MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 152. Show off wealth

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After the thunder, the Chenxiafeng alchemy room was razed to the ground, and Qingyuan held his own baby alchemy furnace. Fortunately, he had the foresight to bring the alchemy furnace and the precious herbs in the storage bag.

The place that was thundered was a black, the wind was blowing, and the sky was down.

箜篌 箜篌 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙

Zhai Zong took up the dragon sword and walked slowly to the front step by step: "You laughed at me, huh?"

"No." He shook his head and his eyes were shining. "How can I laugh at my man."



Miao Zong stretched out his arms and took the shackles into his arms. He wouldn't tell you that there were a lot of things in his consciousness, and finally her face, let him cross the level of the demons.

I am afraid to leave, I look forward to being with you forever, all fears and expectations are not worthy of her smile, a soft and delicate "桓宗."

Why does Jian Xiu hold a sword?

Protect the world, protect the patriarchal door, protect yourself, protect ... the beloved.

A person with a guardian mind will make himself stronger. He didn't understand it, but now he finally understands. There are fears, worries, joys, and sadness. Life has been given these feelings, why should we forcibly give up these feelings?

He used to think that ruthlessness is invincible. Now he finally understands that understanding emotions is truly powerful.

"Oh, this is my favorite flying fairy dress!"

He was kneeling on the chest of the sect, and stretched his hand to twist his waist. He was so stunned by the ancestors that his clothes were so dirty that he could not read it.

“Is it important for me or is the clothes important?” Yan Zongyu was wronged.

The heart trembled and reached out and patted the back of the sect: "Of course it is important to you, you are important."

Mou Zong smiled with satisfaction: "I know that in my heart, I am the most important."

Several elders with good hearings could no longer listen to them, and they changed their minds and went out. The nameless real person caressed the white beard and said with emotion, "I don't think so, Zhongzheng real person is like this in front of the lovers..."

"Young people have good feelings, it is a good thing." Qingyuan coughed, "It is a good thing."

The anonymous real person smiled and did not laugh at the feelings of the junior.

On the neighboring town of Yucheng, Jiu Su sits on a carved wooden chair and looks at the subordinates who are lying on the ground: "You mean, the people we sent, just got into the city and were taken by the city." Did people find out?"

The subordinate teeth trembled and carefully nodded: "Yes, respect the Lord."

"Oh." Jiu Su sneered, "Even ordinary people are cheating, what is the use for you?"

The room is quiet, no one dares to make a sound.

Taking a deep breath from one of the nearest members of Jiuju, I bravely bravely said: "Respect the Lord, this place in the city, a very evil door."

"The evil spirits are just some low-lying people who can't practice." Jiu Su laughed. "You have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and there is no way to take these people."

The people were silent again, and they did not dare to refute in the face of the Lord. They had a faint psychological shadow on the place of the city.

I didn't bother to talk to these waste subordinates about this small problem: "Send people to continue to inquire about the news. Those who are decent and do not have the opportunity to get any useful news from them?"

"Since the people we sent to Yunhuamen last time were discovered, when the major gates went out, they took the instruments of illusion, and our people could no longer pretend to be famous disciples close to them. And they were alert. Very high, the disciples of Xiaozongmen went out, and the big gates arranged for the disciples to accompany them. Even if our people tried to get close to them, they could not find any useful news."

The current decent monks are becoming more and more united, and it is inconvenient for them to do evil things.

"The people of the top ten sects still love to do more with their own affairs." Jiu Su calmly said, "No need to worry, now there are only a few people who are repaired in the real world. It is not suitable for the opponents of this seat. I want to let them cultivate the blood of the real world."

"Respect the Lord, my subordinates heard a message, I don't know if it is useful."


"It is rumored that Jiufengmen intends to let the disciples and Zhongkai become Taoists. Zhongkai is obsessed with the Yunhua threshold and rejects the idea of ​​the marriage of Jiufengmen. But the ceremony of Zhongkai and Yi is the Yunhuamen Yan Yan and Shuguang Zong Jinyue promoted it, and the master of the company was not satisfied with the marriage."

"Interesting." Jiu Su raised his eyebrows. "But I know the feelings of these children, what do you mean?"

Everyone: "..."

Jiu Su ridiculed a smile, feelings like this, seemingly nothing, and can only touch themselves. At that time, he was fond of red words, and finally she was not trying to hurt him?

If it weren't for her, he would be able to level the entire world of comprehension ten years ago. Why wait until today?

People from all over the city come and go, and the monks from all over the world come to attend the ceremony of the Zhongzheng real people and the fairy fairy. The shop in Yucheng also took advantage of this opportunity and launched a lot of new products. It is said that Zhongkai’s real flying swords sold very well. Many young monks bought one hanging on the waist.

There is also a hairpin, a fairy skirt that Yunhuamen female repairs like, and the Shuguang sects have said that they have good meat, which is very popular among monks.

The monks of the Yucheng Gatekeeper seem to be ordinary, but all of them are Jindan Xiufu. The heads are all the prostitutes of the peaks. Each of the sects saw Yunhuamen so eagerly awaited, and a little more sense of security.

Jiufengmen Zhihe Feng and the palm disciple Ling Yuegang entered the city, and they were attracted by the lively atmosphere and the red flowers that can be seen everywhere. There were quite a few street vendors along the street. What surprised her was that no street vendor was stalking her to sell products, nor did she go to the children begging in front of her.

The screams are coming and going, and the whole city is filled with a happy atmosphere.

"To celebrate the ceremony of the fairy tales and Zhongzheng real people, we have a 20% discount."

"Do not leave the face, eat a bowl and want to come to a bowl, the face that the fairy and the Zhongzheng lived. The male will find a female repair like a flower, and the female will find the face like a crown jade. Do not change the male repair."

Lingyue couldn't help but smile. When she came to Yucheng 10 years ago, she felt that the people of Yucheng were different from other people. Looking back today, I think these people are interesting.

Before she went to the noodle restaurant that sold her, she asked her to ask the guests: "Is the real person and the real person who really came here to eat?"

"That is nature, how can you dare to lie about this?" Tang Xiaoxiao greeted him and sat down with Lingyue. "Xianchang, fairy, I don't know if there are two things to avoid?"

"No." Lingyue looked at the noodle restaurant. Many of them were monks from other places. The accent was even more varied, but it made this noodle restaurant very lively.

The place where the city is full of food and food will not disappoint. Lingyue and Zhihe finished eating. After they came out, they didn’t go far. They saw a shop selling dumplings in the shop. They said something in the mouth, "Zhong Yuzhen has eaten more and said better."

Ling Yue, Zhihe: "..."

Inexplicably feel that I have been deceived.

Along the way, nine of the ten shops all claimed to be good shops with Zhongkai and Zhongkai, and the rest of the house was too late to sell.

"The people of Yucheng are really courageous. They dare to take the fairy and Zhongzheng real people to attract guests." Zhihe laughed and laughed. "Yunhuamen is also tolerant to these people."

As he said, Yunhuamen sent a disciple to receive the two men. Over the two days, there were too many guests. The Guanguangzong and Yunhuamen disciples were running down the mountain and were too busy.

Seeing Yunhuamen’s disciples rushed to the outside of the mountain gate to receive them, and Zhifeng’s master smiled and said: “There is a lawyer who welcomes you.”

"The younger Yunhuamen disciples are coming, the peak and the fairy come from afar, hard work, please." Yunhuamen disciples recruited cranes, and asked the two to go up the mountain.

Ling Yue saw that the disciple is outstanding in appearance. His bones are only over twenty years old. He has been repaired for the foundation period: "Do you have a disciple of Tao Zong?"

"The younger generation is a big disciple of Qi Yuefeng Cheng Yizhen. At the exchange meeting ten years ago, he had seen the peak and the fairy." He was wearing a green shirt and a jade crown, and he was a bit awkward in the wind.

Ten years ago, he was only a teenager in his teens. Even if he participated in the exchange meeting, he was very inconspicuous. So Ling Yue didn't know him. He was not surprised at all.

Lingyue was secretly scared. It turned out that this is the return. Yunhuamen received a disciple who had built a foundation in less than ten years, and had already spread to the major gates. Although this kind of practice speed is not comparable to that of 箜篌, Zhongkai, Lingyue, etc., it is a terrible practice speed to look at the entire realm of cultivation.

This kind of thing is really enviable.

The oldest generation of Yunhuamen has three elders supporting the autumn frost, the elders have forgotten, and the Qingyuan is standing. The generations have the disciples, such as 箜篌, Bechuan, Chengyi, Tanfeng, Linghui, and the juniors have begun to return. Disciples take the lead and don't have to worry about Zongmen's strength for the next thousand years.

"On the mountain, there are a lot of food shops claiming to be the food that the fairy and the Zhongzheng people have tasted..." Ling Yue euphemistically reminded him.

The returning expression is a bit subtle, and he confesses to Lingyue: "Thank you for telling the fairy, but those stores didn't lie, and Yan Shishu and Zhongkai Shishu... really tasted at these food shops."

He was really embarrassed to say that Yan Shishu took the Zhongzheng real person to taste the food, tasted the city from the city, and even the food stalls were not let go.

I really don't know, in what kind of mood, Zhongzheng real people, with the uncle Shu did all these things. When he was young, he had a good impression on Yan Shishu, but this good feeling, after seeing Zhongzheng real people how to treat Shu Shishu, turned into a cloud.

Without him, because he can't be as free as a real person like Zhongkai.

It’s a real person in front of Yan Shi’s uncle, who would believe it when he said it?

Seven days before the ceremony, according to the old rules, he and the ancestors could not meet, and the ancestors could not even live on the Yunhua Gate.

No 桓 桓 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪 陪

On the night before the ceremony, I thought I would meditate all night and could not sleep at all. I know that she just fell asleep on the bed and made a strange dream.

This dream is a bit strange. She did not see herself, nor did she see Master. She only saw that the two brothers and the Qingyuan Master were not very harmonious. Later, after returning to Zongmen, he was accepted by the Qingyuan Shishu, and the Zongmenli frequently made contradictions.

Where is Mou Zong?

With this awareness, the surrounding scenery has changed and it has become a beautiful Shuguangzong.

Mou Zong quietly sat on the boulder, his face was full of joy and no sorrow, but his face was pale and terrible. When he coughed, he even spit out a lot of blood.

"Zhu Zong!" I found myself a hurricane, a group of transparent gas, everyone can not see her, she is just a helpless bystander. She looked at Miao Zong's body getting worse and worse. She looked at the evil repair and suddenly sneaked into the realm of repairing. The top ten sects were dead and wounded, and Zhai Zong dragged the sick body and Jiu Suu to fight together. The blue silk on the head turned white and the Lingtai broke.

The entire realm of cultivation was turned into a sea of ​​blood, and Jiuzhu was eventually defeated. However, none of the disciples of the whole month survived. There were no ones in the clean temple, and most of the swords were killed and injured. The three elders of Yunhuamen died. Dao Xiao, the contradiction between the five peaks is not reconcilable, and eventually parted ways.

Woke up from the dream, holding the quilt from the bed and looking at the window that was not lit up, it was awkward. After a long while, she got up and pushed open the window. She couldn't see the moon in the early morning of the eighth day. She only saw the stars.

"Can't you make me a good dream when I am overjoyed?" 箜篌 天 揖 , , “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦 梦.

After the swearing, she put the snacks and fruits on the table on the window sill: "Give you a tribute, let's just say it."

The stars in the sky flashed and flashed. There were a few popular skies across the sky. It was beautiful.

Looking at it for a while, I finally came out from the tragic image of the dream, put on the neatly folded clothes and the crown, and painted the makeup in the mirror.

The comprehension community does not pay attention to what magpies, and will not let women wear hijab. It is rumored that a thousand years ago, a man who had been born from the dusty world wanted to make a hijab with a woman who had become a Taoist, and was repaired by the woman.

After the smashing, the female repair said, what is the problem, the woman's face can not be seen by other men at the wedding party, the man's face can let other women watch?

The two men’s ceremonies were cancelled because of this, and the male’s own tragic real experience contributed to the speed of equality between men and women in the entire realm of cultivation. At least no more males dared to let women do their own reluctance to do it. Things.

It was dawn, and I heard the music coming from the entire sect. The sisters gathered around her and praised her head.

"Linghui Shijie." He grabbed the hand of Linghui. In her dream, Linghui was killed by a disguise that was disguised as a master of Tanfeng. The newly-changed fairy skirt was stained with blood.

"Don't be nervous." Ling Hui patted her back. "It's all going through the game anyway. You are so familiar with Zhongkai, what is so nervous."

"The groom is coming!"

The people of Yucheng looked up at the Flying Horse team that was rushing through the sky, and the red envelopes and flowers that descended from the sky. They were excited and applauded.

After the Flying Horse, there are two rows of gorgeous flying boats, sitting on the flying boat and playing music, and the music is bursting.

There is also a flying girl repairing the dance, gorgeous flying palace, red envelope rain has not stopped.

The low-key Twilight Zong Hyun Fu is rich, no one can match.

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Chapter 99

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