MTL - Amnesia Tyrant’s White Moonlight-Chapter 74

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The system was silent for a long time.

In the end, it gave up on continuing to persuade.

After the headquarters was bombed, I couldn't undertake more than 200 missions online at the same time. The longer the time, the more risk I would be bombed by the target. Therefore, I will cut off the connection with the host. Given that the host is the fastest traverser in history to complete the system task, the traversal channel will be permanently reserved for the host. As long as the host dies in the future, Xiao Changyuan still loves the host, and the host can still return to the modern age by submitting the quest. Hope the host does it well. 】The system cut off contact with her with a click.

My mind is quiet.

A world that is too quiet can easily breed fear.

Yun Pian Pian suddenly became afraid.

Although she defended Xiao Changyuan so eloquently in front of the system, she actually didn't have a clue in her heart.

People change.

She doesn't know whether Xiao Changyuan will continue to love her after a hundred years, and she is not sure if she can become Xiao Changyuan's white moonlight forever. She was worried that she would be like the Xu family, and the bamboo basket would be empty, and in the end, not only did she lose her love, but she also lost her way home.

Xiao Changyuan's cold and low voice suddenly came from his ears.

"Are you finished?"

Yun Pianpian replied subconsciously: "It's over..."

The words just came out.

Yun Pianpian's pupils constricted in fright.

He was as pale as paper.

She didn't expect it.

Xiao Changyuan did not fall asleep!

Xiao Changyuan reached out and squeezed Yun Pianpin's chin.

looks displeased.

Those dark, cold eyes stared into her eyes.

"You're talking to someone."

This scene seems familiar, Xiao Changyuan once caught her talking to the system once.

But at that time he was fooled by Yun Pian Pian.

Yun Pian said with bloodless lips: "Husband, listen to my explanation..."

Xiao Changyuan looked at her coldly.

Yun Pianpin said with a pale face: "Actually, my time visa has expired, and the people from the Time Administration are urging me to go back to the future."

"You can't run away."

"So I rejected them."

Yun Pianpian's heart beat wildly and said: "I said that I fell in love with the tyrant who shook the world in the long history and wanted to be with him forever. I said that I didn't want to go back to the future, because the future Xiao Changyuan without me..."

Xiao Changyuan stared at her little face.

In those cold eyes.

Blood red at the bottom of her eyes.

Slowly dissipated like rain and fog.


Yun Pianpian approached Xiao Changyuan's handsome face.

A kiss on his thin lips.

After Xiao Changyuan was kissed by her.

The delicate pale ears turned red.

Yun Pianpin's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she said shyly: "I like my husband, I adore my husband, I can't live without my husband, so I choose to stay in this world, if the husband does not love me one day in the future Now, you must tell me in advance, because I can let go of my husband and go back to the future..."

"Don't leave me."

The man's voice was low and hoarse.

Similar to a command, but also to a plea.

Yun Pian Pian was kissed softly by him.

Her cheeks were flushed, and she asked in a hurry, "Then does Xiao Changyuan still love Yun Pianpian today?"

Xiao Changyuan fiercely pressed Yun Pianpian on the dragon bed and kissed him.

"What do you say?"

Yun Pian Pian's eyes blurred: "Today's Xiao Changyuan loves Yun Pian Pian very much."


This is the day of the Sealing Ceremony.

Xiao Changyuan kissed Yun Pianpian to wake up.

"Pinpin, get up and be a queen."

Yun Pianpian was woken up by Xiao Changyuan's kiss in a daze, opened her eyes and glanced at Xiao Changyuan, and immediately closed her eyes in sleepiness, complaining in her mouth: "It's all your fault, I know that Today is my posthumous ceremony, and I was tossed so late last night..."

"Last night was clearly a graceful gesture, please don't stop."

, Last night she was forced to be incapacitated, ecstatic, and said a lot of rambunctious words.

"You said it!"

Yun Pianpian opened her mouth in anger and bit Xiao Changyuan's pale arm.

Xiao Changyuan quietly let her bite.

Yun Pian's teeth pressed hard, trying to make him scream, but her strength was like a kitten tickling, Xiao Changyuan didn't even blink her eyelashes, and even touched her affectionately Like a deflated ball, Yun Pianpian let go of the red lips that bit his arm.

Xiao Changyuan stroked her blue silk.

"Why don't you bite?"

Yun Pianpian whispered: "I'm afraid you will hurt."

Xiao Changyuan said: "I don't hurt."

Yun Pianpian urn said: "But I feel bad."

Xiao Changyuan's skin is very white.

The water stains and teeth marks on the arm are very obvious.

Yun Pianpin felt guilty.

So he leaned over and licked his arm guiltily.

Xiao Changyuan's eyes suddenly darkened.

"Pin, don't play with fire."

The man's voice was dangerously low.

As if suppressing some turbulent emotions.

Yun Pianpian shrank in fright, and immediately released her red lips, pretending to be calm: "Bengong is going to be the queen, husband quickly wait for me to change."

Yun Pianpian couldn't help twitching her lips.

The two of them are really confusing.

Xiao Changyuan does not allow anyone to touch Yun Pian Pian, he likes to do everything by himself, and he especially likes to wait on Yun Pian Pian to dress and undress. Yun Pian Pian thought that Xiao Chang Yuan might prefer to help her get dressed, because when **** , several pieces of her clothes were torn by him.

The drapery is low, and the incense burner is misty.

Xiao Changyuan was expressionless.

Yun Pianpian thrushes her eyebrows while feeling funny in her heart. From ancient times to the present, in her own queen ceremony, she may be the only queen who has painted herself.

Who made her fall in love with this monopolistic tyrant...

The tyrant would not allow anyone to touch her.

She can only do it herself.

Fortunately, the cloud is elegant and fair, and the makeup is exquisite.

Yun Pianpian clearly saw the surprise in Xiao Changyuan's eyes.

I am very happy.

Xiao Changyuan led Yun Pianpian out of the bedroom.

Huang Yu and Feng Nian stopped in front of the bedroom, and the **** from the Sili Jian knelt on the ground and stepped on Yun Pian Pian as a stool: "Congratulations to the Empress on the Feng Nian."

According to the etiquette, the emperor and the queen should take the emperor and the phoenix to the Temple of Heaven to worship their ancestors.

However, Xiao Changyuan abandoned the emperor and took Yun Pianpian onto the phoenix chariot. Fortunately, the phoenix chariot was spacious enough to accommodate two people. Seeing Xiao Changyuan's behavior, the eunuchs in the gang were so frightened that they sweated and paled. They knew in their hearts that this was illegal, but none of them dared to persuade Xiao Changyuan.

Yun Pianpian whispered to Xiao Changyuan: "If you do this, I look more like a demon empress."

Xiao Changyuan comforted her: "The demon queen and the tyrant are the right match."

Yun Pianpian said: "But what if I want to be a virtuous queen?"

Xiao Changyuan pursed his lips and said, "Being a virtuous queen is very hard."

Yun pondered for a moment, and said, "Then I'll still be a demon queen."

Life is so short, of course, it is necessary to have fun and indulge in life.

The two black and white villains in Yun Pian Pian's mind began to make trouble.

White Justice Pian was so angry that she vomited blood: "Yun Pian Pian, are you falling too fast?!"

The black evil Pina happily put on a little phoenix robe: "How is she so fast? It's only been over a month, little justice, do you want to put on a phoenix robe to feel happy..."

The white justice said: "I don't want to touch...then let's get festive..."

The red brocade soft carpet spreads from the imperial road to the Temple of Heaven, like a dazzling red brocade ladder.

"The Emperor is here! The Queen is here!"

The chanting of the supervisor of the ceremonies came, and the civil and military officials and the court ordered women to kneel and worship, bowing their heads and shouting.

"Long live, long live the emperor."

"The Queen Mother Chitose Chitose Chitose Chitose."

The Temple of Heaven has three floors, each with nine steps, Xiao Changyuan led Yun Pianpian to walk on the jade steps covered with red brocade, Yun Pianpian's legs were a little weak, but because Xiao Changyuan was holding her by her side Holding her hand, she seemed to be approaching the shore like a pontoon, and every step was extremely steady.

In the melodious sound of bells, drums and harps.

The two slowly ascended to the Temple of Heaven.

The officials of the Ministry of Rites began to play and sing congratulatory messages, and Yun Pianpian and Xiao Changyuan burned incense to worship their ancestors.

The **** of Silijian bowed his head and presented the white jade phoenix seal and the golden book, Xiao Changyuan reached out and took the phoenix seal and the golden book, and handed them to Yun Pianpian, who took the phoenix seal and gold from him In the book, the two emperors and empresses stood at the highest point gracefully and looked down at all beings.

"Long live, long live the emperor."

"The Queen Mother Chitose Chitose Chitose Chitose."

Xiao Changyuan suddenly said coldly:


Everyone turned pale with fright, wondering what the moody tyrant wanted to do.

Xiao Changyuan raised his icy cold eyes.

He looked at the ministers coldly.

"My queen will live the same life as me, and share a long life."

As soon as these words came out, all the ministers were shocked.

They knew that His Majesty loved the Queen, but they didn't expect His Majesty to love her to such a degree that they would share the longevity with the Queen. : "Your Majesty, this move is against the ancestral system, and it is not reasonable. I hope Your Majesty think twice..."

Xiao Changyuan said coldly: "If it violates the ancestral system, then modify the ancestral system. If you can't modify it, then change to another minister who can modify it."

The old official of the Ministry of Rites was almost passed out by Xiao Changyuan's crazy words.

The rest of the courtiers did not dare to say much, and all bowed their heads and bowed. This time they all changed their language of worship.

"Long live, long live the emperor."

"Long live the queen, long live!"

Clouds: "…"

Are you really not struggling?

This is ancestral!

Yun Pianpian and Xiao Changyuan accepted the worship of everyone.

After the ceremony of conferring the empresses at the Temple of Heaven, Xiao Changyuan took Yun Pianpian to the outer court wall of the palace.

People kneeling in front of the city wall.

Crowded, endless.

"Long live, long live the emperor."

"Queen Empress Chitose..."

Liu Shun immediately interrupted the people's shouting: "Long live the empress, long live!"

The people were stunned for a while, and soon changed their words: "Long live the queen, long live, long live."

Yun Pian Pian: "..." I'm already numb.

The Praetorian Guards came up with five wooden boxes painted with gold and red bottom.

Yun Pian Pian was a little puzzled: "What are these?"

Xiao Changyuan waved his hand, and the guards opened the five wooden boxes.

Yun Pianpian took a deep breath.

These boxes are all filled with silver notes.

She has never seen so much money in her life.

Clouds: "…"

Is it not what I imagined it to be?

Xiao Changyuan took a stack of silver notes and handed it to Yun Pianpian.


Clouds: "…"

It was exactly what I imagined.

Xiao Changyuan said: "This is the 200,000 taels that Kuizhou Zhizhou greedy, Pian Pian has done a good job in fighting corruption, these silver notes should be rewarded to Pian Pian, but I think, Pian Pian should want to give these silver notes more Spread out."

Clouds: "…"

No, you were wrong.

You just want to eat the money.

Wait, what does Kuizhou know about me?

Xiao Changyuan saw that Yun Pian Pian didn't move, and thought she was embarrassed, so he stood by the city wall, raised his hand and threw the silver note in his hand. Excited cheers erupted, rushing to reach out to catch the silver bills falling from the sky.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you Your Majesty!"

"Long live the emperor!"

Xiao Changyuan turned his head and looked at Yun Pianpian.

"Fine, like me."

Clouds: "…"

It's really fun.

Think about it.

Sprinkling silver notes to the people is no different from feeding chickens with rice.

Clouds degenerate quickly.

She ran to the golden lacquered wooden box and grabbed a large amount of silver notes, ran to the city wall, and threw the silver notes out in the wind.

The sky is full of silver notes.

It fell like a snowflake.

A loud cheer erupted from under the city walls.

"Long live the Queen!"

"Get the cash!"

"Thank you, Empress!"

The people are like chickens pecking at the rice and grabbing the banknotes all over the place.

Cloud was having a great time.

She quickly scatters all the silver notes in the five gold-lacquered wooden boxes.

Blushing with excitement.

This feeling of spending money…

It's amazing!

Xiao Changyuan pinched Yunpian's pink cheeks.

"Have fun?"

Cloud nodded excitedly.

"Have fun."

Xiao Changyuan said: "Next time on your birthday, I will bring you here to scatter silver notes."

Clouds nodded like garlic.

Start looking forward to her birthday.


Is this the joy of a king?

She wants to be happy all the time.

After casting the banknotes, Xiao Changyuan took the clouds back to the palace on the dragon carriage. On the way, Yun Pianpian asked curiously, "Why does my husband like to throw silver notes?"

In the original book, Xiao Changyuan was moody and unpredictable. When he was happy, he threw silver bills on the city wall.

Xiao Changyuan whispered: "In order to give hope to this group of ants."

Yun Pianpian froze for a moment: "Hope?"

Xiao Changyuan said indifferently: "The ants are still living by stealth, but if this group of ants are only stealth forever, they will become the moths of the empire, eroding my country, causing the mountains and rivers to decay, and the country to fester, so I Give them hope, let them see the imperial power, look up to the imperial power, covet the imperial power, fight for the imperial power, fight for the imperial power, fight for it, and dye the beautiful mountains and rivers with their blood."

Cloud is confused.

"I don't understand."

Xiao Changyuan said: "It doesn't matter, I only need to dance on the ruins, and I don't need to understand the ruins."

Yun Pian Pian couldn't understand.

"I can't dance."

She can cook and make up, but she can't dance.

"You will."

Xiao Changyuan's ink eyes looked at Yun Pian Pian: "My Pian Pian dances on the tip of my heart every day."

Clouds: "…"

The boy's love words and tricks are getting more and more sophisticated!

It was overwhelming.

After the conferring ceremony is over, there will be a palace banquet in the evening.

Yun Pianpian sat beside Xiao Changyuan.

She found that not only the palace people dared not look up at her, but even the ministers and wives dared not look up at her.

Yun Pianpian whispered: "Do they all know about Chu Yi?"

Xiao Changyuan said: "Is this bad?"

Yun Pianpian thought about it and said, "It's actually quite good."

She used to feel that the palace was like an ornate tomb, full of intrigue and intrigue, and everyone could kill her.

But now, no one dares to kill her.

Because everyone was afraid she would kill them.

Halfway through the palace banquet, the minister of Honglu Temple presented a luminous wine jug: "Your Majesty, this is a luminous wine jug presented by Liguo. It is rumored that the wine poured from this jug can be remembered. How about a past life..."

Xiao Changyuan had no interest in the past life, but seeing Yun Pianpian's interest, he said, "Reward."

Liu Shun rewarded Honglu Temple with one hundred taels of gold.

Yun Pianpian took a sip of the wine poured out of the luminous wine bottle.

Xiao Changyuan took a sip of interest.

After the palace banquet was over, Xiao Changyuan took Yun Pianpian back to the palace.

After washing, the two lay on the dragon couch and practiced magic until midnight.

Yun Pian Pian was so tired that she fell asleep.

Xiao Changyuan heard her shallow and steady breathing, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

In my dream, I seemed to hear the crisp sound of Sanqing bell.

The sound is from far to near.

Xiao Changyuan saw a thick white fog.

He pushed the fog away.

I found myself back at the riverside of Jiangjia Village.

Two people lay by the creek.

The man is him, and the woman is the cloud.

This is where he and Yun Pian Pian met for the first time.

But Xiao Changyuan soon discovered that the woman was not Yun Pian Pian.

Because Yun Pian Pian's eyes are as smart as cat pupils.

And the woman's eyes are dull, like three souls have lost two.

She is the little palace maid.

Yun Pian Pian and Xiao Gong Mai are two completely different people.

Xiao Changyuan saw a very different story.

The little palace maid told "Xiao Changyuan" that she lost her memory, so the two men and women with amnesia became brothers and sisters and lived together in Jiangjia Village, but Xiao Changyuan clearly felt that "Xiao Changyuan" did not trust Xiao Changyuan Palace maid, Zhou Qiren and two villagers were bitten to death by a vicious tiger, "Xiao Changyuan" killed the tiger, Chen Bashan went to "Xiao Changyuan"'s house in the middle of the night to poison, but was killed by "Xiao Changyuan", Chen Bashan said before his death that everyone here They all wanted to kill him, which alienated the relationship between the little palace maid and "Xiao Changyuan", and "Xiao Changyuan" became more and more indifferent to the little palace maid. Zhao Rouyin was immersed in a pig cage, and the little palace maid did not dare to save her. Zhao Mao was beaten to death to save Zhao Rouyin, and Zhao Rouyin also drowned. Xie Yu was killed by the mountain bandits, and Mu Bo broke into the cottage alone and died by avenging Xie Yu. Later, "Xiao Changyuan" recovered his memory and went back to the palace. The little palace maid was killed by Chu Yi. There was blood in the palace, and corpses were everywhere.

"Xiao Changyuan" stood on the city wall to accept thousands of people kneeling down, throwing silver bills all over the sky, the lively cheers could not fill the emptiness in his heart.

He is more than ten thousand people.

But there was no one around.

No clouds.

Xiao Changyuan woke up from this nightmare.

Pupils tighten.

Breath of sweat on her back.

He stretched out his hand and pushed Yun Pian Pian: "Pian Pian, I had a nightmare."

Yun Pianpian said in a daze: "What nightmare?"

Xiao Changyuan said: "I dreamed that you didn't revive the body, the little palace maid was killed by Chu Yi, and I threw silver notes on the city wall alone."

Yun Pian Pian was so frightened that she immediately woke up.

"It wasn't a nightmare."

"What is it then?"

Yun Pianpian said hesitantly: "That is the real history, and the husband in history is a lonely man."

Xiao Changyuan looked at her deeply.

"I don't want to be a loner."

Yun Pianpian kissed his eyelashes: "I just crossed for this."

A butterfly flapped its wings.

Everyone's life begins to swerve.

The author has something to say:Thank you for voting for me during 2021-03-0421:19:33~2021-03-0523:58:12 Or the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Jiajia Qinghe, Caramel Pudding, 1 30 Million Little Wife; Thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!

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