MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 65

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They ate a lot for lunch. The women got together to chat happily, and unknowingly swept the whole table of dishes. If it wasn't for Qin Qianrou who wanted to eat sweet and sour short ribs by name, Shen Yiqiu probably only planned to prepare some light side dishes.

When the bean sprout soup is served, the simple dinner is finally completed. Three dishes and one soup, refreshing and pleasant, the pork ribs in the middle were so bright that people couldn't help drooling.

Shen Yiqiu gave Qin Qianrou half a bowl of rice and sat down as usual.

"Sister, let's eat." It's still a little later than usual dinner time, I hope my sister is not hungry.

Qin Qianrou stayed in the kitchen for a long time today, and almost every dish had ingredients she participated in. In fact, I am not very hungry, but looking at the fruits of these labors, I am naturally happy.

Only, when she set her eyes on Shen Yiqiu, her mood was not so good.

She quickly put down her chopsticks, pulled Shen Yiqiu's hand over, and looked at it carefully for a while.

"What's the matter?" Shen Yiqiu followed Qin Qianrou's movements to look over, only to realize that there were a few blisters on her wrist.

It's not big, but it looks very fresh. I guess it was accidentally splashed while cooking.

This happens occasionally in the kitchen, but today is very different. My sister has been standing very close to her, and sometimes I can feel her presence without turning around. Shen Yiqiu's heart has been beating irregularly, and the whole person is in a state of excitement.

In this way, she can't help but get distracted, and she has to pretend to be calm in front of her sister. The pain of being splashed at that time was short-lived, and it was quickly replaced by the beautiful reality of "my sister is by my side", and I didn't feel much pain at all.

Shen Yiqiu grinned: "It's okay, just a few small blisters."

Qin Qianrou doesn't think so, the kitchen is a place where she can't display her talents, but no one is born good at something. She remembered that when she first arrived at home, Shen Yiqiu was at the same level as herself, and within a few months, the child was already a skilled player.

How much time and energy she has spent, and how many small injuries of this kind or that have been suffered in the kitchen, Qin Qianrou has no way of calculating. But even if Shen Yiqiu didn't say it, she could imagine it.

In the past, I deliberately kept myself from thinking about these details, for fear that I would be moved again and again and break my heart. Now, she is willing to count these proofs of Shen Yiqiu's feelings, every bit of which is evidence that the child really cares about her.

"No matter how small an injury is, it will hurt." Qin Qianrou frowned, her tone was a bit complicated, but Shen Yiqiu's heart felt numb.

Sister's words were so soft and lingering, that her held hand was about to melt.

"I'll pay attention later."

Qin Qianrou also pulled her other hand over, and checked it over and over again to make sure that there were no other wounds, so she was relieved.

"No matter what you do, protect yourself."

Shen Yiqiu was amused by Qin Qianrou's serious look, but she was very useful. My sister cares about herself, she can't ask for it.

"Cooking will inevitably cause some minor injuries, just get used to it."

Shen Yiqiu remembered the time when he first started to study recipes, and it was tragic at that time. The water in the dish was not drained, and it was put into the pot, and the crackling was spectacular. She was also scared away from the stove, and now she has calmed down and adjusted to it.

Seeing Qin Qianrou looking at her with a little dissatisfaction, Shen Yiqiu moved her lips and had to change her mind and obey her: "Okay, even in the kitchen in the future, I will pay extra attention to it. ."

Qin Qianrou let go of her hand, picked up chopsticks and put a piece of spareribs into her bowl.

"The chef has worked hard, try it out."

Shen Yiqiu blinked, her sister's attitude after returning home today is a bit strange, seems to be extra enthusiastic?

It's not even enthusiastic, but it's obviously different from her past.

Shen Yiqiu also put a piece of spareribs for Qin Qianrou, and smiled: "Sister also try it."

Both of them took a light bite, and the aroma was overflowing in their mouths. Today's ribs are particularly delicious.

Shen Yiqiu thought to herself, has my sister calmed down, is it not her fault for yesterday's offense?

However, my sister's lips and the fragrance on my sister's body are so memorable.

Really, I can't stop.

Shen Yiqiu bit his chopsticks, secretly wondering why he was full of all these messes. Her love for her sister should be pure and pure. When did she start to have these thoughts of in-depth contact?

Is it really because she grew up, so greedy?

Cough cough, the more I think about it, the more it feels bad, Shen Yiqiu shook his head again and again.

You can't have so many unreasonable thoughts about your sister.

"What's the matter with you?"

Qin Qianrou's voice made Shen Yiqiu feel guilty and choked to the point of coughing up tears.

Qin Qianrou put down her chopsticks, stroked her back, and calmed her down.

"It's not good to go out for dinner."

Shen Yiqiu blushed, peeked at Qin Qianrou, and found that her sister had been looking at her.

In addition, there seems to be a faint smile on the corner of my sister's mouth.

"Thank you sister, I'm fine." Afraid of being seen through, Shen Yiqiu only dared to sneak a peek at her, no matter what, she couldn't be calm.

Qin Qianrou then withdrew her hand, Shen Yiqiu's blushing just now made her a little puzzled. When she saw the child's secret eyes, her heart trembled.

After dinner, Qin Qianrou was not in a hurry to go back to the room, she made two cups of tea in the living room, waiting for Shen Yiqiu to finish packing.

"Do you have homework to complete today?"

Shen Yiqiu consciously walked over and sat beside her: "I have finished writing it ahead of time."

My sister is coming back this weekend, how could Shen Yiqiu let things like homework get in the way.

"Then, let me have a cup of tea."

The replayed news was broadcast on the TV, Qin Qianrou had no intention of watching it. When she came out of Rong Fei, she made a decision and wanted to try to change the mode of getting along with Shen Yiqiu.

Cooking together is a great start, but cooking alone is obviously not enough.

She wants to have a good chat with her. If she considers accepting Shen Yiqiu's feelings, then the other party's views and attitudes towards feelings must be clear.

She can be less concerned about her feelings, but single-mindedness and honesty are her bottom line.

If you like me, you can only like me.

Qin Qianrou was thinking about how to start the topic, Shen Yiqiu was drinking tea quietly beside her, as well-behaved as a kitten.

"Sister, do you have something to tell me?" After waiting for a while, Qin Qianrou still did not speak, but she was obviously thinking.

Shen Yiqiu thought that her sister was passive in this relationship. Since she likes her sister first, she might as well take the initiative.

"Shen Yiqiu, have you been dating anyone recently?"

Qin Qianrou tried several arguments in her heart, but she was not satisfied.

Simply asked her directly, she didn't care how to ask, what she cared about was Shen Yiqiu's answer.

"Of course not." Shen Yiqiu answered quickly and simply.

Qin Qianrou's heart was a little more calm.

She pursed her lips and held the teacup, and the warmth spread to her palms one after another, giving her strength and courage.

"Then you..."

"In my heart, only my sister."

Qin Qianrou's heart softened again, even if she knew that Shen Yiqiu might say this, but when she heard it, it was another feeling.

She was a little embarrassed, and habitually hooked her long hair around her ears. After going to Haicheng, she permed the end of her hair and had small waves. Compared with the black long straight in the past, my sister is now more mature and more charming.

Shen Yiqiu was very nervous, but these words were her true thoughts.

There is no one else in her heart, only Qin Qianrou.

"Can you distinguish your feelings for me?" Qin Qianrou spoke very slowly this time, her voice was not loud, but Shen Yiqiu could hear her doubts and concerns.

"Yes, I can tell the difference." Shen Yiqiu still answered quickly, as if he could come to a conclusion without thinking.

But she didn't see Qin Qianrou getting relaxed, this answer might not be convincing enough.

Shen Yiqiu straightened her thoughts and turned her body to face Qin Qianrou. She was a little nervous, but she still reached out to hold her sister's shoulder and let her look at her.


But no matter how unhappy I am, as soon as you come back, I will not remember anything when I see you, only happy. Later, when you went to the Economic Investigation Department, I couldn't help but think of Captain Qian. I knew that there was no special relationship between the two of you, but I was still careful. "

Shen Yiqiu became embarrassed as he spoke.

But for the sake of saying this, it was rare that my sister didn't stop her, let alone push her away. This may be the only opportunity for her to express her intentions. All she can do is to seize it.

"I don't feel this way about other people. If a friend with whom I play well has a new partner, at most I'll just be lost, not so sad that I want to cry. My mother used to be Complimenting how obedient and sensible other people's children are, I'm just angry, and I'll be wronged for a few days at most. I won't feel sour, so sour that I want to cry, and I want to hug her regardless."

Qin Qianrou has been quietly listening to her, it turned out that the original feeling was right, when Shen Yiqiu was in Haicheng, something was wrong.

At that time, Qin Qianrou didn't think much about it, and comforted herself. It turned out that she was just deceiving herself.

All feelings are actually inductive.

"Shen Yiqiu, aren't you worried that I will reject you?"

Shen Yiqiu smiled bitterly: "Didn't you always reject me?"

Qin Qianrou was startled, she thought that it was only obvious yesterday.

Is this child discovered long ago?

"Sister, I was the one who moved you first, and I took the initiative.

I don't want you to sympathize with me because you are pitiful, or because you are concerned about my mood, and reluctantly get close to me. As long as you don't drive me away, even if it's just by your side, I'll be satisfied. "

Qin Qianrou was startled, and then she was a little annoyed.

She said in a deep voice, "Do you think I'm trying to comfort you today?"

Shen Yiqiu bit her lip, she didn't want to think so. But apart from this reason, she really couldn't think of why her sister would suddenly change her attitude.

Qin Qianrou was not happy, she shook her shoulders slightly, trying to break free from Shen Yiqiu's hand.

"Since you think so, what do you think I feel about you?"

Huh? This question seems a bit difficult, but it seems to contain something.

Shen Yiqiu hesitated and did not dare to speak easily. She was able to analyze her heart frankly and straightforwardly, but she could not guess what her sister was thinking.

"Shen Yiqiu, look at me. Tell me, in your heart, what do you think I think?"

Shen Yiqiu's slightly sentimental voice sounded: "Sister probably hopes that I can grow up healthy and not be affected by setbacks. You hope that I will go well in the future and live like a normal person."

She laughed at herself: "Probably you don't want to be entangled in this complicated and unsolved relationship with me."

My uncle said that my sister is very straight. Although she has never dated anyone, it does not mean that she will accept girls.

Shen Yiqiu didn't dare to look at Qin Qianrou, and for some reason, she suddenly said all her thoughts.

Qin Qianrou was silent for a moment before sighing: "I just think that you are still young, and this kind of relationship is not suitable for you."

Shen Yiqiu's heart hurts a little, but compared to yesterday, it is actually much better.

At least my sister is willing to talk to her about this topic directly, instead of blindly avoiding it.

Then, she slowly realized that the abnormality of her sister today was not just because of sympathy for her.

She looked back at Qin Qianrou, and tentatively said with a trembling voice: "Then...what if I think it's suitable?"

Qin Qianrou's lips pursed even tighter, she didn't have much emotional experience. No matter how much the stories and experiences of others are read, they are only spectators. When it was my turn, I was still confused and at a loss.

In addition to being older and more experienced, she is not much better than Shen Yiqiu in terms of love.

However, she knew very well that her heart would beat because of the child in front of her.

Days and nights in Haicheng, she would miss her, silently follow her circle of friends, and could not help but think of a lot of things they got along with.

Shen Yiqiu held her breath, she thought her sister would say something of rejection, then pushed her away, everything was like yesterday.

But she waited for a while and was pleasantly surprised to find that her sister was still sitting in front of her. She frowned, but there was no disgust on her face. She struggled, but didn't really leave her.

Shen Yiqiu boldly stepped forward. Their breaths are so close that they are intertwined, and as long as they exert force, they can feel each other's breath falling on each other's lips.

"Sister, will you give me a chance?"

When she said this, Shen Yiqiu was so nervous that she unconsciously grasped Qin Qianrou's shoulder, which even made it a little painful.

"But we..." Qin Qianrou did not expect that tonight's conversation would suddenly enter this stage.

This is much faster than she expected.

However, this is another problem that has to be faced.

They are heartbroken for each other, and there is always a conclusion between them.

If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you want to stop, now is the best time.

However, Qin Qianrou looked at her with affection in her eyes, the past moments, and the uncontrollable stirring in her heart, which made Qin Qianrou undeniable: she also likes her.

Shen Yiqiu was extremely frightened, even if she had done a thousand psychological constructions, she would not be willing to hear the words of rejection. The rejection of her sister means that she will lose the opportunity to get close to her sister, and she can't accept it. In the future, her sister's side will be another person.

She stepped forward and hugged Qin Qianrou tightly, like a rare treasure, she must put it in the safest place.

"Sister, let me prove that my feelings for you are real. Let me take good care of you, okay?"

Shen Yiqiu wanted to say love, but didn't dare.

She knew that it was too early to say love, and she didn't want her sister to think she was frivolous.

Qin Qianrou's reason and last struggle were softened in this warm embrace, Shen Yiqiu gave her a hint of encouragement without giving up.

Perhaps, what this kid said was true. Maybe, I should give each other a chance?

Rong Fei has said that there is no need to treat feelings as work. Feelings can be submissive to one's will, if the heart promises, other struggles will be in vain.

The moment she touched her body, Qin Qianrou clearly felt Shen Yiqiu shaking a few times.

Her breathing against her ear became chaotic, and Qin Qianrou's heart was not as calm as she seemed on the surface.

"Sister..." Shen Yiqiu's murmur was like a spell, breaking Qin Qianrou's frozen heart.

"Shen Yiqiu, give me some time."

Qin Qianrou thinks that she needs a little time to clear up the troubles that have occurred during this period of time. She hopes to start with Shen Yiqiu simply and refreshingly. Of course, she also needs a little time to switch roles.

She never thought that she would date such a small girl.

For her, this is tantamount to subverting the past. Reporter Qin, who has always been prudent and cautious, needs a little time.

Shen Yiqiu was a little disappointed, her sister did not agree to her.

But she said give her a little time, then there is still a chance.

He kept cheering himself up in his heart, Shen Yiqiu was greedy for warmth, and while Qin Qianrou didn't speak, he hugged him for a while longer.

It was not until my sister said she was going to take a bath that she let go.

Shen Yiqiu went back to his room, sat at the table, took out the piece of paper that was full of sister's name from yesterday, looked at it and smirked. After laughing, I couldn't help kissing it again, as if kissing my sister's name was like kissing my sister's lips.

Sister needs time, so I will wait patiently.

One day my sister will be my girlfriend.

Just imagining it like this, Shen Yiqiu felt that his whole body was surging, and it was difficult to calm down.

The next day, Qin Qianrou was surprised that she did not make any arrangements, and it seemed that she did not plan to go out.

"Sister, do you have any plans for today?"

Qin Qianrou was wearing home clothes, sitting on the chair by the balcony door and reading a book. The warm sun shining on her outside the window made her even more goddess radiance.

"No, I plan to rest at home."

Shen Yiqiu smiled, which means that I can spend a day with my sister today.

"Then I'll cook you something delicious."

Shen Yiqiu walked quickly to the kitchen, Qin Qianrou kept her eyes fixed on her figure, and then laughed along with her.

Just like that, do nothing, don't go anywhere, just stay at home for a quiet day, it's actually not bad.

With that person at home, it really feels different.

This is different from when I was alone in the hotel in Haicheng. The small vacancy in my heart was finally filled.

It is still a small wonton, but today it is a different filling. Shen Yiqiu blew it a few times, and waited for the temperature to drop before calling Qin Qianrou over.

"Sister, be careful."

Qin Qianrou held the spoon in her hand, bowed her head and ignored her, but her ears were a little red.

Shen Yiqiu was really afraid that she would be scalded again. It would be fine to scald her, but don't cause ulcers, that would really hurt people.

Qin Qianrou lowered her head and felt that the gaze never left, but she raised her eyes helplessly and glared at her lightly: "You think I'm a child, I'm so easily scalded arrive?"

Shen Yiqiu smiled: "Who was burned the day before yesterday..."

She seemed to suddenly remember that scene, so she dared not say any more.

Qin Qianrou knew she was shy and wanted to comfort her a few words, but she herself was not much better.

After all, that kiss was of great significance to her.

She couldn't help but look deeply at the person who was still bowing her head, thinking: Shen Yiqiu, you know, that was my first kiss.

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