldn't catch his eyes.

Lin Xiaomian asked: "Are you in a bad mood?"

Qin Shiwu has been at the same table with her for a while, and he can be regarded as a person who has shared joys and sorrows. The point is that he has been copying Lin Xiaomian's homework, copying a little bit of revolutionary friendship. When the other party asked at this moment, he sighed and told everything.

After Lin Xiaomian finished listening, she said, "So it's something related to Lutong again."

Qin Shiwu said: "What do you mean 'again'!"

Lin Xiaomian said: "That's right, you are always worrying about his affairs. You seem to really hope that Qin Chu and Lu Tong will be together."

Qin Shiwu said: "Of course!"

Lin Xiaomian thought of those CP fans on the forum, and said clearly: "I understand."

Her friend Fu Xingyue is also a star chaser, and also a CP fan. Sixteen years ago, when several Hallyu boy groups were very popular, Fu Xingyue sincerely hoped that the lead singer of the Korean group and the facade fell in love, and sincerely felt that they should get married.

—Exactly the same as Qin Shiwu's terminally ill symptoms.

Qin Shiwu followed her to the playground.

Fu Xingyue left early with other friends.

Qin Shiwu said as he walked, "I'm very worried, that little white flower is shameless, and the dead-skinned one should stay and watch Qin Chu run."

Lin Xiaomian analyzed it to him: "It must be to deliver water."

Qin Shiwu was sullen: "Of course I know!"

Chicken thief.

he thought to himself.

Sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys are in their prime of life.

After the 1,500-meter long-distance run, the hormones soared rapidly. This time is a good time to promote feelings! If you give Qin Chu water, even a weasel will look better under the influence of hormones!

Qin Shiwu went to the doctor in a hurry and asked Lin Xiaomian, "Do you have any good solutions? Xiao Baihua's move is too insidious, I have to find a way to deal with it."

Lin Xiaomian paused for a moment, then said slowly: "Otherwise, you can also run for 1500 yuan. I work in the inspection and recording office and can cover for you. If you run with Qin Chu, it will be easy .If the other party comes forward to deliver water to Qin Chu first, you should stop him."

Qin Shiwu said "Hey": "You are right. What about Lutong?"

Lin Xiaomian said: "Lu Tong and them did not run together."

Qin Shiwu's eyes lit up: "Then get me in quickly!"

Lin Xiaomian nodded, rolled up the sleeves of the school uniform to her hands, and said firmly, "Wrap it on me."

At this time, Lu Tong, who didn't know it, had just returned to the auditorium.

He Nian asked, "How did it take you so long to buy candy?"

Lu Tong: "When I came back, I met Qin Chu."

He Nian raised his eyebrows: "Why does he keep pestering you?"

Lu Tong: "I didn't pester me. I met by chance."

He Nian said: "Listen to what you said, do you think I believe it? Why did I only meet you by chance without pestering you? I haven't seen him meet anyone else by chance."

Lu Tong's second gender is Omega, but the ID card and campus information are still Alpha. Except for He Nian who knew his second gender, not many people in the class knew about it.

Otherwise, according to Qin Chu's posture of circling around him, there would have been 800 gossips.

He Nian stretched his neck and looked in the direction of Gao Yi: "Who is that guy next to Qin Chu who is not wearing a school uniform?"

Lu Tong: "I don't know."

He just glanced at Huang Nian just now, he didn't remember what the other person looked like, but he remembered that Huang Nian was Qin Chu's foreign friend.

But what does it matter to him?

He Nian: "How did that man get so close to Qin Chu?"

Lu Tong glanced at it without any trace, and thought: It's quite close.

Judging from the past behavior of Qin Chu, a flower peacock that opened its tail indiscriminately, this Huang Nian is probably also an admirer.

He Nian said: "Damn! How did that man even get started!"

Lu Tong was slightly taken aback.

He Nian said, "Why didn't you respond?"

Lu Tong: "What reaction do I want?"

He Nian: "Can you show off your status as the main palace?"

Lu Tong: ...

"Do you think you died too late?"

He Nian said: "Hey, I feel anxious for you."

Lu Tong didn't speak, leaned against the auditorium, and silently unscrewed a bottle of water.

With a "click", the bottle cap was twisted open, making an extremely tragic sound.

The broadcast station dutifully broadcast: Please join the 11th Class of the Boys' 1500 Senior High School, Lin Xiao Gao's 12th Class, Qin Chu Senior Senior Class 12, Xu Xiangchu... go to the inspection office for inspection.

As soon as Qin Chu's name came out, there was a commotion in the audience.

He Nian was still observing the other party, and upon seeing this, he said, "What's so good about Qin Chu? Our sophomore girl was also drugged by him."

As he spoke, someone walked past him: "Excuse me!"

Looking back at the New Year, more than half of the girls in the auditorium had run, and they probably all went down to watch the 1,500-meter long-distance race.

"I remember you also applied for this project, aren't you in a group with them?"

Lu Tong finished drinking the water: "No."

He glanced at the auditorium, except for the girls in the first one who were more active and left halfway. The female students of the second department were not to be outdone, there were very few audiences on the opposite side, and people from the student union stood in the audience to intercept them a few times, but the effect was not great.

At the starting point of the 1,500-meter long-distance race, there are already several circles of people on the inner and outer third floors.

He Nian asked, "You really don't want to see it?"

Lu Tong: "No. It's crowded."

He Nian let out a prolonged "Oh", and suddenly said, "Isn't that Qin Shiwu? Why did he also report for the long-distance race of 1,500 yuan?"

Lu Tong took a glance, and really saw Qin Shiwu.

He sat up straight.

He Nian said: "Isn't this kid very clingy to you? Why didn't he tell you?"

Lu Tong put down the water: "I'll take a look."

Qin Shiwu stood in the crowd and mingled with Qin Chu.

In the 1,500-meter long-distance race, besides the starting point was full of people, there were also a lot of girls waiting at the finish line.

Among them, Huang Nian was standing on the playground.

Members of the Disciplinary Inspection Department of the Student Union drove them away several times, but they didn't finish driving them away. In the end, he could only compromise, taking a step back and warning: "Don't run with me!"

When Lu Tong went down, the gunfire of the long-distance race just started.

He walked slowly to the finish line, and someone saw him coming and kept whispering.

Chen Anqi stood at the terminal for a while, saw Lu Tong, and said curiously: "Is the sun coming out from the west? Lu Tong!"

While shouting, she walked towards Lu Tong's direction.

Chen Anqi and his post are still floating on the campus forum.

The unfounded past of the two of them was passed on miraculously. At the moment when the hero and heroine meet, those who love gossip and those who don't, all eyes fall on Lu Tong.

"I thought you had little interest in these mortal races."

Lu Tong said: "I'll check it out."

Chen Anqi asked him: "Are you also a long-distance runner?" She paused: "Is your body okay?"

It seems that his hypoglycemia is not a secret.

Qin Shiwu ran halfway, caught up and grabbed Qin Chu: "Dad! Look who it is!"

Beside the finish line, Lu Tong and Chen Anqi stood side by side, looking very right. The two chatted one sentence at a time, and they couldn't say they had a happy conversation, but the picture was very obtrusive.

Qin Chu didn't run very smoothly.

Lu Tong was absent-minded while chatting, his eyes always drifted to the field.

After three laps, it entered the final sprint stage.

The leader was Qin Chu, and the screams of the female students on the playground were almost blowing off the roof.

Huang Nian took the water and waited for Qin Chu at the finish line.

Qin Shiwu saw him sharply, and immediately pushed Qin Chu away.

Qin Chu crossed the finish line and his speed slowed down.

Huang Nian was about to step forward to give Qin Chu a hand, when suddenly, Qin Shiwu hugged him tightly. Huang Nian was directly pushed aside, pulling at least ten meters away from Qin Chu.

Huang Nian:? ? ?

He watched Qin Chu walk past him.

Qin Shiwu quickly said: "Thank you! How do you know that I like to drink mineral water!"

Huang Nian: "This is—" Qin Shiwu: "I prepared it for me? You are really hospitable. I take back what I said just now. I didn't expect you to be very loyal!"

Huang Nian wanted to push him away: "I'm looking for Qin Chu..."

Being disturbed by Qin Shiwu, there is no shadow of Qin Chu in front of him.

Qin Shiwu said innocently: "Huh? Who are you looking for?"

Huang Nian: ...

He did it on purpose!

Chen Anqi said: "We won't talk anymore. I went to find Qin Chu. You won't be jealous, will you?"

Lu Tong said: "Who are you eating? Yours?"

Chen Anqi smiled: "At any rate, I also liked you, so ruthless? By the way, it's my birthday tonight, let's have a meal."

Lu Tong: "I have something to do tonight."

Chen Anqi waved her hand: "What can you do at night? Forget about reading, your grades are not good enough, it doesn't matter if you read two pages less. Just treat it as our friends, and you can do me a favor."

Lu Tong was not good at attending such gatherings, so he planned to refuse, but Chen Anqi said, "Call Qin Shiwu, I think he has been getting close to you recently."

In the end, he still didn't say no.

"Still watching?" Qin Chu interrupted suddenly.

Lu Tong was taken aback by him and turned around quickly.

Qin Chu said with a poisonous tongue: "What are you doing? Playing with old love here is unforgettable?"

Thinking of Huang Nian, Lu Tong somehow got a little annoyed by Qin Chu: "Each to each other."

Qin Chu glanced at the mineral water in his hand: "For me?"

Lu Tong smiled slightly, a little dazzled, he unscrewed the lid in front of Qin Chu, and took a few sips: "Dream. This is for myself."

Qin Chu didn't hear his words, seeing that Lu Tong had finished drinking, he grabbed the water bottle without thinking, "Leave some for me."

The water in the bottle just entered Qin Chu's stomach.

The other party didn't even wipe the bottle cap, and drank directly into his mouth.

Lu Tong's body froze for a moment, and he wanted to reach out to grab the water, but he seemed hypocritical. Not robbing, and completely weird: what is this? He emphasized in his heart: I am very clean!

Qin Chu said, "Why is Chen Anqi looking for you?"

He stuffed the water into Lu Tong's arms again.

"You don't have to worry about what you do." Lu Tong screwed on the cap, and there was still half a bottle of water left.

He stood where he was, and suddenly felt uneasy.

This is not the first time this feeling has appeared by Qin Chu's side. He's not very good at dealing with unfamiliar emotions and just wants to leave quickly.

"I go first."

Qin Shiwu pushed away the crowd and climbed over mountains and ridges. When he reached Qin Chu's side, Lu Tong had disappeared.

His face was pale: "Where is Lu Tong!"

Qin Chu: "It's late. I left early."

Qin Shiwu said: "Why don't you keep him!"

Qin Chu: "Is there anything to stay? I'll see you when I arrive at the dormitory at night."

As a result, when he returned to the dormitory at night, he did not see Lu Tong.

Huang Nian called, saying that Zhong Yubing and the others had already arrived at the airport, and now they were waiting for Qin Chu to come to pick him up.

Qin Chu didn't see Lu Tong, and didn't want to go to the evening self-study, and Zhong Yubing had a good relationship with him, so after thinking about it, he decided to skip the evening self-study and go directly to the hotel.

Huang Nian had reserved a location in the hotel in advance, deliberately catered to Qin Chu, and chose the New Century Hotel next to No. 1 Middle School.

Provincial No. 1 Middle School itself is located in the city center, no matter how you choose the hotel, it won't be far behind.

As soon as Zhong Yubing returned to the country, his group of cronies and friends swarmed up like bones smelling.

Just arrived at the downstairs of Kaiyuan Hotel, several expensive luxury cars drove into the garage together.

Zhong Yubing got out of the car, and his friend said: "A Bing, I finally waited until you returned home!"

He knows how to play, unlike Qin Chu, Zhong Yubing knew how to pick up girls when he was fourteen or fifteen years old, and he went to various nightclubs and clubs frequently. Now he is only nineteen years old, but he is already a **** who has attracted countless people.

The friend hooked his shoulders and said, "How does it feel to be back in China? Are there more beauties in China or more beauties abroad?"

"Of course it's abroad. Ah Bing has never seen such a beautiful woman!"

A group of people chatted and laughed, and walked up to the hotel according to the orientation sent by Huang Nian.

Qin Chu stood in the hall and waited for a while, when Zhong Yubing saw him, he was obviously more enthusiastic than his friends.

"Qin Chu, wait for me?" Zhong Yubing greeted.

Qin Chu was rather indifferent to him: "Yes. It didn't take long."

Seeing Qin Chu, his group of friends flattered him intentionally or unintentionally.

Qin Chu felt very bored.

One person continued the topic just now and said: "I just saw a beautiful woman in the elevator wearing a school uniform, and I ran into it in the underground garage. Fuck, that face is really speechless."

"Why don't you squeak when you see something good?"

"It's too late! I'm too busy looking at his face. He should also come to the hotel. If I see him later, I will definitely tell you."

Zhong Yubing followed the topic and said, "Aren't you a very high-sighted person? Before you came here, you said that men and women in the country would not be in your eyes."

"That's different." The man thought about it for a while: "It's really beautiful."

Having said that, everyone was a little curious.

Zhong Yubing ignored them, and instead asked Qin Chu: "You returned home without saying a word, I thought you were playing tricks on Han Caiying."

Qin Chu: "It has nothing to do with her."

Zhong Yubing said: "How is it? How does it feel to go back to China to study? I heard from Huang Nian that you are very popular in school? But with your face, you are very popular wherever you go."

Qin Chu walked into the elevator, and when he reached the fifth floor, a group of people came out again.

Just after stepping out of the elevator on the left, the elevator on the right opened with a "ding".

Qin Shiwu's chirping voice came: "Correct me, I didn't come here by force, I was invited here! I asked Chen Anqi, and they want me to come to the birthday party."

Later, Lu Tong's voice also came: "I don't blame you for following."

Qin Shiwu was aggrieved: "That's different! It was Qin Chu, the old **** who abandoned me first! Forget it, it's not fun to be with him anyway, so let him be with his little white flower until the end of time! "

Lu Tong stepped out of the elevator and asked, "What did he do at night?"

Qin Chu answered, "Eat."

Lu Tong suddenly froze.

He looked up, and the two met in a narrow corridor.

Zhong Yubing was slightly taken aback when he saw Lu Tong.

His friend whispered "Fuck" before whispering to the others: "That guy I just saw! Fuck, kidding me, isn't he really good-looking!"

"What's the use of looking good." One person replied: "Didn't you see that you met Qin Chu? Such a good thing happened to you, or are you trying to rob someone from Qin Chu?"

"What is robbing people? At most, they just know each other. I don't think there's even a sign yet."

Qin Shiwu showed a small head from behind Lu Tong: "Wow, what a coincidence."

Qin Chu stared at Qin Shiwu coldly, and Qin Shiwu smiled slyly.

—You did it on purpose.

Qin Chu's eyes were filled with these words.

Qin Shiwu giggled and thought not to be outdone: Why did you do it on purpose? This is called - catching rape!

You dare to steal food outside, can't this handsome guy bring your wife over here to arrest someone?

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