MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 103. Grab?

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"how do you feel?"

"What is it?" Forgot to be confused by the sudden problems of the Songhe River. He frowned and looked at the Songhe River, who was not wanting to laugh. He also died and smiled. "Songhe, we have been in love for many years, you have a good time." How much is a lot of good, Zhongkai has a lot of competition, I don’t need you to say that I know. To be honest, you said so much, is it that I have received a good apprentice, or do you want me to help you in Zhaozong?"

"What does this have to do with Zhao Zhaozong?" Songhe looked at the forgetting. He rarely hangs his brains like this, and the effect... doesn't seem too good?

"You two are interested in marriage, and strong alliances to resist the invasion of the cult of the cult, I can understand." Forgot the truth, "just wronged two children, making such a great sacrifice for the cultivation of the real world." "Sword repair is not in love with love, but because of the resurgence of evil, he has to make this choice, and no one can say anything bad."

After listening to it for a long time, Songhe reacted. I forgot to understand what he meant. What does this matter have to do with Zhao Zhaozong?

"So what do you think of our two marriages?" In desperation, Songhe had to say something straightforward.

"We?" Forgot to look at the idiot's gaze and look at Songhe. "You are a good buddha, why do you marry us, what?"

In the top ten sects, except for the pure temples of the monks and nuns, the other seven sects are not the top choice for marriage. Why can't they find them? Forgetting to know Songhe for many years, and not telling him a lot of words, directly said: "Songhe, I am not arrogant, but it is not appropriate for us to be afraid of it. Your disciples are self-disciplined and steady. The talents, the sword is your most important thing. Our female disciples in Yunhuamen are different. They like foreign objects, they are heavy-spoken, and their character is also very happy. You can’t accept the atmosphere of Yunhuamen. Yunhuamen disciples are also unable to stay in Shuguangzong. After a long time, it is inevitable that they will resent each other and become a resentment."

"At the time, their juniors were too ugly. We Yunhuamen was reluctant to be wronged by their own children. At that time, it would affect the relationship between our two sects." Forgot to shake his head again and again, "not suitable, not suitable."

Seeing the reaction of forgetting this, Songhe’s heart was half-cooled. Even if he did not consider it, he refused it directly. The matter of the teacher’s sorrow is not easy to handle.

Seeing Songhe still looking at himself, forgetting the good intentions: "It doesn't matter, we are one of the three generations of Yunhuamen disciples, no one is a Taoist with others. Your disciples are very good, but we are afraid of this. I can't find a suitable disciple to marry a noble person."

"And you don't have to think too much, even if we don't have a marriage, then the evil invasion will invade, and Zong Zongmen will be obliged to do so. I will never take a step back before the evil." Songhe knows that Suiguangzong has been shouldering other sects in the realm of cultivation. The door can't bear the responsibility. Although Yunhuamen can't do it, he won't look at the sinister struggle with the evil spirits, but they stand on the sidelines.


"This matter does not need to be discussed again." Forgot to wave, "Fortunately, this is just a matter of my face, not mentioned in front of the door. With his personality, I will definitely reject you without hesitation. Everyone is jealous." He poured a cup of tea into Songhe. "Come and come, drink tea."

Songhe: "..."

I was so confused that I couldn’t drink it.

箜篌 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿 勿The moon peak has arrived, and the sister is going, I will go back to the master."

"Thank you, Master Tuchuan." He smiled and arched his hand toward Bechuan, and stepped on the flying sword and fell to the cloud. Dokawa looked at the cheerful back of the girl and slightly pulled her mouth.

After falling into the cloud, he did not go back to the Yuefeng, but went to the Wuxingtang.

The management of Wuxingtang saw 箜篌, respectfully go forward: "箜篌师叔."

"I came to pay the debts." Shudao, "My master, how many Lingshi owed."

"Uncle Shi waited a moment, I went to the inventory." The governor smashed his hand and began to look for the forgotten roster. Throughout Yunhuamen, the roster of forgotten is better than the roster of the disciples and the disciples, because he is always in debt.

Three hundred years ago, he owed a few hundred years of the sect of the sect. Fortunately, he had two teachers, Cheng Yitan, who had paid a lot for him. Now he only owes 50 years. Now there is another uncle, and the uncle who has forgotten the master is finally going to be debt-free.

The liquidation of the good fortune owed a lot of Lingshi, and took all the spiritual stones from the secrets, and finally filled the owe of forgetting the deficit. Holding a bunch of forgotten signings, I rushed back to Qiyuefeng, and walked outside the Forgetting Dongfu. I noticed that there was a breath of other people inside, and I slammed the owe into the storage ring and put away my own bouncing Walking posture, calm and respectful bowing ceremony in the cave house: "Apprentice, see Master."

"Come in."

When I entered the door, I saw the opposite of the Shuntong Zongsong River Peak: "The younger brothers have seen Songhe Shishu."

"It’s all from family, not so much.” Songhe saw awkward, more enthusiastic attitude, greeted her to sit down, and then began to ask her all the way to be tired, thirsty, not satisfied. If you are bullied, you must tell him.

The Songhe River bites the cup next to it, and watching the eyes of Songhe is like watching a trafficker. I know that the people of Shuguangzong will not suddenly become so diligent. If they have nothing to do, they will run to him. It turns out that they have saved their minds.

This thing is also a shameless thing. They are so easy to receive a Wu Linggen disciple, and their homes are hot.

Shameless, too shameless.

"Oh." Forgot to put down the cup and waved at him. "Come here."

Forgetting the words "Master", the heavy bite, wants to let the Songhe know and retreat, otherwise they have to throw away in the gutter for so many years of friendship.

"It’s good to forget the relationship between the brother and the disciple." The Song River is touted.

"This child has been filial since childhood, considerate and eager, and talent is not the most important thing." Forgetting to take out the fruit that was hidden in the storage ring, put it on the table, pretend to be in a casual manner. Pulled, "get something first."

"Thank you, Master." He also took out a few fruit fruits from the storage ring. "This is what I got in the secret. Master, you can also taste it."

"Good." Forgot to take over the fruit, his eyes glanced back and forth on the fruit, and "hands-on" handed a hand to Songhe. "You also taste it."

Songhe pinched the fruit and took the corner of his eye to see the remaining Lingguo in his hand. I don't know if he thought too much. How did he feel that the fruit of his hand was the smallest?

Look at the relationship between forgetting and swearing, the teacher and the temperament are definitely not pretending. As a master, forgetting in front of his disciples is always serious and serious. He has never been like a forgotten person, and he is naturally close to the apprentice, just like a father and a daughter.

Knowing that I am staying here again is not illiterate.

"Forget your brother, you are a teacher, I will leave." Songhe pinched a fruit, got up and forgot a few words, and went out.

Picking up and sending him to the door: "Songhe Shishu please go slowly."

"Teacher please stay." Songhe smiled and turned around and flew away from the entrance of Dongfu.

All the way back directly to the other hospital, Songhe sees the teacher standing at the door waiting for him, thinking of the attitude of forgetting, wants to stop and say, to him: "Go back and say."

Mou Zong was silent behind him, and several disciples who were in the house saw them coming in and all retired. Songhe pointed to the stool: "Sit down." He looked at his eyes calmly, and the ten-figure teacher said, "I talked with me."

Mou Zong immediately looked up at him.

"I forgot to talk about this matter. He even bluntly said that if Yunhuamen’s disciple is with the Shuguang sect, he is very likely to become a grief." Songhe sighed. "The disciples of Yunhuamen are not used to it." The life of Shuguangzong."

The room is quiet.

"She is not used to having no relationship, I can stay with her in the Yunhua Gate." Ruan Zongdao, "It is also very good here."

Songhe looked at Miao Zong with surprise and did not expect that he would have this idea. Before he and the lord joked about this matter, but in their view, the pursuit of martial arts by Zhong Zhong, it is impossible to leave the glory of the glory, did not expect ...

"You are not afraid that after this matter is passed out, it will not be famous for you?" After Song He was surprised, he sank his heart. "You have been famous for years. I don't know how many people are behind you. If you enter Yunhuamen, those If you are jealous of you, you can take this event and carnival. Can you bear this?"

Mou Zong slowly shook his head: "The words of others, what do you do with me. I don't care about these in the past, and naturally I won't care about it in the future."

"Good." Songhe nodded. "I am the son of Guangzong, and I should have made up my mind. I am not afraid of rumors, I am not afraid of people, I am righteous, and I am practicing."

"You can rest assured that I will continue to forget about this matter." Songhe thought for a moment, "The ultimate feeling of Yunhuamen, as long as you have friendship with the girl, Yunhuamen will not be too difficult. you."

"The younger generation knows." Miao Zong lowered his eyes and silenced for a long time. "Uncle Shi, I have been getting started for more than three hundred years. Every year I think about the road and the sword. On that day, outside the gates of the city, I Seeing the dragonfly standing in the snow is the only color in the pure white."

He asked Lin Biao to drive the carriage to her side, and opened the curtain to see her like a bright smile.

What did he think at the time?

A good little girl.

Songhe looked at the appearance of the teacher and lost his heart, but he shook his head. This kind of deep-rooted appearance, if Yunhuamen does not promise him to enter, I am afraid he will buy a house under Yunhua Mountain to live.

In the cave house that was forgotten, he gave the thick stack of owed to the forgotten: "Master, you will be able to lead the moon from next month."

"The gangster, go out for half a year, and have a good time." Forgot to throw a bunch of owed aside, and yelled, "How can you easily take down some of the Lingshi, how are you all spent on it?"

"I still have a lot of Lingshi in my hand." He said that the sect of the Suiguang patriarch gave her a gift. "Zhu Zong is very caring for me all the way. I have not eaten at all."

"If you haven't eaten for a while, can you break through the mood and enter the heart-warming period?" I forgot to say these words. "How did your child get the same problem as Cheng Yi, and reported that he would not report his worry."

"Then I am not afraid of your fears." He shook his arm with his forgetting. "Master, where did the two brothers go?"

"He is giving you the master to protect the law." Forgot to think about it, "Well, for the next time, you will stay in the Zongmen and practice well. After the spring of next year, there will be a meeting of the comprehension of the Zongmen. You Go with you to see the world."

Hehe hesitated: "Master, I want to go around with the Emperor."

Forgetting to know what happened to him for the time ago, he pondered for a long time: "Zhong Zhong is a rare genius in our comprehension. It is a big thing for you to find medicine with him. It is not meant to stop you." However, you can't slack off on the practice. You are now a shallow, and it is time to grow up. It is better to stay in Zhongzong for half a year, so that you can adjust the time for him for a period of time. After the exchange meeting, Continue to find medicines?"

When they were trying to dig up his gangsters, he left their best disciples in Yunhuamen to see who was suffering.

"This is not bad. I don't know if I want to be unwilling." He added, "Master, I have forgotten to tell you that I am practicing together with Miao Zong, which can cause the fit of the world and the five elements, so I often get twice the result with half the effort."

"What do you mean by saying that you and Zhongkai can do both worlds?" Forgetting your eyes, this is a good thing that is hard to meet for thousands of years. He sees the little apprentice still ignorant of this matter, and does not seem to know this. What a big deal, I don’t know if it’s the gas or the laugh.

After the excitement, I forgot to take a deep breath: "Zhong Hao this person, can get along?"

"Nothing is bad." Ruan said, "Master, if you agree with the ancestors, wait until the master brothers and sisters hang out, I will retreat with him in Dongfu for half a year."

"Gangster, you said that we can let Zhongkai voluntarily join us?"

When Shi Guangzong grabbed it, would they be able to grab it?

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Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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