MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 35

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Follow Qin Qianrou to a large shopping mall in the city center, which is a well-known mall in Haicheng. Although Shen Yiqiu's parents are not particularly materialistic people, they have good taste and will come to buy from time to time, so she is no stranger to this place.

Qin Qianrou's familiarity with this place is beyond Shen Yiqiu's imagination. She originally planned to lead the way, but now it seems that she still can't escape the fate of being a little tail.

"You seem to be familiar with this place." Seeing Qin Qianrou going straight to the fourth floor, Shen Yiqiu couldn't help chasing after him.

The biggest feature of this mall is that there is a very large famous shoe area on the fourth floor, and you can hope to find unique shoes from all over the world. This kind of layout is unique to this mall, but Qin Qianrou is so familiar...

"I used to be familiar. But I haven't been here for a long time. I don't know if it has changed."

Shen Yiqiu digested the words a little and came to a conclusion that surprised herself.

"You are also from Haicheng!"

The personal information about Qin Qianrou on the Internet does not seem to indicate where her hometown is, and the information about her family background is very vague. Presumably out of some kind of protection for journalists, this kind of information can be less or less.

"You only think of it now?" Qin Qianrou got off the elevator and walked quickly towards the shoe product area, blinking her eyes on purpose.

Shen Yiqiu has never seen her so relaxed and happy, and a little... playful?

She suddenly remembered that she and her father had secretly discussed why every time her mother came here, she would be in high spirits and smile constantly. It seems that shopping is a magic weapon for women to ease their emotions, and Qin Qianrou should like to buy shoes.

After moving into Qin Qianrou's house, Shen Yiqiu was very disciplined and did not belong to the place she could touch - law and immobility. However, when she opened the shoe cabinet and saw the neat and dazzling rows of shoes, she was really shocked.

Most of them are high-heeled shoes, mainly dark colors, and most of the styles are quite satisfactory OL models. But if you look closely, you will find that they are all famous brands and all of them are classics. Others such as dinner party models, boots, and loafers are also neatly placed, but they are all the same as their owners: simple and elegant, classic and attractive.

Shen Yiqiu looked at the sneakers, desert boots, and a few pairs of basic casual leather shoes she brought from the dormitory. She was really embarrassed to be next to those mature and elegant styles. So she finally found a place in the corner of the shoe cabinet, stuffed the few pairs she didn't wear often, leaving only two pairs by the door.

Qin Qianrou really arrived at the shoes section, her usual wind-like pace immediately slowed down, and she could hardly turn her eyes away.

"It is indeed a lot faster than Mengcheng." Qin Qianrou glanced at a few brands that she usually likes. There are also counters in Mengcheng, but the style update speed is slightly slower some.

"Are you still going to buy this?" Shen Yiqiu followed her and asked her in a low voice.

Qin Qianrou withdrew her gaze and looked at Shen Yiqiu: "What's the matter, don't these shoes look good?"

"It's not that you look bad, and you look good in it, but..."


Qin Qianrou's interest in looking at shoes has been attracted by Shen Yiqiu's humorous appearance, but now she wants to know what Shen Yiqiu thinks and doesn't care so much about those shoes.

"It's just that I hope you can wear comfortable shoes. This kind of thing, whether it looks good or not is the second, the most important thing is to make the feet comfortable, which is the most important function of shoes ." Shen Yiqiu explained it very seriously, thought about it and added, "It's like marriage, it doesn't matter whether it's a good match in the eyes of others, it's good for those who are in it to feel comfortable."

It is quite common to use shoes as a metaphor for love or marriage, but why did Shen Yiqiu tell her this? Qin Qianrou smiled and shook her head, thinking that the child had probably racked his brains to persuade him not to buy high heels.

In fact, her feet have been hurting since yesterday, and she wanted to replace the high heels for a long time, but she just couldn't find the time. She had planned to go out early before dinner and buy casually at the nearby shopping mall—double-handling—but Shen Yiqiu would take the initiative to mention it.

Qin Qianrou recalled the look in her eyes when she was looking at her feet, and suddenly her heart trembled, feeling a little strange. Originally wanted to continue teasing her, her mind was disturbed by this sudden tremor, but Qin Qianrou calmed herself down and turned to go to the casual shoes area.

"You're right, so I'll listen to you today."

Huh? Shen Yiqiu looked at Qin Qianrou's back in amazement, was she persuaded so easily? She was still thinking about other reasons. It turned out that it was so easy for Qin Qianrou not to buy high heels.

Smiling and jogging, Qin Qianrou was looking at a well-known brand of casual leather shoes, and she was comparing several classic styles.

"Shen Yiqiu, which one do you think looks good?"

"I think they're all alike, like siblings."

Qin Qianrou pursed her lower lip and said, "I remember that you seem to have this brand of shoes, and I thought you had some experience with it."

Shen Yiqiu sighed helplessly: "Most of them were bought for me by my mother."

Qin Qianrou paused while holding the shoe, pretending to look up at Shen Yiqiu inadvertently. Seeing that her eyes flashed with sadness, and her emotions were not greatly affected, I was relieved.

Although this time back to Haicheng was for Gu Chao's business, she was actually worried about Shen Yiqiu. Afraid that she will come back to face the familiar - Che will remember the days with her parents - this kind of stimulation is very hurtful.

She specifically consulted Rong Fei before boarding the plane, and Rong Fei also suggested that she try to avoid exposing Shen Yiqiu to more scenes similar to her past life, so she tried her best to keep the activities in the past two days. The scope is controlled between Haida and the hotel.

But now, they have come to go shopping and plan to go shopping.

Qin Qianrou felt that she was a little crazy, to be so careless. Is it really because I was too busy some time ago, shopping and desire to be restrained, so I am excited today?

Shen Yiqiu noticed Qin Qianrou's careful observation of herself and knew that she was worried about her. The corner of her mouth was slightly raised, she didn't say anything, but pulled Qin Qianrou's wrist and led her to another counter next to her.

"Tell you a secret, I actually think this brand of shoes is more comfortable."

"This is a trendy brand, and it is indeed suitable for your age."

"It's not because of the trendy brand, it's really easy to wear. It's lambskin casual shoes are worn on the feet, it feels absolutely amazing." Shen Yiqiu squinted his eyes and looked back. , a little silly, but cute.

Qin Qianrou's mind moved: "Choose a pair."

"Ah? What to pick?"

"Didn't you say you like it?" Qin Qianrou turned her head to the side and motioned to her, "Pick the one you like, and I'll give it to you."

Accompanying people to buy shoes, but it turns out to be sent shoes? Such a good thing, Shen Yiqiu shook his head again and again.

"I don't want it, just choose what you want."

Qin Qianrou didn't expect to be rejected so simply, she thought Shen Yiqiu would politely decline - down.

For some reason, Qin Qianrou felt a little sullen in her heart, and the expression on her face became much colder.

"Don't get me wrong, I just don't think I need it."


Indifferent response, Qin Qianrou didn't say anything, turned back and continued to look at the shoes, but her interest seemed to have faded a lot.

Shen Yiqiu frowned in embarrassment, does Qin Qianrou not only like to buy shoes for herself, but also to give others shoes?

Oh, she remembered that her mother seemed to be like that, every time she came here, she would come back with a full reward, almost all of the shoe boxes in her hand. In addition to her own, many were bought for Dad and her. In the past, every time my mother said she would come here to buy, she and my father would sort out the shoe cabinet in advance in a tacit understanding.

Sometimes she was very puzzled when she saw her mother buying shoes like a storm, and her father whispered to her: "Your mother is choosing shoes for the person she likes to make us all comfortable and share her joy."

&n bsp; .

Shen Yiqiu had the impression that there seemed to be no shoes of this brand in Qin Qianrou's shoe cabinet, or almost no shoes of this style. After all, it doesn't suit her usual style of dressing up, but Shen Yiqiu somehow thought that Qin Qianrou would look good in it.

"This pair." She suddenly pointed to the shoes in front of her and looked at Qin Qianrou, "It suits you very well."

"Me?" Qin Qianrou smiled and shook her head, "My age is not suitable for wearing this."

Shen Yiqiu was puzzled: "Why is it not suitable? You are still very young at this age, and you are so beautiful that you are more suitable than the models in magazines!"

Shen Yiqiu's words were sincere, and it didn't sound like it was specially made up to make her happy, Qin Qianrou felt a little happy after hearing it.

Only, the face cannot be fully expressed.

She frowned and tried to keep a slight smile, but she really picked up the shoes and looked at them.

The style is a classic style, without exaggerated color matching or exaggerated shape, it is light but strong in hand. Really well made and stylishly designed good shoes.

However, she is wearing a professional suit now, and she is a mature woman in her late thirties. If she wears these shoes... the picture is really not harmonious and harmonious.

Shen Yiqiu was in high spirits. Seeing that Qin Qianrou was thinking about her shoes for a long time, she thought she liked it, so she acted as a staff officer next to her.

"This pair is really good, I have a pair too, it's so comfortable!"

Qin Qianrou was surprised: "You have it too?"

"Yeah, but it's in the box and I didn't take it out."

Qin Qianrou's eyes turned back to the shoes, since Shen Yiqiu said it was very comfortable, why don't you buy a pair to try?

"And the after-sale service of this shoe is very convenient, just take it and clean it up."

Qin Qianrou interrupted her with a smile: "Okay, okay, you're almost a salesman, how much commission do they give you?"

Shen Yiqiu was stunned, knowing that she was joking, she shook her head indifferently: "This is called word-of-mouth marketing."

Qin Qianrou didn't say more, she asked for her own size and tried it out, it felt really good, I bought it.

Shen Yiqiu took the shopping bag for her very actively, but Qin Qianrou took her to the third floor before she even opened her mouth.

"Where is this going?"

"Buy clothes."

"Buying clothes? Didn't you already buy shoes, why did you remember to buy clothes again?"

"Have you ever seen someone wear a professional suit with trendy shoes?"

Qin Qianrou - asked seriously, Shen Yiqiu naturally - answered seriously.

"It's a bit strange to match, but you also..." You don't need to buy clothes to match the shoes, so you may have to buy another bag and then a belt later …

Shen Yiqiu thought a little, but still followed Qin Qianrou obediently.

This time, Qin Qianrou wanted to buy her clothes, but Shen Yiqiu seemed unable to refuse.

"We were in a hurry yesterday. We didn't bring any clothes. You don't plan to wear the same clothes for a few days, right?" Qin Qianrou went directly to the casual wear area when she got to the third floor. It's really ready to be used with new shoes.

"Oh, doesn't the hotel have a laundry service?"

Qin Qianrou pursed her lips and turned around, seeing that Shen Yiqiu didn't dare to say anything, she probably understood that Qin Qianrou really wanted to buy something for herself.

However, she has received so much favor from Qin Qianrou, and now she lives in someone else's house, and there is only some pocket money left in her account. Although her parents gave her a lot during her lifetime, she still has a long time in the future, and she doesn't dare to spend a lot of money.

"As for Gu Chao, thanks to you, otherwise we would all regret it."

Huh? Why are you suddenly talking about this?

The doubts in Shen Yiqiu's eyes deepened, but the corner of Qin Qianrou's mouth became more smiling.

"So buying clothes for you as a reward, okay?"


"This is what I deserve, no reward."

"The reward I gave is not allowed." After speaking, Qin Qianrou couldn't help but say, and took her forward.

Shen Yiqiu is also familiar with this store. Many of her clothes are from this brand, which she really likes.

But does Qin Qianrou like it too?

She couldn't imagine what Qin Qianrou would look like when she put it on, but she couldn't help but look forward to it. If she ties her hair into a ponytail again... just like a college student, and—it must be the school flower, it must be!

Qin Qianrou took out several pieces and hung them in her hands, and asked Shen Yiqiu, "Which one looks good?"

Shen Yiqiu looked at her, looked at the clothes in her hand, and pointed to the one on the far left.

"Would you like to try it on?" Shen Yiqiu couldn't wait to see how Qin Qianrou wore it.

Qin Qianrou looked at her, as if seeing through her thoughts, making Shen Yiqiu a little embarrassed.

"Then try it too." After speaking, Qin Qianrou put the other piece in her hand to Shen Yiqiu.

After a while, the two came out of the fitting room, and they saw light in each other's eyes.

Shen Yiqiu's style is almost the same as usual, so the change in new clothes is not big. But Qin Qianrou seemed to have changed her personality. She really changed her hairstyle to match her clothes.

Simple and casual ponytails can also make people eye-catching.

Shen Yiqiu sighed in her heart that she had never seen a girl with a ponytail more beautiful than Qin Qianrou in the entire university campus.

"How is it?" Seeing that Shen Yiqiu was only in a daze, Qin Qianrou couldn't help but speak softly.

The recovered person nodded again and again, wishing to turn his head into an electric hammer.

"Good, good, so good!"

The salesman stood by, watching Shen Yiqiu's exaggerated movements and couldn't help laughing, but she completely agreed with her words.

"It's really nice."

Different from flattery and compliments for selling products, the salesperson's emotion is also from the bottom of his heart. Qin Qianrou often listens to compliments, but she never likes that other people's attention falls on her appearance.

But today, it seems a little different.

Hearing Shen Yiqiu say that she is good-looking, she is quite useful.

"Then don't change it, just wear it."

"Are you hungry? Shall we go back to the hotel after lunch?" Qin Qianrou glanced at the time, it was just meal time.

Shen Yiqiu was about to nod when she heard someone calling Qianrou nearby.

It wasn't loud, she wasn't sure if she heard it wrong.

However, in the next second, someone walked directly in front of them and said again: "Qianrou."

Qin Qianrou was stunned—she was obviously surprised by such a chance encounter.

Afterwards, she restrained her smile and said softly, "Mom."

Wen Yirong really had no intention of following her daughter. She made an appointment for tea with a few friends in the morning.

I don't mean to come back to do business, why are you in the mood to go shopping? Moreover, she was shopping for brands and styles that she almost never bought, which made Wen Yirong even more curious and couldn't help but follow.

The result surprised her, but even more puzzled. She saw with her own eyes that her daughter bought trendy casual shoes, and then saw Qin Qianrou walk out wearing clothes that she bought almost ten years ago when she was in college. The whole figure seemed to be back to her student days.

The professional suit was taken off, the high heels were also taken off, and even the hair that was tied was changed. Wen Yirong was amazed in her heart, almost not recognizing her daughter.

What surprised her even more was that the girl following Qin Qianrou looked much smaller than Qianrou, she looked like a student. She knew how much her daughter took care of a child in Mengcheng, but she didn't expect to bring her with her this time.

Wen Yirong originally planned to call Qin Qianrou to ask for more details when she went back, but she saw a soft smile on her daughter's normally indifferent face, and she was discussing the meal with her.

Driven by strong curiosity, Wen Yirong couldn't wait for the evening, so she decided to go see it in person. What kind of child can make such a big change in Qin Qianrou.

Hearing Qin Qianrou calling her mother, Shen Yiqiu's mouth became round. Not long after she found out that Qin Qianrou was from Haicheng, she didn't expect to bump into an acquaintance so quickly. At this time, she was a little embarrassed to skip classes and go shopping and was caught by her parents. She seldom did this kind of thing in the past, but it didn't mean that she never did it.

Wen Yirong's gaze was not aggressive, but it still made Shen Yiqiu nervous.

"I won't introduce you to my mother - next, your friend?"

Qin Qianrou frowned, Wen Yirong's tone was all too familiar to her, it was the same tone she used to test who she brought back on the phone last night.

"Shen Yiqiu, I met when I was working in Mengcheng."

The author has something to say: Shen Yiqiu: I’ll just accept some small gifts, is it easy for me (then what, what should I call my aunt’s mother?)

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