MTL - Anti-Cheater Strategies-Chapter 77 Sister-in-law (2)

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Su Mu took Su Chunchun and went down to the teaching building and went straight to his own sports car.

"Let's go back, there is me here." Su Mu waved his hand and sent the bodyguards who had been behind him.

"Pure baby is on the train, today, my brother is your private driver." The handsome man who had just cold-faced bodyguards turned to her with a smile.

Su Chunchun smoked the mouth of the mouth, which is what the ghosts call!

She is such a big person, and she is still called a baby in the eyes of the public. It is really shameful... But she is not conscious at all, she is pulling her door open, and she looks forward to laughing and beckoning.

Under the eyes of everyone, Su Chunchun had a car on his face, letting Su Muzi carefully adjust the seat for her and fasten her seat belt - did he not wear a seat belt himself?

Su Mu has always been flying as he pleases, but as long as Su Chunchun is in his car, his car is always the most stable.

Su Mu is still screaming along the way. "Small pure children must not be turned away by the bad guys. The men outside are not as good as your second brother. How have you taken care of you?"

Su Chunchun wants to laugh a little. She barely endures and shifts the topic: "Second brother, how come you pick up today? Ping Shu?"

It was mentioned by her that Su Mu thought of the previous bald words and didn't want Su Chunchun to worry, so he just laughed and said: "I am not very busy today, I will pick up my baby sister personally... Well, I will be home soon. It is."

Su Chunchun did not ask, but nodded with no expression, with a delicate face, black and bright big eyes, it looks particularly well-behaved.

Su Mu this guy in front of Su Chunchun, lying will be unnatural. Fortunately, the original body is never doubtful. Otherwise, how could it be thought that their Su family is just a relatively ordinary company?

The original Su Mu beaten people's enthusiasm, the original body can not see, Su Chunchun can feel that it is the sternness of the knife mountain blood, I am afraid ... this time the script is not so simple.

She remembers to hang the Raiders and the male lords who have not appeared yet. If they want to take the female lord away from such two brothers, I really look forward to seeing what kind of person is.

I still remember that when I first went to elementary school, Su Chunchun was as delicate as a porcelain doll. It caused a lot of boys to follow her after school. This made Su Mu a big fire and felt that everyone was licking his baby sister! Then I started to go to school and forced me to pick up her hand and pick it up, like a sworn sovereignty.

Su Bai is not the same, he will directly send the little boy who dared to hand a small note to Su Chunchun to transfer to school...

The car quickly stopped in front of the single-family villa, and the black bodyguard stood guardfully opened the door to Su Mu.

"Two less, Miss Three, the big and the young have been waiting for you in the living room."

Su Mu nodded and handed the car to them, and then took Su Chunchun to the hall very naturally.

Su Chunchun carefully turned over the memory in his original mind. It seems that the impression of this big brother is calm and gentle, and he respects even more.

However, when she really saw each other, the line of sight was opposite, and Su Chunchun’s heart was almost trembled – his twilight was deep and he could not see a little emotion! She even thinks that his eyes are cold and feelingless!

Another glare... The other side looked at her gaze and was clearly warm.

Su Chunchun couldn't help but get an alarm bell.

Su Bai wore a slim shirt vest with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his nose. The look of the original expression was endlessly smiling when he saw Su Chunchun.

[嘀——The female host Su Chunchun has appeared, and the current good feeling is 88. The host is greatly fueled! 】

Su Bai was not affected by the slightest effect. He recruited beckoning, and the voice was not urgent or slow, but it was very incomparable and low-key. "Xiaochun, come over."

Knowing that Su Bai was a Raider, Su Chunchun’s face showed a light smile for a moment. She stepped forward in three or two steps and held Su Bai’s arm. “Big Brother, isn’t it that I’ve been particularly busy recently?”

"If you are busy, you have to take time to come back to accompany our little princess." Su Bai caressed her long hair, and her voice was soft. "Go, go eat, have made the kitchen do your favorite dish."


When eating, Su Mu will put Su Chunchun's stripped shrimp neatly in front of her and said, "Pure baby will pick up and drop off my school in the past few days. Don't run around after class, just wait for me in the classroom. Pick up."

"How come suddenly the second brother to pick up?" Su Chunchun looked at him with some doubts, and then looked at Su Bai.

Su Bai’s manners are elegant, and he slowly wipes his mouth and opens his mouth. “I’ll listen to your second brother. Recently, the company has nothing to do, he can’t sleep.”

Su Chunchun looked at Su Muliang Jingjing to please his own eyes. After a moment, he nodded. "That said first, the second brother can no longer play my classmates like the last time."

Su Mu thought about the last time the color stared at the boy who saw his sister, and it was difficult for him. My heart is secretly thinking, not in front of her sister hands, it would first down, then secretly beat the other meal thing.

[The host is big, that is, tomorrow, the man will have an intersection with the woman! Is it necessary to stop them? 】

The excitement of the system only evokes that Su Bai is not too light or heavy, and he knows that he can't help but suddenly squat.

Su Chunchun’s meal is not a taste. She can hardly see any emotions from the other side. Even if he is communicating with the system, it is difficult to hear his thoughts from the dialogue.

She has never seen such an unfathomable attacker. Secretly touching the familiar white jade hanging between the neck - she still has this secret weapon...


On the following day, Su Chunchun was still lying in bed, and heard a gentle knock on the door.

"Pure baby, should go to school, get up??"

"The second brother came in..." A cautious voice, and then the door was opened with a slit. Su Mu got in and looked at the soft bed, revealing only half of the furry little brain, and could not help but laugh.

"Is this sleep so boring?" He stepped forward to excavate Su Chunchun's head from the bed, and couldn't help but pinch it at the white tender cheeks. "Small lazy pig, it should be washed... I will be late. I don't care about you..."

Su Chunchun looked at him with a faint look. "Second brother..." The voice of the hoarse voice that had not yet awakened in the early morning was soft with a hoarseness. She lay in her bed half-squinting and extended her hands to Su Mu.

Su Mu smiled and shook his head, reaching out and picking her up. "The second brother took you to wash."

Subsequently, Su Chunchun enjoyed the treatment of being washed and licked in a sleep!

When he was once again hugged back to the bed, Su Chunchun was finally awake. She blinked and yawned, then smiled and said hello, "Second brother good morning."

"Pure baby good morning!" Suddenly hit by Su Chunchun's rare smile, Su Mu smiled out of a big white tooth, his eyes starred, only written - "My sister universe is invincible first cute!"

When Su Chunchun changed clothes and went downstairs, Su Mu was greeted with breakfast and said: "When I finish using breakfast, I will send you to school."

Su Chunchun glanced around and did not see Su Bai.

"Big brother?"

Su Mu came over and looked a little wronged. "Hey, my second brother was busy for a morning, and the first sentence of pure baby turned out to be a big brother..."

Su Chunchun saw that Su Mu’s height of one meter and eight meters was in front of him, and the black eyes were faintly glazed with grievances. She reached out and touched his head with a light hand. “The second brother worked hard.”

"This is almost the same..." I got the approval of my sister. Su Mu snorted and said: "At this point, Big Brother has already gone to the company."

Su Chunchun paused. She really couldn't guess the thoughts of this Raiders. Generally speaking, shouldn't it be the sensation of rushing to brush her? Especially in the morning, just wake up to this situation, but it is a good opportunity to get along well.

She coveted breakfast, secretly thinking that no matter what the idea of ​​Su Bai, today I will meet the man, he will not let it develop naturally.


When the class was going to be fast, Su Chunchun was sent to the seat by Su Mu, and a tall and handsome man appeared in front of the class to attract the attention of a group of students.

Su Mu put her in the seat and bent over to look at her. "Don't run around in class, wait for me to pick you up, huh?"

Seeing Su Chunchun's well-behaved nod, Su Mu put down his heart, and then the line of sight swept around a circle. The sharp dawn made all the students who touched his sights shrink, and quickly recovered their eyes and dared not to look at Su Chunchun.


After Su Mu left, Su Chunchun looked at the next four weeks, and still only the position behind him was empty.

The teacher has stepped onto the stage to prepare for class. She secretly retracted her sight. At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a long figure appeared at the door. The lazy voice was hoarse. "Sorry, I late."

Su Chunchun stared at the man who appeared at the door. The smile on the corner of his mouth brought his own three-pointed suffocation. A pair of swords and eyebrows flew sharply, and the stars and inks were deep and deep. Only a light look at the people, it made people feel like they were being battered. The feeling of numbness!

The girls around have already started to whisper with excitement.

"Ah! It’s Qu Yan! I saw his photo in the racing magazine! I have never been in class since he transferred to school! Today is coming!" A girl screamed.

On the other side, he was so intoxicated. "How is he so handsome! It’s fainting when he looks at him!"

"There are not only handsome people, but also the power of the family! I haven’t watched the class for so long, and the teacher still doesn’t dare to treat him!"

The male student on the side is sour and slick: "What is the use of being handsome? Isn't it a rich second generation..."

"What do you know? People learn to learn sports and versatility! And they are still racing champions..."

...... Listening to the praise of the ears, and then look at the glamorous man who is full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Su Chunchun is almost certain, this should be the male owner.

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