MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 88

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Qin Qianrou originally wanted to stay in bed and spend more time with Shen Yiqiu, but today is her first day back in Taiwan, so it is not suitable to be late anyway. It doesn't matter if this happened to other people, but it has never happened to Qin Qianrou.

From waking up to waking up, Shen Yiqiu was secretly looking at Qin Qianrou. Seeing her ruddy complexion and high spirits, she was convinced that her sister's pain was indeed healed. But she wasn't sure whether it was the two painkillers last night or her blood, whichever it was, as long as her sister didn't hurt.

"I guess I won't be able to come back for dinner tonight. There are arrangements at the table." After breakfast, Qin Qianrou changed her clothes and came out of the room with her cell phone in her hand, very sorry.

Shen Yiqiu was in a good mood, her sister went home after training, which made her happier than anything.

"Don't drink tonight or it will hurt again."

Qin Qianrou walked to Shen Yiqiu's side, restrained her smile and put on a serious expression: "I definitely don't drink it."


Because of the reform of the TV station, the undercurrent was turbulent a while ago, and many people had no intention of working. Instead, they slowly returned to their previous state after slamming on the brakes. With the Spring Festival approaching, all departments are very busy. Seeing Qin Qianrou returning from Haicheng, everyone's reactions were also different.

The people in the column group are of course the happiest, and the people in the advertising department are the most annoying. But no one would show these emotions on their faces. Qin Qianrou completed the formalities and returned to the column group, and went to say hello to Lin Shuangzhi first.

"Leader, didn't you go to the meeting today?"

Lin Shuangzhi knew that Qin Qianrou would come over today, and it was not surprising to see her, but she was still happy from the bottom of her heart.

"Qianrou, come in and sit."

She made Qin Qianrou a cup of tea, and they hadn't gotten along like this in the office for months.

"I ran so diligently in the province some time ago, and now many conferences have lost my share, which is a blessing in disguise." Lin Shuangzhi said it easily, but also with self-deprecation.

Qin Qianrou pursed her lips. Although Director Yu's promotion process was suspended, the people in the stage were still those, and there was no substantial change. What changed was Taili's attitude towards Team Leader Lin.

She is obviously not as highly regarded as in the past, and she is also excluded from many core meetings.

"I'm not worried about myself, I'm just worried that this will make the column group marginalized. If too few resources are allocated to the station, the column group will struggle in the future."

The column group itself is a special existence in the TV station. The old station director appreciates the column group. Over the years, the column group has also created good ratings and reputation for the station. many people. What the future holds is hard to say.

"Since the top has paid attention and the public opinion is staring at Dongsheng, I don't think they dare to be too blatant. At least the director is not very hopeful, and the results of those materials should be available after the year. "

What Qin Qianrou said was what she and Li Wan found based on the clues provided by Jian Shan, Director Yu was destined to be unable to escape. Not to mention promotion, it is estimated that even the TV station will not be able to stay.

Lin Shuangzhi smiled and said with emotion: "This is the credit of you and Xiaowan, Dongsheng's large advertising expenses were wasted, I am afraid that this Spring Festival will not be comfortable. "

It is not a wise choice to spend money on TV commercials these days. Dongsheng thought it would pave the way for the director. Admit bad luck.

Qin Qianrou could hear some differences from the team leader's tone, and there should be good progress between her and Xiaowan.

"I heard that the city intends to let outsiders be the director after the new year. I don't know if this is true or not?"

"You have been training in Haicheng, do you even know this?"

"From my mother."

Lin Shuangzhi was noncommittal and did not give her a clear answer.

The two talked about other work matters, and Li Wan came to Qin Qianrou.

"Team leader, Qianrou just came back today, can you not give her so much work?" Li Wan started complaining while standing at the door, but her tone was not serious.

Lin Shuangzhi looked at her with a smile and explained, "I'm clearly chatting with her, you can't wrong me."

Qin Qianrou was a little surprised, when did the team leader become joking in the office?

Li Wan walked over and pulled Qin Qianrou to go: "There is a dinner party in the evening, I have to hurry up and talk to Qianrou."

Qin Qianrou now confirmed that the team leader and Xiaowan really made progress, and this time it was benign.


The Spring Festival holiday is about to start, and the people in the TV station are not easy. Everyone has on-duty tasks and must always be on standby. The only relaxing moment is probably the evening of the New Year's Eve. On this day, except for the people who are on duty in the stage, other people will basically not receive tasks.

I had made an appointment to have dinner at Qin Qianrou's house before, but this was the first time that so many people came together. Qin Qianrou usually lived with Li Wan, but this year has suddenly become different.

"Sister, I can handle it myself." Shen Yiqiu looked at the person who wanted to go grocery shopping with her, a little helpless.

"More people and more hands, I'll go with you."

Help me watch the soup at home?"


"I not only have to go to the supermarket today, but also to the farmers market, where the environment is not good."

Qin Qianrou was helpless: "I'm a reporter, what kind of environment have I never been to?"

She thought, is it possible that Shen Yiqiu still regards her as a pampered daughter?

Shen Yiqiu shook his head: "When you were a reporter, it was necessary for your work to go there, but you are my girlfriend now, of course I would not bear you to go to such a place."

Qin Qianrou couldn't find anything to refute, so she just didn't make sense.

"Then your girlfriend really wants to go grocery shopping with you now, do you agree or disagree?"

Sister looks like this, how can people refuse.

But, I really want to kiss first.

Shen Yiqiu couldn't control her heartbeat, took two steps forward, and kissed Qin Qianrou's lips: "I listen to you, I listen to you."

It wasn't until she returned with Shen Yiqiu that Qin Qianrou knew how powerful her children were now. Not only has she grown taller, she will hold her hand to protect her wherever she goes, and she will become more and more able to run a house.

In contrast, she doesn't seem to have made any progress except for her work.

"With you, my ability to live will probably deteriorate in the future." Qin Qianrou backed up the car and sighed.

If there is no Shen Yiqiu at home, she really dare not take down the dinner, or go to the big hotel to book the New Year's Eve set meal in advance.

"With me, of course my sister doesn't need to worry about these things, I said I will take good care of you." Shen Yiqiu is very excited, she bought so many fresh ingredients, and today she wants to show off Skilled up.

It is what she desires to be able to cook a meal for the person she likes. In the eyes of others, this was the first Spring Festival when she lost her parents, so everyone was careful not to touch her sad memories.

But in fact, Shen Yiqiu understood that her parents had left her for more than three years. Before her rebirth, she hardly dared to recall the warmth of home, but now Qin Qianrou made her not only dare to recall, but also willing to recreate.

She lost her parents, the family that gave birth to her and raised her, this wound will always exist. But Qin Qianrou gave her love, so that her wound would stop bleeding after scabbing.

Qin Qianrou gave her another home, a home that gave her the courage to walk through the future.

Li Wan brought Lin Shuangzhi over early, saying that she was here to help. Everyone knew that her cooking skills were actually quite average. Meet Qin Qianrou and the others downstairs, and the four of them divide up the pile of ingredients at the back of the car.

"There are only seven people today, do you need to buy so much?" Li Wan looked at the stuff in everyone's hands and became suspicious.

"I don't know about this, I have to ask Chef Shen."

Shen Yiqiu said with a smile: "Part of it is for cooking tonight's dishes, and the other part is to be put in the refrigerator for the Spring Festival holiday."

After 15 years, the farmers market will not be able to fully return to the way it was before. Shen Yiqiu was afraid that her sister would not be able to eat fresh, so she stocked up in advance.

Li Wan's teeth were sour: "Aren't you too passionate about love?"

Lin Shuangyi changed her previous silence and asked her softly, "Xiao Wan, do you want to eat too?"

Li Wan blushed a little, she restrained her emotions, and said indifferently: "I just sighed, nothing else."

Lin Shuangzhi knew it, nothing else meant that she affirmed what she meant before, I understand.

Shen Yiqiu went into the kitchen and got busy when she got home. When the door was opened, the aroma of the chicken soup had already dissipated, and Li Wan shouted three times that it was too fragrant, causing everyone to laugh.

Qin Qianrou made tea to entertain the guests, and Li Wan sipped the tea, very happy.

"Qianrou, your home is really different now. Not only is it popular, it smells of fireworks, but it's also full of hope."

This kind of life is too enviable.

In the past, thanks to her, she was worried that Qin Qianrou would be so pitiful alone in Mengcheng, but she never thought that the pitiful person was herself now.

"I also like my life now." Qin Qianrou's voice was calm, but unlike the indifference in the past, she now has more stability and satisfaction.

"Life is only beautiful when someone shares it with others. It used to be boring when it was only work days."

Qin Qianrou glanced at Lin Shuangzhi, who had just entered the kitchen, and teased, "Spring hasn't arrived yet, but some people's hearts can't hold back."

Li Wan stubbornly said, "How can there be!"

Qin Qianrou took a sip of tea leisurely, knowing Li Wan's duplicity very well.

Li Wan suddenly became nervous as if she thought of something. She took her bag from behind and unzipped the compartment, looking for something important.

"I almost forgot, I have something for you today."

"What needs to be hidden so well by you?" Qin Qianrou was also aroused by curiosity. If it was just an ordinary gift, Li Wan didn't need to hide it so well.

Then, she watched Li Wan take out a small box from the expensive and exquisite bag. She was not familiar with the packaging pattern on it, but she recognized the words on it: what kind of cover is that.

"This one is stored, it is estimated that it will be used soon." Li Wan shoved the thing into Qin Qianrou's hand, and looked at the kitchen specially to confirm the two people Didn't pay attention here.

Qin Qianrou looked down at the thing in her hand, very speechless.

"What are you giving me this for?"

A few days ago, Qin Qianrou didn't drink alcohol, and of course she was aware of her friend's physical condition. Considering that this period is almost over, this rare Spring Festival holiday is facing each other day and night at home, shouldn't it be a dry fire?

"You're not single now, you should always prepare some at home, or else you won't have time to buy it."

This thing for women is different from those for men on the market, and it is difficult to buy it in convenience stores or pharmacies. It's good for everyone to prepare in advance.

Qin Qianrou has systematically read the content of the website that Rong Fei recommended to her. Although she is not addicted to this aspect, after all, she has an agreement with Shen Yiqiu. Now that he saw with his own eyes what Li Wan put in his hands, Lenovo opened the floodgates.

Some of the pictures suddenly appeared, very vivid.

She quickly clenched it tightly and completely covered the small box: "Are you wholesale by yourself, by the way, give me a box?"

The person who originally planned to take the opportunity to make fun of Qin Qianrou lost his momentum in an instant.

"Of course not, I don't have an object, so I don't have this need."

Besides, should I wholesale this stuff?

On the surface, Qin Qianrou was reluctant to accept it, but she also understood in her heart that this thing does have meaning. It's just that Li Wan put it to her so abruptly that it was not good for her to accept it readily, and it was inappropriate to reject it outright.

"Don't worry about it, we're so familiar with it, what's so embarrassing about this kind of thing." Li Wan saw her thoughts and pushed her hand in again, motioning her to hurry up Keep it.

Qin Qianrou gave her a deep look, got up, went back to the room, and walked out after a while.

It hurts, go to the pharmacy and buy some. Those medicines are easy to buy."

Qin Qianrou looked at her like you were very experienced, and Li Wan lifted her hair unnaturally.

Yes, she does have some experience in buying medicine.

Li Wan originally thought that Lin Shuangzhi was just being polite and went to the kitchen to help, but she didn't expect that she was actually staying in the kitchen today.

"The sun is about to hit the west, and even the team leader is in love with cooking." Li Wan recalled the stove in Lin Shuangzhi's house that could be used as a mirror, and felt that today was very magical .

"Perhaps she took what you said in the elevator today seriously." Qin Qianrou watched clearly, she could see clearly that Lin Shuangzhi cared about Li Wan.

She didn't know what happened during this time, which made the team leader's attitude change so obviously. But she also sincerely hopes that her friends can harvest happy love like her. After all, one's life should not only be about work.

Li Wan sighed lightly: "She doesn't understand, in fact, as long as she made it, even instant noodles, I think it's delicious. Food is delicious because there is emotion in it, and emotion is the most important thing. of."

Qin Qianrou quite agrees with this, eating the dishes made by Shen Yiqiu at home, the happiness and satisfaction in her heart is something that no restaurant outside can provide. It was Shen Yiqiu who bound her stomach and her heart, making her more and more obsessed with the feeling of going home.

Rong Fei didn't arrive until late in the evening. She said that she had a special big client. She had been busy with work before, and was finally free until a few years ago. She was willing to pay five times the amount. Rong Fei's consulting fee is not low. Five times the salary is equivalent to doubling the year-end red envelope, which makes people drool.

"Wen Shao and Yuan Qi are the difference. I'll call them and ask them where they are." Li Wan glanced at the time, it was almost six o'clock, and the two of them were still missing.

Rong Fei took the tea Qin Qianrou handed her and asked curiously, "Are they coming together today?"

"Probably not." Qin Qianrou guessed from Wen Shaoze's recent performance that things were not going well. But Yuan Qi agreed to come to the New Year's Eve dinner today, which surprised her.

Since that encounter in the hospital, Yuan Qi has not left Mengcheng, but he has taken a lot of precautions. Wen Shao didn't dare to stimulate him. The two lived in Mengcheng not far or near, knowing that the other person was not far away, but they didn't have the slightest intersection.

Today's New Year's Eve dinner, Shen Yiqiu called Uncle Biao and asked him to come with him. Hearing the joyful voice on the phone, the car accident seemed to be gone, Yuan Qi couldn't bear to disappoint, so he agreed.

But until he bought something on the way to Qin Qianrou's house, Yuan Qi's chaotic brain suddenly sobered up. He was going to Qin Qianrou's house for dinner now, and he was going to spend New Year's Eve in the same room with Wen Shaoze. He didn't know whether to call himself stupid or crazy.

The author has something to say: Shen Yiqiu & Lin Shuangzhi was deeply moved, and took the small box prepared by his wife with tears...

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