MTL - Anti-Cheater Strategies-Chapter 27 Yan Guanhong Building (eight)

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Coldly stunned and looked at the darkness outside, and looked down at her pitiful appearance, raising her hand to caress her long hair. "This is the so-called punishment, how can you eat it?" ”

Even so, the cold squat went to the door, raised his hand and slammed the door a few times, and said the cold voice: "Someone? Send something to eat."

Unfortunately, there is no sound outside.

Su Chunchun licked his lips and carefully pulled the cold hand. "Forget it, hey, you can take some rest and rest, I will not be hungry when I fall asleep."

Cold sighed, went to the box and sat down, let her lie on her lap. "You sleep first, wait for someone to come, I will call you again."

Su Chunchun nodded. She was hungry and sleepy, and slept in unconsciously.

I don't know how long it took, the door was stunned by Su Qianchun, and she stumbled and opened her eyes from the cold, and saw the flower bud with a few five big three men cold face.

She did not say much to them, only pointed to Su Chunchun, "take away."

Cold face was slightly cold, raising his hand and holding Su Chunchun's wrist to pull the person behind him, looking at the flower's eyebrows, and the bottom of the heart was a trembling, the flower wrinkled and frowned. "How? You are going to defy The master is not successful?"

"I have to bear what I have to do, let her go." Cold eyes are cold, although the current state really does not necessarily protect Su Chunchun, but let them take her inexplicably, she is willing to fight Last fight.

"Is the master going to see me?" Su Chunchun was also awake at this time. She appease the cold-shouldered arm. "Hey, rest assured, nothing."

I was cold and see her, thinking that there must be other things for her to do, and now it should not hurt her.

She only loosened her hand, and Su Chunchun smiled and smiled at her and was taken away by several people.


Su Chunchun was taken to a beautiful and exquisite room, and a table of food was already prepared on the table.

She couldn't help but raise her hand and lick her hungry belly, swallowing her mouth and squinting, but when she smiled at the man wearing a mask on the table, she turned her head and snorted. .

The flower buds looked at the scene with some suspicion, but they still squatted: "Master, pure girl brought it."

Xiao Yuxi waved his hand and said faintly: "Let's go."

The voice of his voice at this time was very different from the previous three emperors through the voice-changing drugs exchanged in the system. Therefore, Su Chunchun was half-pointed and had no doubts, but he still turned his back and did not look at him.

"What is pure in the air?" Xiao Yuxiao smiled faintly, got up and walked over, no hurry or slow: "Is it mad at me late? You have smashed such a big scorpion during the day, but I spent A lot of energy is going to be settled. When you are busy, you will come to see you. As a result, you still ignore me..."

He sighed helplessly, Su Chunchun seemed to be moved, turned to look at him, seeing him with a delicate mask, a pair of dark and deep eyes, but looking at her with unrelenting concern, time, The grievances that began when they were sent were unable to stop.

"You, you are because I am making you angry, so I have to teach me? When I send me over, let me wait for the weirdo, and shut me up and not give me food. I, I am locked in the small room. cold and hungry……"

Her white face was a little dirty, biting her teeth, but she couldn't control the tears and flowed out like a broken bead. She washed away the dirt and exposed the original white skin.

"I don't want to like you, don't want it!"

Xiao Yuzhen looked at her like this. It was really a pause. Picking up the side of the puppet gently wiped the dirt on her face. "Don’t cry, it’s all a little cat, I’m not right, hungry. Pure, come and eat something first."

He said, holding her hand and sitting at the table, holding a bowl of porridge and handing it to her, "Drink some porridge first."

Su Chunchun’s white cheeks still had teardrops on her cheeks. The eyes that had just been washed by tears were bright and bright, and she looked at him with her lips. Xiao Yu's eyes were more gentle. He took a spoon and took a spoonful of porridge and fed it to her. "Let the pures suffer, but they are powerful, and I have to be careful. I haven’t slept in the middle of the night to see you directly. For pure, forgive me this time?"

The soft rice porridge was fed to the lips. Su Chunchun unconsciously opened his mouth and ate it. He looked at the man's tired eyes and licked his lips. "That's good, forgive you this time."

"I will come by myself." She said that she reached out and took the spoon in his hand. The hungry day and night made her a little shy and ate.

[嘀 - The female host is currently 90. 】

Xiao Yu’s lips are deeper and deeper. [Although I can’t kill the man directly, the woman can...”

"Slow down, this is yours." He reached out and stroked her long hair. "Pure, remember, I told you, let you come to the Red House to help me do something?"

Su Chunchun’s mouth was filled with porridge and he couldn’t speak. He could only squint at him and signal him to say.

Xiao Yuxi laughed and said slowly: "I want to kill a person purely for me. It is estimated that you will see it in a few days."

Su Chunchun nodded. She swallowed the food in her mouth. "Is it going to kill the man today?"

Xiao Yuxi was a little stiff when he heard this. He smiled twice. "No, that person is the prince of today, and he needs to approach him through today."

"Oh." Su Chunchun’s response should have been heard. He didn’t know what he thought of and said: “Can I kill the man today?”

Her ignorance of pure discussion and killing, even made people feel a little worried.

Xiao Yuxi did not know if he was too successful. He had to softly say: "Don't be a stunned snake. When pure purity has never been so persistent, how must he kill him?"

"I don't like him, a very annoying man." Su Chunchun frowned and frowned. When he looked at him, he smiled again. "It's still a good master."

To her smile, Xiao Yuzhen suddenly faintly a little uneasy...

[System, am I too successful? 】

[The host successfully left a psychological shadow on the attributes of the female host. As long as the identity of the three emperors is not discovered by the female host. 】

"Right, the master, I haven't eaten yet. I will take it back and eat with her." Su Chunchun suddenly stopped and wanted to take some food and go back to cold.

Xiao Yuxi held her hand. "Reassured, I have already sent people. Now, I want to stay alone with you for a while."

Being so gentle and straightforward, Su Chunchun slightly blushed her face. She experienced more things in these two days, but she gave birth to some girlish feelings.

She drummed her white cheeks, as if it was awkward but she couldn’t hide her smile. "Well, then I will stay with you for a while."

Xiao Yuzhen was a little bit smirking for her appearance, but fortunately he held back.

When Su Chunchun had eaten, she was already a little sleepy. After all, I slept unsteadily in the middle of the night. She couldn’t help but sleep. Xiao Yu’s hand reached her little bit of her head. Some helplessly looked at her sweet sleep, and after a while, she hugged her. Get up and put it on the bed.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly heard Su Chunchun muttering. "... Don't punish you, it's all my fault, she just... worried about me..."

Xiao Yu’s hand was paused, and she raised her eyebrows before she got out of the quilt.

When the person left, Su Chunchun slowly opened his eyes, turned over with his quilt, and changed to a comfortable position to continue to sleep.


After Xiao Yuzhen placed Su Chunchun, he went out and looked at the flower garden on one side. "Let's guard her."

The flower garden is now a bit confusing, and I feel that the owner cares about this person, but I have previously told her to send people to the room of the Three Emperors! ......

Xiao Yuzhen, no matter what she thinks, walked straight to the place where the cold is, [now it is time to look at the cold. 】

Someone had sent meals before, and I thought that Su Chunchun should be fine. However, as soon as she thought that she was alone with the man, she was somewhat uneasy, so she did not eat and waited for Su Chunchun to come back.

It’s just that people didn’t wait, but they came to someone who made her heart jealous.

Looking at the slender figure in front of him, the man with a delicate mask, cold and squatting down on one knee, the cold voice is no ups and downs, "Master."

Xiao Yu's eyes swept over the unmoved meals, and missed her and went into the room. "Do you know what you did wrong?"

I was cold and stunned and said, "I shouldn’t have sneaked into the room of the Three Emperors. I was wrong with me. I was willing to bear all the faults."

She said in her mouth, but the bottom of her eyes was a cold.

Xiao Yuxi glanced at her faintly and suddenly smiled. "It’s so good, she said so too..."

The cold eyes flashed softly, but the next moment his words suddenly turned, "However, your fault is not here..."

Xiao Yuxi said that the momentum of deliberate convergence in the face of Su Chunchun was released for a moment, and the strong gas field suppressed made the cold sweat on his forehead.

"I don't understand my subordinates."

The cold fists clenched and the pain in the nails did not make her look up to reveal her emotions.

Xiao Yuxi did not speak, but took out a pill and said: "Come on."

Coldly looking at the drugs in his palm, he did not move. Xiao Yuxi saw her hesitant look, cold and tearing his mouth, "Reassured, pure is very concerned about you, so I have not wanted to kill you."

The cold-smelling words looked at Xiao Yu, and the eyes of the two men knew each other in a circle. She reached out and slowly swallowed.

"This medicine will not kill you, but it will happen once a month. The five internal organs are like a worm, and the pain is unbearable." Xiao Yu said faintly, the look is a taste but with ridicule.

"You thought... I can't see, do you have a different mind about pure?"

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ActionAdventureFantasySchool Life