MTL - Amnesia Tyrant’s White Moonlight-Chapter 72

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After a long time, Xiao Changyuan let go of Yun Pianpian's lips.

He looked down at her.

"Is what you just said the truth?"

The man's voice was hoarse and gentle, with a hint of uncertainty in his tone, like a vast sea of ​​clouds.

But I heard the cloud and my heart numb.

Yun Pianpian was a little shy when he stared at him with dark and hot eyes, she looked away, nodded with a blushing face, and said weakly, "It's the truth."

Xiao Changyuan saw the dodge in Yun Pianpian's eyes.

The hope in the bottom of her eyes gradually dimmed.

The emperor's handsome face was gradually covered with frost, and he reached out and hugged her tightly in his arms, and said fiercely: "Are you trying to escape again?"

Cloud: "?"

"My elegant, most deceitful lie, full of hypocrisy."

"But, I love the way she lies and deceives."

"Because of your hypocrisy, in my heart, all are sweet words."

Yun Pianpian was stunned for a moment, she did not expect that her courageous confession would fall into Xiao Changyuan's ears, but he was taken as a falsehood, she immediately frowned and explained: "How can I Is it falsehood? All the words I say are the truth from the bottom of my heart..."

Xiao Changyuan's thin lips pursed into a straight line.

Those dark and dark eyes were covered with frost.

"I don't believe in Pina."

Yun Pianpian wanted to raise her head, but was held tightly in his arms by Xiao Changyuan, Yun Pianpian had no choice but to ask aggrievedly in his arms: "Why don't you believe me?"

In front of me. My Pian Pian has no conscience, she is a liar who tells lies without blinking her eyes, she likes to lie and deceive people, I can't tell whether Pian Pian is telling the truth or a lie."

Yun Pian Pian originally felt a little guilty when she heard the first half of his sentence, but she immediately became unhappy when she heard the second half of his sentence.

She reached out and pushed him away: "You are the liar who lies and never blinks, and you have no conscience!"

Thinking of her refusal to him, the emperor's dark eyes were stained with coldness, he bit her ear and said in a hurry: "Sometimes, I really want to Lock up Pian Pian with iron chains, so that Pian Pian cannot leave me, and there is no way to seek death."

Yun Pian Pian was bitten by him, her whole body was weak, her cheeks were flushed, and her body was soft like a puddle of spring mud.

"Because I am reluctant."

Yun Pian Pian heard this, and the tip of her heart was slightly sour, but this sourness was soon covered with mellow and sweet honey, forming a sweet and sour candied fruit.

She seemed to understand his unease.

Because she has gone too far in the past.

"Xiao Changyuan."

Yun Pian Pian rarely calls him by name.

He looked down at her.

The dark ink eyes are like a silent cold abyss.

The cold and handsome face was as cold as ice.

"What do you want to say?"

Yun Pianpian stretched out her fair and slender arms and wrapped it around Xiao Changyuan's waist: "I used to be wrong, it was me who had no conscience, it was my self-willedness, it was me who was a bastard, but from now on, I Guarantee that every word I say is the truth, I like you, I want to make up for you, I want to be with you forever, Yun Pianpian loves Xiao Changyuan, Xiao Changyuan believes in Yun Pianpian once, okay?"

Bright and warm sunshine.

It pours like silk.

Tips, wisps.

Slowly shone into the dark and deep cold abyss.

After a while, Yun Pianpian heard his cold voice: "Then why did you hide from me?"

Yun Pianpian was stunned for a moment, and her clear and beautiful apricot eyes looked at him and said, "When did I avoid you?"

Xiao Changyuan turned his handsome face and said displeasedly, "When you said you loved me just now, you didn't dare to look me in the eyes, you must be lying."


"I dare."

"I dare to look at you anytime."

Yun Pianpian looked at Xiao Changyuan suspiciously.



Yun Pian stood on tiptoe, raised her head and kissed Xiao Changyuan.

Xiao Changyuan's eyes were slightly lost.

The cold and jade-like face gradually rose to a faint red.

But his dark and dark eyes did not move away from Yun Pian Pian's face.

Yun Pianpian reached out and held Xiao Changyuan's handsome face and kissed it two, three, four, five...

Xiao Changyuan finally held up Yun Pianpin's head unbearably, and kissed him fiercely and hastily.

After a while, Yun Pianpian pushed him away with a blushing face, and argued with reason: "Look, you are also shy, don't you dare to look at me when you are shy?"

"I don't."

Yun Pianpian asked: "Nothing? No shyness, or did you dare not look at me?"

Xiao Changyuan pursed his lips and said nothing.

With a handsome face.

Yun Pianpian said: "That means both?"

Xiao Changyuan lowered his handsome face, and became angry with shame, he hugged Yun Pianpian by the waist, and walked towards the dragon couch. If it was in the past, Yun Pianpian might have felt scared when he saw his icy appearance. But now, she clearly saw his blood-red ears, so she didn't have the slightest fear in her heart, but felt like fireworks were blooming in her heart, and the corners of her lips couldn't stop rising.

"Husband, did you not let me kiss you before because you were shy?"

"Shut up."

"Husband, is it because you're shy that you won't let me talk now?"

"Shut up."

"Husband, are you..."

All the words of the girl were swallowed by the emperor fiercely and drowned in the storm.

The rain and dew will rest.

Yun Pianpian leaned into Xiao Changyuan's arms, her body was weak and weak, she asked him with red cheeks: "Do you believe me now, husband?"

Yun Pianpian said in a tender voice: "I know, my husband already believes in me, he loves me the most."

Xiao Changyuan did not speak.

Yun Pian Pian had many questions in her heart. In the past, she only wanted to escape, so she did not dare to ask more questions. But now, the two of them have cleared away their previous misunderstandings, and Yun Pian Pian has put the questions that have been accumulated in her heart these days. and asked.

"At that time in Jiangjia Village, after the husband regained his memory, why didn't he immediately go back to the palace to regain the throne that belonged to the husband? Is it because of me?"

In the original book, Xiao Changyuan immediately returned to the palace after recovering his memory, but in reality, Xiao Changyuan did not do this.

Xiao Changyuan lowered his eyelashes and said in a calm tone, "I'm not interested in those ants, and I don't want to waste time on them. For me, returning to the palace is just a choice. Made the choice for me to return to the palace."

This is a somewhat arrogant statement.

But Xiao Changyuan does have the qualifications to be arrogant.

He is invincible and invincible.

There is nothing in this world that he can't do, and there is no person he can't beat, as long as he wants, he can easily do everything he wants.

The key is whether he wants it or not.

Yun Pianpian raised his head and looked at Xiao Changyuan.

"Doesn't your husband like the throne?"

Xiao Changyuan looked down at her, his eyes dark and deep.

"I don't like it, I only like Yun Pian Pian."

Yun Pianpian blushed when he said it, and every time he spoke his love so naturally and calmly, as if it was not a love story, but a truth.

Yun Pianpian still had many questions, she continued to ask: "Why does my husband never ask me about the future after learning that I am from the future? The husband does not want to know the future development of the Mexican country. How about it? Don't you want to know what will happen in a thousand years?"

It stands to reason that if a normal person learns that she is a future person who borrowed a corpse to bring back her soul, she should immediately ask a Taoist priest to exorcise the ghost, but Xiao Changyuan is not a normal person, so he did not choose to exorcise the ghost. Yun Pianpian can understand this, because Xiao Changyuan really doesn't look like a normal person, but what she can't understand is that Xiao Changyuan has never asked her about her future.

Xiao Changyuan pursed his thin lips slightly, and said, "Because I only care about the results, not the past and the future."

This is indeed Xiao Changyuan's answer.

But Yun Pian Pian felt that this sentence could not convince her.

"Husband, I want to hear the truth."

Xiao Changyuan hugged Yun Pianpian tightly in his arms, as if he wanted to imprison her in his arms forever.

After a while, he said in a deep voice: "I don't want you to recall the future. The future development will be much higher than the past, you come from the future, you must not despise here, I don't want you to leave, I want to imprison you in this world forever, so that you can never think of the future."

Yun Pian Pian was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that she would hear this answer. She said blankly: "I thought my husband hated me at that time and wanted to punish me forever..."

Xiao Changyuan hugged her tightly: "I never hated you from the beginning to the end, I just want to hug you so that you can never leave me..."

Yun Pianping's eyes were a little sour.

It turned out that he felt uneasy from then on, but she only thought about how to escape.

The more he loves her.

The more she felt that she was not a thing.

Yun Pianpian stretched out her arms around Xiao Changyuan's waist, buried her pink cheeks in his arms, and said softly, "Husband, I'm sorry."

Xiao Changyuan said: "It doesn't matter, no matter what Pian Pian does, I will forgive Pian Pian."

He paused and asked her in a low voice, "I also did bad things to Pian Pian, can Pian Pian forgive me?"

Yun Pian Pian's eyes were slightly red.

"I forgive you."

It turns out that the most tender words in this world are not that I love you, but that I forgive you.


After the two got back together, the day of Yun Pianpian's consecration ceremony is getting closer and closer. Xiao Changyuan took the phoenix robe from Xiu Niang's hand.

"You step back."

Everyone left the palace as ordered.

Xiao Changyuan personally helped Yun Pianpian put on the phoenix robe. He didn't like letting others touch her. Help her measure.

He put on this phoenix robe of vermilion woven gold silk phoenix dragging the ground for her, and there was a hint of exclamation in his cold eyes.

"I'm so pretty."

Yun Pianpian took a picture of the floor-to-ceiling bronze mirror, the clothes fit well, and she was very satisfied.

So I have to reward the embroidered mother.

Yun Pianpian called the palace people in and asked Xiu Niang, "What's your name?"

When Xiu Niang heard this, her face turned pale with fright, and she knelt on the ground shaking like a sieve: "My lady, spare your life, My lady..."

The rest of the embroiderers knelt down and begged for mercy.

Yun Pian Pian was stunned: "I didn't say I would kill you..." She turned around and looked at Xiao Changyuan: "What happened to them?"

Xiao Changyuan frowned and looked at Xiu Niang, his voice was cold and cold: "The queen asked you to wait, didn't you hear it?"

Xiao Niang was so frightened that her face was as pale as paper, and she explained tremblingly: "That day, His Majesty killed Chu Yi because he heard the name of the traitor Chu Yi from the mother's mouth. The slaves are afraid that they will follow in their footsteps..."

Yun Pian Pian was stunned and said, "I asked your name not to kill you, but to reward you."

She finally understood why the palace servants who served her never dared to look up at her.

It turned out that she became the judge in the eyes of everyone.

Whoever reads his name will die.

Yun Pianpian asked Liu Shun to bring a pile of gold to Xiu Niang. Xiu Niang hurriedly knelt down and thanked her.

After the palace people retired, Yun Pianpian looked at Xiao Changyuan: "Husband, is Chu Yi really dead?"

Xiao Changyuan looked cold: "Why does Pian Pian care so much about this ant?"

Yun Pianpian explained: "Because in history, the country of Mexico finally died in Chu Yi. I am worried that Chu Yi will not die and will wait for the opportunity to take revenge on her husband."

Yun Pianpian always felt that this matter was not so simple, because Chu Yi had the aura of the protagonist.


Mass Burial Mound in the suburbs of Beijing.

A little girl carved in pink and jade is instructing a gray-haired old man to dig a grave.

The little girl was about six or seven years old, wearing purple clothes, with three silver bells hanging on her forehead, making clear bells when she moved.

And the old man looked seventy or eighty years old, his eyes were dull, his skin was blue and purple, and he looked like a puppet.

After digging the grave, the old man stood beside the little girl.

The little girl opened the silver box in her hand. The silver box contained a purple worm. The worm smelled the smell of dead corpses, and immediately climbed out of the silver box and got into the fresh Inside the corpse, the little girl shook the bell on her wrist, and the Gu insect returned to the silver box after it was full.

The little girl led the old man back to the thatched cottage.

In the thatched cottage.

Chu Yi opened his eyes, he found that he was not dead, but was in a wooden barrel, which was poured with black concoction, he wanted to stand up, but his limbs were weak, he Unable to move, Chu Yi heard the crisp sound of the bell, and a little girl jumped in and ran in. After seeing him, the little girl's eyes lit up.

"You're awake."

Chu Yi looked at the old man behind the little girl.

"You saved me?"

The little girl smiled innocently: "He is just a puppet, I am the one who saves you."

Chu Yi was stunned, looked away from the old man, and landed on the little girl's face.

Although the little girl is smiling.

But Chu Yi felt that her smile made his scalp tingle.

"Who are you?"

The little girl smiled and said, "My name is Jiang Jiang, the daughter of the Southern Border Gu King."

Chu Yi was stunned: "Didn't the Southern Border Gu Forest be driven out by Xiao Changyuan?"

Jiang Jiang let out a silver bell-like laughter: "All the brothers are dead, and my father is gone. I am the only one left alive, and I have no relatives."

Chu Yi felt that her laughter was very permeating.

"Why did you save me?"

"Because you are special."

Jiang Jiang smiled and said: "You have already swallowed your breath, but you are not dead. You can be made into a puppet by me, just like the limitless."

Chu Yi was startled: "Who did you say?"

"Extremely immeasurable."

Jiang Jiang reached out and pointed at the old man behind him: .

"He is infinite."

Although Chu Yi has been a high-ranking temple in the past few years, he has heard a lot of things in the rivers and lakes, especially when the four masters were famous all over the world, like thunder, he once heard that the head of the four masters was extremely famous Wuliang disappeared after killing his wife and children by mistake. He didn't expect to see him today in this broken thatched hut, and he was made into a puppet.

Jiang Jiang smiled and said: "It seems that you know him, so I don't need to introduce you, anyway, you will become my puppet soon, it doesn't matter if you introduce him or not."

Chu Yi's heart turned back and forth, looked up at the little girl: "Don't you want to take revenge on Xiao Changyuan?"

Jiang Jiang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Before my father died, he told me to never take revenge."

Chu Yi said: "But I want to take revenge on Xiao Changyuan. You might as well pass on your extremely immeasurable martial arts to me, and I can take revenge on Xiao Changyuan in person."

Jiang Jiang hesitated: "But I can't go against my father's will."

Chu Yi raised his lips slowly: "I'm just taking revenge for myself, it has nothing to do with you, and you haven't violated the old instructions of the old Gu King."

Jiang Jiang thought about it for a while, and a naive smile appeared on her small face: "You are so smart, I like smart puppets."

The author has something to say:This book will be finished this month!

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 3 pieces; 1 caramel pudding; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles; 1 bottle of floating life;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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