MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 11 advance and retreat

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The giant insect was at least three meters long, almost twice as long as a human being. Its six long legs with thick arms were tightly coiled around the tree trunk like six ropes, as if it had to be strangled with its arthropods.

Zhou Yun rushed to Ye Han's side in a few steps. Before he could speak, Ye Han waved at him and made a gesture of stepping back.

A few people immediately retreated knowingly, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they retreated to dozens of meters in one breath.

Zhou Yun tightened his brows and asked in a low voice, "What the **** is this?"

Ye Han lowered his voice: "Insects, very dangerous insects!"

"I know it's a bug!" Zhou Yun said, "I mean, why is it different from what I've seen before!"

"So far, we have seen three kinds of bugs." Ye Han said, "This is the ugliest one that eats people; another has a strange mouth, like an anteater; and the one you come across, Can **** people dry."

Zhou Yun gritted his teeth when he heard it: "Where did these messy bugs come from?"

Ye Han shook his head: "If only I knew."

Bai Xiaoting tugged at Professor Qin's sleeve: "Grandpa, don't you know what these worms are?"

Professor Qin let out a long sigh: "They are different from any bugs I know. They must have become giant, and their appearance has also undergone great changes."

Zhang Yang hesitated and asked, "Teacher, could these bugs be aliens?"

"Read more novels!" Professor Qin hates that iron is not steel. "They have all the characteristics of nymphs, and they must be earth creatures."

Zhang Yang wisely closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Ye Han said in a deep voice: "This road is dead, you stay here, and I'll scout in another direction." After speaking, without waiting for everyone to answer, he strode to another road.

"Wait for me!" Zhou Yun quickly followed.

"No!" Ye Han refused, "They need you more."

Zhou Yun hesitated for a while, then solemnly instructed: "Be careful!"

Ye Han smiled slightly: "I will."

Watching Ye Han's figure disappear, Zhou Yun retreated to the crowd and asked casually, "What does he do?"

"I don't know." Zhang Yang said.

"I don't know?" Zhou Yunqi said, "Aren't you two together?"

"Who's with him!" Wu Liang said angrily, "We hired a boat, he drove the boat!"

"Oh!" Only then did Zhou Yun understand the relationship between these people.

He is a policeman who is very good at observing words and demeanor. When several people mentioned Ye Han, the tone and expression were different. His professional habits made him realize that Ye Han was not that simple. .

Zhou Yun did not expect that the four people actually gave four completely different answers.

Professor Qin felt that Ye Han was a very stable young man, at least much more stable than young people of the same age, which was rare.

Bai Xiaoting felt that Ye Han was very manly, completely different from the sissy in movies and TV, and she was a good pure man.

Zhang Yang agreed with Bai Xiaoting's statement, but his tone was sour, and no matter how he listened to it, he was a little insincere.

As for Wu Liang, I don't need to mention it. He doesn't say good things at all. Fortunately, he has some sense. He didn't mention that his dissatisfaction came from Ye Han's rescue of Zhou Yun. Otherwise, even if Zhou Yun didn't say anything, his heart would be good. Make an account.

After Ye Han left everyone's sight, he lowered his upper body and ran all the way, quickly jumping out for dozens of meters, seeing a giant insect hanging on the tree in front of him from a distance, he stopped and turned again.

After changing several roads one after another, they were all blocked by giant insects. Ye Han simply found a place with a wide field of vision to stop, and took out a telescope to observe the situation carefully.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was startled when I saw it. There were basically giant insects hanging from the big trees in front. The lower ones were only as tall as a person.

Ye Han immediately felt a bit of doubt in his heart. Insects are not quiet creatures, so how could they hold a big tree motionless? And not just one, but a whole bunch!

They are not spiders, so why don't they stay in the water to rest, and have to climb the trees to stay there?

Could this be done to besiege the Lake View Hotel? When did bugs get so smart?

Ye Han returned to the original path full of doubts. Probably all the giant insects were lying on the tree and posing, and the journey went unbelievably smoothly.

"Xiaoye, how is the front?" Professor Qin asked eagerly.

"There is no way to go." Ye Han shook his head and recounted what he saw.

Bai Xiaoting suddenly said, "Grandpa, could it be pupation?"

Professor Qin's eyes lit up: "It's possible, but you have to get close to see clearly."

"No!" Ye Han and Zhou Yun said in unison, both of them were surprised, they couldn't help but look at each other and smiled, a sense of tacit understanding welled up in their hearts.

"It's too dangerous to approach!" Zhou Yun said.

"Is it okay to use this?" Ye Han handed over the telescope.

"Okay." Professor Qin walked forward for a while, and after bringing the giant insect into sight, he stopped and raised the telescope to observe carefully.

Professor Qin put down the telescope after only one look, and said with certainty, "Yes, it's pupation, it's a flying insect!"

"What? Can you fly?" Ye Han was taken aback.

The giant insect that can crawl has already taken its own life. UU reading has grown wings.

"Yes, insects will grow wings after they emerge, but..." Professor Qin showed a puzzled look, "With such a large size of a giant insect, the shape of the emergent adult must be not small, and the weight of the insect will not be too low, and the wings of insects are too large. Thin, theoretically speaking, even if feathering is successful, it will not be able to fly."

"Theory?" Ye Han raised his brows, "Professor, can you guarantee it?"

"No, this is a reasonable conjecture based on existing theories." Professor Qin explained.

Ye Han shook his head when he heard it: "Elder Qin, I don't know your academic status, but the giant insect itself is unreasonable. How likely is it that the giant insect can't fly after it emerges?"

"That's why I said it was theory." Professor Qin was extremely calm.

Ye Han was immediately speechless.

Bai Xiaoting couldn't help but get annoyed: "Grandpa, what time is this, you are still studying!"

"I'm used to it, I'm used to it!" Professor Qin smiled embarrassedly. "

Zhou Yun deliberately interrupted: "It turned out to be pupation, and I thought they went up the tree to sleep."

Ye Han rubbed his temples: "Elder Qin, how long does it take for these bugs to emerge from the chrysalis?"

"It's hard to say!" Professor Qin's expression was solemn, "Theoretically speaking, with such a large body, the feathering speed will not be too fast, unless they mutate."

"Are they still mutated?" Wu Liang couldn't help asking.

Ye Han sighed and changed the topic: "Now we must determine whether they are a threat, and then decide whether to go to the Lake View Hotel as originally planned, or find another safe place to wait for rescue, professor, what do you mean?"

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