MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 93

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Li Wan naturally couldn't ask anything from Qin Qianrou's mouth. Although I was surprised and a little puzzled by the firm denial of my friend, this kind of thing is not so easy for a woman to talk about, especially a person like Qin Qianrou.

Li Wan has an outgoing and hot personality, and she can only chat with her girlfriends for many years.

Although Qin Qianrou did not state the specific experience of the product in the box, but under Li Wan's stubborn questioning, Qin Qianrou still told frankly that she had indeed used a few indivual.

No wonder I called her out a few days ago, but she always refused. It turned out that he was consuming products with Shen Yiqiu at home, and he never tired of it.

But when she knew that those products were used in one go, Li Wan shook the drink in her hand. If I hadn't drank half the bottle, I would have spilled it.

The duty finally ended. Before returning home, Li Wan took a chance and said earnestly: "Qianrou, although I can understand your feelings very well, Shen Yiqiu is young after all. You are older. , and you should know how to take care of other people's children."

Qin Qianrou spent the whole day sorting out He Zhuo's clues, her mind focused. After all, it is related to Shen Zhifeng, she usually doesn't dare to watch too much at home, for fear of being discovered by Shen Yiqiu. She didn't intend to hide it, but nothing was confirmed at this stage, and she hoped to wait.

Li Wan's "advice" was finally interpreted after she stepped into the elevator. Qin Qianrou could not wait to go back to Li Wan to clarify. When did she not pity Shen Yiqiu, that day she was so tired that she collapsed.

Are those things that you want to use one after another? Qin Qianrou felt that she might not be able to explain this matter.


The Spring Festival holiday is a rare long holiday for the workers, but for the students, it is just an episode in the winter vacation. Qin Qianrou went to work in Taili. Shen Yiqiu hasn't started school yet, but her schedule is almost the same as Qin Qianrou.

"Go back to sleep, I'll go to the table for breakfast." Qin Qianrou gently pressed the people around her, and Shen Yiqiu rubbed her eyes every day to get up and prepare breakfast for her, she felt a little distressed .

"I'm not sleepy, the breakfast in the cafeteria is not delicious." Shen Yiqiu rubbed his eyes, and was about to get out of bed yawning.

Qin Qianrou stopped her and pulled her back.

"I really want to go to the cafeteria today and have an appointment with Xiaowan to talk about something. It's not very convenient in the office."

"That's it, go out early, or you'll be hungry."

Qin Qianrou pressed Shen Yiqiu sideways, looking at her ignorant appearance just waking up, her heart softened.

She gave Shen Yiqiu a kiss on the face: "I'm about to be taken care of by you as a three-year-old child."

She is almost thirty.

When Qin Qianrou was taking a shower, she looked at herself in the mirror and sighed with emotion. After all, there are traces of the years, and if you look closely, there are still some fine lines hidden in the corners of the eyes and mouth. Compared with her peers, Qin Qianrou's appearance is impeccable. But compared to Shen Yiqiu, who was ten years younger, he couldn't compare to that natural and tender little face.

After the festival, the TV station started to get busy, but the most exciting event in the station was that Director Yu was taken away to assist in the investigation. Some people saw the clue when he was removed from the public list a few years ago, and it was not without discussion in private.

But no one thought that it was just after the end of the year, and even the fifteenth, and it was checked.

Those who are taken away directly from the office, in eight or nine out of ten cases, have sufficient evidence and serious problems. Many people think that Director Yu is 80% unable to come back, especially the advertising department is even more panicked.

Last year, I received a huge advertising fee from Dongsheng Group, and I raised my eyebrows at the year-end meeting. As a result, I was slapped in the face before I could enjoy it enough.

"I wonder who our new boss is?"

"Whoever he is, he certainly won't be old."

"Director Yu is really courageous. He knows that Taili is very strict in this regard, but he has to challenge himself. Now he has made himself into it."

"He has always had a big appetite. Haven't you heard that he has been coveting a little girl in the field team next door who just graduated last year."

"No, there is such a thing? I'm not afraid of the tigress of his family..."

The director of the advertising department was taken away. There is really no leader here. A group of people are idle and bored and start talking about the gossip that started with the director. No, when people take tea to cool off, Director Yu turns into Lao Yu in a blink of an eye.

His bad things that turned into sesame seeds and rotten millet were also turned over by passers-by.

When Li Wan came to the advertising department, she saw such a scene.

Although she hates what the director does, the performance of the rest of the advertising department is not much better. She frowned and knocked on the glass door a few times with her fingers bent, which caught the attention of the group of people who gathered together.

"Sister Li, why are you here? Is something wrong?"

"The desk asked me to inform me that there is a meeting. Director Yu is not here, and the deputy minister has not come back. You can send a representative."

"Okay, thank you Sister Li, please make a special trip."

Li Wan just came over from the Taiwan leader, and happened to drop by to say something.

"Work time, focus on work. Some words are not suitable for discussion in the unit, especially in special times."

Li Wan has always disliked people who fish at work. The advertising department's poor performance in the past few years has not only been affected by the general environment, but also has a lot to do with the work attitude of this group of people. But at that time, Director Yu was strongly guarding, and other departments would not cause trouble for themselves to intervene for no reason, so it became what it is now.

Back to the office, seeing her colleagues who were busy, Li Wan sighed with emotion: The column team is better, everyone is so serious and focused, Lin Shuangzhi, the team leader, is really competent.

Speaking of Lin Shuangzhi, she took an unprecedented long vacation and did not come back to work on time after the year. Li Wan now manages matters in the group for the time being. She finally realized the pain of Lin Shuangzhi's non-stop meetings every day.

Qin Qianrou went to Haicheng for training some time ago, and she didn't have much work at hand. Although Li Wan is the acting team leader, she has no specific arrangements in a hurry.

"Qianrou, you are relatively free this week and can do whatever you want."

After the meeting was finally over, Li Wan made a cup of coffee and went to Qin Qianrou's office to relax. A friend's office was always more attractive than her own, and she liked being there.

"I want to check He Zhuo."

Li Wan swallowed the hot coffee: "Really decided?"

"The current materials are basically enough to apply for a special topic. If the stage agrees, then many things can be justified."

"But I'm afraid I have to ask Haicheng for assistance. Taiwan leaders may not be willing now."

Recently, Mengcheng TV has been out of the director's business, and the reform has been forced to shelve, which is a headache for the leaders. Now I have to go to Youtai for assistance. I am afraid that this kind of thankless thing is even more unhappy.

"It doesn't matter, I can communicate with Haicheng in person." In this training, Qin Qianrou not only gained a girlfriend, but also gained a lot of network resources in the workplace.

Li Wan thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, since you are sure, I support this matter."

He Zhuo has too many secrets to dig out. Due to their professional sensitivity and sensitivity, they all smelled an unusual breath. Director Yu was taken away, and Dongsheng's plan to open the way, which was heavily invested in last year, was frustrated, which also boosted their morale to a certain extent.

Their work has never existed for comfort, and they constantly challenge difficulties and gloom, and finding out the truth is the driving force for their struggle.

Shen Yiqiu knew that Qin Qianrou had been holding back for a long time. Although the training was good, her sister obviously preferred the state at work. As soon as she returned to the TV station after the year, she was so full of energy that she went out early and returned late almost this week.

Shen Yiqiu was distressed, but she would not stop her. The supper is always ready, the hygiene of the home is completely contracted, and the renewal fees for the property and housekeeping are also handled in time, so Qin Qianrou doesn't have to worry about the family at all.

In a blink of an eye, it is almost the fifteenth day of the first month. Qin Qianrou told Shen Yiqiu the day before yesterday that she would leave work early on the fifteenth day and go home early.

It seems that my sister is still different from the past, at least the sense of ritual has increased, knowing that she will come back early for the festival.

Shen Yiqiu hummed a song to clean the room. During the winter vacation, she was not as diligent as usual. Sometimes she was holding a computer in the living room and sometimes reading documents on the reclining chair by the balcony, but she seldom went to her room. .

She was cleaning the cabinet, her sleeve hooked the handle, and she pulled open the drawer of the bedside table at once. This is the side where Qin Qianrou was sleeping, Shen Yiqiu didn't know what was in the drawer. But that day, my sister endured her shyness, and what she took out of this drawer was forever engraved in Shen Yiqiu's heart.

The box was put back when she was packing up that night. I remember it was placed on the edge of the corner, but it was definitely not as hidden as it is now. If it weren't for the inertia of opening the drawer, the box might not necessarily be found again.

At this time, Shen Yiqiu had the opportunity to take out the box and examine it carefully. She knew that she had to prepare this thing when she studied on the forum before, so she bought two or three different brands on the Internet.

After the goods arrived, she sneaked out a few and tried them one by one, making sure that she would not lose the chain in a hurry. But to be honest, a good thing is one that can stand comparisons and tests. Shen Yiqiu could clearly feel the advantages of this thing at the first moment of wearing it.

Thin as a cicada's wing, as smooth as skin, I can't feel the discomfort of being restrained at all. Not only that, but it's also very stable and doesn't loosen at will due to frequency or strength, which is amazing.

Shen Yiqiu was so overwhelmed that day, how could she have time to experience the benefits of this thing. Now she came back to her senses, looked at the small box in her hand and pouted, but said in her heart, "Sister is better than me in everything, and even this one has chosen a better brand than me."

This is a disadvantage, but Shen Yiqiu will not be angry, after all, good things can be shared. Qin Qianrou prepared early, but Shen Yiqiu didn't realize it, thinking that her sister didn't have that kind of mind.

They did not try again during the Spring Festival holiday, but recently she clearly felt that Qin Qianrou was calmer and occasionally throbbed when kissing deeply, but Shen Yiqiu did not dare to make trouble easily .

The position of the box was clearly moved, and even if it was hidden a little, it was still in the drawer, indicating that my sister planned to keep it as a spare.

Does that mean…

Shen Yiqiu's breathing became short, and her face turned red when she remembered the story in this room that night.

She took out her phone and took a picture of the box.

Since my sister likes this brand, I will buy it in the future.

I thought about it, and felt that taking pictures was not enough, so Shen Yiqiu took one from the box and wanted to study it carefully. Light and thin, she was sweating slightly when she held it in her palm.

Fortunately, my sister is not at home. If she sees herself like this, I am afraid she will feel that sheep are in the tiger's mouth.

Shen Yiqiu knew that she was a hungry wolf only when she faced her sister.

Others, she doesn't have that appetite.

There are thousands of people in this world, and the most beautiful and outstanding may not be Qin Qianrou. But Shen Yiqiu just loves her, and with her, she is satisfied and no longer greedy. Whenever she fell asleep with Qin Qianrou in her arms and woke up to see Qin Qianrou earlier than the sun, she felt the happiness of living again.

To live, to be in love with her lover, this is probably the happy life her parents expected her to live.

Shen Yiqiu's broken heart was not only sutured and adhered, but healed inch by inch.


Jiang Yuan knew about He Zhuo, and their husband and wife were closely connected. Although she may not know exactly who Jiang Yuan is dealing with, she is familiar with how the whole process works.

He Zhuo died, and so did her heart. Living alone is actually meaningless. Social reputation, status, and wealth were completely lost when the couple was imprisoned. After working hard for half a lifetime, it will return to zero in one day.

Jiang Yuan only has one wish left: to avenge He Zhuo.

Even if the autopsy report is more detailed, she does not believe that Lao He died of an accident.

It was clear that someone wanted to silence him, for fear that He Zhuo would reveal more secrets.

There is no airtight wall under the sun, and there are more than one patent reselling at low prices. The person behind He Zhuo was obviously robbed of his business, but after getting rid of He Zhuo, no qualified person could be found to replace him.

Qin Qianrou got more and more information from Jiang Yuan, and Wen Shao provided resources, and many secrets in Haicheng surfaced one by one.

Following that, Shen Zhifeng's name appeared more and more frequently.

"Sister, are you tired from work lately?"

The words in her ear made Qin Qianrou have to temporarily withdraw her thoughts. After dinner, she sat on the sofa in a daze, while Shen Yiqiu sat on the armrest and massaged her shoulders sideways.

"About the usual."

"Then why do I think you seem to have something on your mind these two days."

Qin Qianrou was really worried these two days. She was thinking about whether she should tell Shen Yiqiu about her father.

It has been a long time since my sister had such an expression at home, and Shen Yiqiu couldn't help but worry. Encountering difficult problems means that my sister will work harder.

And she, of course, was reluctant.

"It's not a secret, but it's not convenient for me to say too much about work."

Shen Yiqiu understands that reporters cannot disclose information casually, especially those that have not been officially announced.

"Then I'll go and put the bath water for you." Since you can't say it, take a hot bath to relax.

Qin Qianrou didn't work overtime today, and it wasn't until eight o'clock after dinner. Shen Yiqiu was thinking about ordering some essential oil in the bathroom, but Qin Qianrou bit her lip after looking at the time.

Shen Yiqiu went straight into the room, Qin Qianrou was not in a hurry to get up.

She stumbled upon it last night, and the number in the box was wrong. It seems that there are two less than her impression.

It wasn't that she deliberately calculated, but that night she watched Shen Yiqiu change one by one, it was really...

Such a deep impression, it is too hard to forget.

The author has something to say: Thank you for your thunder and nutrient solution, alright.

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