MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 146. Dragon?

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The man took the bucket off and looked at it with a squint: "You little girl can’t really talk,"

"I can't help but can't help it." He smiled abruptly and apologized. "Uncle who sells salted fish, how are you here?"

"I am a fisherman who buys fish, no longer wandering around the beach, where can I go?" Uncle salted fish hangs the bucket on his waist, and as soon as he steps, the fight hits his knee. He took the corner of his eye and glanced over it again and again. "First talk about how you are here?"

"We heard that there is a legend of dragons on the side of the sea, so let's take a look." Look at the uncle of salted fish. "Uncle, you often fish at sea, have you seen the dragon?"

"Dragon?" The salted fish smirked unclearly. "I haven't seen it."

"What do you guys stand at the door, go in and go in, don't block when you go in, good dogs don't block." The gatekeeper yelled impatiently. "We are the ancestors of Jin Dan, if you are here again." Grinding, be careful of our ancestors to clean up you."

"Golden Dan... ancestors?" Looks like a smile and looks at the sullen goalkeeper. "When is the district Jindan also a good idea to call it an ancestor?"

The goalkeeper was furious and thought that this was the biggest offense to the owner. On the spot, he pulled out the knife tied at his waist: "I think you are looking for death."

The people around the city gate saw the situation, and they shunned in horror, and the courage was small and even collapsed.

I used to have a playful attitude, but when I saw the local ordinary people scared like this, I guess that the local comprehension sects must be very powerful against ordinary people, otherwise the people will not be this reaction.

Those people who want them to marry the city not only dare to take the initiative to greet them, but even when there are monks who are busy watching, they do not shrink back. They are proficient in finding the ideal place to watch the bustle, which is almost the instinct of the people of the city.

With a few points to repair, it is unscrupulous to take ordinary people to look at it. What is the use of such a monk? !

I didn’t want to lift my feet to the gatekeeper. The goalkeeper only felt that I was hit by a big hammer. The whole person flew out and slammed the monk who heard the movement to the ground.

The two monks who were only trained in the refining period received a foot of the distracted monk. The two men squatted on the ground and fainted.

"Guy, girl." A gray-haired, wrinkled old man walked over with his waist. "You run faster. The owner of Jinlongtang is very cruel, and he likes beauty. You look so handsome, if he is discovered by him." How can life be good?" After saying this, she saw a person with a golden dragon door coming over here, busy squinting and running away, not dare to stay.

"It’s really a pool of more than eight kings, and the temple is full of monsters." 箜篌 箜篌 袖 袖 , , , , , , 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌Handed over to the top ten sects."

The uncle of the salted fish looked at the delicate arms that came out of her eyes, and looked at her back a few steps. She was ready to give the two men to fight. She sat on the wall and took a radish. Knocked up.

Ms. Zong saw him at the side and moved his foot to the side for five steps. This position can prevent the uncle of the salted fish from suddenly moving to the shackles. His pace is random, as if he just walked a few steps at random.

Lin Biao noticed the movements of Mou Zong, and couldn't help but look at the middle-aged man sitting under the wall. The man's footsteps are strong and powerful, but more like ordinary people who are physically strong, not monks. But when ordinary people see the monks fighting, even if they are not afraid, they should not be as calm as him. Not afraid of being affected by the aura of the spell, and not afraid of being angered, as if everything has nothing to do with him.

It seems to be ordinary, but it is very different everywhere.

The people of Jinlongtang rushed to the gate of the city and saw the same door that fell to the ground and died. "Who is so rude, actually hurts my Jinlongtang disciple?"

Jinlongtang has been stationed here for hundreds of years. There are almost no other comprehensions in the town. They have long been accustomed to the high life. They also forget that there are many powerful monks in other places. It is powerful enough to turn the whole Jinlongtang. destroy.

"As a monk, you should guard the people, not the people." Look at the Jinlongtang monks who are arrogant and arrogant. "The top ten disciples are better than you. The Zongmen is stronger than you, but acting better than you." mild."

When the monk Jinlongtang heard the words, he laughed happily: "Which is the big lady who raised the money, she even scared us with the top ten sects. The top ten sects are all in the fertile areas of the land, how do we know us? This bitter cold land? It’s useless to take the top ten sects to scare us. We have been practicing for many years, for the sake of silk satin, beautiful food. These ordinary people are born low-lying, can be our servants, their life is not good. It’s strange to blame them for not opening the coffin and not being able to embark on the road of comprehension. People live in the world, and they are paying attention to the weak meat. The little beauty and the ordinary people who sympathize with these commandments are better than follow the Lord and keep you young and beautiful. Often. The little white face around you is good-looking, but after ten or twenty years, it’s just a bad old man..."

"You are wrong, even after twenty years, he is also a good old man. Unlike your waste, even if you live for hundreds of years, you have never seen it before." Take the hairpin and turn it into water in your hand. Frost Sword, she lifted her chin. "But you just said something well, the weak meat is strong."

A bunch of refining monks, paired with distracted monks, what will the final result look like?

These monks are dressed in brocade, but they are all ordinary clothes and have no defensive effect. Within three strokes, these people were squatted on the ground. She kicked and kicked the ugly face monk who was a little white face. "Is it strong and fun?"

The ugly face monk spits blood and shakes his head.

He looked at the side slightly and smiled sweetly: "I think it is very fun."

She turned to see Mou Zong: "Zhu Zong, let's go to the pavilion. I am so big, I have never done this kind of thing, you go with me."

"Okay." Mou Zong nodded to the side of the beggar and took her hand.

Lin Biao: "..."

What is the good thing about this kind of thing? He turned his head and looked at the crowd outside the city gate to watch the lively people. His eyes swept under the wall, and the man with the radish radish had disappeared.

Looking at the hand and the hand in front of him, he sighed, this is where to go to the pavilion, clearly holding hands to find fun.

He pulled out a bundle of man-made instruments and tied all of these Jinlongtang disciples together. The people who are afraid of the incomparable people are watching this scene, and the fear on their faces has not disappeared. They don't know who is the one who beats Jinlongtang, and they don't know if these people are as bad as Jinlongtang, or worse.

Jinlongtang is very easy to find, because in a group of low-rise houses, tall and wealthy houses are particularly conspicuous. This martial art party may have a fanatical worship. Not only the dragon is carved on the wall, but also the dragon is on the pillar. Even the red door is engraved with the dragon play beads.

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Lin Biao took a deep breath: "Hey girl, I am not proficient in this kind of kicking." When the voice just fell, I heard a "bang" and Jinlongtang’s door fell. Lin Biao turned to look at it and saw the son slowly recovering the dragon sword. The cloud was lightly screaming at the girl: "The kick will hurt."

Looking at this scene with a stunned look, Lin Biao felt that he was about to suffocate.

"Former Lin?" He walked into the door, and after standing in the forest, he stood still in a daze. "The kicking hall is very fun, you come."

Looking at the face of "Like Lele is not as good as the music", there is a good thing to share with everyone's expression, Lin Biao silently turned his eyes to Yuzong, I really don't know who is between the son and the girl, who is broken Who?

He wiped his face and slid his face into it.

As a comprehension martial art, Jin Longtang was not even a small snake, but there were also some defensive tactics on the door. So he was opened by a sect, and countless disciples rushed over.

The disciples watched the people in the three brocade suits come in. Their doors were cut into two sections, the cuts were neat, and the defensive circles were the same. They swallowed and swallowed a few steps back.

Among the disciples, an old man wearing a low-level robes stood up and said, "I don't know where the high man came from, what advice does he have to the sect?"

"Come on the bullies." 箜篌 Pull out the water cream sword and pick the chin.

The old man's face changed and he held the weapon in his hand: "The girl laughs, you and I are both monks, why bother?"

"You monks are the same people as the outsiders. Why do you want to oppress them?" He looked at the old man and built a great foundation. The other disciples had a weak aura, and all of them were repaired during the refining period.

Oh, there is nothing that can be played.

"The original fairy was for the people in the city." Fang was also called "girl", and the fairy changed his name to "fairy". This old man is more interested than the disciples. He can't see the cultivation of the shackles, but he can recognize that the sword in the other hand is the best artifact. Just such a sword is worth more than their entire sect. I don't know which powerful disciple suddenly ran here, only hope that these young ladies are more thoughtful, they can cover up the past.

"These people can't believe the words?" The old man said, "When they want us to help the sea in the winter, we want to help us to dry the fishing gear in the summer. If we are not satisfied, we will roll and say that our monks are bullying people. Here is the aura. It’s thin, if it’s not that our sects have been built here for thousands of years, they have already moved away. As the saying goes, the poor mountains and the bad waters are more popular, and the fairy can never believe in the words of the people.”

"Do you mean that I misunderstood?" He turned to look at the ancestors, and when he was arrested, the old man who spoke involuntarily flew to them. Zhai Zong put his hand on the cover of this person, and used his knowledge to sweep through the memory in his mind, throwing people out in disgust.

The old man didn't scream and fainted.

"The person who is evil, the rhetoric, the death is awkward." Mou Zong wiped his hands with his handkerchief, his eyes were like ice, "Let your cousin roll out."

Seeing that the elders had no counterattack in front of the three, the remaining disciples had already scared their arrogance and stood unsteadily. On weekdays they made a lot of evil, bullying the countless people, but in front of death, they have no manner.

"The visitor is a guest, but the three are probably unwelcome sluts." The voice of the old man came from all directions. "I have Jinlong blood on the golden dragon ancestors, even if it is not good now, I can’t allow a few Huang Mao children to be so insulted. Three of them are going to go with the old man?"

The voice fell, and the person who spoke has already appeared. This person must have a yellow in the white, wearing an embroidered golden dragon brocade, wearing a Kowloon play bead crown, faintly flashing, not knowing that he is a human emperor. Behind him was a stout man wearing a black robe. The man was shaved his head and his head was shiny and suffocating.

However, his suffocating suffocating moment disappeared without a trace. He repeatedly stepped back and flew away. He knew that he had just stepped out of him, and the dragon sword flew to him. The cold sword was referring to the pain in his eyebrows.

"Xianchang, Xianchang." The black robe man shrank his back and made a fuss about Yuzong. "I haven't seen it for many years. The fairy is still the same, the light shines..."

Yan Zong frowned: "Shut up."

The black robe man suddenly dared not say anything, hugged the fat belly and shrank it into a ball.

"Former Lin, who is this person?" I was a little surprised, why this person saw Miao Zong so scared.

“Remember the white sage who came to us for revenge for the apprentice?” Lin Biao’s hands clasped his chest. “He is the black sage of the white lord.”

"Then two of them really have no brothers." He laughed. "Before the black sage is not clamoring for the evil to attack and repair the real world, to avenge the white sage?" No wonder such a small Jinlongtang, dare The ordinary person is not a person, and his attitude is extremely arrogant. The original Zongmen still contains a cult.

"If the words of evil cultivation can be taken seriously, the world has already been peaceful." Lin Biao sneered. "These evils are not emotional, more important. Don't just say that they are dead brothers, even if they are dead aunts, they are not worthy of them. Going desperately. He is tempted to take revenge, but he is hiding in such a place to live. Isn’t he afraid that the son will kill him after he has killed the white lord?”

"It’s really the same brotherhood of broken ice. The sun is gone." He shook his head and sighed. He saw that the black sages were afraid to come out under the sword of the ancestors. Some of them disliked. "It’s so gutsy, I still want to Who overthrew the realm of comprehension, who gave him confidence?"

Lin Biao looked at him silently and did not speak.

The girl did not know that the son of the whole year was chasing the sinister evil, and the land of the whole valley was reddened by the blood of evil. Since then, the son of the son of the cult is a great name, and many cults do not dare to provoke the existence.

There is no need to mention the past in the past, not to mention the fact that in the heart of the girl, the son of the son is perfect. This kind of ferocious past, if he goes to the mouth, maybe the next person who is murdered by the son is himself.

Jin Longtang did not think of the mysterious and powerful predecessors. After seeing the emperor, he was scared more honest than the dog. He gave birth to a plan and turned his eyes to the embarrassment. This female pedicure is vain, and it seems that it is very bad. If he holds this female repair, he may still be able to save his life.

With this kind of intention in mind, Jin Longtang also has an action on the main hand. As a golden perfection, he also had a few decent instruments on his body. He immediately smashed it out and threw it at the pilgrimage.

I know that the instrument just touched the opponent's clothing corner, like a small year with broken wings, and the head fell.

What is wrong with this, what happened?

Jin Longtang thought that it was a long time for the instrument to be used without any problems. He bit his teeth and endured the pain and threw the remaining implements out. I know that the fate of these instruments is the same as that of the previous instrument.

"Oh, is this the middle and lower level of the instrument?" He kicked the kicker with his foot and turned his head to Lin Biao. "I have been in the realm of cultivation for so many years. I have not used the middle and lower level instruments." "She smashed the knives on the ground with her feet, and blinked at the innocent eyes of the Golden Dragon Church: "I am embarrassed, I am wearing the best vestments on my body. This middle and lower level implements are of no use to me."

The owner of Jinlongtang only felt that his heart was like a knife, and he felt pain in his body. Looking at the broken device, he still had to endure the reluctance and anger in his heart, and looked pale: "Who are you?"

"As a cultivator of the sect of the real world, he secretly accepts the evil repairs. Are you Jinlongtang a sect of cult, or a decent sect?" 箜篌 箜篌 严肃 , 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 箜篌 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 严肃 严肃 严肃 严肃 严肃You can only hand over to Zongmen."

"Ten major sects?!" Jin Longtang looked at him with horror, and could not believe that the disciples of the top ten sects would come to their bitter cold. Are there any problems in the minds of these big disciples, so how many Lingshan Linghu does not go, what are they doing here?

"Zhong Yuzhen, Zhongzheng real person, I just live here, there is no killing, really." The black sage is pale and his hands are holding his head. "Reading on the hard part of practice, you will spare me." Let's go."

Mou Zong ignored him and took out the bundle of fairy ropes to tie him into a round fat.

Zhong, Zhongkai real people? This white man with a sword turned out to be Zhongzheng real person?

Even if it is very remote, he has heard the name of Zhongzheng real person. Jin Longtang’s main body was soft and he sat on the ground. He was a bully in this small corner, how did he meet Zhongzheng real person? It’s true that he died in Jinlongtang.

He kicked the soft-shouldered Jinlongtang master with a kick: "You said that you have a golden dragon in the Golden Dragon Hall, is it true?"

"Seeking for the fairy to spare." Jin Longtang said with a cry, "The sect is a small sect, how can there be any golden dragon blood? When the ancestors established the sect, they feared that the sect had no prestige, and they installed a few drops of squid. The blood is in the bottle, and it is said to be dragon blood. In fact, the blood of the squid is also half-dragon blood. As long as it skips the dragon gate, isn't it the dragon?"

"Shut up, don't talk to me about this." He sealed the meridians of the Golden Dragon Church and said to Zhai Zongdao: "Let's stay here for a day, wait for someone to take these erring monks and leave."

"Don't worry about the girl, I have already sent a message to Zongmen. There are disciples of Shuguangzong near the innocent sea. They will be able to come over tomorrow." Lin said, "Now, look at the city, I don’t know what these people have made the people’s scourge look like."

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It is a pity that the people of Jinlongtang do not understand her, and people who know can't do this kind of thing.

The people who have made a big mistake in Jinlongtang are tied up. These people blame each other and expose each other. In the end, there are few people who are really clean.

Listening to these people yelling at each other, I only feel that my brain hurts, and I handed these people to Lin Biao, and turned to pull the sect of Jin Longtang.

The door of Jinlongtang was destroyed. The disciples who have always been arrogant have not come out to scream. Some local people who are courageous are secretly hiding in the corner, and they are happy and worried. The good news is that these cancers have finally been eradicated. The worry is that those who have eliminated Jinlongtang are worse than the Jinlongtang monks.

I walked on the street and saw that most of the people here were sorrowful. When she saw the gorgeous clothes, she and the ancestors were even more afraid of avoiding them. In the evening, there was already coolness, but the children running on the street were undressed, and the leaves that fell on the ground with bare feet were even seen, and even two children were beaten because of a piece of vegetable leaves.

The Jinlongtang and the people on this street are like two worlds.

"Go back." Yan Zong saw her brow wrinkled and tightened, stopping her footsteps. "It's getting dark."

"Yeah." He nodded and looked at the ordinary people who were squatting, letting Yan Zong hold hands and return to Jinlongtang.

The next morning, the day was just brightened, and the disciples of Shuguangzong came over. Worried that these disciples were inadequate, they would let the black sages escape, and the ancestors ruined the other's Lingtai and handed them over to the disciples who were respectful.

"Leave two people to deal with local affairs, let the people live on normal days as soon as possible, and other disciples bring these people back to the sect." Zhai Zongdao, "I am not going with you, be careful all the way."

"Yes." The disciples respected the ceremony and deliberately bowed to the ceremony. "Please ask Zhongxun Shishu, Yan Shishu, and Lin's predecessors to take care."

So these disciples received a gift from the donation.

The ability of the disciples of Shuguang Zongzi is not doubtful at all. Looking at the morning sun, she was in a good mood and smiled and walked out of the door of Jinlongtang.

When she walked out of the city gate and was ready to call the Feijian, she saw the uncle of the salted fish that helped others to dry the dried fish. When she moved, she ran towards him.


The uncle of salted fish pulled his eyelids, and he did not wake up. He was wearing the clothes of yesterday, but the fight hanging around his waist was gone. Hearing him, he did not say his head: "Little girl, I don't sell salted fish today."

"I don't buy salted fish today." He bent down and picked up the semi-dry dead fish with a stinky smell. He read the uncle of the salted fish and placed them. "Uncle often goes out to sea?"

The uncle of salted fish saw the clean palm of his hand stained with salt, his eyes slightly enlarged: "Well."

"Can you please uncle you go out with us?" The sea is boundless and full of danger. Even if it is a very high monk, you should be scrupulous. It is convenient to have people who go to the sea frequently.

The action of drying the fish paused, and the uncle of the salted fish raised his eyebrows and looked at him. How could he still wake up: "Do you want to find a dragon?"

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