MTL - Awakening-Chapter 242 solidification

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After murdering Moores in the cage, Lei Yin took eight women out.

Several women wanted to run out, but they were stopped by them, lest they alerted the people in the church. He knew that there must be a monitor or anti-theft device in the building, which would be discovered if he was not careful. If he is alone, he can easily get in and out. But now with so many women, things get a lot of trouble.

A few days ago, after several police officers learned that Cang Tianliang and her two friends had disappeared, he sent someone to investigate their whereabouts.

After a few days of thorough investigation, the people he sent finally found the taxi driver who carried them on the night. According to the driver’s memory, he saw that three people entered the apartment after getting off at Shinjuku Safe Street.

Following this clue, Ray concealed that the worker belonged to a doctoral student named Miyazawa Miyazawa, but the man had never seen him since half a month ago. If the village Tianzheng Mao is really not at home, then who is the three of them who open the door to Cang Tianliangzi?

Lei Yin sent people to spend two days, looking up the village's recent call records and other information, found that he has been very frequent with an Italian man named Andre, and Andre is his Former instructor. But what is strange is that Andre also disappeared a month ago, and the police are also tracking down his whereabouts.

In the face of such a complicated multi-person disappearance case, Lei Yin had to investigate the whereabouts and information of Andre. The result was that the Italian man had joined a new sect called Andean six months ago, and he had frequented the church of this sect for a while before Andre’s disappearance.

At the same time, there are so many people who are mysteriously missing. It is definitely not accidental, and it cannot be done by a few people. So in the end, Lei Yin targeted the Andeans.

Due to the complete strangeness of this emerging religious organization, in order to facilitate the investigation, Lei Yin decided to mix in. But this sect is very cumbersome to recruit new believers, but he did not spend so much time, so he had to mix in.

I learned through a frontline survey. Yongtai, the deacon of the Andean delegation in Tokyo, is looking for a group of thugs. Although I don’t know what they want to do, Lei Yin has used the “Eight Gods”, a Japanese mercenary who fled to the United States a few years ago because of debts. The identity of the place, playing a play in the bar to attract the attention of the door Yongtai, and finally as he has successfully mixed in.

It’s just that he didn’t think he could see the “performances” exercised by Messias’s principal. Until now he has not been able to find out their vulnerabilities and flaws.

On the stairs, a woman suddenly fell to the ground, followed by her and the two women behind her to help her, and whispered in concern: "Small spike, are you okay?"

Standing flower spikes struggled to stand up with good help.

"Your hand is hot, what's wrong with you?" asked the friend of Yamaguchi who was holding her, very worried.

"I'm fine, let's go." Li Huasui just wanted to leave this ghost place immediately.

But she took a few steps. I only felt a black fall on the ground again.

"Spike!" Yamaguchi’s friend immediately picked up her arm. "What happened?" Lei Yin came over and asked.

Mr. Yamaguchi said: "She suddenly fainted, and her body was very hot, as if she had a fever."

Because Lei is easy to change the relationship, Kurata Ryoko, their three mountains can not recognize him, just think that this man is very mysterious, but do not understand why he will save them. But these are not important, the important thing is that he may really be able to take them out of here.

Ray touched her forehead. Then did not say a word to carry her back.

Just to continue down the stairs, he suddenly stopped to say: "You immediately tied your mouth with something like a handkerchief. If someone makes a sound, then we can't run anymore, hurry up."

Others who are eager to leave have to do it, take out the handkerchief from the body or tear the sleeves off and tie them to their mouths.

After everyone was tied up, Ray Yin immediately speeded up.

After walking out of the basement, Lei Yin suddenly took out a goggle-like glasses from his body and then took other people to walk carefully toward the gate.

Unlike the basement, he knew that there must be an anti-theft device. So go very carefully.

Coming to the entrance of the corridor, he really saw the red light from the infrared radiation alarm that Mers said.

Because the alarm is installed at the exit, and it is not a grating of the opposite beam, but a probe covered by a large area of ​​the fan, there is no way to pass without alarming the alarm.

Lei Yin had to go to the second floor to see how the situation was, so he gestured to them and then took them to the second floor.

Seeing that he did not continue to move forward, but went upstairs, those women suddenly filled with doubts, but finally followed him up.

When going up to the second floor. He saw that the balcony he had climbed in from outside had covered a faint red light, and it was obvious that the people in the church had just started the alarm. He couldn't help but be glad to come a little earlier, otherwise he couldn't come in even if he could see through the glasses when there was an alarm.

Although this kind of infrared alarm works simple, it is quite tricky for the intruder. As long as the installation does not leave a dead end. In order to ensure that the power supply of the host is not cut off, encountering such a thing, in addition to avoiding the light or touching the host, there is no better way to crack.

Since these windows are all enabled with infrared light, that means other windows and portals are also the same. In other words, they are no longer able to leave here without touching the alarm. Lei Yin has figured it out. If it is hard, the chance to escape with eight women safely is only 50%, because he is not treating them as ordinary sects, so even if they have guns on their hands, it is not what. Amazing thing. The best way to do this now is to call the police directly, although he does not want to do so, because the alarm will be quite troublesome for him.

But under some measure, he decided to use the safest method.

Think about it later. He was preparing to take them back to the exit of the basement, but suddenly found out. It seems that two people are missing.

“Where are there two more people?” asked Lei Yin in a low voice.

"I do not know…………"

"I don't know when they left the ground." Another girl replied in a whisper.

Lei Yin knew that things were not good. He immediately put down the head of the flower on the back and let Kurata, the son of Yamaguchi, hold it, and he ran down. I ran to the stairs and looked to the front. I saw two women at the gate who were trying to open the door. But because the doors are locked, they simply can't open them.

It turned out that they saw that the man not only took them away but went upstairs, because they were tortured and eager to leave. They thought he was a group with those people, so when they went upstairs, they quietly wanted to open the door to escape, but not Know that they have touched the alarm device.

This time, the two idiots were killed, and Lei Yin whispered a whisper, then ran back to the second floor and rushed to the door with other women.

With them running to the gate, Lei hidden the ground and pushed the two women who were still trying to open the door, but found that the electronic password lock was placed above the gate. He could not help but smile in his heart. It takes at least ten minutes for the lock to let him open, but now he has this time. Because not only him, even the women have heard the rushing pace and noise from the second floor and the third floor.

"Everyone comes with me." Lei Yin knows that there is no retreat at this time, only to take them back to the basement to find a place to cover.


"Quickly turn on the light. Fast!"

"Don't let them run."

When I saw the darkness of the church, there was a shadow running through it. Several men who ran from the second floor to the stairs shouted loudly.

Hearing the noisy noise outside, he was interrupted by the middle of the Messias, and he dropped the whip a little annoyed. Then he put a blanket on the Jishan daisy that was covered with glare and wrinkles and lying on the floor. This opened the door and went out.

“What happened?” came to the stairs on the second floor, and Master Messias asked a believer to pull a believer.

"Go back to the Lord, there are thieves who sneak in. We are trying to catch him." The believer replied respectfully.

The subject of Messias changed his face. "What, there is a thief? What did he steal?"

The believer had just to answer, and Messias suddenly ran to the third floor.

Master Messias ran to the front of the room at the end of the third floor, then took a card from the body, plugged in the card reader, and then pressed the password on the keypad.

Soon, the door opened and he immediately pushed the door open and went in.

After a while, he walked out of the room and his face was back to normal.

When he returned to the stairs, he asked a believer a little angry: "Where is Merle's deacon now?"

The believer said: "I didn't see the Master of Merles. The Lord is in the adults, do we need an alarm?"

The director of Messias just agreed to agree. But he soon remembered the women in the basement and immediately changed his mind and said: "It's just a thief. You don't need to alarm the police. We have so many people here. Can't even a thief catch it?"

The believer immediately said, "Please ask the Lord to be assured that I will catch the sinner of the sacred church."

"Very good." Messias nodded with satisfaction.

After the believer gave him a teaching ceremony, he was excited to join the round-up operation.

After a while, a believer hurriedly ran over and said: "The chief actor, the intruder held the murderer of the murderer, he asked us to open the door and let them go, or else kill the murderer."

"How can Morse's deacon be in his hands? How many people do they have?" Messias frowned and asked.

"They have a total of nine people, one man, the other eight are women, and the Mulhouse deacon is the man."

"Eight women?" Messias thought of something, suddenly changed his face, and then said loudly: "Absolutely not let them escape, even if shooting is not important."

The believer could not think that the director of Messias would be so commanded, and could not help but sighed and said: "But the Master of Messias is in their hands, or we will call the police to handle the incident."

"No. You can't tell the police. Yes, you will open the jammer right away. Lest the intruder have the opportunity to inform other accomplices to come in, fast!"

I, I know. Although I felt that there was something unreasonable, the believer did not think about it and quickly ran to the inner hall.

"Murles, this pig!" Messias chief gnawed his teeth.

Now things have become more complicated. He knows that the women are arrested and locked in the basement, so this thing must not be known to the police. But in the presence of so many believers, he could not ignore the safety of Moers.

After thinking for a while, he finally went up to the third floor again.

At the entrance to the basement, Lei Yin was squatting with a dozen believers who were there.

"You are going to let Morse adults go." Several believers repeated this nonsense without any creativity.

"Quickly let me go, I beg you to let me go." Although I have already woken up. But Morse, who was tied to his hands by the man, had taken care of the dignity of the deacon and kept asking for mercy.

"Give me shut up." Lei suspected that he was noisy, and punched him with a punch and screamed.

Hearing the screams of Moores, the believers who were outside were even more nervous.

"Is it open?" Lei Yin turned to ask Kurata, who is holding a mobile phone alarm.

"It has just been dialed, but suddenly it has been disconnected. I am redialing now." Kurata said while listening to the phone.

Lei moved intently and said to her: "Give me the phone."

Although Kurata is not understandable, he still returned the phone to him.

Lei looked at the phone display. He whispered: "There is still no signal at all. Those **** must have started the cell phone signal jammer."

Just because it is in the basement, it is normal for the mobile phone to receive no signal, but it is unreasonable to receive the signal completely after coming out. And he also knows that in some serious occasions such as church worship or large conference rooms, it is common to use cell phone signal jammers. If there is a sudden ringing of the cell phone when the ceremony reaches its climax, it will definitely feel a strong unhappiness. Although this instrument is expensive, it is based on the financial resources of Andean. However, it is only a slap in the face.

"What do you do now?" Kurata said, asked in a panic.

"There is always a way. And we don't have a dear deacon in hand? Now everyone is following me and listening to me." After that, Lei Yin left his hand against the throat of Moores, and took it in his right hand. A pistol took his head and walked out slowly.

Seeing that the man came out, all the believers immediately came around, but because he was afraid of the gun in his hand and the deacon of Moles, he did not dare to get too close.

Lei Yin walked forward and said loudly: "If you dare to stop, I will immediately kill your dear deacon."

Seeing that he was getting closer to the woman behind, the believer was bored for a while and did not know what to do.

When Ray concealed that Moers had walked less than three meters in front of the believer, he drank: "Go back immediately!"

The believers immediately subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

A few minutes later, Lei Yin finally took eight women to the church.

Although the four are full of stalkers. But when I saw the church door, all women showed an excited look.

At this time, the director of Messias appeared from the crowd, and he carefully looked at Lei Yin. After a while, I said with great anger: "The Eight Gods House, it turned out to be you! You shameless traitor!" Although Lei was blindfolded, he recognized his from his body and the pair of thick eyebrows. Identity.

A burst of laughter came from Lei Yin’s face towel. “Mr. Master, I think you are misunderstood. Don’t forget that I am not a believer. How can you talk about being a traitor? Well, don’t waste time. , immediately open the door and let us go out."

The director of Messias squinted and said, "If I say no?"

Lei Yin sneered, "It turned out that in the eyes of the chief adults, it is more important to catch me than the respected Möller deacon. It is only a visitor who visits at night. It’s really surprising. Morse executives. It seems that you are really worthy of sympathy, so you are sacrificed by the chief."

Messias’s eyes showed a sinful look in his eyes. He said coldly: "You immediately let go of the deacon of Merles, I will let you go."

Lei Yin said: "Although I really want to believe in your promise, I still ask the principal to open the door. We have to wait until we are safe."

"You are an arrogant sorcerer, I will make you regret it." Messias suddenly opened a suitcase on his hand and revealed a strange black object inside.

Lei Yin felt uncomfortable and immediately fired a shot at that thing.

"Bastard!" After the gunshots, the roar of the master of Messias came.

Then, one can't tell whether it is blue or purple, and a strange light like laser light shoots them.

Although the intensity of the light is not glaring, the area is very large, covering all of them and several nearby believers.

"Quickly open." Seeing this kind of strange light, it feels a bit uncomfortable. Lei Yin immediately screamed and jumped to the side.

But at this moment, an indescribably strong tingling sensation suddenly invaded his brain nerves without warning. At this moment, Lei Yin suddenly felt that the whole body could not move, as if the body did not belong to himself. Not only that, he found that he couldn't even tell his voice. Not only him, but also Morse, who is in front of him, and the eight women behind him, as well as a few believers who are closer to them. Everyone seems to be solidified by that strange light...

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