MTL - As Superman’s Younger Brother, I Became a Native of the Motherland-Chapter 253

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Chapter 282 The head blossoms

Metropolis, Wayne Bank.

The dead shooter was looking at the police outside, and a figure suddenly fell from the sky and landed heavily on the open space in front of the bank.

Clark, who was wearing a Superman uniform, appeared in everyone's sight.

The media and police personnel outside saw Clark's appearance and immediately turned their attention to him.

Although it's been a year since the Met events, and perhaps not quite ready to be Superman, Clark has been absent from the public media.

This should be his first appearance in the media.

The media and the melon-eating crowd onlookers immediately became noisy when they saw Clark appearing.

Some loudly expressed support for Clark, some cursed him loudly, and even some citizens held up signs against Superman and the Motherland, and gave Clark the **** recklessly.

Clark didn't pay attention to the voices made by the onlookers, but went straight to the bank under everyone's attention.


The dead shooter saw Clark coming in, and raised his gun in alarm.

Black Spider and Killer Frost also came over. Only Harley Quinn, who "sees the money," continued to happily count the dollars she grabbed.

Although the impression of Superman was not as impressive as the natives who appeared at the beginning and voluntarily sacrificed themselves, the dead shooters were still a little terrified in their hearts.

After all, this is the guy who killed General Zod, and the combat power is probably not much worse than that of the motherland.

"I'm here. If you want to talk to me, let the hostages get out of here."

Clark frowned and said to several people.

"Are you Superman? What does the "s" on your chest stand for? Is it cruelty, sadistic (meaning cruelty), or sad? (sadness: sorrow, the meaning of grief.)”

Harry didn't know when he gave up the dollars he just robbed, stood in front of Clark, put his hands together, and asked him with a very adoring expression.

Faced with Harley Quinn's bizarre question, Clark was silent for a second, then turned his attention to the seemingly reliable Death Shooter and Black Spider.


Like Clark, Death Archer subconsciously ignored Harley Quinn and said to Clark, "Our original purpose is for you!"

"For me? I don't think we have anything to do with each other!"

Clark said we didn't know each other well.

"You don't know us, but we are all very familiar with you. After all, you are the famous Superman."

The dead shooter motioned the black spider to release all the hostages in the bank.

"What do you want?"

Clark looked into the eyes of the Death Archer and asked again patiently.

Seeing that the hostages were all released, he breathed a sigh of relief, and was ready to take action at any time.

"The result we want is your presence, Superman!"

"Someone wants us to meet you and pass on some words," the death shooter said to Clark.


"I don't know, it's a higher level existence than us."

"So you use this method?"

"Because we're bad guys, isn't that normal?"

Harry didn't know when to stand in front of the two and said, "Can I ask you one more question? What does it feel like to fly in the sky? Are you tensed up, afraid that she will fall down like a bird and fall down? Are you bloody?"


Clark silently replied to the other party, and then asked the death shooter: "What are you trying to pass on to me?"

"Someone wants to see you, but not here."

Death Archer gave Killer Frost a wink, Killer Frost nodded, and immediately took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Don't doubt that we're plotting against you, you can guess who's trying to negotiate with you. We're just doing what we're told."

Deadshot explained to Clark.

Clark didn't speak any more, and turned his eyes to the police who had been standing still outside.

He had already guessed roughly who wanted to talk to him.

Not long after Killer Frost made the call, the sound of helicopter propellers came from the rooftop.

Clark did not resist for the time being, and followed the dead shooter into the helicopter.

The sound of the propellers quickly left the city center, carrying Clark to the outskirts of the city.

Twenty minutes later, the helicopter stopped outside a military base.

Clark got off the helicopter and walked towards the military base led by the dead shooters.

What puzzled him was that he used the super sight to look around and found no personnel, whether they were soldiers or base equipment maintenance personnel.

The anomaly made his brows furrow.

Entering a room that has been prepared in the military base, Death Shooter, Black Spider, Frost Killer, and Harley Quinn are standing beside Clark.

In the spacious silver-white room, the virtual display lights up.

Several figures sitting around the conference table appeared in front of the screen.


Appearing to be a senior official, a gray-haired official at the front of the conference table said to him, "We have been looking forward to this meeting for a long time."

"I don't think there's anything between us that needs to meet."

Clark frowned.

"No, of course you do. After all, you are in the United States and you are a citizen of the United States. We all want to make this country a better place, don't we?"

"I'm not part of a U.S. citizen, at least in that capacity."

"Then what do you belong to?"

Clark looked him in the eyes and said, "I belong to all mankind!"

Clark said that Clark Kent belongs to this country, but not to Superman, he does not belong to a country, but belongs to the whole world.

"So is Superman without borders? If he doesn't recognize his country, then don't expect him to think in terms of all of humanity."

The official on the other side of the virtual projection said to Clark: "The reason the world is constantly at war is that everyone is fighting for the country they belong to. Misunderstandings and differences in beliefs are inherent in it. Superman is born in America, then his label is America, and he was born to fight for America where human rights are made in heaven!”

"After the Met Incident, the people of the United States are very dissatisfied, and they urgently need the government to do something. However, the government has been trying to suppress this incident, the purpose is to protect you and the motherland. You and the motherland defeated The invading Kryptonians are not understood by people because you have never stood up, even if you euphemistically expressed your opinion, your political thoughts!”

"Everything in this world can be explained by politics, Superman! As long as you stand up and say, I fight for this country, and I belong to the US government, then all these farce no longer exist!"

Officials offered their own advice, "People are just out of fear, and we - can stand together and stop people from being afraid!"

Clark listened to what the other party said to him and fell silent.

He does not agree with the other party's words, but he does not know how to reject the other party.

"If you don't agree, do we become your enemies?"

Clark was hesitating when a familiar voice came from outside.

Clark looked back and saw that Eric in a black uniform had walked in.

Seeing Eric's sudden entry, the dead shooters at the scene and the officials on the virtual screen were all stunned.

The dead shooter was about to take out his pistol, but was instantly knocked out by Eric, who rushed towards him like a light.

The black spider reacted the fastest, jumping forward, raising his fist and hitting Eric, but Eric grabbed the neck and threw it to the ground.

With a bang, the black spider's body hit the ground heavily.

The black spider, who felt that his back was about to break, let out a painful groan.

Killer Frost has raised his ice gun, and the muzzle that can release the cold air from the gun is aimed at Eric.

After pulling the trigger, the frozen air rushed towards Eric immediately.

As a result, the freezing air was blocked by Eric's hand.

The hot sight shot out of his eyes in an instant, directly cutting the frost gun held by Killer Frost in half, and then impacted her arm unabated.

Her arms were dripping with blood, and she immediately stepped back while covering her arms.

In the face of Eric's sudden attack, Harley raised her hand in a gesture of surrender.

"Don't hit me in the nose and eyes, natives, I surrender!"


Eric's fist hit Harley Quinn's nose, and blood spurted out.

Harry, who was holding her nose and tears falling down, squatted on the ground and moaned with tears in her eyes.

"You have made a mistake, you should be begging me, seeking my shelter, not me belonging to you!"

After Eric finished cooking a few chickens, he turned to face the officials in a state of consternation.

"No one can control me! No one can interfere with my will!"

Eric made his own statement to the group of guys.

"You are against the entire federal government!"

The leading officials said with a very ugly expression: "And the federal government never accepts threats from anyone!"

"Really? It seems that you are very unclear about your position."

Eric shook his head, "You are blinded by arrogance, and you can no longer see the truth of the world."

"It's you two superhumans who can't see the truth of the world!"

The official on the other side of the virtual display sneered and said to Eric.

At the same time, the black spider in the room suddenly showed a painful expression, holding one hand against the wall, the other on his forehead, and staggering forward along the wall.

He made a moaning sound as if he was experiencing great pain.

"Hey little black, what's wrong with you?"

Harley Quinn looked at the black spider walking forward, making a painful noise, and said to him, "Are you lost? If you want to get out of here, the gate is here!"

Black Spider ignored Harley Quinn's words and continued to walk along the wall. The swelling and pain in his head seemed to make him unable to speak.


The next second, the head he covered suddenly swelled and deformed under everyone's attention, as if something swelled outwards.


The dead shooter made a panicked sound and immediately broke through the window and jumped out.

Harley Quinn and Killer Frost also guessed the reason, and jumped back with the Death Archer.


The moment the three escaped, the black spider's head exploded with a bang.

The power of the nano bomb not only exploded his head in an instant, but the resulting explosion immediately swept the entire room.

With a bang, the room where Eric and Clark were standing immediately turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Eric stood silently in the flames formed by the explosion, without any movement.

Let the flames gush over his face.

These explosions can instantly shatter ordinary people, and they can't cause any damage to him and Clark.

Even if this is the latest technology nanobomb, breathing is only blocked for a moment.


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