MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 94. Consideration

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The grievances are over-extended, turned into white light and flew out of the sorcerer's squad. They rely on the phoenix to encourage the sitting posture, the ears can hardly hear any sound, the vision is blurred, only the phantom shadow can be seen, and there is nowhere in the whole body. As long as she closes her eyes, she can sleep.

In the meantime, a gentle woman came out of countless grievances. She went to the faraway and said something, but she couldn’t hear clearly. She opened her eyes and wanted to see the other’s mouth. This woman’s right She smiled and turned and turned into a stream of light to disappear.

After this woman, countless grievances salute her, there are widowers and peasant women, but also elegant scholars, elegant and beautiful, squinting, only hating their current vision is too vague.

A child of only three or four years old ran to her, and in her ignorant eyes, she did not know what life and death was, and she had become a dead soul. He coughed a few times and swallowed the sweet blood in his mouth. She was afraid of scaring the child.

The child opened her arms to her, squatting and holding her up and putting it on her knees. She really didn't have the strength to stand up, just sit in the mud pit and save some strength.

She heard the child's voice, the child was laughing, big eyes, no fear, no sorrow, just pure happiness.

I watched her disappear a little bit in her arms, turned into a streamer, and looked up at the rainy sky: "I hope to come to the world, no suffering, Anping life."

The robe of the body was already ruined, and it was stained with muddy water. She barely climbed up from the ground with a sigh of relief. The squeaking in her head and the itch in her ears and nose and mouth were all uncomfortable. She wanted to reach out and lick it. The nose that was itchy and uncomfortable found that he was full of blood and had to give up.

It seems that someone is calling her name, and all of her body is slowly returning in pain. She sees Miao Zong rushing to herself. The beautiful face is full of horror, her frowning doubts, what is this? Has it been cracked?

She wants to talk, but when she opens her mouth, she spits out a few mouthfuls of blood. Her stomach seemed to be filled with blood, and she couldn't finish it. She covered her mouth and her eyes became blurred. The whole world seemed to be quiet.

"Oh!" When people are most frightened, they will forget their many abilities and can only maintain their innate instinct. Miao Zong forgot that he was a monk and forgot everything. He ran to the side of the beggar and reached out to hug his fainting.

The nose, ears, and even the corners of the eyes are bleeding. The hands of the scorpion are trembled violently, and the aura of the whole body is not retained.

The rain drenched his hair, the dirty muddy water soaked his shoes, he was always not tainted, but he could no longer estimate this. All his attention was only in the arms.

"Wake up, hey, wake up." Mou Zong took out a bottle of vitality from the storage ring, shook his hand and fed it to the mouth. Most of the medicine had not yet reached the mouth, and he had already been shaken into the mud.

Yuan Qi Dan is not the thing that is imported, and Zong Zong takes medicine into his mouth and bends over to his mouth.

"Amitabha." From the cloud head, Fa Tan saw this scene, and he did not avoid it and continued to move forward. He turned to Lin Biaodao. "Lin Shizhu, the old man knows some shallow medical treatment."

The man who embraced the girl in the rain, did not cry, did not make noise, but made people feel his panic and sorrow. Fa Tan is a Buddhist monk. He is a Buddhist monk who does not understand the love of men and women, but he has seen many men and women love, life and death.

He thought, perhaps in the past 100 years, it is impossible to say that the two men joined the Buddhist temple.

Two granules entered the abdomen and did not react. The ancestors explored her lifeline and prepared to continue to input aura into her body.

"The son." Lin Biao walked over to him, holding an umbrella for him and the cockroaches to cover the rain falling from the sky: "You should not worry first, we first ask the Master Fa Tan to look at the girl."

When Zong Zong blinked, the rain on the eyelashes fell, and he slammed his waist and hugged it. No matter how dirty she was at the moment, he didn't care. On the toes, Miao Zongfei came to Fa Tan: "Master..."

Fatan did not need to say anything more, and he reached out for the pulse. The disciples behind him saw the appearance of the moment, and they were somewhat moved.

Five bleeds, ten fingers are bloody, and several bones are visible. The tiny wounds on the body are even more numerous, and there is hardly a good place. At the beginning of the first time, the cute girl was almost a **** man.

The Lord Buddha once gave up the eagle, and the girl was saved to save the people. This is Da Ren and is righteous. It is no wonder that Master said that she is more Buddhist than they are.

Fa Tan sighed and retracted the hand: "The girl's aura is overused, and she is attacked by the suffocation in the sorcerer's squad. The inner abdomen is seriously damaged. If other people are afraid, it is..."

With the cultivation of the heartbeat period, it is undoubtedly a life-long struggle with so many resentments. It’s a coincidence that the girl is the person in this world, and there is the power of the people in this world. This kind of faith is almost useless for the monks, but at this moment, here, the faith has become a life-saving symbol.

Buddhism pays attention to cause and effect, and the cause between the people of this world and the girl of the singer has formed a good fruit.

"Don't worry, the girl has no life worry." Fatan sees Zhai Zong, staring at the gods. "Just find a quiet place and let the girl cultivate for a few days. It’s just that she is now disordered and can’t experience two circles. span……"

"The celestial beings, Bodhisattva." The local thorns came up with courage to come over. "The villain's residence has been cleaned up, please immortal to rest." He looked worriedly at the shackles of Miao Zong, but in front of so many immortals He didn't dare to look at it.

Although they couldn't understand what Princess Sissi had done, but after she played the song to make the sky begin to rain, the people who had already got sick began to get better. They knew that Princess Sissi saved them.

However, after seeing the princess's body blood being taken out by the immortals, they began to understand that even if they were immortals, saving the mortal would cost a price. For them, Princess Sissi is the real "self". After seeing other immortals are worried about the body of Princess Sissi, they are relieved.

"No." Mou Zong refused to invite the history. "I know a quieter place."

I don’t feel relieved in the history of the thorns, I’m brave enough to ask: “Not just...”

Mou Zong ignored him and flew up and disappeared into the air.

The face of the thorns is even more worried. Where does the immortal take the princess?

"The epidemic has been solved here, and I will rebuild my home." Lin Biao looked at the crowd and held the boy. "The two children have some old ties with the fairy, and they are also invited to take care of them."

"Please let the immortals rest assured that when they are here, they will accept them as a righteous and righteous woman, and take good care of them." The wife and children of the history of the thorns died in this epidemic. In the future life, there are children who can take care of them and comfort. The rest of my life.

"It's so good." Lin Biao saw that the history of the thorn was a loyal generation, and he did not doubt his words. He took out a box of golden pills from his arms, a box of medicinal herbs, "have labor."

"How can this be?" The history of the thorns saw a whole box of gold, and the resignation was not. "Take care of these two children, small willingness, how can you accept the fairy."

"This is the meeting of the two girls to the two younger generations, please accept the adults."

The thorns of the history of the resignation, however, had to accept.

Fa Tan stood quietly and waited for Lin Biao to explain the chores before he said: "Lin Shizhu, the old man said goodbye, and see you next year at the Zongmen exchange meeting."

"This time, I would like to thank the master for helping me." Lin Biao took a big gift. "When you are in Peicheng, thank you and your son."

"Lin Shizhu is polite, the Buddha is the world, the people here, the poor are naturally also tolerate." Fatan put his hands together and read Buddhism. "This is to save them, but also to save ourselves."

Lin Biao returned to a ceremony, and when he looked up again, these monks in the Qingjing Temple had turned into Xiangguang Feiyuan.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" A small yellow door flew up to the temple and slammed into the front of Jinghong. "There is a flash of light in the air, and the immortals are back."

"Really?" Jing Hongdi put down the memorial in his hand. He had a happy face on his face that had not rested for many days. "I will visit it." After saying this, he hurried to the harem.

Going outside the palace gate, Jing Hongdi saw the Queen, the Prince and so on, but I don’t know why, everyone stood outside.

"Your Majesty." The Queen saw him, and vainly took a ritual, and said, "There seems to be an invisible wall outside, we can't get in."

Emperor Jinghong reached out and touched it. There was an invisible wall in the void, and they were all stopped. He touched it several times before he took away the look of exclamation. "This is probably the means of immortality."

"Father and Emperor, the immortal set up this invisible wall. I don't think we want to go to disturb. Why don't we come back later?" Although the Prince was worried about the epidemic in the southeast, he did not dare to provoke the immortal.

"My son is polite." Jing Hongdi stepped back two steps and bowed in the direction of the main hall. "Everyone goes back and arranges that the palace slaves are here. If there is any need for the immortals, they must try their best to satisfy them."

When the emperor and the prince left, the queen looked at the closed palace door with concern and turned and silently left.

After another five days, the palace gate was still not open, but the southeastern cities came with expedited pieces, saying that the epidemic had been solved, and some people saw the light in the sky. This is the **** blessing.

Jing Hongdi wrote a letter and wrote a book about Wanmin.

The general idea is that this matter is not his merit, but the fairy singer heard the hardships in this world, and it shows that the fairy rescues. Can stand out in many rebel groups, and finally win the emperor's Jinghong Emperor, want to tout a person, even the former minister is best at flattering ministers, they must be self-satisfied.

In this book, Wanmin wrote that in order to save the people, how to break the fairy and the difference, and how much it cost, only to get rid of the blasphemy of the people, so that the world can be peaceful.

After Lin Biao saw the contents of the Wanmin Book, his expression was very subtle, and he took the content and took it back to the palace.

"I think this emperor is a man who is good at writing words..."

Mou Zong looked at the slumbering slumber in the bed, and said with no expression: "You retire."

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