MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 39

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Qin Qianrou took the list given by Gu Chao and looked at it one by one. From time to time, she looked at the copies of the bills that had been sorted out on the computer or on the table. It has to be said that in addition to being obedient and obedient, these students are actually sober.

Gu Chao stood beside him, seeing Qin Qianrou's pause, he took the initiative to explain: "In the beginning, when he asked us to look for the issuance and the ticket, the amount required was not large, so we Basically, the payment is made by catering or transportation.”

The documents on the computer are sorted by date, and those scanned copies are sorted by the time they were obtained. Qin Qianrou clicked a few and took a look, which was consistent with what Gu Chao said.

" Later, seeing that we had done well and our mouths were strict, he gradually asked us to find a larger denomination. Later, he asked more and more frequently, and the amount required was higher. We really have no choice but to ask our friends and relatives around us to find it together."

Gu Chao recalled the past with a bitter expression on his face.

Li Zihua also interjected: "And if we don't hand in it on time, he will lose his temper and call our report back and ask us to rewrite it. Obviously the experimental data is fine. , he wanted to be picky. In the end, almost no one dared to say no to him."

Qin Qianrou frowned, so domineering?

Li Zihua turned sideways and pointed to Ding Song who had been sorting out silently, and said, "A Song has the softest temper, and chores are often thrown to him first. It must have been returned long ago."

"He is so domineering, you have never reported the situation to the school, and are you still so obedient?"

This is indeed beyond Qin Qianrou's expectations, and she also laments their ability to endure.

Gu Chao was silent for a while, and took the responsibility on his own initiative: "It's my fault. They wanted to make trouble for a long time, but I stopped it. I always feel that the reason why the tutor is not satisfied , because the student didn't work hard enough. Later, I found out that it was me who was running away and kept making excuses for him."

Qin Qianrou didn't ask any more questions, it could be seen that these students were tortured.

Leave these things secretly, it seems that they are already prepared, waiting for the fish to die and the net to break one day.

"Leave this to me and I'll take care of the rest."

Qin Qianrou had a good idea after reading it. These evidences are not enough to bring down He Zhuo head-on, but with them, she has more clues to cut into.

They handed over the things they had prepared for a long time to Qin Qianrou, and they were still worried: "Reporter Qin, will this matter affect you? After all, He Zhuo's fame So big and high status. If he finds out, I'm afraid he will deal with you."

Shen Yiqiu was always beside Qin Qianrou, and it was hard to hide her worry when she heard this. She was indeed worried that He Zhuo would do something to Qin Qianrou. This shy hypocrite was much more despicable than a gangster.

"Thank you for your concern, I will be careful."

Qin Qianrou accepted all these kind concerns, and told them again before leaving to keep them in their normal state, so as not to be noticed by He Zhuo.

Leaving the hotel, Shen Yiqiu couldn't help it: "Are you really not worried at all?"

Qin Qianrou waved the portfolio in her hand and said softly, "Isn't He Zhuo more worried now?"

Shen Yiqiu saw that she was so calm, but she was too nervous. She scratched her cheek embarrassedly, and pretended to glance around inadvertently to make herself seem less concerned.

"We will take this matter slowly, it will not be too dangerous, don't worry."

Shen Yiqiu turned her head in surprise, Qin Qianrou is comforting herself?


With these things, plus the information Shen Yiqiu had learned in his previous life, several companies under He Zhuo's name in the Ming Dynasty were packaged by Qin Qianrou and sent to Li Wan.

"Basically, it is certain that he is using issuances and tickets to obtain scientific research funds, and the amount should not be small."

When Qin Qianrou called Li Wan, she roughly explained the situation here. After the other party accepted the task seriously, he chuckled before hanging up: "Qianrou, you are really good. You can find such a big news when you go back to Haicheng. When you come back, the team leader will give you bonuses again."

"Li Wan, are you sure the team leader will do this?"

Li Wan covered her mouth and smiled, for fear that it would be too obvious to annoy Qin Qianrou.

"Don't worry, if she refuses, I will definitely put pressure on her."

Qin Qianrou lazily joking, holding the phone in one hand, and sliding the mouse in the other hand to continue reading the information.

Li Wan lingered and refused to hang up, and took the initiative to ask: "You went home this time, did you encounter any trouble?"

The trouble she was referring to was of course Qin Qianrou's family.

"It's okay, I just met my mother and my uncle."

"Is this okay?"

"It's really nothing, it's just a chance encounter. You help me find out the information of all the companies under He Zhuo's name as soon as possible. I'm afraid he will notice and destroy the evidence."

After dismissing Li Wan, Qin Qianrou looked past the computer and saw Shen Yiqiu sitting on the sofa in deep thought. Qin Qianrou always felt that her mood was not right since last night, as if she had something on her mind, but she didn't seem to have the position to inquire, so she didn't ask in detail.

Shen Yiqiu came back to her senses and found Qin Qianrou looking at her. She was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I thought about it carefully, He Zhuo took such a large sum of money, and it certainly won't all fall into his pocket. Someone must be helping him deal with the money, and besides the scientific research funds, he has other thing."

"The flow of funds will become clear when Li Wan finds out all the companies in his name. As for the other things you said, what do you mean?"

Shen Yiqiu took a breath and raised her eyes to meet Qin Qianrou's gaze.

"About scientific research patents, he has some in his hand, and some in his partner's hand. He is so greedy, it is impossible to remain indifferent."

Shen Yiqiu hated He Zhuo utterly when she thought that the patents deceived in her previous life were the result of her father's painstaking efforts.

"This aspect is not so easy to check. Unless his transaction object appears, it is difficult to track it unilaterally."

Shen Yiqiu nodded sullenly, she was bothering about this.

She knew it too late in her previous life. When she found out that everything was just a scam, He Zhuo had already sold those patents. Apart from resentment and grief, Shen Yiqiu had no way of tracking down who had really bought it.

Most of those who took patents on the surface were non-profit organizations or enterprises with good social reputation. However, she had eavesdropped on He Zhuo's phone calls and knew that those were just transit points.

Qin Qianrou recalled He Zhuo's information: "Most of his research is in the basic field, and the results are not used much. The patents in his hands have limited profit potential."

"That's why I covet others!"

Shen Yiqiu gritted her teeth, thinking that her father often stayed up all night for experiments. But my father never thought of making a fortune by these things, he only hoped to benefit the society.

"Shen Yiqiu, what He Zhuo covets are the ones your father owns?"

When Qin Qianrou saw her reaction, it was impossible to guess the reason.

"Yes. I remember that every time they met with their parents, they would always turn to this when they chatted, but my father was reluctant to talk about it. Later I heard my father and my mother privately Say, try to talk to them about patents as little as possible in the future.”

It's also a matter of interest. It seems that no matter what field, interest is an inescapable theme.


He Zhuo tried Gu Chao several times, and he also generously admitted that it was because of his emotions about graduation, and the disagreement with his girlfriend was also caused by where he would live in the future. Such frankness made He Zhuo feel relieved.

It is common for young people to be carried away by love on campus. He Zhuo temporarily restrained the pressure on students. Except for Gu Chao and the others, everyone else felt that the teacher's conscience had found out, and they secretly prayed for a better life in the future.

He Zhuo was very irritable these two days. He made several phone calls and made various arrangements. Now we are waiting for the feedback from all parties to formulate the next plan.

Jiang Yuan adjusted the recent work plan in order to free up more time to help He Zhuo.

"Lao He, you said they haven't returned to Mengcheng, are they really eyeing us?"

He Zhuo sat in the study with a cigarette in his hand.

"When I was eating, I saw that reporter Qin was young, but quite stable. I tried a few times and didn't get much response. I knew that this woman was not easy to deal with." He Zhuo sucked. A cigarette does not feel good.

"Do you think she really has a backstage? After checking so much news in Mengcheng, no one dared to touch her. Did she come forward for others?"

Jiang Yuan's guess is also possible, if she really has a backstage, it will be more troublesome.

"Wait for the person who checked her to give a definite news first. No matter if she has a backstage or not, I can't let her find me on my head. Now it's so tight, if I let her cross it again With one kick, our two years of hard work will be in vain!"

Jiang Yuan was also trying to find a way, but Shen Yiqiu obviously couldn't get closer. Being able to have a meal together seems to be the limit, and with Qin Qianrou by her side, Jiang Yuan did not dare to push too much.

"Lao He, could it be that we are too sensitive? Maybe Xiaoqiu hasn't come back for a long time, maybe he wants to stay for a few more days. And your student's girlfriend hasn't gone back yet. , maybe they plan to go together?"

He Zhuo does not care about the emotional life of the students at all, and he is not as meticulous as Jiang Yuan. Listening to her analysis, she also pondered, as if there was a little possibility.

However, Shao Qidong called suddenly, and Jiang Yuan heard a roar as soon as he picked it up.

"I said, are you out of your mind! Go check Qin Qianrou when you're full and have nothing to do?"

The study was very quiet, and the voice on the other end of the phone was loud. Jiang Yuan and He Zhuo exchanged glances quickly.

Jiang Yuan has not been yelled at like this for a long time, but Shao Qidong will not call for no reason, she has to be patient.

"If you have something to say, it doesn't make sense for you to lose your temper like this."

Shao Qidong was walking back and forth in the office at this time, and he immediately called when he received the news.

"Have you listened to my words? I said, don't provoke Qin Qianrou, it's better for you, not only do not avoid but also investigate others?"

Jiang Yuan has adjusted her mood and heard the problem.

"How did you know we were looking at her?"

Shao Qidong sneered: "You guys are capable people doing research and giving speeches, but you're only so good at things under the surface. Do you think you can do good things with money? Naive!" He swallowed. Then he said, "Everyone who checked has found Mengcheng. If I hadn't held them down, I would have been alarmed by now!"

Jiang Yuan's face was not good, she and Lao He were anxiously waiting for news, but Shao Qidong even stopped it.

"We don't want to take the initiative to provoke, but she is in Haicheng now, and maybe she has been eyeing Lao He. We checked her to know herself and her enemy. This is just for self-preservation."

Shao Qidong was startled: "She went to Haicheng to check on you?"

He didn't expect this.

"I haven't determined yet, but her behavior is very suspicious, so we decided to investigate her." Jiang Yuan saw that Shao Qidong's mood was calmer, and tentatively said, "Since he is afraid of disturbing the people in Mengcheng, Why don't you help us..."

Before he finished speaking, he was immediately interrupted by Shao Qidong.

"Do you think that Dongsheng Group is not high-profile enough, and you want to take the initiative to run around in front of her to find a sense of existence?"

During this period of time, he deliberately kept a low profile and at the same time put pressure on him secretly, so that he temporarily escaped the disaster. Now he even wanted him to take the initiative to provoke Qin Qianrou, for fear that it wasn't to pour water into his brain.

Jiang Yuan was surprised by his reaction. This was the first time he clearly felt his fear of Qin Qianrou.

"Dongsheng will definitely not swim in this muddy water. I'm calling to tell you that if you really want to check Qin Qianrou, you can check it in Haicheng. Here in Mengcheng, you can't check it out. What."

Jiang Yuan was about to say why, after all, Qin Qianrou is a reporter from Mengcheng.

"In Mengcheng, someone is protecting her!"

Shao Qidong has already said the limit, and he can't tell if he goes further. If it wasn't for the pressure on Qin Qianrou to delay the Dongsheng Group's affairs, he would not have known such a thing would happen.

Now he has changed his strategy: he must not be confrontational with Qin Qianrou.

Shao Qidong's warning made He Zhuo and Jiang Yuan hesitate. After hanging up, they remained silent, but their faces were equally distressed.

He Zhuo put out the cigarette in his hand, and after thinking it over, he still couldn't give in easily.

"Shao Qidong is a businessman, and there must be many things in his hands that are not clean. We are different from him. He only cares about money, but in addition to money, we also need to consider reputation."

Jiang Yuan understood He Zhuo's thoughts. After so many years, he has finally come to this step, and in two years, he will be the first person in this field in China.

"There are people in Mengcheng, so let's solve it in Haicheng. I didn't expect her background to be so deep, but thinking about it, how dare you be so crazy without a background." He Zhuo sneered, his eyes The darkness inside is very thick, as if to completely devour people.


Li Wan's efficiency was the same as before, and with Shen Yiqiu pointing the way, she quickly found the list of companies under He Zhuo's name. Basically, it is obvious that he has obtained funds. Whether it is exposed through public opinion or handed over to relevant departments, there is basically no possibility of reversal.

Shen Yiqiu looked at the material and sighed: "How confident does he have to be so undisguised and arrogant. It's true that everyone is blind or thinks he is a scientific researcher. The first bull man?"

Qin Qianrou sorted out the printed materials one by one, and put them into different materials bags by category.

"In fact, he still put some thought into it, at least the funds went around several companies before finally getting into his account. If you didn't provide the names of the shell companies, I'm afraid it wouldn't be the case. easy to find."

The shell companies that are not under He Zhuo's name at all are the important sites for the flow of these funds.

Shen Yiqiu remembered what Gu Chao and the others said, and his heart was heavy: "Sadly, this kind of thing is not an exception. Many mentors who have projects in their hands are doing the same thing."

The only difference is the amount and time.

Qin Qianrou knows what she is feeling, this is the dark and dark side of society.

"Then what shall we do next?" Shen Yiqiu took a breath, adjusted his mood, and began to look forward to the next thing.

"The fundraising has basically been checked out, and the materials have been sorted out. They will be handed over to the relevant departments in a while. But now, we have to wait."

What are they waiting for?

He Zhuo is a big fish, and the dirty things in his hands are more than just money. It's not worth it if other leads are broken just because of this.

"Put a long line and catch big fish." Shen Yiqiu hooked the corner of his mouth, looking forward to the future.

Qin Qianrou smiled reassuringly, not as optimistic as Shen Yiqiu.

She has a general understanding of He Zhuo's position in the industry during this period of time, and at least she has referenced the information given there. Now someone wants to check her, she knows.

She is not worried about Mengcheng, and she is not worried here in Haicheng.

However, she was a little worried about Shen Yiqiu.

This child's experience is pitiful enough, not to mention that he is not properly taken care of by his side, and he has to follow himself into a whirlpool. Although He Zhuo coveted Shen Zhifeng's research results, this matter had something to do with Shen Yiqiu. But to be precise, Shen Yiqiu is only a related person, and does not necessarily have to be involved.

Sensing that Qin Qianrou was distracted, Shen Yiqiu looked at her with concern: "What's the matter with you?"

"Shen Yiqiu, go back to Mengcheng with Zhang Meng tomorrow."

I didn't expect Qin Qianrou to say this, and Shen Yiqiu didn't answer for a while.

After a while, her eyes darkened and she asked in a low voice, "Do you think I'm causing you trouble?"

Qin Qianrou shook her head and explained, "This matter cannot be resolved in a short time. You still have classes to attend, so you can't ask for leave all the time."

"But I obviously asked for leave, and I don't need to go back tomorrow no matter how anxious I am."

Shen Yiqiu didn't want to leave, but Qin Qianrou didn't force her.

It's just that things went beyond her expectations. After dealing with Gu Chao's disappearance, she must reorganize her next plan.

Shen Yiqiu should not be included in this plan.

"I have no objection if you want to stay for a few more days. But about He Zhuo, don't interfere, okay?"

Shen Yiqiu was even more puzzled, what happened? Qin Qianrou suddenly wanted to push her away. Wasn't He Zhuo's matter more efficient because of the clues she provided?

She thought for a moment, saw Qin Qianrou's solemn expression again, and roughly guessed the reason.

"I know what you're worried about."

Shen Yiqiu's tone was relaxed, as if she didn't care at all, Qin Qianrou was a little annoyed.

She raised her eyes and had to use a more serious attitude to explain the power, but she was suddenly held by Shen Yiqiu.

She lowered her head and saw that her left hand, which had been injured, was held by Shen Yiqiu's hands. The strength is not large, but it is firmly controlled and cannot be pulled away.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine."

Qin Qianrou looked at the sincere person in front of her, not knowing what to say.

"If we continue to investigate this matter, it will definitely involve more people, and I myself don't know what will happen next. Shen Yiqiu, don't think that checking the news is a very new and fun thing, Don't take danger too lightly."

Young people like to pursue new and exciting things, and they are also inexplicably confident. Qin Qianrou understands these reasons.

Shen Yiqiu shook her head, her hand still not letting go: "I know that the road ahead will definitely be difficult, but don't forget that I have the ability to sense, I can predict danger."

Seeing that Qin Qianrou was hesitant, she took advantage of the situation to pursue: "Zha Hezhuo also started because of me. Since it is my responsibility, how can you push me away, not let me also make an effort."


"Don't worry, if you are really in danger, I will obey your orders obediently, and I will never cause you trouble. Do you think this is okay?"

Will this work?

Qin Qianrou's always clear and clear thoughts seemed to be a little blurry.

The author has something to say: Little cuties, happy Dragon Boat Festival!

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