MTL - Amnesia Tyrant’s White Moonlight-Chapter 81

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In the dark and damp dungeon.

In front of him stood the spotless Jiangshe fish.

"It seems that Jiang Jiang is right, Brother Chu is really immortal, just now Brother Chu has clearly died, but now he wakes up again..."

Chu Yi moved slightly, trying to break free from the chains.

& nbsp; Hand tendons, abolished your whole body of martial arts, and now you are a crippled person with no strength."

Chu Yi's face was as pale as paper, he raised his sinister eyes and stared angrily at Jiang Sheyu.

"Jiangsheyu! What exactly do you want?!"

Jiang Sheyu smiled softly: "Naturally, I want to find the reason for your immortality, and then kill you."

"I have no enmity with you..."

"As long as you let me go, I can let go of the past, and from now on we won't make the river water!"

"Brother Chu is so naive, do you think I am as easy to deceive as Ye Suxin?"

Chu Yi's pupils tightened and he raised his head suddenly.

"What else do you know?!"

The smile in Jiang She's fish eyes was even more prosperous: "After I met you two years ago, I was quite curious about the story between you and Ye Suxin, so I went to the old capital of Liangguo on purpose. , read the government office file, and got a letter."

Chu Yi said with a pale face: "This is impossible, I have already burned that letter..."

Jiang Sheyu said with a smile: "You did burn that letter and killed everyone who knew the truth, but the sky net is full of omissions, and you have left out one person, the government office. He saved the letter, and what you burned was just a fake letter."

Chu Yi's lips were bloodless.

The smile in Jiang She's fish eyes was even more prosperous: "It turns out that the real murderer behind the scenes on Lord Ye was actually you. Ye's house was raided, all her family members were exiled to the bitter and cold places on the border, Ye Suxin became a prostitute in a brothel, Lord Ye died in exile, all her parents and brothers suffered, and the culprit and murderer who caused all these tragedies , it's Brother Chu, you..."

Chu Yi slowly closed his eyes.

Jiang Sheyu chuckled lightly: "It's so ridiculous, you are obviously Ye Suxin's father-killing enemy, but Ye Suxin has fallen in love with you, and is willing to be a sharp blade in your hand for you, devoting herself to With so many men, what kind of mood do you use to take advantage of her? Have you really loved this poor woman? You obviously killed her father, but you lied to her and went to bed with her. She knew that the man on her was a Is it her father's enemy..."

Chu Yi said with bloodless lips: "I didn't know Xiner at the time. If I had known that I would fall in love with Xiner, I would definitely not blame Master Ye..."

Jiang Sheyu looked at his pale face with a kind of pity, and his voice was cold: "You say, if I told Ye Suxin the truth that her house was raided, she would still not Will I love you with all my heart?"


The blood on Chu Yi's face suddenly faded: "Don't tell her, I beg you..."

"What do you want from me?"

"I can be a cow and a horse for you..."

"Then learn to bark twice for me first."

Chu Yi endured the humiliation in his heart, slowly clenched his blood-stained fingers, and called out twice without dignity.


"But what?"

Jiang Sheyu frowned slightly, pretending to be innocent, he showed a cruel smile: "I have sent this letter to Ye Suxin..."

"You bastard!"

Jiang Sheyu rolled his eyes, the corners of his lips seemed to be split behind his ears, and his voice was cool and cold: "Besides, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you, Ye Suxin is in the next cell, Listening to you explain your guilt..."

Jiang Sheyu laughed suddenly.

At that moment, Chu Yi's blood seemed to be drained from his body, like falling into an ice cave.

He looked up bloodless.

& nbsp;

Ye Suxin walked slowly to him, looking at Chu Yi coldly and sadly with a strange look.

"You blame my father?"

Chu Yi twitched his lips and did not speak.

"You caused our Ye family to be raided?"

Chu Yi did not speak.

Ye Suxin shed two clear tears, and her icy eyes suddenly turned into disgust: "You bastard! You beast with no conscience! After killing my father, he even killed me Playing with your applause! You took my feelings away and gave me time and time again for other men to enjoy! In your eyes, is our Ye family a dog you raised? Do you want to kill me? Kill! If you want, you can use it, and you can use it!"

"I'm not..."

Chu Yi explained with a pale face: "I didn't know that you were his daughter. If I had known that I would fall in love with you, I would not have..."

"Nothing? Will not kill my father, or send me to a brothel as a prostitute?"

Ye Suxin burst into tears and looked mad: "I was blind and fell in love with you, such a beast! Today I will report this to the fifty-three members of our Ye family. Vengeance, let you kill for your life!"

Ye Suxin took out the dagger hidden in her cuff, and with tears in her eyes, stabbed Chu Yi viciously.

"Dog thief! Take your life!"

Chu Yi's chest was dripping with blood, and he looked at Ye Suxin with regretful eyes.

"Xin Er, I'm sorry..."

Ye Suxin pulled out the dagger on his chest and stabbed him a second time, crying furiously: "I don't want your sorry, I want your life You don't deserve to live in this world at all! You bastard! Die to me! Die! Die!"

Chu Yi was stabbed in the heart by Ye Suxin.

He breathed again.

And Ye Suxin stood trembling all over, her hair was messy, her hairpin fell to the ground, holding the dagger that killed Chu Yi in her hand, the scarlet blood stained her delicate white and tender Her jade hands made her pale, frosty face look particularly poignant and moving.

The corners of Jiang Sheyu's lips lifted lightly, admiring the classic picture of feuding with great interest.

It's a mess and broken.

Is there a more pleasing picture in this world than falling apart?


Fragmentation is the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Jiangsheyu saw Ye Suxin's withering.

In pieces.

This withering process.

It really makes him memorable.

He can't wait to destroy the next beautiful flower...

It was his favorite flower.

The clouds are shining.

There is a dungeon under the courtyard.

Jiang Sheyu walked into the west wing, Yun Pianpian was lying on the bed and fell asleep, the maid who was standing by saw Jiang Sheyu coming in, and immediately greeted him: "Master, the slave has been replaced by the girl. Clothes, dealt with the injury on her wrist, but the girl never woke up."

This maid is called Rui'er. She is the maid saved by Jiang Sheyu in the slave market two years ago. She is loyal to Jiang Sheyu and obeys orders.

Jiang Sheyu whispered to Ruier: "Don't call her a girl in the future."

"What should that be called?"

"My name is Mrs."

Jiang Sheyu looked at Yun Pianpian, who was sleepy on the soft collapse, and said with great interest, "From now on, she will be my wife of Jiangsheyu."

Rui'er was a little surprised, but she quickly calmed down and bowed her head respectfully: "Yes, son."

Jiang Sheyu said: "Notify everyone that when you see the lady in the future, you will salute her, but no one is allowed to speak to the lady. If anyone violates the order, they will be beaten to death."

"Yes, son."

After Rui Er exited.

Jiang Sheyu walked to Yun Pianpian, sat on the edge of the bed and watched her for a long time, her expression full of anticipation.

He couldn't wait to destroy her.

Jiangsheyu didn't want to make Yun Pianpian into a puppet. The puppet didn't have its own thoughts, which was tantamount to a dead person. Jiang Sheyu didn't want to turn Yun Pianpian into a dead person, because it would reduce a lot of fun.

He likes to see bright flowers wither.

He likes the process of withering.

He is very patient.

So he replaced the puppet Gu's Gu worm with Lisoul Gu, which can erode people's memories. This Gu worm gets into Yun Pianpian's head, and she will forget everyone.

Including herself.

Jiang Sheyu wants Yun Pianpian to fall in love with him.

Then ditched her hard.

He will destroy this invincible flower with his own hands.

Let her fall into mud at his feet.

Jiangsheyu waited until the sun rose three poles, but Yun Pianpian still didn't wake up, Jiangsheyu stretched out his hand and pushed her, she fell asleep and couldn't wake up even when pushed, Jiangsheyu turned his head, his eyes lighted Landing on the tea cup on the table, he walked over and poured a cup of tea, then picked up the tea cup and walked to Yun Pian Pian's side, splashing the tea on Yun Pian Pian's face.

Yun Pianpian felt a chill on her face.

She frowned and seemed to wake up.

If Yun Pian Pian was conscious and saw the scene in front of her, she would be stunned. It turns out that in addition to the kiss of true love, splashing people with tea can also wake up a comatose person, because many film and television dramas act like this , The world of novels retains this logic, but Xiao Changyuan was too gentle to her, and was completely reluctant to splash water on her face, so that she was in a coma for so long, but now, Jiang Sheyu accidentally woke her up.

Yun Pian Pian slowly opened her eyes.

The clear and beautiful apricot eyes were full of confusion.

Her memory is still in the twenty-first century.

Because Gu worms will only erode body memory.

It will not erode soul memory.

Last night, she just finished watching the finale of "The End of the Songs", and she cried so hard for this poignant ending that she burst into tears, but when she woke up, she came to this quaint in the room.

In front of him stood a handsome young man in a blue robe, with black hair like a waterfall, and a slender figure.

He was looking at her with affectionate eyes.

Yun Pian Pian has read at least two thousand novels.

Years of fiction experience told her.

…she crossed.

As the saying goes, the enemy will not move me.

Yun Pianpian looked at him without speaking.

Jiang Sheyu said: "Madam, you are awake."

Yun Pian Pian was stunned for a moment, then offered all the necessary lines of time-travelling women: "I lost my memory."

Jiang Sheyu said: "Don't be afraid, madam, last night, a bandit broke into the house, and the madam was dizzy by the bandit, so she lost her memory. I have already asked a doctor to check the pulse of the madam, and the madam is normal. , just amnesia."

Yun Pianpian touched her little face: "Why are my cheeks wet?"

"My husband is wiping my wife's face."

Yun Pianpian smelled the tea leaves and secretly felt that the ancients used tea leaves to wash their faces.

She lowered her head and saw a white bandage wrapped around her wrist, she frowned slightly.

"What's wrong with my hand?"

Jiang Sheyu said: "I was injured by thieves."

Yun Pianpian felt that the other party seemed to trust her very much. He didn't realize that she was not his wife at all. life.

"What's my name?"

Jiang Sheyu smiled and said, "Your name is Xiaohua."

It turns out that his wife is called Xiaohua.

Yun Pianpian began to hesitate, should she tell this son that she is not a little flower, but she was worried that after telling him, she would be burned to death by this son as a monster, so she had to first Stand still.

"Who are you?"

"I am your husband."

"What's your name."

"Jiangshe Yu."

Yun Pian Pian was stunned.

Isn't that the name of Chu Yi's younger brother?

Yun Pianpin felt weird.

But she didn't dare to ask.

She worries that asking too much will expose herself.

Jiang Sheyu let people pass the meal, and he accompanies him to eat as if sitting on pins and needles. After eating, Jiang Sheyu took her to the garden, in the name of awakening her memory.

Yun Pian Pian became more and more guilty.

Because she knew that she was not Xiaohua at all, it was impossible for him to awaken Xiaohua's memory.

The more guilty she is, the colder she will be when she waits for Jiangsheyu.

Yun Pianpian's indifference made Jiang Sheyu feel a little strange. Why did this woman treat him more indifferently than before after losing her memory?

Jiang Sheyu frowned slightly.

Come over, Ye Suxin was hated and tired of all this.

He was obviously her father's enemy.

Why can't he kill him?

Rui'er came over and said, "Miss Ye, the girl that Young Master Chu brought back last night has lost her memory now, Young Master lied to her that he is her husband, please ask Miss Ye to see her after seeing her. , don't reveal your stuff."

Ye Suxin was shocked.

Jiang Sheyu is he crazy?

Ye Suxin rushed over to find Jiangshe Yu.

Yun Pianpian was accompanying Jiang Sheyu around the garden when suddenly a big beauty with messy buns rushed in from the Moon Gate. After Jiang Sheyu saw her, she said to Yun Pianpian elegantly: "Ma'am, excuse me for a while."

Yun Pianpily nodded her head.


Yun Pianpian saw Jiang Sheyu stopped the big beauty, he pulled the beauty behind the white wall and black tiles, not knowing what she was talking about behind her back, Yun Pianpian began to wonder, could this beauty be Is it Jiang Sheyu's concubine?

I don't know what Jiang Sheyu said to the beauty, but the beauty came over to say hello to Yun Pianpian.

"Sister Xiaohua."

Yun Pianpian nodded to her.

What about revenge?"

Yun Pian Pian was stunned, and said: "Naturally, it is to use the way of the person to treat the body of the person..."

Murder or something is too bloody.

Deliberately seduce me, make me fall in love with him, treat me as a chess piece, and send me to other men's beds again and again. Since I want revenge, I will take him to the Goulan Courtyard as a servant, and let him ride with thousands of people Thousands of pillows…”

Cloud was stunned.

The beauty smiled: "Thank you for your idea."

"You're welcome." Yun Pianpian wanted to meet this beauty, "By the way, what's your name?"

The beauty said: "My name is Ye Suxin."

The cloud was stunned.

Her voice trembled slightly.

"Then, then your enemy is..."

The beauty said: "Chu Yi."

Yun Pian Pian was dumbfounded.

Isn't that the name of the hero and heroine?

How did they become enemies?

Why did the plot collapse like this?

The author has something to say:Tomorrow the tyrant will find Pian Pian.

There is a Bulling after all.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-03-1122:07:31~2021-03-1221:44:11~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 crème brûlée;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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