MTL - Ask Sword-Chapter 597 bid farewell

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  Chapter 597 Farewell

   On the seventh day of March, Chang'an City, Jinchengfang Mansion.

  It is the cold season of late spring, and there is a light rain in the sky, and the rain drips along the eaves, forming a rain curtain like a bead curtain.

   Gudong Gudong.

  The sound of a kettle boiling came from the kitchen, and Chai Cuiqiao slowly put down the novel published by Lanling Newspaper in her hand, her eyes still resting on the text on the page.

   This book was only published last month, and the author is naturally the most popular person in Lanling Daily, Jin Jiang.

   Originally, Jin Jiang's writing style was gentle and delicate with a hint of sadness and resentment, but in the latest volume of novels, her writing style has become more lively and cheerful, and the words are filled with a touch of joy that never existed before.

This should not be an illusion. When she returned from sweeping the tomb in Weizhou yesterday, and participated in a reading club organized by some noble ladies in Chang'an, many people also speculated whether the teacher Jin Jiang, who never revealed her identity, had finally gained something recently. love.

   Of course, it is also possible that the enemy is dead.

  Chai Chai thought casually, came to the kitchen, took the kettle off the coal stove, poured boiling water into the thermos,

   While releasing his mind power, he started doing housework.

  When I first came to Chang’an, the housework was actually not easy—Jinchengfang’s mansion was too large, and it was very troublesome to sweep the floor and dust.

  But since she was admitted to the academy and learned to control spiritual power, housework has become much easier and more enjoyable.

  Sweeping dust can collect dust, water spin can wash clothes, and repel objects can move heavy objects.

"I'm back."

Li Ang's voice came from the front door, and Chai Chai hurriedly put the kettle on the living room table, came to the courtyard, set up a mental barrier to block the rain, naturally took the package in Li Ang's hand, and asked, "Why did you come back so late today?" Night?"

   "Dongjunlou has something to worry about."

   Li Ang said casually. After searching for the well in his hometown to no avail, he took Chai Chai to sweep the tomb, hurried back to Chang'an, and headed to the Dongjun Building of the Xuegong.

  The head of the mountain was still missing, so he had no choice but to find the puppet servant named Ati in Dongjun Tower, and learned two things.

  First, the fragments of the bronze box that originally sealed the nightmare have now been tightly sealed in the academy, and no one is allowed to study it until the head of the mountain returns.

   This is mainly due to fear of the pervasive reality-distorting ability of the Nightmare Tapir.

  Secondly, Li Ang's guess about Longyun's spear may be correct - in some pre-Sui classics that recorded Longyun, the term [Hualong Sacrifice] was vaguely mentioned.

  It is believed that the blood of the real dragon is widely distributed in the bodies of beasts, monsters and even humans.

  Whether it is a carp jumping over the dragon's gate or a snake transforming into a dragon, monsters can activate and refine the thin dragon blood in their bodies through various methods, and evolve towards the form of a dragon.

  The dragon blood here is not only the blood on the physical level, but also includes the source of life in the dark.

   As a monster, the Nightmare Tapir has unfathomable strength. After killing it with Longyun's spear, it absorbed part of its origin, thus gaining the ability to change its size.

  Perhaps as long as more monsters are killed, Long Yun can really recover the power it had when it was in the hands of the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty.

   Li Ang put away the umbrella, put the umbrella by the living room door, and asked, "By the way, what's for dinner?"

   "The steamed yellow croaker from the restaurant. Seeing that you haven't come back, young master, I put it in the refrigerator first. Take it out and heat it up now?"

   "Well, I'll go to the study to read a book first, call me when it's hot."

  The conversation between the two was natural and warm. Chai Chai was humming a song, and as soon as he walked to the kitchen, he heard the sound of "gudong gudong".

  The kettle is still on top of the coal stove, boiling.

Um? Didn't I take down the kettle just now?

  Chai Chai blinked suspiciously, released his mind power, took off the kettle again, opened the refrigerator, and took out the steamed yellow croaker covered with gauze.

   Did I remember wrongly?


   On the eighth day of March, Chang'an City, Jinchengfang Mansion.

  It is still raining today.

   Li Ang and Chai Chai have the same school time in Xuegong, but he often reads in Zangshuge, or helps Dr. Su Feng, or goes to the Imperial Medical Office to teach, so he often comes home late.

"I'm back."

  Li Ang held an umbrella, pushed the door open and walked into the courtyard, only to see Chai Chai sitting in the living room blankly, propping his chin with his hands and wandering in the sky. There was a kettle on the table. "What's wrong, I'm in a daze here."

   "Ah, you are back, young master."

  Chai Chai forced a smile on his face, "I've been fascinated by Mr. Jin Jiang's book recently, and I'm thinking when I can write as well as her."

   "Is that so? Let's work hard."

   Li Ang smiled from the bottom of his heart, does he know Jin Jiang's true identity.

  Lu Yunan has a library of novel materials that is ahead of an entire era. If you find some materials and combine them casually, you can crush the small and transparent authors of Lanling News like Chai Chai.

   "By the way, what's for dinner."

   "Well, the restaurant hasn't delivered it yet."

   Before he finished speaking, a restaurant waiter with an umbrella and a lunch box came outside the main entrance of the mansion, "Mr. Li Xiaolang, the food is here for you."

"Oh, thanks."

  Li Ang got up and walked to the door, took the lunch box, and glanced at it slightly.

  Vegetarian stir-fried eggplant, rice stem stir-fried meat, beef soup.

   "Huh? Why is there only one bowl of rice? Didn't you ask for two bowls?"


  The restaurant clerk was stunned for a moment, "Maybe the master in the store forgot to put it, so I'll go get it right away."

   "No, it's quite tiring to run again, just remember to deliver it tomorrow."

   Li Ang waved his hand, and returned to the living room with the lunch box.


   On the ninth day of March, Chang'an City, Jinchengfang Mansion.

"I'm back."

Li Ang held an umbrella, opened the door and walked into the courtyard. He saw Chai Chai sitting in the living room blankly, propping his chin with his hands and wandering in the sky. There was a kettle on the table. Has Le Ling attended the book club yet?"

   "When I was outside, I suddenly remembered that the water in the house was still burning, so I came back early."

  Chai Chai forced a smile on his face, "Master, I."

   "Mr. Li Xiaolang, the food is here for you."

  A restaurant clerk with an umbrella and a lunch box came outside the main entrance of the mansion, interrupting the conversation between the two.

"Oh, thanks."

  Li Ang got up and walked to the door, took the lunch box, and glanced at it slightly.

  Stir-fried pork with bamboo shoots, vinegar celery, matsutake ribs soup.

   "Huh? Why is there only one bowl of rice? Didn't you ask for two bowls?"

   "Huh? Maybe the master in the store forgot to put it away, so I'll go get it right away."

   "No, it's quite tiring to run again, just remember to deliver it tomorrow."

  Chai Chai looked at the two talking at the door, and clenched his hands unconsciously.

   tick tock.

  Water dripped from between her fingers.


   On the tenth day of March, Chang'an City, Jinchengfang Mansion.

"I'm back."

  Li Ang held an umbrella, pushed the door into the courtyard, and looked at the mansion suspiciously.

  There are fallen leaves on the floor of the living room, a light layer of floating dust is accumulated on the table, and there are still a few clothes on the drying rack in the backyard, which have already been soaked by rain.

   "The young master is back?"

  Chai Chai walked down from the second floor slowly, with thick makeup on his face, and forced a smile, "Today, I learned the techniques in the book and tried to put on makeup, but I forgot to do housework."

  “.What book did you learn makeup from.”

  The corners of Li Ang's eyes twitched, and he complained. He released his thoughts, took back the clothes hanging in the rain, and cleaned up the fallen leaves and dust in the house.

  At the dinner table, Chai Chai scratched half a bowl of rice in the bowl, and suddenly asked: "Master, Brother Song, did he say anything to you recently?"

   "Huh? Why do you ask this suddenly?"

   Li Ang was stunned for a moment, but still replied: "That's it, the incident of the nightmare has hit him too hard. He still looks bad after hearing from Yang Yu today.

  Aren't you in the same grade as Brother Song? Didn't see him during the day? "

   "Maybe I didn't pay attention."

  Chai Chai lowered his head and continued to scratch the rice grains in the bowl, "By the way, young master, after dinner, I'll measure your body and make some clothes for you."


   Li Ang, who was busy with work and had to write textbooks for the Imperial Medical Office, shook his head and said, "It's so troublesome to make clothes, can't you buy them on the street?"

  Chai Chai said coquettishly: "Hey, you just listen to me, I need to use the material of [The maid makes clothes for the young master] when I write novels."

   "I always feel that you are getting more and more proficient in using this reason."

  Li Ang complained with squinted eyes, but still let go of his thoughts and found a tape measure.


  March 11th, Chang'an City, Jinchengfang mansion.

"I'm back."

  Li Ang held an umbrella, opened the door and walked into the courtyard, and saw that Chai Chai was tinkering with a huge and weird instrument placed on a tripod and made of wood and silk.


   Li Ang coughed, and Chai Chai, who was concentrating on studying the camera, turned his head and said with a smile, "Master, you are back."

   "Why did you take out my camera?"

   "I cleaned the room today, found it in the box, and found the manual."

  Chai Chai asked innocently: "Master, can this thing really record the picture?"

   "Yes, yes, but it's complicated and dangerous. Children, don't play around."

   Li Ang hit Chai Chai on the forehead with a dizzy blow as punishment for tampering with his things.

  The dream created by the nightmare made Li Ang retrieve more memories. These days, he used his spare time to work out a general "Guidelines for the Development of Science and Technology", which recorded many inventions that he thought could benefit the people of Yu State in the future.

   Such as telegraph, telephone, fertilizer, automobile, camera, etc.

  He decided to release some inventions every few years in the future. In order not to backfire, he deliberately recorded different technical routes of the same invention.

  For example, camera negatives, there are not only the relatively primitive collodion wet plate method with glass as the substrate, but also the more advanced silver bromide process.

  Camera photo paper, there are both protein photo paper that needs to use egg white, and gelatin silver chloride photosensitive photo paper that can be developed by gas lamps.

  He can propose an original technical route of an invention, inspire other scholars, and improve the invention.

  In the warehouse of Jinchengfang Mansion, there is a complete set of equipment for taking pictures and developing photos.

   "Come on, let me play for a while."

  Seeing that Li Ang was about to put away the camera, Chai Chai shook his arm quickly, "I need to use the material of [The maid taking pictures of the young master] when I write novels."

   "This is the reason again, can you think of some new tricks?"

   Li Ang rolled his eyes, stretched out his hands to rub Chai Chai's hair, "By the way, I met Brother Song today, and I asked him to go climbing in Xiashan Mountain tomorrow morning, and I will enlighten him then."

   "Mr. Li Xiaolang, the food is here for you."

  The voice of the restaurant guy sounded again outside the mansion door.

"Oh, thanks."

  At nightfall, Li Ang lay on the bed with his eyes closed, sensing Mosi clone thousands of miles away.

  He was also thinking about the deep dark river under the well in his hometown in Weizhou, and he kept trying to make the shell of a submarine, trying to explore Jiuyou.

   It's just that the process is not smooth.

  As the depth of the submarine continues to descend, immersed in the turbulent river,

  Li Ang sensed that the connection between Mosi's avatar was getting weaker and weaker, so he had no choice but to give the order to abandon the hull of the submarine and let Mosi's avatar drill back to the surface.

   Tsk, failed again.

  He squeezed the center of his brows with a headache, heard a rustling sound, turned his head and saw that Chai Chai was standing on the bedside hugging the pillow at some point.

   Li Ang shrank back, "What are you doing?"

  Chai Chai lowered his voice, and whispered like a thief, "I need to use the material of [Maidmaid Sleeping with Young Master] to write novels"

   "I'm convinced. Are you writing a novel or an encyclopedia?"

   Li Ang patted his forehead, and he was already sighing in his heart, how Lu Yunan, who saw this scene remotely through dreaming, would laugh at himself.

   "Master, you said you would support me!"

  Chai Chai chuckled, lifted a corner of the quilt, and jumped in with a bang.

  The single bed for two people is definitely not spacious, especially after feeling the body temperature of Chai Chai through the pajamas, Li Ang coughed awkwardly, and silently turned his back to Chai Chai.

  I couldn't help thinking wildly in my heart, why this girl has become more and more strange recently. It doesn't matter if you don't do the housework, and you talk nonsense.

   Chai Chai didn't know what was going on in Li Ang's mind at all, and he opened his arms to hug him, breathing gently like a kitten.

   It's like when she was afraid of thunder when she was a child, she had to hug Li Ang to fall asleep.



   "If you have time, can you hire another maid for the family?"

   "Huh? Why are you recruiting a maid? There are a lot of weird people in the family. Okay, go to sleep."

   Li Ang patted Chai Chai's palm, urging her to sleep quickly.

   On the one hand, he is really sleepy, on the other hand.

  Ahem, warm and fragrant nephrite is close to the body, if you don't want to make mistakes, you'd better go to bed early.



"I made some clothes for you and put them in the closet. And tomorrow you go to climb Xiashan Mountain with Brother Song. I also prepared lunch boxes for you and put them in the refrigerator. Take them out and heat them up at that time." Let's eat later."

   "Well, good. What time is it and you still don't go to bed, go to sleep."


   There was no response to the call, and Li Ang had fallen into a deep sleep.

  Chai Chai moved his body extremely slowly, put his hand on the pillow, propped his cheek, and quietly looked at the profile of Li Ang in his sleep, with gentle eyes.

  Time seems to have stagnated at this moment, only the rain curtain outside the window, as thin as a silk thread, and the two people in the house.

   After a long time, Chai Chai quietly got out of the bed, held the oil lamp and came to the study downstairs, took out the letter paper, pen and ink from the drawer, pondered for a long time, and settled down.

  (end of this chapter)

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