MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1889 near

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Asteroid belt, Ning No. 1 lifeboat.

After several hours of constant flight, the lifeboat was not far from the debris of the comet.

Lin Yi and Wang Yang took turns resting on the road and kept observing the situation of the comet fragments. For nearly six hours, the comet fragments showed no abnormalities.

Wang Yang was originally reluctant, but this situation made him insist on his own opinion: "I really don't think it is necessary to get so close, just take a look from a distance."

Lin Yi rolled his eyes helplessly: "You've been muttering here more than 800 times, why didn't I realize you were so timid before?"

"I'm not timid, I'm cautious, and I don't understand!" Wang Yang emphasized dissatisfiedly, "Don't use words to provoke me, I will use such a low-level aggressive method at the age of three!"

"Yo, you're quite precocious!" Lin Yi teased, "Okay, don't talk nonsense with me, you'll be there soon, hurry up and prepare."

"I'm ready to give up my life to accompany the gentleman, what else do I have to prepare?" Wang Yang's expression was extremely helpless, "While there is still time, report it to the top, in case we both end up here, at least let the top know. Where are we both!"

"You're so unconfident? Okay, do as you say!" Lin Yi originally planned to do the same, but agreed with Wang Yang's suggestion.

Wang Yang murmured in a low voice: "I knew you were not at ease, your conscience has been greatly damaged, and your intentions are so poisonous!"

It was not the first time he had suggested this, but Lin Yi never agreed. You don't need to ask, you know that the reason for delaying the report until now is to create a fait accompli. It has been more than an hour since the report of Ning No. 1 was received, and there is no time to stop it.

Lin Yi glared at Wang Yang fiercely and said, "You still want to go on the pirate ship? Go in a dream!"

While speaking, he had activated the laser communication device, pointed in the direction of the flagship, and sent out the report that had been prepared.

"Okay, even if we die here, the superiors know where to look." Lin Yi said.

"Pull it down, I haven't lived enough yet!" Wang Yang said angrily.

Lin Yipi tugged at the corners of his mouth with a smile: "I don't either... Okay, let's get down to business!"

Wang Yang shut his mouth wisely and focused on the comet fragments in front of him.

Ning No. 1 was very close to the debris, but at this distance it was still impossible to directly observe it with the naked eye. Wang Yang continuously zoomed in on the screen until it stopped at the limit of the lifeboat. The observation system on the lifeboat is far inferior to that of the warship. The extreme picture is very blurry, like a video with low pixels, it can only be said that nothing is better than nothing.

The shard was about half the size of a full comet, shaped like a broken snowball, half rounded and half flat. In terms of volume alone, the debris itself could become a comet.

Wang Yang found a vague shadow under the comet, he distinguished it carefully, and drew a circle there: "This seems to be something, could it be an enemy ship?"

"Impossible?" Lin Yi stared at it for a while, "It doesn't look like it, it might be a smaller fragment, or it might be the wreckage of an enemy ship, it shouldn't be dangerous!"

"Don't be so absolute." Wang Yang said cautiously, "Don't expose it for the time being until you are sure what it is!"

"Yes!" Lin Yi said in agreement.

Anyway, the distance is still far away, and it is not too late to make a decision after seeing what the dark spot is.

As the distance got closer and closer, the picture gradually shrank and became clearer, but before the two could see what the dark spot was, more than a dozen similar phantoms were discovered one after another.

All the phantoms can't be seen clearly, only they can be seen slowly rotating around the debris, and the comet itself is also slowly spinning. The two people took the opportunity to observe and saw more details.

Such a discovery made Lin Yi's mind calm: "It's okay, it's definitely not an enemy ship!" If it was an enemy warship, the location would not be so scattered, and the size would not be so different.

Wang Yang nodded: "I don't worry about that."

Ning No. 1 flew closer and closer, and the comet gradually changed from an inconspicuous little point to a behemoth that blocked half of the line of sight, and those nearby things also revealed their true colors of Mount Lu.

Those are comet residues with irregular shapes, as well as the wreckage of sunken enemy ships. The large ones are dozens or hundreds of times that of Ning No. 1, and the small ones are not the size of a fist. There are at least a few hundred in number.

Lin Yi believes that there are only a few small fragments left behind, and more small fragments either fly away or fall directly on the comet.

Ning No. 1 was gradually approaching. In order to avoid the ubiquitous small debris, Lin Yi had to switch the manual control and approach slowly and carefully.

Those small fragments are not fast enough to penetrate the armor of Ning No. 1, but the camouflage layer outside the lifeboat has no armor protection. If it hits those fragments, the camouflage layer will definitely be finished.

On the way, Ning No. 1 encountered an irregular fragment that was seven or eight times the size of a lifeboat, and it was a rare piece of pure ice. Lin Yi had an idea and drove the lifeboat to hide behind the ice, not far or near. Follow along and use the ice cubes to resist possible dangers.

In this way, Ning-1 circled the comet for more than half a circle, and finally turned to the plane of the comet.

The edge of the plane is a very irregular ellipse, and there is a black hole near the center of the circle, and it is not clear what is inside.

Lin Yi was very careful. When he flew over the hole for the first time, he didn't mean to approach at all, but just observed the situation carefully.

When it flew over the second time, Lin Yi manipulated Ning-1 to lower it a little... It wasn't that he wanted to do this, but that the ice cube was slowly approaching the comet, and it would not take long for the ice cube to fall on the surface of the comet.

Lin Yi suddenly said, "Wang Yang, I have an idea!"

Wang Yang suddenly felt a chill on his back, and he felt like he was being stared at by something: "What are your thoughts?"

Lin Yi pointed to the ice cube in front: "You said I'm going to try this ice cube, what do you think?"

Wang Yang was a bit at a loss: "How to test?"

"Find a way to throw it in that hole!" Lin Yi said excitedly.

Wang Yang almost vomited blood: "Are you kidding me? We have no guns and no cannons. How did you send it in?"

"Just say whether you agree or disagree!" Lin Yi said lightly.

Wang Yang sighed: "You are the captain, can I control you?"

Lin Yi smiled happily: "That's fine!" After pushing the joystick lightly, Ning No. 1 slowly accelerated, slowly approaching the ice cube.

Wang Yang was taken aback: "Isn't it you?" What is this for? This is to push the ice cubes into the hole with Ning No. 1!

This is space, and the speed of the two sides seems to be similar, but in fact it is not the case at all. To make an inappropriate analogy, a car accident at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour will not destroy the car?