MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 74

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I didn't sleep well all night, and I couldn't remember what I was dreaming about. In short, Li Wan woke up in the morning and found that she had a headache, eye pain, and body aches.

Looking at herself in the mirror for a long time, Li Wan scratched her hair irritably, turned on the faucet, and started to wash. Damn Monday, a day that no one liked, Li Wan was particularly resistant.

I was absent-minded along the way. Although my makeup was brighter than before, I was really nervous. Li Wan got on the elevator and suddenly felt like she was back to the way she was when she came to Taili to report when she first graduated.

Some people came in one after another, and Li Wan smiled and greeted them. After the greeting, the elevator was lively. The list of new Taiwan leaders this week will come out, and some of them are well-informed, and they will be known by the weekend.

Some people were happy and some were worried, Li Wan finally understood the general idea, which was quite surprising.

"Director Yu is really sure to mention it?" Li Wan asked a colleague in the advertising department beside her.

"Yeah, it seems that the leadership team will hold an urgent meeting on the weekend to confirm, and the list will be reported this week."

It has been a rumor before, and it seems that it will soon become true.

But this is not a good thing for Li Wan, or even the entire column group.

Director Yu not only does not have much experience in program production, but has always been very resistant to the column group's choice of topics that are thankless and offend the big sponsors. In the past, when applying for a project in Taili, Director Yu raised objections several times.

If he is really in charge of this, it will be even more difficult for the column team to make wonderful programs in the future.

He entered the column group with a heavy heart, Li Wan put away her bag and took a deep breath to adjust her mood. She kept telling herself that it's working time, don't bring personal emotions over.

Then she walked towards Lin Shuangzhi's office. Regarding Director Yu's promotion, she needed to quickly discuss the countermeasures with the team leader.

The door was open, but no one was inside. Li Wan was stunned for a moment, and asked a colleague who happened to pass by: "Is the team leader not?"

"The team leader went to the meeting early in the morning and was in a hurry."

Li Wan thought, it should also be for Director Yu.

The emotions are a bit complicated, and she can't tell whether she is disappointed or relieved. After looking at the empty chair behind the desk again, Li Wan returned to her office.

She thought about it and decided to tell Qin Qianrou the news. If Director Yu really became the deputy director, he would probably do something to them.

Qin Qianrou quickly replied that she knew, and then said that she was training and would talk to her on the phone later. Li Wan just started to work, but it was difficult for her heart to be completely calm.

At noon, Lin Shuangzhi has not come back. This is normal, her meetings are usually long, and sometimes she won't come back until after get off work. However, Li Wan felt that she had spent an extremely long half day, glanced at the time, and confirmed that it was just her own delusion.

The colleague knocked on her door: "Miss Xiaowan, are you going out to dinner?"

Li Wan was not very interested, so she leaned on the seat and declined: "No, there is a lot of work, I will just go to the cafeteria later."

"Okay, call me if you want to bring anything."

Li Wan lost her appetite, pushed aside the work at hand, and let herself go.

I originally thought that I would not be a person whose work is affected by emotions, and that I would become a mature person after experiencing love in college. Unexpectedly, after meeting Lin Shuang, everything was in vain.

All she thinks about now is Lin Shuangzhi, wanting to see her, but not wanting to see her.

This kind of self-contradiction made Li Wan extremely entangled. She walked too hastily that day and failed to communicate with Lin Shuangzhi well.

But in such a scenario, what can you communicate?

The clothes scattered all over the floor, the messy sheets, and the pain spreading from the thigh, what more need to communicate.

Li Wan was stunned, but she was not in a hurry to leave. She was just too shocked to think of a way or a gesture to deal with it.

However, Lin Shuangzhi leaned on the head of the bed and said sorry to her after a long silence.

Li Wan had a fire in her heart and sat up while pulling the quilt.

The waist is still very sore, and there are other places where it hurts more to remind her that their relationship is different now. But what Lin Shuangzhi said were human words?

After a night of ecstasy and madness, she actually said sorry?

"There is no need to say sorry as an adult."

Lin Shuangzhi glanced at the sheets sadly, and the memory of last night made her feel even more heavy. There was no joy at all, it was more like a child who did something wrong waiting for punishment.

The face was full of annoyance, and I almost said I regretted it myself.

What a proud person Li Wan is, she lost her strength last night under Lin Shuangzhi's charming approach, but that doesn't mean she will lower her stance to entangle her.

If she doesn't love her, she won't leave.

Only, she was wearing clothes, but her heart ached.

She could feel that Lin Shuangzhi was watching her all the time. Li Wan wanted her to say a few more words, but she was afraid that she would say something more annoying, so she refused to talk to her. She communicated, and the silence continued until she was fully dressed.

Lin Shuangzhi was wearing pajamas and kept silently following behind her, hesitating to say anything.

Li Wan picked up her bag and put her hand on the door handle.

"If I have nothing to do, I will go first."

Li Wan turned her back to Lin Shuangzhi and said goodbye, but did not open the door immediately.

"Shall I send you off?" With a cautious tone and a trace of chagrin, Lin Shuangzhi seemed to want to make up for his loss of control after drinking.

Li Wan was disappointed, but could not express her anger.

She bit her lip, smiled bitterly, opened the door neatly and left. She turned around and smiled and looked at Lin Shuangzhi: "I can go back by myself, I'm not so fragile that I need someone to send it."

"But last night you..."

Li Wan didn't want her to mention last night. For her, last night was a transformation of her life. Until now, she does not regret that it happened with Lin Shuangzhi. But she didn't want to use this to start her entanglement with Lin Shuangzhi, and she didn't need her to say anything like being responsible.

What age is it, what is your responsibility? She is not an item, and it has to be depreciated in value after opening.

She was just a little sad, she thought she would have a hearty breakfast at the group leader's house today.

Lin Shuangzhi sent a message asking her if she had arrived home safely. After she said she had arrived home, she just said let her rest well. Li Wan waited for a long time, but did not wait for any other news from Lin Shuangzhi.

This was probably the most memorable and most resentful weekend of her life.

When I was distracted, I vaguely heard footsteps outside, very hurried, but also very familiar.

She instinctively went out to see if it was Lin Shuangzhi.

Sure enough, before she could speak, she saw Lin Shuangzhi rushing into his office, rummaging in the drawer for something.

Li Wan hesitated and followed. She stood at the door of the office and knocked lightly on the door twice.

Lin Shuangzhi looked up and saw her, and was stunned: "Xiao Wan, why didn't you go to dinner?"

"I was busy at work, so I didn't go out."

Lin Shuangzhi responded, then lowered her head and focused on finding something.

"What are you looking for?"

Lin Shuangzhi sighed: "Look for a copy of the previous annual plan, I remember clearly putting it here."

"Is there no save file on your computer?"

"What matters is not the content, but the signature of the leader above."

Although Lin Shuangzhi has a lot of information, she is not messy, she is a very organized person. But today she was obviously in a mess, and she couldn't find it after searching for a long time. Li Wan couldn't help but walk over.

"Don't worry, calmly recall, did you remember the wrong location?"

Lin Shuangzhi looked up at her, closed her eyes and thought about it according to her suggestion, then went to the drawer on the other side to find it.

"Did the meeting go well today?"

"It's not going well, it's almost always noisy."

Li Wan was surprised: "Are you arguing with others?"

In my impression, Team Leader Lin is not a person who likes confrontation.

Sometimes she has a fiery temper, and the team leader will take care of it when she gets into trouble. She admires Lin Shuangzhi's patience.

"Because it's so ridiculous, if I don't make noise, I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to come back and find information."


Lin Shuangzhi finally found what he wanted, rolled it up and held it in his hand. She considered it for a while, and said softly: "This time, in addition to updating the leadership team, there are also actions for the column group."

Li Wan's face sank, this is not good news.

Then Lin Shuangzhi said: "Tai Li intends to transfer you and Qian Rou to other departments and let you do other types of programs."

Li Wan is angry, what does this mean?

Lin Shuangzhi is also very helpless. If her two capable officers are transferred, the column team will not expect any high-quality programs in the short term.

"Don't worry, I won't let this happen."

Li Wan is still worried, if this matter is really the intention of the top brass, I am afraid that Lin Shuangzhi will not be able to bear it to the end.

"Okay, I have to go back to the meeting. You hurry up and have lunch, don't go hungry."

"What about you?"

"I have a lunch box over there."

Lin Shuangzhi came and went in a hurry, his face dignified. Li Wan looked at her back and was speechless.

I was very angry at first, but after seeing her, I only care.


Qin Qianrou returned to Mengcheng this Friday night, Shen Yiqiu stretched her neck and looked left and right, Li Wan smiled at her with her arms folded.

"Look at you, like following a little monkey, what's the hurry? Your girlfriend can't run away."

Shen Yiqiu looked at her helplessly, and Li Wan felt strange along the way.

"I don't think my girlfriend is okay?"

"Okay, but you are like this, it seems that I don't pay enough attention to Qianrou."

Shen Yiqiu helpless: "Sister won't blame you."

Li Wan had a mouthful of old blood stuck in her throat, and she couldn't understand why Lin Shuangzhi's brain structure was abnormal, and Shen Yiqiu's brain structure was difficult to figure out?

Qin Qianrou quickly appeared in front of Shen Yiqiu, and before Li Wan could speak, Shen Yiqiu hugged her tightly.

No more scruples and hesitation, like a pair of lovers who have been separated for a long time, if there are not too many people around, Shen Yiqiu will even kiss immediately.

"Cough cough, how long are you going to hug? Didn't you just meet last week? Why does it seem like you haven't seen each other for a few years?"

If you really want to tell the length of time, Li Wan and Qin Qianrou will not see each other for a long time, Shen Yiqiu, why are you excited?

Qin Qianrou lightly patted Shen Yiqiu's arm twice, but looked at Li Wan angrily.

"When I didn't say it, I shouldn't be the light bulb."

Li Wan raised her hand in surrender, turned and walked to the parking lot first. I didn't feel it before, but now, when I look at the show of love, why is my heart always sour.

This week, she had very few opportunities to meet Lin Shuangzhi. Even if they met, they would say a few words in a hurry, or there were documents waiting for Lin Shuangzhi to sign. Li Wan didn't have time to ask her about the reform in detail. It is said that the list has been submitted and she is waiting for the process.

Qin Qianrou came back this week, in addition to wanting to see Shen Yiqiu, there are also reasons for coming back for this matter.

On the way home, Shen Yiqiu and Qin Qianrou sat side by side in the back row. Although she didn't make any hugs, the clasping of her fingers still made Li Wan feel emotional.

I never thought that Qianrou would look like this after falling in love.

Sighed silently, not knowing what Lin Shuangzhi's love would look like, she was probably still a wooden man.

She and herself are like this. Besides saying sorry, she will only ask her if she is okay, does it still hurt? It's really maddening, besides these three words, can't you say other three words!

I kissed her directly that night, but if I did it completely, I became stupid again. Li Wan really wanted to buy a new 3D printed brain for Lin Shuangzhi to replace.

"Qianrou, how long are you on leave this time?"

"Three days."

"It's time to go back to Taiwan to take a look. There has been a lot of changes recently, and people are panicking."

Qin Qianrou told the leader of the training team about the situation, and the other party understood it very well. After all, training is important, and her job is more important. Mengcheng TV is also a big local TV station. This time the reform is also a pioneering example. Qin Qianrou's request for leave was quickly approved.

Shen Yiqiu was naturally happy, which meant that she could spend three more days with her sister.

"I didn't expect it to be so fast this time." Qin Qianrou has little interaction with Director Yu, but this person is not a leader suitable for the news business.

"There's probably someone up there."

"What did the team leader say?"

Li Wan almost stepped on the brakes when Qin Qianrou suddenly mentioned Lin Shuangzhi.

"She was busy like a spinning top, and she went to the city twice, and the results were not ideal."

"So the promotion of Director Yu is the meaning of the city?"

Li Wan shook her head: "I asked my father, he didn't say it clearly, but I don't think the city will be so meticulous, but I fully support the reform. Director Yu was able to go up mainly because of Dingtai."

The candidate for the director has not been decided yet, and many people are rumoring it in private, and Deputy Ding is the most likely to take over.

Li Wan parked the car and handed the car key to Qin Qianrou: "I won't go up, you rest early."

"Send me a message when you get home."

When she got home, before Qin Qianrou could turn around completely, she fell into a familiar and missed embrace.

Shen Yiqiu hugged her hard like she was at the airport, wishing she could melt into her body.

"Miss me."

The sticky and soft voice sounded in her ears, softening Qin Qianrou's heart.

It is cold outside, but the house is warm, and Shen Yiqiu's embrace is warmer.

"I miss you too."

Shen Yiqiu gently stroked Qin Qianrou's face and couldn't put it down.

Her eyes stayed on those lips full of temptation for a long time, causing Qin Qianrou to stagger her eyes unnaturally.

She is wearing **** lipstick today, which is not conspicuous at first glance, but if you look closely, you can still feel the hidden charm.

"Sister, you are so beautiful that I can't help it."

Shen Yiqiu kissed him as soon as he finished speaking.

Qin Qianrou closed her eyes when she kissed her. Now they have a tacit understanding and can always quickly understand each other's thoughts.

Such a kiss, for example, is already familiar to the other party and can be sensed as soon as it approaches.

Couples in love can't stand even a three-minute separation, let alone a week. After gaining a girlfriend from Haicheng, Shen Yiqiu wakes up smiling every day, but when she wakes up, she finds that the house is empty and only herself, and she can't help but feel lost.

Now it's different. With Qin Qianrou's breath and temperature, the family suddenly comes alive.

After the kiss, Qin Qianrou put her hand on Shen Yiqiu's shoulder and gently pushed her away. She was panting, her face flushed, and she hadn't had time to take off her coat, and there was a suitcase at her feet.

"I'm so hot." Qin Qianrou pushed her away and took off her coat.

Shen Yiqiu took it naturally, hung it on the hanger by the door, and then took off her coat and hung it beside her. Then she changed into slippers, bent down to take out the other pair that was prepared in front of the door, and squatted in front of Qin Qianrou.

"Sister, I'll change your shoes for you."

Qin Qianrou is used to wearing high heels, and her feet are more prone to fatigue after flying. But Shen Yiqiu was like this, she was a little embarrassed.

"I'll do it myself."

Shen Yiqiu saw that she was really shy, so she didn't force it any more. She stood up with a smile and supported Qin Qianrou to let her change her shoes.

Actually, she wasn't so tired at all, but Qin Qianrou still put her hand on Shen Yiqiu's arm with respect.

"Are you hungry? Shall I make you a late night snack?"

"I'm not hungry, I ate on the plane."

"Then go take a shower?"

Knowing that her journey was exhausting, Shen Yiqiu didn't bother Qin Qianrou too much except for the deep kiss she just got home.

Qin Qianrou was lying in the bathtub, soothing the tension and fatigue of the week. This week, she went home twice, once when she met Cheng's father and son. Later, she chose to go back on a weekday evening, only the old man and Wen Yirong.

The spirit of the old man is indeed not very good, his voice has become lower, but he is still stubborn. She expressed dissatisfaction with Qin Qianrou's refusal to associate with Cheng Yan, but she did not make any tougher moves.

Wen Yirong reassured her, the old man is just stubborn, and has no energy to impose interference. I hope this time can make the old man as comfortable as possible, and hide what he can hide for a while.

Qin Qianrou looked at her mother who was hesitating to say something, and seemed to have something in her words. She always wondered if she knew something? But Wen Yirong didn't know what to say, and Qin Qianrou was not easy to ask.

The Cheng family's father and son gave Qin Qianrou a good impression. They didn't make any excessive demands, and they always kept a distance between their words, with a sense of proportion. Since Qin Qianrou heard Shen Yiqiu's dream, she has become more attentive.

Anyone who wears a tie can't help but take a second look.

The father and son of the Cheng family wore ties that day, but they were all dark colors, not the yellow that Shen Yiqiu dreamed of.

She didn't want to bring Shen Yiqiu to her family so soon, her cute little friend is so soft and cute, what if she is scared?

Wen Yirong is already the best person in the Qin family, she was still so nervous the last time she met. If she really let her go to see her father and grandfather, I'm afraid that little face would be wrinkled.

Qin Qianrou imagined Shen Yiqiu's expression and couldn't help laughing.

The door of the bathroom was knocked, and Shen Yiqiu's voice came from outside: "Sister, are you getting better soon?"

Qin Qianrou has been in for a long time, and Shen Yiqiu is not very relieved, afraid that she will catch a cold if she falls asleep inside.


Qin Qianrou wiped her hair and came out of the bathroom, seeing that Shen Yiqiu was still busy.

"It's so late, what are you doing?"

"This is given to me by Sister Rong Fei a while ago. After talking about it, it can help me sleep."

Shen Yiqiu was fiddling with an essential oil, and it seemed that it was the first time she used it.

"You didn't use it before?"

Shen Yiqiu fiddled with it, put it on the bedside table, walked over and took the hair dryer naturally.

"If you're not at home, I use it for nothing."

She said it very naturally, as if she was stating a very ordinary fact. Qin Qianrou was stunned for a moment before she understood the meaning of her words, and she couldn't help but blush.

"I'll do it myself, go take a shower."

"I want to dry your hair. I've already showered."

The movement was quite fast, Qin Qianrou suddenly remembered, how should they sleep tonight?

This is not a hotel, this is two rooms and two beds.

Before she came up with the answer, Shen Yiqiu's fingers passed through her long hair again and again. Her movements are very gentle and full of love, making Qin Qianrou unbearable to refuse her approach.

It's okay to sleep together, you can talk more before going to bed, and it's not that they haven't slept together before.

Qin Qianrou thought about it like this, and soon figured it out.


"Shen Yiqiu..."

The two spoke at the same time, stopped at the same time, looked at each other, and both laughed.

Qin Qianrou said first: "What do you want to say?"

Shen Yiqiu was a little embarrassed and lowered her voice: "Sister, can you give me a special name?"


"Every time you call me by my name, I always think of the scene when I was called by the teacher."

Qin Qianrou thought for a moment and said, "That's Xiaoqiu?"

Shen Yiqiu shook his head quickly: "No, that's what the elders called."

Seeing that she seemed really unhappy, Qin Qianrou thought about it again.

This time, she was also a little shy, and slowly opened her lips: "Autumn."

Shen Yiqiu's heart melted when she read a single word.

The chaotic heart beats, and no one has ever called her Qiu with such an affectionate voice.

She put down the hair dryer and took Qin Qianrou's round shoulders. The elder sister is very thin, but there are a lot of places where there should be meat, and her good figure makes people jealous.

The silk nightgown felt so good that it was indescribable, Qin Qianrou's body temperature passed from the nightgown, and rose again in Shen Yiqiu's palm.

Shen Yiqiu kissed Qin Qianrou's crystal ear and whispered in her ear, "I really like you calling me that, and you will be the only one who can call me that."

The author has something to say: the girlfriend is so cute

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