MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 46

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Qin Qianrou accompanied Shen Yiqiu to Haicheng, and Rong Fei went abroad to study a short course. It was rare for Li Wan to get off work on time, but she found that she was so lonely that no one could find her.


In order not to spoil other people's happiness, and in order not to embarrass the organizers, they have rarely attended so-called class reunions or girlfriends dinners. Gradually, the so-called best friend, she and Qin Qianrou were the only ones left to depend on each other.

Lin Shuangzhi came back from the meeting and saw Li Wan's frowning face.

"You haven't left yet?" Lin Shuangzhi glanced at the time, the group was relatively quiet today, and almost everyone had left.

Li Wan didn't expect her to appear suddenly. The atmosphere between them has been very weird these days, and no one took the initiative to answer. Lin Shuangzhi took the initiative to speak, even if the question did not suit her mind, but Li Wan did not want to ignore it.

"Well, there's nowhere to go after get off work, let's just see what work needs to be done ahead of time."

After speaking, Li Wan turned on the computer again. It seemed that she was going to work overtime, but the surroundings were empty, and she looked very pitiful by herself.

"Need takeout?"

Li Wan was a little surprised, she thought that Lin Shuangzhi should go back to her own office at this time. After an afternoon meeting, there must be a bunch of things left unaddressed. Unexpectedly, she was here to talk to herself about takeout, so she was not afraid of wasting time.

"Why, aren't you hungry? Or do you have a date for dinner later?"

Lin Shuangzhi was so abnormal today, not only did she not go back to the office, but she stood at Li Wan's door and talked more and more vigorously. It seems that if she doesn't answer, Lin Shuangzhi is not ready to leave.

"It was because there was no one to make an appointment that I decided to stay and work overtime." Li Wan sighed again when she remembered the situation just now.

Lin Shuangzhi chuckled and said, "That's right, let's get a company and order takeout together."

Li Wan focused her eyes on her and looked at her suspiciously: "Is the sun coming out of the west? It's really rare to see Team Leader Lin ask for a meal."

Lin Shuangzhi smiled and shook his head, raising his feet to leave.

"Hey, you haven't said what you want to eat!"

"You decide, just eat the same as you."

Listen to the voice, Lin Shuangzhi has already gone back, but the door is not closed.

Anyway, it's just the two of them now, and the door is open. If there is anything, just yell, it's convenient and quick, and you don't have to run around.

So Li Wan took out her mobile phone and started to look at the restaurants that she usually ordered overtime. In fact, when she and Qin Qianrou were working, they didn't pay much attention to food, as long as they were full. However, now, she has carefully selected and carefully read the menus of these several restaurants from beginning to end. Why does it seem that there is nothing particularly delicious.

Strange, it usually takes less than ten minutes to place an order, so I still can’t make up my mind after watching it for a long time today. Li Wan bit her lip and resentfully reopened the one she had ordered the most times, it was the one she was most familiar with, and the taste was alright.

Lin Shuangzhi usually eats cold food during overtime work. Li Wan thinks that she should choose a warm one. It is best to add some moisturizing soup, so as to really make Overtime is full of motivation.

So, instead of placing an order as usual, she carefully combined several signature dishes from the store. The delivery time is longer than before, but it seems more ritualistic.

She put down her phone and stared at the screen for a while, unintentionally working. After hesitating for a while, she got up and walked to the door of Lin Shuangzhi's office.

Sure enough, the team leader was too busy to blink, and there were several reports waiting for her to sign on the table. If she hadn't stayed today, Lin Shuangzhi would have been busy until late at night again.

Alas, thinking about it this way, being a leader is really hard and a little pitiful.

Li Wan stood for a while, and Lin Shuangzhi finally realized her existence.

"Why are you standing there, why don't you come in?"

Her tone was natural, as if the indifference between them had never existed before. Li Wan wanted to continue spending time with her, but as soon as Lin Shuangzhi's attitude softened, she couldn't be more ruthless.

Besides, it was not Li Wan's intention to be indifferent to her.

Li Wan flicked her long curly hair naturally and walked in calmly.

"I want to tell you that the takeaway is ready, but the delivery time is relatively long."

Lin Shuangzhi doesn't care about this, some of them are already very good, it doesn't matter if you eat later.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Li Wan's anger rose again.

"So if you're hungry..."

"It's fine, I'm not hungry."

Li Wan pursed her lips and stopped talking.

Lin Shuangzhi waited for a while without hearing a sound, and looked away from the screen again. Seeing Li Wan standing in front of her desk with her arms folded, she couldn't help laughing.

"Still angry?"

Li Wan did not expect that she would suddenly say such a sentence, she was really stunned.

"No, I have nothing to be angry with."

"It's good not to be angry."

This topic of Lin Shuangzhi ended here, obviously she really thought that Li Wan was not angry. This time, Li Wan was passive. She moved her lips, but she couldn't say anything, and her heart felt uncomfortable.

"Then keep busy, I'm over. I'll call you when the takeaway arrives!"

The high heels stepped on the carpet without making a sound, but Li Wan just stepped out of the momentum, out of the style, out of a gust of cold wind.

Lin Shuangzhi frowned as he looked at the empty doorway.

She didn't want to ask a few more questions, but she was afraid of saying too much, so she couldn't help asking about the date that night. She saw Li Wan being picked up by the window, and there was a discussion in the office the next day, saying that her date was handsome and rich, and that she was very talented.

Lin Shuangzhi never likes to inquire about gossip, but this time she couldn't help but listen a few more words. The more she listened, the more uncomfortable she felt, and she had to silence herself.

I'm afraid that as soon as I open my mouth, my mood will be revealed.

As the team leader, what power does she have to prevent her subordinates from dating?

She doesn't have that power, never has.

Lin Shuangzhi forced herself to focus on her work, only in this way could she calm her mind.

She didn't dare to think deeply, for fear that if she thought about it further, she would not be able to control herself and come to a conclusion that she couldn't face.

Li Wan walked back to the seat angrily, stepping on her high heels, the seat made a loud noise by her, and turned around several times. The phone on the table kept ringing. She thought it was the takeaway that arrived early, so she quickly picked it up.

"Have you arrived yet?"

The other party obviously did not expect her first sentence to be this, and was stunned for a moment.

"Hello? Where are you, why don't you speak?"

There was a familiar and annoying voice on the other end of the phone, Li Wan frowned.

"Xiao Wan, how do you know I'm downstairs?"

Zhuo Cheng is very happy, although the surprise failed, but Li Wan's feeling for him is really magical.

"I don't know, I thought it was takeout."

Li Wan's straightforwardness made Zhuo Cheng embarrassed for a time, but he quickly adjusted.

"I know you're working overtime, I hope it doesn't bother you."

Li Wan rolled her eyes, thinking that you are already disturbing.

"I bought something to eat and I'm about to bring it up. Do you want to come down and pick me up?"

What is this, how did Zhuo Cheng know she was working overtime? Li Wan was so annoyed that she could not wait to tell him to leave immediately.

"I have ordered takeout, and it will be delivered soon. You'd better take it home and eat it yourself, don't waste it."

"I bought it specially for you, it's a real waste if you don't eat it."

Li Wan took a deep breath, her patience was exhausted.

Lin Shuangzhi just came over, she suddenly felt a little hungry and couldn't concentrate on her work. Just come over and wait for the takeout with Li Wan, and we can chat again by the way.

As soon as she walked to the door, she heard Li Wan raise the volume with obvious resistance.

"I have a lot of work to do tonight, so I don't have time to see you, and I don't need your food. That's it, bye!" Before hanging up, she added, "Don't If you call, don't say you've been waiting downstairs, I won't accept it!"

Hang up, throw away the phone, go with the flow, all movements are very smooth and natural.

Lin Shuangzhi watched, her mood improved inexplicably, and even the hunger that tortured her just now subsided a lot.

Li Wan turned around and saw a person suddenly standing in front of her, she was startled, and then she felt guilty.

I don't know how much the team leader overheard the phone call just now.

"Why did you suddenly appear?"

"You are too focused on the phone call. I have been here for a long time."

How long? Li Wan bit her lip and stared at her, embarrassed to ask.

Lin Shuangzhi staggered his gaze and said casually, "It was your date just now? Why are you so fierce towards him?"

I have been stumped for a few days, and I have not had the opportunity to clarify to everyone.

Because no one dared to make this joke in front of her, she didn't always pull everyone to explain it, which seemed too boring and cheap.

The smile on Lin Shuangzhi's face deepened, and Li Wan realized her urgency only after finishing speaking.

It seems a little too anxious for fear of misunderstanding.

The phone did not call again, but a message came: Xiaowan, I am waiting for you in the car.

After a while, the takeaway came, and the little brother was waiting downstairs. According to the regulations in Taiwan, takeaways are not allowed to go upstairs, and my brother has long been accustomed to the rules here.

Seeing Li Wan hesitate, Lin Shuangzhi guessed the reason and volunteered.

"I'll go down and get it."

Before Li Wan could speak, she turned and left. After a long time, she was the only one left in the office, and Li Wan suddenly smiled.

Later, I was having dinner with the team leader alone, I was looking forward to it.

However, Li Wan waited for a long time and did not see Lin Shuangzhi's figure, obviously it had been delivered. The little brother has already arrived downstairs, there is no need to confirm in advance, so where did Lin Shuangzhi take the food?

Li Wan thought of a possibility, went to the window nervously and looked out, and sure enough, Zhuo Cheng's car was still there. But he didn't get out of the car, and there didn't seem to be anyone else in the car.

The team leader didn't go to Zhuo Cheng, it's okay.

After waiting for a while, she finally came back.

"Where have you been?"

Li Wan's worries turned into complaints, and she growled at Lin Shuangzhi.

"By the way, I bought something else." Lin Shuangzhi didn't seem to care about Li Wan's anger, and put the things in his hand on the table one after another.

Li Wan's eyes fell on the food with Lin Shuangzhi's movements, and a familiar exquisite packaging bag appeared in front of her.

It's her favorite dessert.

"Dessert, the icing on the cake."

Lin Shuangzhi did not explain why she suddenly ran to buy this, but she said casually, which made Li Wan's heart tremble.

She felt that this was specially bought for her by the team leader.

Soon, she reminded herself silently in her heart: she was probably dizzy from hunger and too angry, and had hallucinations.


Without the trouble of He Zhuo and his wife, the mastermind of the car accident case of Shen Zhifeng and his wife was successfully arrested, and the inheritance matter became very smooth. Accompanied by Qin Qianrou, Shen Yiqiu completed all the handovers.

"Now I am also a person with little wealth." Shen Yiqiu laughed at himself, holding a thick stack of documents in his arms.

"Then let's celebrate the birth of Little Rich."

"Wait a minute, I want to do something first."

Qin Qianrou stopped and waited for her.

Shen Yiqiu bowed her head, as if making a final decision. Then she raised her head firmly: "I want to consult on how to donate these patents of my father."

Qin Qianrou looked at her unexpectedly: "You want to donate them?"

This has just arrived and it has not been warmed up, and you will donate it when you change hands? Qin Qianrou didn't want to interfere with other people's private property, but she was worried that Shen Yiqiu didn't fully understand the value of these patents.

"Have you figured it out? If you donate it, it will no longer belong to you, and the future benefits will not concern you."

Shen Yiqiu smiled indifferently, and seemed to have thought about this for a long time.

"My father said that he did not study these for himself. If these patents can be better used and benefit more people, that is the meaning of my donation."

These patents are difficult to realize in the short term, but they have high research value and are also meaningful for breakthroughs in certain fields. The reason why He Zhuo is eager to get it is because he can sell it to a behind-the-scenes buyer at a low price, and through their dark-box operation, it will become the result of someone else after a makeover.

In this way, Shen Zhifeng's efforts for this purpose have been completely obliterated, and these patented technologies have not been applied to the field of benefiting the society at all, and are only tools for making a name for themselves.

Shen Yiqiu hates such hypocrisy and waste, so she wants to donate these patents to places that really understand them.

Qin Qianrou saw that her attitude was firm, not like she was impulsive, so she stopped persuading her.

“I can ask you, do you have any requirements for donation recipients?”

"I demand that these patents must be used in public welfare projects that benefit the society and cannot become any privately owned property. And I need to regularly receive periodic reports on the use of patents. If I breach the contract, I will take it back patent."

Such restrictions are a little troublesome, but for institutions that really focus on scientific research, they will not find it difficult to achieve. Qin Qianrou didn't know much about this field, but she didn't think Shen Yiqiu's conditions were too harsh.

"Anything else? For example, in terms of returns, are there any requirements?"

Shen Yiqiu shook his head: "I don't ask, I donate for free."

Qin Qianrou gave her a deep look, reflecting Shen Yiqiu's bright smile.

Shen Yiqiu did not hide the change in her mood, she was willing to share such joy with Qin Qianrou.

Patents can be donated, but the Shen family's real estate in Haicheng and some deposits are real wealth. Shen Yiqiu is finally no longer a lonely homeless person, she can actually have a family.

But neither she nor Qin Qianrou seemed to realize the change, and Shen Yiqiu did not plan to move out of Qin Qianrou's house. She just felt that she had more money in her pocket and could use her own money to buy food in the future.

In this way, she can buy better things for her sister to eat.

There is basically no suspense in He Zhuo's case. The evidence that convicted him is basically iron-clad, and with a large number of witnesses, Professor He, who was once invincible, is now so haggard that he is almost unrecognizable.

When he stood in the dock, Shen Yiqiu almost didn't recognize him. However, when this moment really came, it still made her eyes red.

All kinds of past lives are gathered in my heart now, and a thousand words can't explain my mood at this time.

A cool hand was placed on the back of her hand, Shen Yiqiu looked down at Qin Qianrou's slender fingers, stunned.

The author has something to say: I have started to work, and it is estimated that there will not be so many fat chapters in the future.

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