MTL - Anti-Cheater Strategies-Chapter 90 Sister-in-law (end)

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When Su Chunchun did not lose his temper, the atmosphere between the two was warm. Su Bai was wearing a white turtleneck sweater and flipping a book in a wheelchair; Su Chunchun was lying on his lap on the side of a delicate black dress, playing games boring.

Occasionally, when she stopped, Su Bai picked up a grape and fed it into her mouth.

I just don't know if there is a bit of truth in this.

Compared with the past, Su Bai has had great freedom. His face is still gentle and quiet. Only Su Chunchun knows that if he gives him a little chance, his endless hatred will be like Mars.唰 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

So long in the space, Su Chunchun estimated that it should take a few days outside. If Su Bai had no news for a long time, it would definitely attract Su Mu and Qu Yan.

What's more, they couldn't find Su Chunchun, and they were so mad that they would stare at Su Bai more deadly.

Su Chunchun's space is also unable to hold on. It is estimated that Su Bai should be able to contact his system in a few days.

If this continues, Su Bai, who has a cheat, will gradually become dependent on it. It is extremely difficult to hit him again. It would be better for her to let him go out, but he could not take him out like this.

In the middle of the night, Su Chunchun was dressed in a thin and cold wind... She was waiting, waiting for an opportunity to go out with Su Bai.


On this day, Su Bai woke up and did not see Su Chunchun curled up in his arms as usual, and could not help but be a little surprised. After waiting for a long time, I did not see Su Chunchun appearing; the door was not locked, nor was it like a sudden temper.

Such a pattern that could not be guessed, Su Bai had no fluster for a moment, and he got up and moved to the wheelchair in one side and pushed the wheelchair out of the room.

He rushed to find a circle, and in this other room he saw the man wrapped in a quilt on the rocking chair, unconsciously relieved.

Suddenly, Su Bai pushed the wheelchair forward and whispered: "Why are you sitting here early in the morning?"

Su Chunchun heard the words and looked at him. If he didn't export, he would have a cough. Then he waved his hand eagerly. The soft and soft voice was a little bit stuffy. "Cough, big brother, you are coming, I seem to have a cold. You are going out, I can't infect you..."

Su Bai noticed that she was holding a paper towel in her arms and sucking her nose.

Looking at her red nose, the watery eyes are especially clear and simple, Su Bai slightly stunned, he has not seen such a harmless Su Chunchun for a long time, he almost could not remember the former holding his arm and simply spoiled The little sister looks like... He will still be in a hurry for her little details...

Su Bai gritted his mind and thought that he was crazy! Actually, I am used to the current Su Chunchun, and even the devil's occasional warmth has made him feel that even this is not bad.

"If you are sick, take a rest." He suddenly turned and walked in a wheelchair, and his tone was peaceful: "I am going to help you cook a bowl of porridge..."

Just in that moment, Su Bai suddenly thought of a point he had long neglected - there is no doctor inside, if he is ill, he will die.

Su Bai always thought that he might have been trapped in this place for the rest of his life, but now he finally found this extremely favorable condition.

Su Chunchun will never let him die. He wants her to take him out.

Su Bai’s excited hand put a little trembling... Just leave here, just leave... He will let her know what is better than death!

Su Chunchun looked at the back of Su Bai and sucked his nose. It seems that the matter is very successful, and I can take him out after a while.


Su Chunchun is only slightly cold, so it is very fast. In two days, I was once again alive and kicking.

However, Su Bai is sick.

He was very ill, especially with a high fever, a burning coma, and a pale face that was always flushed.

Su Chunchun tried a lot of methods, and did not lower his temperature, and could not help but be anxious.

If this continues, I am afraid that it will really...

"Big brother, big brother..."

Su Chunchun bent his knees and sat on the bed of Su Bai, leaning over his arms and gently licking his hot cheeks. The soft call is with nothing to worry about...

"You don't have anything, don't leave a little pure person..."

Su Bai's effortlessly opened his eyes and looked at the flustered person, as if he had returned to the past. Only the next moment, the eyelids under his lens have changed, because the fever and dry voice is hoarse, "Xiaochun, big brother is very sick, it seems that you can't stay with you all the time, you have to take care of yourself in the future..."

"No, no, I don't allow it!" Su Chunchun shook his head, suddenly thinking of something, hurriedly said: "Doctor, I am going to see a doctor when I am sick... Big brother is fine, I will take you to the doctor. You will be fine soon!"

Su Bai felt as if a few drops of wetness had fallen on his face, and he finally passed out with confidence. The liberty that is about to be obtained, and the revenge that is very likely to succeed, gave him a happy satisfaction, and even a kind of inexplicable perverted joy - she still cares more about him.


When Su Bai woke up again, the smell of disinfectant water familiar to the hospital made his eyes a little excited and sour - he came out!

The weight on the arm does not need to guess him. He also knows what it is. His eyes are dull, he tries to calm his breath, still keep his eyes closed, and only secretly contact the system in his mind.

[Oh... the host is big, you finally appeared! We have lost contact for five days! 】

Su Baitou once felt that the noise of the system was so kind, but, [Five days? ......

He clearly spent a few years in it, Su Bai clenched his fist, and thought that this should be the same time flow rate in the two places.

[What is the situation of the female lord now? 】

I want to be aware of Su Bai’s unhappy feelings. The system is somewhat supportive. [The...the female is blackened too much, it seems that the black space is coming... but the host is greatly relieved, this system has solved this perfectly. The problem, the space has been merged, the female owner can't use it! And it has also reported this bug, which will be sent to fix it. Your legs are also connected, and it will be fine if you recuperate. 】

Su Bai heard the calm face in front, and the excited hands were shaking after listening to the system!

[...this way, that is, she has nothing...]

His arm trembled a little, and Su Chunchun, who was holding his hand to sleep, woke up in an instant, and then looked at him with surprise. "Big Brother, are you awake?"

Su Bai’s face on her delicate face was also uncontrollable, and she said with a word, “I will take good care of you, my good sister.”

He took a deep breath and pressed down the intense emotions in his heart. Those humiliating days... I almost thought of countless ways to torture her - he wants to do what she has done to him, ten times back!

Su Chunchun also smiled. "Big brother, you are finally fine..."

She is funny, I am sorry, you may not be able to come back.

[The host is big, I have already given the news of the Su family, and I should be there soon, but Su Mu and Qu Yan also came over. 】

【Ok. 】 Su Bai did not respond to the sound.

The system paused, and the small voice opened. [They also brought the police, saying that you were imprisoned by the woman... and more than half of the Su family was also controlled by Su Mu...]

Su Bai frowned, looking at his own Su Jingchun, and quickly stretched out, faint road: [stupid. 】

She is willing to give up space to bring him to the hospital, how can the police take him away? The same... he will never allow her to be taken away by others.

Su Bai did not know where he came from, but when Su Chunchun gave up the space and took him to the hospital, he knew that his importance to her was far more than others. Although, the system's goodwill tells him that this care is not what he wants.


Su Bai was as gentle as she was, which made Su Chunchun relax. At this time, he was only full of eyes.

"Touching", the ward door was knocked open, and the sweaty Su Mu appeared at the door.

He hadn't had a good rest for a few days, and he looked a little tired, but it was swept away at the moment he saw Su Chunchun.


Su Mu almost crossed the front of Su Chunchun in three or two steps and tried to hug her.

However, Su Chunchun was able to hide sideways.

"What are you doing?" Su Chunchun looked at his eyes very cold, which made Su Mu just want to approach the footsteps and stopped at the same place.

He only recalled from his excitement, Su Chunchun was originally deceived by him and was taken away by Su Bai.

Su Mu looked at his lost hand and said in a hurry: "Baby, you listen to the second brother to explain to you..."

"Explain what? How to deceive Xiaochun?" It was always a faint opening of Su Bai, who was leaning against the bed at half.

This made Su Chunchun think of the previous things, and even more clenched his lips.

"You shut up!" Su Mu looked at Su Bai with a sullen look. The cold mouth was open. "You are purely imprisoned. If you have any words, let's talk to the police later."

At this time, the police also continued to arrive, and presented the documents to Su Bai lying in bed. "Please also ask Mr. Su to take a trip with us and cooperate with the investigation."

Su Bai sinks his eyes, no action, just at this time -

"Big brother did not imprison me!" Su Chunchun, who had never spoken in a word, suddenly stopped in front of Su Bai and looked at Su Mu. "No one can move him."

What does it mean? ...Which victim will help the criminals speak? ... Even if Su Mu has a relationship, this cannot force people to be taken away.

"Go! Go! Anyone can't hurt Big Brother!" Su Chunchun saw that they were still here, like being afraid to take away Su Bai, and gnashing his teeth.

"Okay, okay, don't be excited, baby, let them go..." Su Mu watched her emotional and could only let other people leave.

The other people are gone, Su Chunchun is still watching the Soviet Union.

He was uncomfortable in the eyes of Su Chunchun's indifferent eyes, and he cautiously said: "The baby is not angry, it is the fault of the second brother. Let's go home and say good?"

"Going home?" Su Chunchun whispered, then shook his head. "Big brother is here, Xiaochun does not go anywhere."

Su Mu stiffened in the same place, and squeezed an ugly smile for a long time. He even saw that the person had a somewhat poor appearance. "Baby, what about the second brother? Don't you have a second brother?"

Su Chunchun looked straight at him and didn't talk, which made Su Mu even ugly laugh.

"Baby, if you are angry, would you like to play the second brother and your second brother? You are like this, the second brother is hurting here..." Su Mu pointed to the heart of the heart, looking at Su Chunchun with pity.

Su Chunchun's indifferent eyelids fretting. At this time, Su Bai suddenly coughed. She immediately dropped Su Mu and turned to look at Su Bai.

"What happened to Big Brother? Where is it uncomfortable?"

"Nothing, just a little thirsty."

Su Bai shook her head and shook her head to appease her. When she looked at her and fell on Su Mu, the lips couldn't help but raise a smile.

Su Chunchun nodded. She found a circle and there was no water. She took a cup. "I am going to pick up some water."

Su Bai smiled and nodded. Su Chunchun turned and left, and he ignored Su Mu. Su Mu couldn't help but feel the spirit, and when he looked at Su Bai, he became gloomy.

For Su Mu, the pure change is especially large, but for Su Bai, such a radical Su Chunchun is normal! After all, he really had been with her for several years.

Su Bai feels that she is sick! Looking at Su Chunchun to maintain him, he actually felt full of pride.

Su Mu was irritated by the eyelids, but in just five days, the baby sister who had always relied on her own trust and became dependent on her own became the enemy! Instead, I only rely on Su Bai! There must be a lot of hands and feet made by Su Bai!

During the period when Su Bai was absent, Su Mulei controlled the Su family, and he joined forces with Qu Yan. Su Bai’s confidants were basically packed up.

At this time, it is really the best time to kill Su Bai, as long as there is no him...

[嘀嘀嘀 - the host is big! Oh no! Su Mu is also blackened! 】

Su Bai also noticed that Su Mu’s eyes had changed, and the quilt was quickly moved to the wheelchair on one side.

In the next moment, Su Mu had already taken out the dagger and did not attack it.

Su Mu is absolutely going to kill Su Bai, so the shot is hot and hot, Su Bai is physically weak at this time, and the legs and feet are not convenient, where is the opponent of Su Mu. In a short while, the blue and white striped disease is already bloody.

Su Mu only thought about a quick fix, so he did not notice that Su Chunchun, who did not know when to finish the water, had returned.

Seeing that the dagger will be stabbed to Su Bai, Su Chunchun's face is white, and I don't want to rush to the past.


How fast Su Mu’s movements were, he couldn’t wait to close his hand. He looked stiffly at the person who had stopped himself in front of him, and his back was cold.

His lips trembled, but he couldn't make a sound until Su Chunchun's body slowly fell, and he lost his knife in vain and hugged her.


Su Bai, who was seriously injured, was already stunned. He looked at the person with no blood on his face in Su Muhuai, and the blood that rushed out quickly spread out.

Su Chunchun was lying in the arms of Su Mu, but she looked at Su Bai. She was still laughing. "Big brother is fine..."

She said it hard in a word, but she was very happy. "Big brother is... Xiaochun... Only Xiaochun can bully..."

Su Bai was shocked by her words, watching her slowly extending her hand, Su Chunchun could not support it, and the hand fell down and closed her eyes.


Su Mu’s sorrowful anger made Su Bai’s confused look at him.

His eyes fell on the pale cheeks of Su Chunchun's eyes, as if incredible...

Suddenly he fell down from the wheelchair and hurriedly climbed to Su Chunchun and reached for her.

Su Mu was like a wolf who had touched his baby. He held the person tight and gave him a foot.

Su Bai was sitting in the same place... she was dead.

He should be happy, she is finally dead...


His awkward hand touched his cheek, this wet touch - why did he cry?

[嘀——The death of the world female lord, this mission is judged as failure, the host will deduct the corresponding points and accept the punishment, and withdraw from the world after three minutes. 】 System sound is an icy taste that has never been seen before. The machine is ultimately a machine, even if it is set to sell the property, it will be cold and ruthless because the host violated the standard.

At this time, Su Bai did not care about the news of his mission failure... He just suddenly felt that his heart was empty, like a hole that was dug by a person, and the cold wind rushed into the hole, and it was cold and painful!

It must be because he has not tortured her by hand! Did you want to die if you tortured him so badly? Not so cheap!

How can I let her go so easily? He wants to tie her to him all the time, torturing her bit by bit, exhausting the way to let her taste the life can not, want to die! ... tortured him for so long and wanted to die so simple? Su Bai only felt that the heart was like being pinched by an iron hand, and the pain could not breathe!

No, he will never allow!

Only he can kill her, no one else is allowed to move her!

"I haven't taken revenge yet. How can you let you die like this?"

Su Bai’s unconscious mutter, the confused voice is like suffering with overwhelmed.

Su Bai suddenly went crazy and grabbed the people in Su Mu’s arms. "I will never let you go! You can leave so easily! I will find you!"

[嘀嘀嘀 - Host please calm down! Excessive mood swings cause problems with delivery! The cold voice of the system simply cannot calm down Su Bai at this time.

The same grief-stricken Su Mu once again opened the Su Bai, not letting him touch a pure finger of Su Chun.

When Qu Yan rushed to the hospital, he only saw Su Bai lying on the ground and had lost his breath, and Su Mu was holding Su Chun, who was covered in blood, and his expression was sluggish.


"The team leader, just received a report, this area data seems to have a problem."

As the voice just fell, there was an explosion in the area of ​​the man's finger.

"Take out the world data that just exploded." The beautiful woman in a blue dress slowly approached. She looked at it and suddenly smiled. "There is data that awakens my consciousness. Let people go Capture it back."


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