MTL - An Unyielding Wind-v14 Chapter 22 Convedo

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"Is she? Is she the Qin Feng?"

"It's no wonder that she used a trick that she did. It turned out to be the overlord shot!"

"Just kill her for the Kangding League host and you'll get a million bounties!"

Hundreds of kings had different looks, and a kind of killing gas appeared in their eyes, and they all surrounded the three proud pride.

"Oops! This **** Comvedo!" Qing Xuan's identity was revealed when he saw the proud wind, and he could not help showing a dignified color. The soul of his body was boiling, and he was ready to make a break at any time. How strong are the pressures.

Norton raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ao Feng. It was not so unexpected. Before he knew that Ao Feng and Qing Xuan were both strong winds, he thought of this possibility. But he didn't mind the disguise of the two. At this time, he held the hilt of the big sword with his hands and was ready to go. Since Aofeng came to this ice-eye town to help them win the ice-cream fruit regardless of the danger, he again How can you not talk about righteousness?

The two were about to launch a raid and opened a mouth, but both felt tight on their shoulders and were pulled by Aofeng.

"Brother Qin Feng ... you ..." Qing Xuan looked at Ao Feng suddenly.

What does she want to do? It's not time to break out at this time, are you waiting to die here?

"Don't panic, just because Conviedo is not worthy of being my opponent. I didn't want to have general knowledge with him at first, but now he is seeking his own way of death. I have my own way. You look at it." Aofeng But there was a flash of precision in his eyes, a calm expression, smiled at the two lightly.

Looking at her uneasy appearance, although Qing Xuan and Norton had doubts in their hearts, they no longer talked. The two have not been together with Aofeng for a long time, but understand that she is not the kind of person who speaks yellow, and her identity is mysterious. There are a lot of cards and it is not so easy to be killed.

At this moment when the three were talking, the strong men around them were getting closer and closer, the circle was shrinking and smaller, and they would rush to see it!

At this time, the proud wind in the middle of the circle suddenly shouted, "Slow!"

The movements of the crowd went together, and they stopped involuntarily.

They still have a bit of jealousy against Pride, and she was so impressed by the presence of her against the icefield giants that, in her loud voice, few people dared to rush straight up.

"Why? Struggling to dying? Qin Feng, don't you think that you can run the world with a little strength. There are so many masters here that can't deal with your little city master? Everyone can spit you with a spit of saliva!" Conway He flew with sneer from the outside to the near place, and the few strong rulers who just chased people with him also came over. The million bounty is not a small amount, and the strong rulers will be impressed.

The five strong rulers took the lead, and the people in the back also had courage, and the crowd began to move again.

Just waiting for their actions, they heard Aofeng sneer and said again: "I said Convido, do you really think that the people present are all mentally disabled? You say I am Qin Feng and I am Qin Feng? Then I Say you are Salvador, are you really Salvador? "

"Do you still want to deny it?" Convidor laughed with a whisper: "You guy just cast it. It's clearly the overlord shooting. Who would not be Qin Feng? Would you like to say that you are Qing Xuan or Qing Ye adults? No way? "

Aofeng looked at him disdainfully and said, "My tactics are good for tiger spirits, but not all tiger spirits are overlord guns. Overlord guns are extremely rare, and you have never played against Qingye Qingxuan. How can you be so determined? I think you simply want to divert everyone's attention, so as not to expose Jiuyou Bingling Fruit in your hands! "

As soon as this remark was made, the many practitioners who had been staring at Aofeng were suddenly shocked, their eyes changed, and they fell on Comvedo!

The purpose of their trip was Jiuyou Bingling Fruit. The concern for this is far above what "Qin Feng". The value of Bingling Fruit in the hands of ice practitioners is even more insignificant than the millions of Mo Jing. News, the goal naturally turned.

"You ... what are you talking about!" Convido was suddenly shocked when he was told what was happening in the center. He buzzed in his head and shouted subconsciously: "You don't talk nonsense there. ! "

"Whether nonsense, you know it yourself!" Aofeng stared at him and sneered: "Your Majesty Comvidor, I ran into you and the man in black under the snow tree in Zhenxi yesterday. I was with you then. One move quietly retreat, do you want to borrow a knife to kill me today when I saw my marksmanship recognized? Your abacus is really good! Let the man in black get the spiritual fruit and put the space ring. The strong man went to confront him, sent him away and delivered the spiritual fruit to your hands, so that everyone thought that the person who had received the spiritual fruit had fled, and you could get away with it. This plan is really seamless! "

Listening to Aofeng talking and talking, the eyes of the crowd widened and surprised when she heard them. As soon as she finished speaking, there was a burst of discussion.

"Fuck! This plan is really treacherous!"

"I said, how could the wind-powered strong among them be faster than a dark cultivator? It turned out that he deliberately didn't take the fruit first! So, before that, he had tricked the man in black The trick to blow away is also intentional! "

"This guy, it's insidious that we are playing around and want us to be a gunman for him!"

Amidst the noisy screams and scornful looks, Convito's face became extremely ugly, and he really did not expect that their plans yesterday were even heard by Pride! And it was revealed at this time!

At this point, he could only bite to death, staring at Aofeng angrily and angered, "Qin Feng! You are simply talking nonsense! You are the one who wants to divert everyone's goal and marry me and try to get away. Don't you She was deceived! If anyone wins her, besides the million-dollar bounty of my father, I will immediately give him a superb lord treasure! "

"Well, you need to see the reality to get the bounty. Do you think others don't know you are in a hurry to kill people? I can swear to heaven here, I will never call Qin Feng!" Aofeng did not panic, Raised his right hand and made an oath, the rules of heaven and earth fell from the sky, nothing happened, and before everyone thought about her, she pointed at Convidor and yelled, "Convidor, I have you as an example. It's not a shame, do you dare to swear that the ice cream fruit is not in your hands now? "

With Aofeng's question, hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at Convito at the same time!

Prior to this, everyone may still have some doubts about the million bounty, but now Aofeng has sworn, then she has no reason to tell a lie to divert their attention. This is the end of the matter, regardless of Convido With or without ice-cream fruit, they will have to find out.

"You ... you are ridiculous! How can my son of the allied leader compare with your husband, Yamanomura! You better not mess around, or my father and uncle will not let you go!" Feng actually swears that she is really not "Qin Feng". For a time, she just felt extremely panic, her face became paler, and she even moved out of her elders.

But I do not know that such a move is a manifestation of guilty conscience.

"His Majesty Comved, it's about the fruit of ice, and it can't be taken lightly, let alone the son of the leader, the biological son of the speaker, we don't care! If you stand on our side, you must also ask, Please take an oath to prove your innocence! "Como, a water trainer, and Carter, a land trainer, forced him to the side with his left and right eyes exposed, and all the trainers surrounded him.

The death of man-made fortune is for food. In order to compete for the ice fruit, how many practitioners have fallen, no matter how high Constance is, compared to the temptation to obtain ice fruit, it is nothing.

Seeing the crowd approaching, Convido couldn't bear it anymore. He gritted his fist fiercely, and winked at the two of them, rising to his feet and turning into a streamer to fly away! After seeing his actions, the two followed them hurriedly!

"They want to run!"

"Bing Ling really is on him!"

"Fuck, chase! How dare you tease us!"

A group of strong men reacted, and Shi Shi was extremely angry and chased after him. Only the proud wind, Qing Xuan and Norton quietly stopped and returned to the direction of Bingyan Town.

The three of Comvedo chased their way and ran away frantically under the chase of many angry practitioners. They did not stop until they were exhausted. In the end, they were three strong rulers. The strongest in the team was only two strong rules. However, it takes a little effort to get rid of it.

The three stopped under a tree to rest, panting arrogantly.

"All blame that **** guy, if it wasn't for her, why would we be chased like this!"

"But how did she know our plan? If she was eavesdropping around us with her strength, we wouldn't find it! And, she wasn't Qin Feng? Wasn't she shooting overlords?"

"That's not necessarily true. Now think about it. The vow she made was very problematic, but just now that no one would think more. She said that she was' not called Qin Feng ', not' not Qin Wind '! This guy, I am afraid that even Qin Feng's name is a pseudonym! What a sinister and sly, she is lucky this time! "Convido hammered the snow tree beside him angrily, shook his branches. The ground dropped a large pile of snow.

"Master, don't be angry, anyway, the purpose of our trip has been achieved, even if the Qin Feng escaped, it does not matter, she is not returning empty-handed? You have refined the ice-cream fruit. , So as to avoid night long dreams! "The wind cultivator comforted him, probed to touch the space ring, but his face froze stiffly!

Looking at him stiff for a long time, and staring at his eyes, there was no response, and Convedeau wondered, "What's wrong?"

"Small ... Master, Bing ... Bing Lingguo ... It's gone!" The cultivator of the wind was dull with eyes, almost cried out, intermittently with a trembling voice.

"What are you talking about!" Convidor uttered a roar that almost pierced the clouds, and flung fiercely to take down the space ring in the wind practitioner's hands, and looked inward, but found that it was indeed within Is empty, how can there be the shadow of ice fruit!

"This is impossible! This is impossible!" Convidor was mad, and for this ice fruit, they tried their best, and paid two top artifacts given to him by his father, and eventually suffered hundreds of them. The king's pursuit has never been so embarrassed in his lifetime, and the "ice fruit" protected under such hardships is gone! How can he bear it!

His eyes were red, and a mad monster grabbed the wind practitioner, screaming around his neck, "It's you! It's you who took my iced fruit!"

The wind-trained practitioner was blindfolded and turned white, desperately waving a small piece of paper and screamed, "Master ... I ... I swear I didn't! This is ... the only thing in the ring ... ……thing!"

Seeing him swearing, he wouldn't lie, and Convito calmed down a little, red eyes and snatched the little piece of paper, and took a look at it.

I saw a small line written on it:

Thank you for your magical and spiritual fruit.

——Qin Feng-o-

Looking at this paper blankly, Convidor just felt that his head seemed to be severely hammered, and he finally understood everything!

This ring was given directly to the goddess of the gods, and it was absolutely impossible to have contact with Aofeng just now, and the content also contained a "magic device", which obviously means that the magic device also fell into her hands! No wonder Aofeng and Qingxuan are two strong winds, and one has realized the characteristics of the three elements, and has never rushed to the front to grab things! No wonder she knows her plans!

It turned out that this guy's trap was from beginning to end! They were played completely without realizing it. Not only did she escape freely, but she also stole the ice fruit by her design. Even her father's two superb lord treasures were deceived by her. It was really a loss to his wife. Frustrated!

Afterwards, she also wanted to add a note to let him understand the cause and effect.

The most frightening thing is not that there is no hope at the beginning, but that it is shattered when you think that you have succeeded.

Staring at the last grimace expression of Aofeng, Convidor was trembling, bloodshot in his eyes, and finally spit out blood, "backed up!" Tragedy ... 2k novel reading network