MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 80

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Wen Shao then finished his harsh words, and returned to his sister-control character. I specially went to find the doctor and checked Qin Qianrou again in front of him. It is temporarily relieved to get the exact and sound diagnosis information.

It happened a little suddenly, making him quite tired. During this time, he had to bear the family's pressure of urging marriage, and secretly inquired about Yuan Qi's news. Qin Qianrou asked him to check on Hezhuo a while ago. Later, he heard that Dongsheng Group was doing small things on Mengcheng TV. Case.

For a while, he couldn't tell who actually hurt Qin Qianrou, but no matter who it was, he took the account to heart.

Yuan Qi nodded and looked at the people on the hospital bed more.

"Call me anytime."

Shen Yiqiu smiled and said she understood.

Watching Yuan Qi leave, Young Master Wen and Shen Yiqiu also left after saying hello. Unexpectedly, he was only a little late, and Yuan Qi was nowhere to be seen after he came out.

I'm very annoyed, but today's sudden encounter makes both of them feel a little bit overwhelmed. Just now in the ward, they were also supporting each other, while Young Master Wen was impatient but knew that this was not a good time to pursue and fight hard.

Besides, he had to settle Qin Qianrou's matter first.

Pressing between his eyebrows, he couldn't tell for a while whether he was more happy or more lost and melancholy.

Wen Yirong came all night, pushed open the door of the ward in the dead of night, and saw the baby **** the bed at a glance. The small light by the bedside was always on, and there was only a little light in the whole room, but this couldn't stop the mother from finding her daughter quickly.

She walked over quickly, only then did she see clearly that there was another person beside the hospital bed. Wen Shao called her to tell her the details, and she could guess who it was by looking at the back.

The previous conjecture fermented again, and Wen Yirong sighed helplessly.

Shen Yiqiu didn't fall asleep, she just experienced emotional ups and downs and collapsed. He fell asleep in a daze, and immediately woke up when he heard the movement.

"Scared you?" Wen Yirong was still as gentle and elegant, but she was still calm on the face of worry.

"Aunt Wen, please take a seat." Shen Yiqiu got up and moved a chair and put it beside the bed.

"There's something going on at home, so I'm late."

It was not too late to come from Haicheng, but according to the strength of the Qin family, it was still a little late.

Shen Yiqiu didn't know what to pick up, she felt guilty, felt that she had not protected Qin Qianrou well, and felt that it was because of her that her sister would be implicated like this. Now that I see Wen Yirong, I can't say anything with my stomach full, and I can't take care of my nervousness for a while.

"Son, don't worry too much. Xiaorou will be fine, and the doctor said it's fine. You have to take good care of yourself, don't wait for her to wake up and you fall ill again."

Wen Yirong is more gentle than before, putting away the funny jokes, showing the kindness of the elders. Shen Yiqiu's heart softened, and her eyes were red.

"You child, why do you cry so easily. But don't cry here, if Xiaorou wakes up, you will blame me again."

Shen Yiqiu rubbed her eyes, indicating that she did not cry.

Wen Yirong's eyes were on her daughter most of the time, it's been a long time since she took a good look at Xiaorou.

"I will take good care of my sister in the future."

Wen Yirong turned her head to look at her, was silent for a moment, and said, "Actually, I thought about letting her go back to Haicheng. After all, it is her own home, and it is safe with family protection. a little."

Shen Yiqiu's eyes darkened, of course she knew that this might be better for Qin Qianrou. However, this also means that they will be separated for a long time. She was unbearable for a short business trip for training, let alone a formal off-site.

Seeing her silence, Wen Yirong smiled helplessly: "But I also know her attitude, if she is willing to let go, it will not be delayed until now. So, I will have to work hard for you in the future."

Shen Yiqiu didn't recover for a long time about the turning point of this last sentence.

Wen Yirong did not force Qin Qianrou to return to Haicheng. Both Wen Shaoze and Li Wan expressed their surprise.

Wen Yirong didn't stay in the ward for too long, Shen Yiqiu sent a message to Li Wan about this, and she received a call before the phone was locked.

"Aunt Wen really said that?" Li Wan was worried about this all night, but she didn't expect it to be so calm.

"Yeah, that's what she said."

"You really didn't insist on letting Qianrou go back?"

"No, she also asked me to take good care of my sister in the future."

This is really strange, Li Wan is amazed again and again.

"That's fine, it saves the two places being separated. It's not just the two of you who suffer." Li Wan naturally didn't want to be separated from her friends.

"By the way, have you checked things out?"

"I don't have a clue yet, but Wen Shaoze has already sent someone to investigate. I also found someone here, and the results will be available in two days."

Two days later, Qin Qianrou was discharged from the hospital, and Shen Yiqiu was very careful along the way, and even had to support her when getting on and off the car.

Li Wan and Wen Shaoze were both there, looking at this situation, they couldn't help but tease.

"In this battle, those who didn't know thought Qianrou was pregnant."

Wen Shao successfully received an eye knife, but Shen Yiqiu didn't stop.

She didn't seem to hear it at all, or she didn't seem to care at all. All her thoughts are on Qin Qianrou, as long as she can do it, it is no exaggeration.

Qin Qianrou was a little embarrassed. After getting out of the car, she gently pulled out her hand and said, "I'm fine, I can go by myself."

Shen Yiqiu let go of her arm, but immediately took her hand.

"You're fine, but I'm fine."

Li Wan followed behind them, chuckling again.

"Qianrou, don't struggle anymore, your children have been frightened by you these past two days. Just cooperate and let her feel at ease."

The first second Qin Qianrou woke up, she saw Shen Yiqiu sleeping beside her bed. The memory came, and the various emotions before the coma were mixed together, but they couldn't match the stability of seeing the person in front of him.

She reached out and put her hand on the back of Shen Yiqiu's hand, and just as she touched it, the man immediately woke up.

"Sister, are you all right?"

"Well, I'm awake."

Shen Yiqiu passionately kissed her forehead twice, and immediately rang the bell at the head of the bed.

Nurses and doctors came one after another, and Qin Qianrou finally got the exact time when she could be discharged from the hospital. Before being discharged from the hospital, the nurses couldn't help but sigh. In the past two days, Shen Yiqiu was more like a patient, haggard and anxious, and wished to tie the doctor to the ward to observe at any time.

"Sister, drink this first." Shen Yiqiu poured a bowl of soup from the kitchen, and she started to boil it before she went to pick Qin Qianrou out of the hospital.

"I'm not exaggerating, and I'm not seriously ill."

"This doesn't work, it doesn't work, don't say that in the future."

Qin Qianrou took the soup and drank it slowly. Looking at Shen Yiqiu's nervous little face, he said angrily, "What a little superstition."

"Okay, I won't talk about it later."

Shen Yiqiu smiled, but Qin Qianrou always felt that her smile was a little forced.

At first she thought she was tired of being with him in the hospital, but until night, Shen Yiqiu was still frowning, wondering what she was thinking.

This expression of hers was revealed unconsciously, and she probably didn't realize it.

Qin Qianrou leaned against her arms, chatting with her. About that day, Qin Qianrou talked about it in detail once after waking up, and they didn't discuss it deliberately after that.

"What are you thinking about?" Qin Qianrou finally couldn't help it, raised her hand and stroked Shen Yiqiu's eyebrows.



Qin Qianrou didn't believe Shen Yiqiu's perfunctory sentence. This child can't hide his thoughts, especially when facing her, he is always so frank and pure.

"I was just thinking, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in this pain."

Qin Qianrou was surprised that she said that, but she was also a little puzzled.

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have formed a relationship with Dongsheng Group, and you wouldn't have to investigate He Zhuo until now."

Wen Shao told her about it, and Shen Yiqiu felt more guilty.

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be involved in so many messes, and you wouldn't be..."

Qin Qianrou knew what she wanted to say when she heard this, and interrupted her decisively: "These are what you think, but they are not facts."

Shen Yiqiu was startled and did not continue.

"I am a reporter, and my duty is to report the truth. Without you, perhaps the matter of Dongsheng Group or He Zhuo would have been discovered later, or it would have been well hidden, forever No one knows. But, is this a good thing? I'm temporarily safe, but will other people who suffer because the truth is covered up will be better?"

Shen Yiqiu didn't speak, but she had the answer in her heart.

Qin Qianrou adjusted her posture slightly to make herself lie in her arms more comfortably, wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Besides, even if I don't report on Dongsheng and track down He Zhuo, isn't there any other similar news that I need to dig out? So I didn't encounter these things because of you, but It's my work environment, that's what it is."


"I know you are worried about me, I will pay more attention in the future."

Such a guarantee could not appease Shen Yiqiu. What she wanted was to spend as much time as possible with Qin Qianrou in the future, so as to protect her.

"Therefore, you are not allowed to blame yourself any more. Your self-blame is meaningless." Qin Qianrou moved up a little and stood side by side with Shen Yiqiu.

"And, without you, my life would be a lot less colorful."

Shen Yiqiu felt the warmth and tenderness from her sister.

The breath is similar, and the familiar feeling is back.

No need to say more, the lips are glued together.

I didn't act too excited, just kissing quietly like this, Shen Yiqiu felt that it was a waste of time.


Lin Shuangzhi heard the news from Li Wan and rushed back the next day. After visiting Qin Qianrou, Li Wan drove her home.

"Another day in vain?"

"It's not in vain, I have seen the leader."

"It doesn't look like it's going well."

Lin Shuangzhi looked at her and said with a smile, "You know me well."

Li Wan focused on the front and pretended to say casually, "You just don't know how to pretend."

Lin Shuangzhi sighed and relaxed: "Leadership, if you just question the director's business ability, we suggest that we communicate with the city or Taiwan leaders. If you insist on reflecting the situation, We have to come up with stronger evidence.”

Li Wan also guessed, how could such a thing go so smoothly.

"Do you think the materials given by Director Jane can be used?"

"It will work, but it will take some time to sort it out."

Li Wan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she can use it.

But Lin Shuangzhi said again: "But I'm afraid it's too late. Now things have just begun, Qianrou has encountered such a thing, I don't know what will happen in the future."

"Are you afraid?"

Lin Shuangzhi said frankly, "I'm a little scared."

Li Wan was a little angry, she never knew that the team leader was such a timid person.

She was silent and stopped talking, Lin Shuangzhi was immersed in the previous worries, unaware of her thoughts.

The scenery outside the window passed quickly, Lin Shuangzhi's fingers tapped on his legs.

After deliberation, she said, "Xiao Wan, after Qian Rou is discharged from the hospital, you should all leave it alone for the time being."

Li Wan suddenly grasped the steering wheel, and a burst of anger erupted spontaneously.

"I'll be in charge of this, don't interfere."

"Can you handle it alone?" Li Wan's voice became sharper, and Lin Shuangzhi noticed her change.

"I can't put you in danger again and again."

"In our line of work, I never thought of drinking milk tea in the office every day and waiting to get off work."

"Xiao Wan!"

"Team leader, what's the difference between you and us? Just because of your higher level? Are you more senior or do you have some special talent to protect yourself?"

Lin Shuangzhi was speechless by her, so she could only be silent.

"Since we are all the same, why push me and Qianrou away? Isn't it better to fight side by side than you alone?"

"I'm worried about you, I'm afraid!" Lin Shuangzhi was also excited.

Li Wan rarely saw her have such a big mood swing, and stopped talking for a while.

"If you were the one who had the accident this time, and I wasn't by your side, what would you do to me? I can't even imagine if you were in danger, would I be able to hold on."

Li Wan clenched the steering wheel again, this time she really didn't know what to say.

Does the team leader care so much about himself?

"Then...then I don't have to be so unlucky." He said it so imposingly that he couldn't even convince himself.

"Xiao Wan, even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, I am still very worried, very worried!"

Lin Shuangzhi emphasized in such a tone that Li Wan was completely speechless.

The car was silent for a long time, until the car was about to drive outside Lin Shuangzhi's community, Li Wan finally said: "You worry about me, in fact, we will also worry about you. Only by solving the problem as soon as possible can the danger be avoided. Completely lifted."

In fact, they all understand the truth, but they don't want the other party to be in danger.

"It's here, hurry up and take a shower and have a good rest. Your eyes are red and bloodshot, and you look scary."

Lin Shuangzhi knew that Li Wan could not be persuaded, so she froze in the car for three minutes, but still opened the door.

She took a few steps forward and heard footsteps behind her.

"Team Leader."

Lin Shuangzhi turned around, Li Wan had already walked in front of her.

Not waiting for her to speak, Li Wan held Lin Shuangzhi's face in both hands and kissed her lips lightly.

"I will protect myself, don't worry. You should also protect yourself, because I feel the same as you."

After she finished speaking, she quickly let go, turned around, reversed, and left.

In one go, there was no chance for Lin Shuangzhi to speak again.

Looking at the man standing there stupidly, Li Wan drove the car farther and farther away from her, but her ears seemed to be lit by fireworks.

The team leader cared about her, and she felt it. In fact, when I went to Lin Shuang's house last time, I saw that she kept the vase she gave her, and some explanations about her life experience, Li Wanzao Don't blame her.

Although they didn't mention what happened that night. But she realized later that she might have misunderstood the team leader.

In the current situation, they can't be lingering, and they don't have time to care about love, but their hearts will not change. Perhaps it is precisely because of the crisis that this concern is more obvious and stronger.

Lin Shuang was afraid after that, so why didn't Li Wan not have heart palpitations. Ever since Lin Shuangzhi went to the province, she has not been relieved for a moment.

Lin Shuangzhi returned home tired, although Li Wan repeatedly stressed that she would protect herself, but if the external force is too strong, it is useless to be more careful. Someone has already dared to do something to Qin Qianrou, and it's hard to say who will be next.

Lin Shuangzhi was reluctant to back down, but he was absolutely reluctant to watch others get hurt. She thought, maybe it's time to retreat and protect everyone in another way.

The author has something to say: cheer for those who are brave and persistent.

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