MTL - Awakening-Chapter 300 Overnight

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After quietly following the person for ten minutes, Lei Yin found that the guy should still be a newbie.

Because from the time he stole the underwear to the present, he has been very flustered, and from time to time, like rushing to the tires, he is still going around to see if there are people around. That sneaky look is like afraid that others don't know that he is a thief.

When Lei Yin was thinking about what to do after waiting to catch the thief, he suddenly heard the whisper of the United States: "The seniors wait."

When Lei Yin turned to look at her, she couldn't help but laugh.

I saw that she had not worn anything on one foot, and the other foot was jumping in the independent position of the golden rooster and jumping back to the back to put the slippers that fell on the ground back to the bare feet. Because she had just gone too far, her slippers accidentally went away.

When she returned to Lei Yin, she was a little embarrassed to spit out his tongue. She did not change her shoes before she began to regret it.

Lei squinted at the tip of the eye and saw a trace of the skin on her toe that was scratched red by the front end of the slipper.

Seeing that the person went further and further, the United States could not help but anxiously said: "Schoolmaster, let's go, or we will lose it."

Ray glanced at her, then turned and turned her back to her and said, "Come up, I am carrying you."

Liu Mei thought that he thought she was going too slowly, and quickly said: "No, I will walk carefully and will not get rid of the shoes."

"Call you up and come up, hurry up."

The United States was afraid that he would be unhappy, and he had to climb silently on his back.

After her back, Ray hidden immediately speeded up to keep up.

"Schoolmaster, I am sorry, I am hard to follow." The girl whispered in a rather guilty tone.

"When you go back to the hotel, remember to take some medicine on your toes, otherwise it will be very painful tomorrow." Suddenly, he said a faintly.

Staying in the US knows that he only wanted to recite her for this reason. At that moment, she suddenly felt a sore nose at the nose, and her eyes blurred.

The arm was close to his neck and she gave a soft response.

After about half an hour, Lei Yin saw the man enter a very dilapidated apartment building. Then I saw him on the second floor, then stopped in front of the last single apartment and walked in with the key to open the door.

Because he didn't want to stay in the perverted apartment, he put her down nearby. "You are waiting for me here. If there is anything, I will yell, I will come right away."

At this time, the beauty of the United States became surprisingly obedient, and did not say that it was necessary to follow up. Just watching him whisper: "Schoolmaster, you have to be careful."

"I know." After that, Lei Yin immediately stepped up and walked to the man's residence.

When he came to the front of the apartment, Ray heard a heavy breathing sound inside. But from the sound of breathing. He heard that there was actually only one person inside. He immediately knew what the pervert was stealing from other people's underwear.

When he thought of it, he suddenly burned in anger and kicked the door with one foot.

The people inside were frightened by this sudden change. I can only stare at the door.

After entering, Lei Yin saw that there was no light in the inside. Only one TV set that was putting this a piece was on. A boy who was about 20 years old with acne was sitting in underwear that he had just stolen. In front of the TV.

Before that, the person reacted, and Lei Yin closed the door and immediately rushed to punch and kick.

After a round of madness, Lei Yin kicked the TV set to the ground in order to prevent him from seeing himself. Then grabbed his hair with one hand and said, "Come out all the underwear you stole back, hurry up!"

The man had just slammed two times, and Lei Yin immediately sent him a few punches.

The man was scared and cried for help.

"Don't let me say the third time, hurry up and take all the underwear you stole back." After that, Lei Yin pushed him to the ground.

The man finally knew that the man who suddenly came in was for those underwear, and he stumbled and climbed to the front of a cabinet to pull one of the drawers away.

"All, all in it, for you, all to you, beg you to let me go..." The man cried aloud.

"Get the balcony and burn it right away."

The man did not dare to neglect, and quickly picked up those underwear and went to the balcony.

After those underwears were all burned, Lei looked at the man and then said with a smile: "Look at how you are lucky." After that, he kicked the guy's life.

In a scream of earth-shattering, Lei Yin jumped and jumped from the balcony on the second floor.

He is very clear about the strength of the foot, although it will not really get rid of the guy, but it is inevitable that it will last for one or two months.

Not long after the mine was hidden, the lights of the apartments in the entire apartment building began to illuminate.

"Which **** is calling so late?"

"The sound seems to have come from the second floor."

"How can I sleep so loudly? I have said that I don't want to live here, and I have to die every day."

"Maybe the pair of cohabiting Qingliu on the second floor quarreled? Really, let's not let people sleep? I have to go to work tomorrow."

When more and more people came out of the apartment and looked around, no one found out that a figure had quietly left.

When I returned to the meeting place, I was very happy to say: "Are you back?"

Lei Yin smiled and licked her face, then turned her back to her: "Come up."

Liu Mei immediately climbed his back with a smile.

Lei Yin didn't want to be seen, so he accelerated his footsteps and looked back.

The kendo **** his back was almost happy at the moment. She feels that she really earned it. If she didn't wear slippers, she might not enjoy this advanced treatment. She didn't have this kind of treatment when she thought of going back. She subconsciously held his neck tighter.

Lei Yin felt a bit hot, so he said, "Hey, want to murder?"

"Small schoolmaster, don't even hold it."

"But you are just like you want to screw my head down."

"Which people have such strength. Right, the senior, how is that person?"

"The nature of the knight is not too bad. After I went in, I yelled at the guy first, then patiently told him reason. Later, the guy cried and said that he was wrong. I just read him for a moment, only Asking him to burn the stolen underwear, even when I left, he suddenly assured me very loudly that he would never do this again." Lei Yin is a teacher.

Yumei said with suspicion: "Schoolmaster, are you telling the truth?"

"I think it's lying? It's already late to go back. If you can't get up tomorrow, please leave it uncomfortable. Anyway, it will not have any effect if you practice less." He quickly opened the subject.

"It doesn't seem very good. I am different from the seniors. I rarely lie."

"Hey, what do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything." Yanmei smiled and leaned his head on his shoulder.

After ten minutes, I walked. Lei Yin suddenly felt that there was heavy moisture in the air. When he looked up, he saw that the stars in the sky were covered by a layer of dark clouds.

Hell, if it rains, it will be troublesome. He quickly stepped up.

But after about five minutes, the kendo **** his back suddenly felt a cold at the neck, and reached out and touched it. It turned out to be a drop of water. She couldn't help but wonder: "Hey, how can there be water, is it raining?"

Lei Yinjing looked forward and saw that a trace of waterline was floating from the air.

"It seems that I dare not go back. This rain will get bigger and bigger. Do you know where there is shelter in the vicinity?" Lei Yin asked and looked around.

"I don't know, I haven't gone out since I came here for training."

Lei Yin had to run while looking for shelter from the rain.

Suddenly, he saw a tall bird house not far from the west. He knew there must be a shrine there and immediately ran to there.

As he got closer and closer, he saw a shrine on the stone steps in the tall bird house.

"I don't think there will be a shrine here."

"I hope that this is a restaurant that is open 24 hours a day." Lei Yin said as he ran forward. At this time, the rain has begun to gradually turn bigger.

"Schoolmaster, wait a minute." When Lei Yin was carrying her just to cross the bird's residence, she stayed in the US and suddenly called.

"what's up?"

"My grandfather said that when you enter the shrine, you can't go straight in. You have to go to church before you go. Do you want me to worship?"

"The rain is getting bigger and bigger, hurry up." Lei Yin had no choice but to put her down.

Staying in the United States stood in front of the torii and closed his eyes and bowed his heart sincerely.

Lei Yin knows that in the eyes of the Japanese, outside the torii is a mortal world, and the bird house is a sacred place, so most of them will pray before the crossing of the torii, and they will not be slow. Not to mention the fact that you have grown up in a traditional family since childhood.

"Schoolmaster, yes." After the prayer, the United States smiled easily.

Lei Yin immediately took him back and went straight to the long stone steps.

When Ray Hidden rushed to more than thirty stone steps, the United States suddenly asked a little embarrassed: "Schoolmaster, am I very heavy?"

Is every woman very concerned about this problem? Lei Yin only felt a bit funny. He remembered that when he went to Nagoya to play, he held the straight man to avoid the man with the evil knife. He also asked this question.

Lei Yin comforted her and said: "Do not worry, you will not be heavier than your Dachuan sister."

Hearing that he was not a comforting comfort at all, staying in the United States immediately sighed: "The senior is too good, even compare me to Dachuan Xuejie."

Lei concealed: "Sometimes I really don't understand what you think of these little girls. They are so thin that they only have ribs, but they still feel too fat. If you learn to lose weight, be careful that I hit your ass. ""

"But the boys don't think that girls are thinner and better?" asked the US a little puzzled.

Lei said with disdain: "It would only be those small hairs that have been brainwashed by the trend of the masses. As long as some of the men who see the Lord will not like ribs."

The first time I heard this kind of thing, I couldn’t help but rejoice in my heart that I didn’t have a martial arts diet. It’s not that she didn’t think about it, just because the usual training is very expensive. If the three meals are not enough, it will faint in practice.

Soon the nearly 100-level stone steps were ran away with a few sneak peeks.

When he came to the main entrance of the shrine, he saw that the scale of the shrine was not small. There are several large buildings in it, of course, the largest is the main hall in the center, and the temple is the place to worship the main god. At this time, the entire shrine does not have a little light, and the black paint around it has a bit of sinister taste.

Lei Yin went to the front of a house that offered rest for the son (believers). He reached out and pushed the door, only to find that the door was not locked, and it was pushed away.

By the faint starlight outside, Lei Yin saw that it was still clean.

After putting the **** the back down, Lei Yinshun touched her hair to see if it was wet, and then said, "Fortunately, we can get it, or we will all fall into the soup."

"School, how long will this rain be?"

"If it is heavy rain, it should be finished soon. Only now is not so big, and God knows it. Let's take a break inside."


Not long after the two just sat down, the Kendo girl immediately shook her body to him.

Lei Yin knew that she was afraid of black, and when she felt funny, she suddenly raised a mischievous year.

"Let's stay in the US, I don't have anything to do now, can I tell you a story?"


Lei hidden his throat, and then deliberately said in a low voice: "This happened in a late night twenty years ago, and it was raining like that. It was at 12 o'clock midnight, a responsible guard building. The security guard took a flashlight as usual to inspect the entire building to see if there were any staff left. When he patrolled the office building on the fifth floor, he suddenly saw a row of wet footprints on the floor."

When I heard this, the United States began to feel that the story was not the same as he imagined. It was obviously a strange atmosphere, and both hands clasped his arms unconsciously. "Strange, it’s too late, who else will come up? The security guard felt very strange, so he followed those footprints to find someone. When the security guard followed the footprints and came to the office building, they found that the footprints suddenly disappeared. At this time, he suddenly heard the wet footsteps of '啪嗒, 啪嗒, 啪嗒...' in the corridor outside the door. He quickly returned to see who it was, but did not see anyone outside, Only a row of wet and sloppy shoe prints extended to the bathroom. At that time, the security guard began to feel a bit unusual, but because of his duties, he had to bite his head and follow the footprints to the bathroom..."

"Yeah, don't say it anymore." After confirming that it was a ghost story, I wouldn't dare to listen to it again.

Lei Yin smiled and said: "You are a black coward, if it is beautiful, she will definitely say, my brother, this story is too old, let's say something new."

I stayed in the air and said: "The senior is too wicked, knowing that I am afraid to tell this story."

Lei Yin smiled, then looked up at the rain outside. After a while, he said, "This rain doesn't know when to go down, you just sleep here, wait until tomorrow morning, I wake up again. You." After he finished, he stood up and collected several cushions nearby to give her a pillow.

During the day, after attending the training camp, and tired of running tonight, staying in the United States did feel more and more sleepy, so she put the cushions together and lay down.

After she was lying down, Lei Yin sat kneeling beside her and closed her eyes.

After a while, the darkness suddenly remembered the slightly scared voice of the kendo girl. "Schoolmaster, I am a little scared, can I let your hand sleep?"

Lei hidden his eyes and glanced at her, then told his left hand to hand over.

"Thank you, Master." The United States immediately took his harvest with joy.

I don't know how long it took, the Kendo girl finally fell asleep.

Silently watching her carefree innocent naivety, Ray's eyes showed a thoughtful look.

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