MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 117. A long time

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The eyes of Bechuan were swept away on the two people, and they lowered their voices and asked: "When are you two, when are you together?"

"A few days ago." He honestly said, "It was the time you met."

Bechuan: "..."

"Do you know what the uncle knows?" Think of Qi Yuefeng's emphasis on the sisters and sisters. If you let the uncle know that she and Zhongzheng real people have the feelings of men and women, I am afraid... just fight.

In case you forget the story of Long Fengding, the situation is even more complicated. With a serious face, Dokhan flashed a lot of thoughts in his head, turned to look at Zhongzheng real person, and looked seriously: "Zhong Yuzhen, our family is young, if not done properly Place, please bear with me."

Zhongkai took a punch on him.

When the two are in love, what can be said that they don’t want to listen to each other’s promises that cannot be guaranteed in the future, and get up and say: “You have to rest earlier and converge slightly in front of other disciples.”

Everyone used to be single, and suddenly saw someone greasy, isn't this irritating to everyone?

"Master Chuan, please rest assured, I will focus on the overall situation." Xiaoxiao's waving hand, "Go back to sleep."

Is this that he is left here to hinder her appreciation of beauty?

Bechuan reached out and smacked her forehead and got up and said: "Okay, you two are slowly sweet, I am going back to the room to meditate."

Laughing and plunging into the arms of Mou Zong, Zhai Zong grabbed her in a hurry: "Be careful."

"Looking at the stars on the Flying Palace, it seems to be exceptionally beautiful." Looking up at the sky, the speed of the flying palace is fast, but the moon and the stars are still hanging high, as if they are always with them.

"The world is full of beauty, not as good as you." Yan Zong bowed his head, and his eyebrows were full of affection and tenderness.

He stretched his hand and pinched his cheek: "To be honest, is it sneak peek at the red sleeves and the fragrance?"

"No." Yan Zong's eyes floated to the side.

"Really not?" He put his ear on his chest, inside the chest, a heart is beating fast. She looked up and shook her head halfway. "Forget it, you said no, no."

Yuzong blushes: "Last night... I saw a few books."

What do you mean by a few books? How does this adjective sound strange?

"So a few books, how many?" He laughed softly.

"It's three or four books... five or six books." The voice of the ancestors is getting smaller and smaller.

"You haven't slept all night?" Looking at so many books, where is the time to rest? She took the opportunity to touch a face of awkwardness. "Although our monks do not need to eat and sleep every day, it is a good habit to go to bed early and get up early. Don't do this next time."

Put your hand in front of the aunt: "Get it."

"What?" Yuzong holding his hand, a slight stiff.

"Talk this way." 箜篌 finger hooked.

"There are a few articles that are not very good. I have already thrown them." Mou Zong took two books in one hand and put them in the hands of the shackles. These two books are all new, as if they had just bought them, it seems that Zhai Zong is not holding her. Note, also secretly went down the mountain to buy a book?

Putting the lighting device on the table, he opened the phone and looked at it. The owner of the lamp slicked his tongue. What foxes, fairies, and witches liked him, as if all the other men in the world did not exist.

Close the book and turn to look at the ancestors.

"I didn't buy it, it was sent by Lin Biao." Yan Zong was serious. "I won't buy these books on weekdays. I have been staying at Yunhua Mountain for a few days. How can I go to the bookstore to buy books?"

"Is it really not down?"

"No." Yan Zong firmly shook his head.

"The fine monks here are very powerful, and they are highly cultivated, and there are so many women who like it."

"My heart is very small, only the next woman."

"Yeah." He nodded slowly and pointed to one of the books. "The owner of this book also said this, and turned to save a fox, and she couldn't tell her."

Mou Zong: "..."

When you write the words and write the master's heart and mind, can you not ruin the good words?

"Ha ha ha." Seeing Miao Zong stunned, couldn't help but laugh out loud. "I am teasing you to play. You are of course different from the masters in the book." The masters in the book are fundamentally Not as good as a sect.

Seeing that you are happy, Miao Zong is very serious: "You can rest assured that I will not be like them."

I don’t doubt the words of Miao Zong. It looks so good. It’s a man who is so high. If it’s a man of ecstasy, there are countless women around, how can she belong to her?

"I believe in your words." He took the words and said, "From now on, you are my man, you must belong to me. So these books... all confiscated."

"Yeah." Yanzong hugged her, and the two men crossed their foreheads. He whispered, "I will give you the whole person."

His voice was very gentle, like a light breeze passing by, scratching his heart and itching. She licked the forehead of the sect, and when she was preparing to speak, she crossed a light in the air, which was a message.

Zhai Zong reached out and caught the communication symbol with consciousness.

I saw that the look of the ancestors seemed to be like emotions, and I couldn’t help but ask: "What happened?"

"It's a flying signal from my master." Yan Zong's face showed a smile. "He broke through the state of mind, and now he has gone to the illusion of cultivation."

"Improving the virtual environment?!" I can't help but secretly calculate how far my cultivation is to be a virtualized environment. After I figure it out, she couldn't help but admire. "Jin Yuezong is really powerful."

"Master has been stagnating in these years, and now he is finally able to break through the state of mind. It is really good." For many years, he has been with Jin Yue for many years, just as Jin Yue worried about his practice, he is also worried about Jin Yue.

Looking at the slightly excited look of the ancestors, he patted his back: "Everything is getting better."

Therefore, the medicinal materials needed by the ancestors will be slowly found. From then on, she sat in the first beauty of the real world, traveled through the mountains and rivers, and thought that others might have red eyes, she felt better.

“What are you thinking about, how beautiful you are?” Ms. Zong returned from the joy, and smiled and smiled. She reached out and shredded her ear to the ear, and gently touched her earlobe. .

Tender, very slippery.

"Itchy." He smiled and grabbed the hand of Emperor Zong, "I am laughing, and everyone who knows the whole world of comprehension knows that Zhongzheng is a man of mine, and there must be many people who marry me."

"They want to marry me." Miao Zong lowered his eyes. "The most beautiful, cutest and most powerful fairy in the world of comprehension, willing to be with me, I wonder how many children will be jealous in the world?"

"Men are envious of you, women envy me, which shows that we are both born to be a pair." With his eyes shining, he has already thought of a bright future. "This is great."

Zhai Zong couldn't help but sneer out: "I found that your disciples have the same advantages as you."


"Have a good hope and confidence in the future."

箜篌: "..."

This seems to be something that is not quite right.

The two people who have just confirmed their feelings are not too close when they are too many people. They are greasy and private, and they feel interesting when they say anything. Until the middle of the month, Miao Zong and Yan were reluctant to separate, and each returned to their room.

The next morning, when I woke up, the sky was already bright. Pushing open the window and discovering that the Flying Palace has stagnated, she rushed to the outside fence and found that a huge flying boat was parked not far away. The flying boat was engraved with the unique decoration of Yuanjimen.

"In the next double clear, I have seen the elders of autumn frost." Double standing in the head of the boat, the black collar robes, covering his big gang, so that his face does not seem to be so square, but look far away, It was like a piece of brick on a black cloth.

On the entrance to the Yi Ying Ying Hall, guests were like Yun, and Qiu Shuang was the elder of Zongmen. He only showed up in the ceremony and went back. He didn’t know which guests came. Now I saw the face of Shuangqing Fangzhengzheng, and she thought of a child who wanted to worship Yunhuamen more than 500 years ago.

The child does not seem to be seven or eight years old, his skin is fair, and his head is square. It is hard to forget after a glance. At that time, she found that the child was slightly narrow-minded and liked to take revenge. He did not agree to let him go under Yunhua. In the 500 years of service, this child has never appeared, and she gradually forgot about it.

Now seeing the doorkeeper of Yuanjimen, she suddenly remembered the child that year.

"A long time, the autumn frost elders are as they used to be." Double Qingyi worshipped again. "I don't know if you have been okay over the years?"

“Thank you for the doorkeeper’s thoughts, everything is fine.” Since Yan Yan’s succession as the gatekeeper, Qiu Shuang rarely came out of Yunhuamen, and he did not deal with other Zongmen’s lords or elders. In the tone of speech, the elders of autumn frost can almost be sure that he was the child who wanted to go to Yunhuamen but was rejected by her.

"If you meet, you will have a chance. I don’t know the younger generation and the disciples under the door. Can you have a privilege to visit the Royal Flying Palace?"

"Please." Autumn frost glanced at him and waved his hand to build a cloud bridge on the fly boat and the flying palace. Shuangqing did not hesitate. He jumped over Yunqiao and walked over. After seeing more than a dozen disciples behind him, he had to follow up.

He stood in the corner, looked at this scene, and stretched out the hand-in-hand to pull away from her. "Bechuan brother, do you think that the Shuangqing lord is a bit strange?" Someone asked to go to someone else's site to be a guest. ?

"Jomo...the skin is not the same as us." Dokang saw that Zong Zongzhen looked at him, pulled the sleeve out of his hand and stepped back two steps. "Curious, I will take you to the past." lively."

"Okay, okay." He nodded, and the master was really understanding.

The two brothers and sisters took the Lingcha Lingguo back in the past, just heard the double Qingdao: "There was no way to worship the elders in the past, and now I see each other again, it is still very regrettable." He sighed in a pretending gesture, took out from the sleeves. A few spirits worth a thousand stones, placed on the table, "Please."

Double Qing real people, once almost worshipped under the Yunhua door?

In my heart, I was shocked and said that the spirit is on the front: "Where is the guest, how can you let the doorkeeper entertain you?"

The red and bright spirits are placed on the table, giving off a faint scent, and the spirits that are set off by Shuangqing are just like this.

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