MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1894 large-scale confrontation

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Half an hour later, the report of the expeditionary force was sent back to Beiyuezhou, and another half an hour later, various military units including the Lone Wolf received the battle report forwarded by Beiyuezhou.

After Ye Han read the bulletin carefully, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. He was glad that Lin Yi was fine, but at the same time he was worried about the situation facing the expeditionary force.

He really wanted to talk to someone and learn from each other's strengths to study the situation in the asteroid belt, but the scope of this report was to be a lieutenant general and above, and he couldn't find anyone around him who could negotiate.

There are quite a few people in Beichenzhou, but they are all base officers and they belong to the logistics staff. .

Two comets in a row are hiding enemy ships, so are the other comets that are flying towards the sun also being used by aliens?

He immediately checked recent astronomical data and found that the total number of comets this year was significantly higher than in previous years.

At present, there is no evidence that these comets are related to aliens, but Ye Han believes that any comets that have been close to Saturn may be used by aliens. Extending this inference, even if the comets are not close to Saturn, they may also be used by aliens. The fleet sent by people is used.

All in all, from now on, all celestial bodies from the outer solar system must be on guard.

This is very necessary, but the actual operation is not so easy - small comets can be solved with nuclear bombs, what about large comets? What about other small celestial bodies?

If aliens throw a large number of dirty snowballs into the inner solar system, human beings will inevitably deploy a large fleet to deal with external threats. Regardless of whether there are enemy ships in these comets, they will drag a large number of human warships, and the situation facing human beings will inevitably deteriorate further.

And what needs to be guarded against is not only comets that can hide a large number of enemy ships, but also small celestial bodies that can only hide a few enemy ships.

From any angle, this is an extremely severe test.

The more Ye Han thought about it, the more worried he became. He immediately recorded his thoughts and sent them back to Beiyuezhou for the headquarters' reference... One person's wisdom was short of everyone's plan. The original intention of Beiyuezhou to spread this news was to solicit opinions.

After receiving feedback from the entire army, Beiyuezhou launched a small-scale discussion on possible situations, and formulated several sets of emergency plans based on the results of the discussion.

This matter is directly related to the expeditionary army, but Wu Han still thinks that Beiyuezhou is far behind. If he does not understand the previous situation, he should not point fingers at the expeditionary army, so he just informs the expeditionary army about the discussion. At the discretion of the Expeditionary Force.

Before Duan Zhiyang received Beiyuezhou's reply, he began to adjust the fleet, mobilized more warships, launched operations from all directions, and tried his best to intercept the enemy.

There are still hundreds of enemy ships in the comet, which is a powerful force that the enemy cannot give up. No matter what the reason for those battleships is that they cannot move, they cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of the enemy!

In line with this concept, the expeditionary force went all out, and the battleships involved in the interception included one super battleship, eight super gunships and three air carriers. The total number of battleships was close to half of the expeditionary force!

In Duan Zhiyang's words, it is better to leave flaws on the front line than to solve the enemy ships in the comet first!

The action of the expeditionary force aroused a strong response from the Second Foreign Fleet. A large number of enemy ships that originally planned to break through the asteroid belt turned around and assembled towards the comet; a large number of enemy ships also launched operations against the warships of the expeditionary force. .

The first thing that attracted the attention of the aliens was Yangguan and Jianmenguan.

After receiving the order, Yangguan immediately abandoned its original target and adjusted its direction to intercept another group of enemy ships.

Its position is very good, directly tangential to the enemy flying to the comet, and when it reaches the enemy's route, it can just block the group of enemy ships.

The enemy has only a dozen warships, and Yangguan can handle it completely - with Ningwuguan Jinyu in front, all the other ships are suffocating and waiting for a big fight with the enemy.

However, the distance between the two sides is not close, and the Yangguan, which is flying at full speed, takes six days to arrive at the interception coordinates.

The same is true for human warships in other directions, ranging from three or four days to more than ten days. Even the fastest Huo Qubing will take a while to reach the comet.

But how could the movements of the expeditionary force be concealed from the aliens? The human warships have just launched their operations, and the aliens have also begun to dispatch troops.

Take Yangguan as an example. Half an hour after receiving the order, another group of enemy ships was found on the flank. According to the speed and direction measured by our side, this group of enemy ships will arrive at the comet in fourteen days.

Their route is in the other direction, but they are also within the interception range of Yangguan. Except for Yangguan, other human warships have no time to intercept.

But the two groups of enemy ships are located in two directions, and Yangguan can only intercept one of the enemies, and the other can't be intercepted at all!

The situation encountered by the Jianmenguan is somewhat similar. Its target is closer to the comet, but the enemy is not breaking through on both sides, but gathering more than 20 alien warships and cutting directly into the interception route of the Jianmenguan, intending to come Field counter interception!

The combat effectiveness of the super gunships has long been tested in the battle. These more than 20 enemy ships are definitely not the opponents of the Jianmenguan, but the enemy does not need to destroy the Jianmenguan. The speed of the two sides is similar, and these enemy ships can completely Use scattered attack tactics to hold the sword gate.

As long as the aliens don't want a decisive, the battle can be dragged on forever. It's not a problem to drag it for ten days and a half. The interception target dragged to Jianmenguan Pass crosses the interception line, leaving a Two alien warships were sent to Jianmenguan for destruction, and the remaining warships could be disengaged. With a small price, the group of alien warships could successfully pass the interception.

Far more than these two battleships encountered similar situations. Other battleships mobilized by Duan Zhiyang also encountered frantic interceptions by aliens. Even the battleships that did not participate in this battle were pegged by the Second Foreign Fleet.

According to post-war statistics, at the beginning of the battle around the comet, the front line between the two sides reached a record of more than 70 million kilometers.

Although the two sides have not engaged in direct combat yet, it can be judged from the fleets mobilized by the enemy and us that once this battle continues to ferment, it is likely to end up being a large-scale battle whose scale, intensity and battle losses far exceed expectations!

The expeditionary army has only such a small family background, and it can't afford to toss at all. Even if the expeditionary army fights off half of the second foreign fleet, it will not be worth the loss for human beings.

Duan Zhiyang thought that this was probably the situation the aliens wanted to see, and quickly made a decision that the fight could not continue.