MTL - Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants-v2 Chapter 2839 Ye Shishi's hunch! (5 more

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In this way, 80 billion yuan was borrowed by Zhao Tiezhu. (In the era of Zhao Tiezhu, the exchange rate of the US dollar against the RMB is one to eight, and the RMB depreciates, so the money will look so much.)

Here we need to explain what is smuggling business.

it's actually really easy.

Nowadays, several important docks in the southeast are controlled by Zhao Tiezhu. These docks are smuggling a lot of things every month. Smuggling is actually a semi-official type. Zhao Tiezhu uses his power. The influence controls these terminals and then controls the source of smuggling. Then, Zhao Tiezhu even monopolizes the business.

The market in each region is a certain capacity. The things you smuggle have to be equal to or less than this capacity. If you exceed this capacity and impact the existing market, the government will not let you continue this thing.

This is an essential thing of smuggling and a rule.

The smuggling market in the southeast is controlled by Zhao Tiezhu. This capacity is controlled by Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu is monopolizing this business. Others can never do it. Others do, Zhao Tiezhu will make you lively thrilling.

What Zhao Tiezhu sells is this monopoly.

Zhao Tiezhu sold this control, that is to say, the smuggling business in the southeast side will be done by Li Ge.

What the monopoly brings is high returns, which can sell two years of smuggling business for two billion.

After these things are done, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly has a feeling of being poor.

It takes eight billion yuan to purchase the island, but the construction of the island also needs money. The first flower here is Zhao Tiezhu’s own property.

Zhao Tiezhu’s property has to be said to have a lot, and these will be taken out by Zhao Tiezhu for a large part of the construction of the island.

Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt that he was poor.

But fortunately, I still have a lot of business to make a very high profit for myself every day, entertainment company, Blood Soul Hall and so on.

"Since things have already started, there is no turning back." Cao Ziyi said with a smile to Zhao Tiezhu, "Iron, do you really want to be good?"

"Yeah." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "All planned, nothing, Ziyi, this time you will be a spectator, everything will listen to me."

"it is good."

Cao Ziyi nodded and licked Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and leaned his head against Zhao Tiezhu’s shoulder. He said with a smile, “I’m hungry, take me to eat delicious.”

"Good." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and took Cao Ziyi to the car.

At noon the next day, Zhao Tiezhu will sign the contract with Wen Changlin and Li Ge.

Li Ge, as the newest richest man in Asia, was really rich. On the spot, he transferred 2 billion yuan to Zhao Tiezhu, while Wen Changlin turned the first one into 10 billion yuan to Zhao Tiezhu. A billion-dollar turn.

After getting the first three billion yuan, Zhao Tiezhu first took out the money in his account, and then took the income from the northeast side, and then looked for Zhao’s head to borrow it. A total of about 50 billion, signed a contract with a representative of the Rothschild family in China.

The representative in China also knows that it is quite difficult for people to take out eight hundred billion at a time, so when they came, they said that the Rothschild family had heard the news that Zhao Tiezhu could pay half of it first and the latter half to Zhao Tiezhu. Half a month to raise.

In this way, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly relaxed a lot, and on the spot he turned out 50 billion.

"Happy cooperation, Mr. Zhao Tiezhu."

The Rothschild family's office in China is a Chinese, long chubby, holding hands with Zhao Tiezhu and saying, "Our patriarch, but I hope that you can play in the family."

"There will be opportunities in the future." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "There is a chance to go."

As he said, Zhao Tiezhu secretly thought, "The baron is so perverted, and the Wang Jue is more perverted. I will not go to the metamorphosis camp."

After solving the problem here, Zhao Tiezhu sent Wang Xiaoyue back to FJ. They have been in Beijing for a few days. Then they have to go to FJ to fill in their volunteers, so Zhao Tiezhu will not leave them.

As for Xiao Wei, this cargo has already left the capital with the stunner on the bed, and it is said to be taken home.

The big head also left the capital.

The worms also left the capital, including Lao Shi and Ye Shishi.

Of course, before leaving, Lao Shi Ye Shishi specially invited Zhao Tiezhu to have a meal with Cao Ziyi.

"Poetry, how are you in the end... there will be such a hunch." Zhao Tiezhu expressed considerable interest in Ye Shishi's almost premonition skills.

"Zi Yi, can you tell me how you care?"

Ye Shishi ignored Zhao Tiezhu’s words, but looked at Cao Ziyi’s question.

Cao Ziyi smiled and said, "Drink more water."

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Lao Shi helplessly and said, "Old Shi, you have to get along with my cousin in the future, don't let me down."

"I am a person, you still don't know, it is more reliable than you." Lao Shi said with a smile.

"That is also true." Zhao Tiezhu was ashamed to touch it.

A meal has been eaten for a long time, and everyone just got up and left. Just before leaving, Ye Shishi frowned and looked at Zhao Tiezhu for a long time, and then he said nothing.

Zhao Tiezhu asked in confusion, "What happened."

"No." Ye Shishi shook her head and said, "Nothing, Ziyi, I will go back and try it according to the method you said."

"Okay." Cao Ziyi nodded with a smile and said, "Next time I will go to Kunlun Mountain with Iron Post to find you."


After all, the four separated.

"How have you been looking at the iron column?"

On the car back to the hotel, Lao Shi looked at Ye Shishi with doubt.


Ye Shishi’s face was a little dignified. “I don’t know why, I looked at the iron pillar and felt a headache.”

"A headache, is it a cold." Lao Shi asked.

"Actually, I am not able to predict anything, but my body. I have a strong intuition about many things that are going to happen. Even after a month, what happens to my body, my body will respond accordingly. And the headache, in many times, gave me such a signal..."

"What signal." Lao Shi asked.

"I see who has a headache, that means that person, live soon."

On the face of Ye Shishi, there was an unspeakable dignity.

(Today’s fifth, tomorrow’s sixth, and the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow’s outbreak, of course, I may wait for Lao Shi to send me a few more chapters. Let’s go to the book’s home page and vote again.)

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