MTL - Amnesia Tyrant’s White Moonlight-Chapter 41

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Xiao Changyuan flew back into the yard with light energy.

In order not to disturb his wife, Xiao Changyuan did not make any sound.

He raised his foot and walked slowly behind Yun Pianpian.

Yun Pian Pian didn't notice it at all.

Xiao Changyuan lowered his black eyelashes and looked at the rice paper on the table.

His wife hasn't finished copying the scriptures...

Is it true that idiots copy scriptures slower than ordinary people?

In Xiao Changyuan's dark and deep ink eyes, there was a faint doubt.

Yun Pian Pian did not know that Xiao Chang Yuan was standing behind her.

Holding a rabbit pen in her hand, she immersed herself in copying a book on the desk, copying two words, she would be distracted for half a second, remembering the conversation just now, her face was hot, and she felt strong. I continued to copy the scriptures, but I didn't copy two or three words, and I started to lose my mind again...

It took her two sticks of incense to finish copying this verse.

Yun Pian Pian just put down the rabbit pen in his hand when he heard Xiao Chang Yuan's cold and low voice behind him.


Yun Pian Pian's eyelashes trembled.

The rabbit pen in his hand fell to the ground.

A crisp sound.

Yun Pianpian clutched her little heart, which was so frightened that it jumped alive.

turned around.

He raised his head and looked at Xiao Changyuan blankly: "When did your husband come back? Why is there no sound at all..."

Xiao Changyuan whispered: "I learned the breath-holding technique."

Yun Pianpian was stunned for a moment, and said, "Breath-holding art?"

The lady is here..."

Yun Pianpian did not expect that Xiao Changyuan actually took the nonsense she just said unreasonably to heart, and went to Wanshanke specifically to learn the breath-holding exercise to solve this problem, thinking of this, Yun Pianpian Feeling guilty for a while.

In fact, Xiao Changyuan's breath did not affect her at all.

She was just making trouble for nothing.

Yun Pian Pian is looking down at herself.

Xiao Changyuan's slightly hoarse voice was suddenly heard in his ear.

"My lady, I came back early."

Yun Pianpian raised her eyes blankly when she heard this.


She didn't understand what Xiao Changyuan meant.

Xiao Changyuan just looked down at her.

In those dark and gloomy eyes, there was a wanton, dangerous and greedy ink.

The man's eyes were black and bright, making her cheeks a little hot for no reason.

Xiao Changyuan leaned closer to her, rolled his throat, and his voice was low and hoarse.

"My lady, I want my reward."

Yun Pianpian was carried into the room by Xiao Changyuan, and he put her on the dressing table.

She blushed, clenched the placket on his chest, raised her neck, held his breath and rewarded him ten times on his handsome face, Xiao Changyuan buckled her head, The number of rewards has multiplied several times, and hastily returned it to Yun Pian Pian.

The room is warm and charming.

In the yard, the few pages of rice paper with scriptures written on them were rattled by the cold winter wind.

Scripture: "..." You continue when I am not there.

Hey hey hey, do you really think I don't exist? !


Yun Pianpian feels that since she started rewarding Xiao Changyuan.

The Great Tyrant became more and more attached to her.

Wherever she goes, his eyes will follow her and follow her closely.

In the past, Xiao Changyuan would occasionally go up the mountain to hunt alone, but now Yun Pianpian doesn’t go, and he refuses to go up the mountain. Behind her, guarding her every step of the way.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the hands of the clouds will turn red from the cold water.

She doesn't want to go to the river to do laundry.

Xiao Changyuan said proactively, "I'll help the lady do the laundry."

He began to think in his mind how many times he could ask his wife for a reward for washing clothes.

Yun Pianpian thought about it, and said: "It's still not good."

A few times, Yun Pianpian went to the shore, and the little girls were envious of her having such a virtuous husband, but there were still many nasty long-tongued women talking about her behind her back.

They said that she would be lawless because of her husband's love, and sooner or later she would be rejected by her husband.

These words were only ignored by Yun Pianpian, but she was afraid that these words would be heard by Xiao Changyuan, because she knew that Xiao Changyuan would not give up, she wanted to avoid Xiao Changyuan as much as possible Conflict with these long-tongued women.

"My husband fills the water tank for me and heats the water with internal energy. I'll do the laundry."

The domestic water in Jiangjia Village comes from the nearby rivers. Every household in the village uses buckets to fetch water from the river bank and pours the water into the water tank for use. Xiao Changyuan uses buckets to go back and forth for six times. It takes a lot of time to fill a tank, which he feels is a waste of time.

"I take the water tank directly to the river to fetch water, which is more convenient."

Yun Pianpian was worried that Xiao Changyuan’s actions would be too conspicuous, and would attract the attention of Chu Yi and Prince Rui who had been placed in various counties. Yun Pianpian wanted to keep a low profile, so she suggested: " Then let's go to fetch water in the dead of night at night, and it's better not to let other people know about the high strength of your husband's martial arts, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble..."

Xiao Changyuan felt that his wife was too timid. It was because of this that Xiao Changyuan felt that his wife needed his protection all the time. After leaving him, his wife would definitely not survive. Go down: "Okay, let's fetch water at night."

The villagers of Jiangjia Village go to bed very early every day, and before the 1st hour, every household turns off the lights.

Xiao Changyuan raised the water tank in the stove with one hand and walked towards the river bank.

Yun Pianpily followed behind him with two empty buckets.

The two came to the river, Xiao Changyuan and Yun Pianpian each had a bucket and filled the water tank. They were halfway busy when an old man's voice suddenly came from behind: "You guys fill the water like this. When will it be installed? If I want the old man to tell me, I should learn the old man's water diversion palm..."

Wan Shanke walked out from the dark corner, the dim moonlight reflected on his old face.

"The old man's water diversion palm can direct water into the water tank without using a bucket to carry water."

Xiao Changyuan frowned slightly when he heard Wan Shanke's voice.

The old man's footsteps are so soft...

When he just fetched water, he didn't even notice the old man was behind him.

Although Xiao Changyuan can be tied with Wan Shanke, Wan Shanke's Qinggong is higher than Xiao Changyuan's Qinggong.

Yun Pianpian asked: "What is the water diversion palm?"

"This is the Diversion Palm."

Wanshanke raised his palm slowly, a surprising scene happened, the river began to churn, like a river pouring backwards, pulled by Wanshanke's palm wind, the river water poured into the water continuously In the tank, Wan Shanke withdrew his hand and looked at Yun Pian Pian with a smile.

"What do you think of this water diversion palm?"

"Senior is amazing!"

When Xiao Changyuan heard Yun Pianpian's words, his handsome face suddenly turned cold, his thin lips pursed slightly.

He doesn't like to hear his wife compliment others.

His wife can only praise him.

Wan Shanke saw Xiao Changyuan's face changed suddenly, his old eyes, his smile deepened, he finally knew how to convince this young man to follow him to learn martial arts, Wan Shanke's face With a smile, he looked at Yun Pian Pian kindly.

"Do you want to learn water diversion palm?"

Yun Pian Pian nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Think about it!"

Wan Shanke smiled and said, "Although Pian Pian girl has no basic skills, she is talented and intelligent. After three years and five years of study, she can definitely learn it."

Yun Pian Pian was stunned, and said with a sad face: "It's taking so long..."

Wan Shanke said: "But the little friend Shitou is different, he has a clear skeleton and excellent talent. Xiao Youzhi is not here, and he is unwilling to practice martial arts with this old man. It’s a pity, it’s a pity…”

Wan Shanke looked at Yun Pianpian with a look of sadness.

Yun Pianpian immediately reached out and hugged Xiao Changyuan's arm when she heard this.

"Husband, can you learn martial arts with your seniors?"

The girl blinked, her cheeks rosy.

The clear and beautiful apricot eyes were filled with hopes and requests for him.

"Is it good for your husband to learn martial arts from seniors?"

Xiao Changyuan looked down at Yun Pianpin with a pleading face.

How could he say no to his wife.

Xiao Changyuan heard his voice.


Wan Shanke finally got Xiao Changyuan as his apprentice.

In the next few days, Xiao Changyuan would go to Wanshan Ke to learn martial arts every day. But he was always distracted, and every time he learned a few tricks, he would look at Yun Pian Pian a few times.

Wan Shanke was a little angry: "The old man is teaching you martial arts, what do you always see her doing?"

Xiao Changyuan said coldly: "You are not my wife, why should I see you?"

Wan Shanke was so angry with Xiao Changyuan that he was speechless for a while.

After practicing for a few days, Wan Shanke finally got used to the young man's personality of loving his wife like his life, and he turned a blind eye to Xiao Changyuan's distraction. Although Xiao Changyuan was attached to Yun Pian Pian, he learned martial arts very quickly.

In just a few days, I learned nearly 60% of Wanshanke's palm techniques.

Wan Shanke praised: "Your foundation is very good, especially this internal strength, which has the shadow of Brother Qiu Xue back then, but it is stronger than his internal strength."

Seeing that Xiao Changyuan did not speak, Wan Shanke thought he had never heard of Qian Qiuxue, so he explained to him: "Brother Qiu Xue is Qian Qiuxue, one of the four masters. The other three are also known as the Four Great Masters: Qian Qiu Xue, Jian Diyue, and Extreme Boundless. The four of us have unique skills in martial arts. Brother Qian Xue is good at internal skills and hidden weapons. I heard that he later joined the Mexican court and guided him. I used to be the current emperor, but then I don’t know what happened, I resigned from the official position, and went back to the mountains and forests…”

Xiao Changyuan is not interested in many things other than his wife.

The only person he is interested in is his wife.

But Yun Pian Pian is very interested in martial arts.

"What are you good at, senior?"

Wan Shanke stroked his beard and said with a smile, "This old man is good at light and palm techniques."

Xiao Changyuan heard Wan Shanke's words in his ears.

No wonder he didn't notice the footsteps of this old man that day.

It turned out to be because he was good at light work.

Yun Pianpian asked curiously, "What about the remaining two seniors?"

"Brother Diyue is good at swordsmanship and medicine, and brother Wuliang is good at true qi..." Speaking of which, Wan Shanke suddenly said, "Speaking of which, Shitou's palm is so fierce, it is very suitable for following the bottom. Brother Yue practiced swordsmanship, Brother Di Yue was the number one swordsman in the world back then, he defeated the invincible player in the world, but then he lost to Brother Wuliang.

Yun Pian Pian's eyelashes trembled slightly when she heard this.

"Lingxu Mountain?"

The peerless master who taught Chu Yi the profound inner strength for 80 years lived in seclusion in Lingxu Mountain.

Is that the master of the world is Jian Diyue?

Wan Shanke looked at Yun Pian Pian: "Could it be that Pian Pian knows about Lingxu Mountain?"

Yun Pianpian lied as usual: "I once heard that Lingxu Mountain is picturesque and it is a good place to go out and escape the summer."

Wan Shanke recalled: "The scenery there is indeed pleasant, and it is a good place to play. If you want to play, maybe you can meet Brother Diyue there. If you meet Brother Diyue , remember to help the old man say hello to him."

Yun nodded and said, "Yes, senior."

Wan Shanke patted the ashes on his body: "Let's practice here today."

Cloud said: "Okay."

Xiao Changyuan and Yun Pianpian left the forest.

Before leaving, Xiao Changyuan glanced into the depths of the jungle.

He knew that there were two people hiding in the deep forest, but he couldn't feel the killing intent of the other party, so he didn't speak all the time. people, so they deliberately sent him and his wife away.

Xiao Changyuan picked up Yun Pianpian by the waist and left the forest with light work.

After they left, Wan Shanke said to the two people deep in the jungle with sound transmission: "Come out."

Zhao Rouyin and Zhao Mao came out from the depths of the jungle.

"Senior." "Senior."

Wan Shanke asked, "What are you sneaking and hiding in the forest to watch us practice martial arts?"

Zhao Rouyin pushed Zhao Mao.

Zhao Mao knelt on the ground.

Zhao Rouyin looked up at Wan Shanke and said, "I also ask senior to accept my younger brother Jiang Mao as a disciple."

In the past few days, Zhao Rouyin has been in the city looking for a master for Zhao Mao, and she accidentally learned that the old man who was a guest at Jiang Cuicui's house was one of the four masters of the past. I wonder who else is in this world Would it be more suitable to be her brother's master than the four masters?

So Zhao Rouyin and Zhao Mao specially came to worship Wan Shanke as a teacher.

Wan Shanke looked down at Zhao Mao, although this guy is not as talented as Xiao Changyuan, but he is also a good seedling out of a thousand miles. Long, there are so many young people who are suitable for practicing martial arts.

Wan Shanke deliberately said: "This old man doesn't teach everyone."

Zhao Rouyin followed and knelt on the ground: "If senior doesn't want to teach my brother, we won't be able to kneel."

Wan Shanke glanced at her, this girl is a bit chivalrous, he saw the shadows of many chivalrous women on her.

He deliberately tested them and left without a word.

After Wan Shanke left, Zhao Maocai said, "Sister, why don't we forget it, he doesn't want to teach us at all."

Speaking, Zhao Mao was about to get up and reached out to help Zhao Rouyin.

Zhao Rouyin grabbed Zhao Mao's arm and forced him to kneel down.

"Keep kneeling until he promises to accept you as his disciple."

Zhao Mao said with a bitter face: "Sister, the weather is so cold, what if we get cold and sick?"

Zhao Rouyin said with a stern face: "If you are cold, take medicine, and if you freeze to death, erect a tombstone. You are afraid of your hands and feet all day long, how can you achieve great things?"

Zhao Mao: "..." Is the big thing in your eyes the pursuit of Yun Pianpian? !

Zhao Mao dared not speak out, so he had to follow his sister to kneel in the woods.

At night, the cold wind in the mountain forest made Zhao Mao burst into tears, and Zhao Rouyin's body was a little shaky.

It was time for Hai Shi, and they actually knelt in the forest for nearly three hours.

Zhao Mao once again retreated: "Sister, let's forget it..."

He is fat and able to keep out the cold.

But his sister is so thin.

Zhao Mao was worried that his sister's body could not stand the cold wind.

Zhao Rouyin said: "What does it count?! If you don't freeze me to death today, don't even think about it!"

Zhao Mao frowned slightly when he heard Zhao Rouyin's words.

He lowered his head, thought about it seriously, looked up at Zhao Rouyin, and solemnly assured her: "Sister, I promise you, in the future I will definitely find someone better than Wanshanke. Good master, the weather is so cold, let's go back."

As soon as the voice fell, a loud and hearty laughter came from behind.

"Where can you find a better master than this old man?"

Zhao Rouyin and Zhao Mao turned back together, but saw Wan Shanke walking out of the forest.

"Senior!" "Senior!"

Wan Shanke said kindly: "What is the name of the senior? It's called Master."

Zhao Rouyin's eyes were full of ecstasy, and she pulled Zhao Mao and kowtowed three times to Wanshanke.




Zhao Rouyin didn't dare to see Xiao Changyuan, so Wan Shanke taught Xiao Changyuan during the day and came to teach Zhao Mao and Zhao Rouyin at night.

Xiao Changyuan is extremely talented and learns very quickly.

Zhao Mao is just as talented as Zhao Rouyin. Although he learns slowly, he is very diligent.

Unconsciously, half a month passed.

It's finally the day when Wanshanke will leave Jiangjia Village.

Wan Shanke came to Jiangjia Village to visit the village chief and Jiang Cuicui.

Unexpectedly, he accepted three apprentices, which is why he stayed for such a long time.

On the occasion of parting, Yun Pianpian and Xiao Changyuan came to see Wan Shanke off.

Wan Shanke gave Xiao Changyuan a book of martial arts and let him practice more.

Xiao Changyuan nodded: "Thank you, Master."

Until this moment, Xiao Changyuan sincerely regarded Wan Shanke as his master.

Wan Shanke patted Xiao Changyuan on the shoulder, smiled and replied, "Eh."

He was about to leave when two voices suddenly came from behind him.

"Master!" "Master!"

Wan Shanke turned around, but found that Zhao Rouyin and Zhao Mao came over with a burden.

"What are you doing?"

Zhao Rouyin said: "We will continue to learn martial arts with Master."

She learned from Zhao Mao too slowly, after so many days of study, she didn't even learn Wanshanke Yicheng's skills, although Wanshanke gave them martial arts and let them continue to follow the secret book Cultivation, but how could it be possible to cultivate faster with Wan Shanke's side.

Wanshanke said: "This old man is a family all over the world, and Wanshan is a guest. You will not be used to this kind of life."

Zhao Rouyin said: "If we can't endure this hardship, we can come back at any time."

Wan Shanke thought about it for a while, and said, "It's fine for Mao'er to follow me, you are a little girl, and you will marry in the future, so don't follow me."

Zhao Rouyin said loudly, "My disciple doesn't want to get married."

Because the disciple wants to marry Yun Pian Pian!

Wan Shanke didn't know that Zhao Rouyin had such lofty ambitions in her heart.

He just thought she was going to show affection, so he said: "That's good."

The three were walking towards the mountain road when Zhao Rouyin suddenly stopped.

Wan Shanke asked: "What's wrong?"

Zhao Rouyin said as if making up her mind: "Teacher still has a very important thing to do."

After saying that, Zhao Rouyin carried her burden and ran to stand at the entrance of the village to say goodbye to Yun Pianpian.

Zhao Mao had a bad premonition in his heart, he quickly grabbed Wan Shanke's arm, and said in a terrified voice, "Master! Go and save my sister!"

Wan Shanke asked, "What's wrong with your sister?"

Zhao Mao cried and said with a fat face: "My sister may be looking for her to die!"

Zhao Rouyin rushed straight to Yun Pianpian, she didn't know how long she was going to wander outside.

Before leaving, she must kiss Yun Yan.

Xiao Changyuan broke his arm again.

Anyway, her brother is now protected by Wanshanke.

She's not afraid of anything.

In the end, before Zhao Rouyin was close to Yun Pianpian, Xiao Changyuan raised his palm, and his palm was sharp, with a chilling killing intent, and slammed her hard. At the critical moment, Wan Shanke raised his palm He caught Xiao Changyuan's killer move, picked up Zhao Rouyin's back collar, and fled with light effort.

Wanshan passenger traveled halfway, picked up Zhao Mao's back collar, left Zhao Rouyin, right Zhao Mao, and flew into the sky.

Wanshanke's hearty laughter was left in the sky.

"Stone disciple, there will be a period in the future!"

Zhao Rouyin screamed in the sky, "Yun Pianpian! You have to wait for me! You have to wait for me!"

Yun Pianpian was stunned for a while, then turned her face and looked at Xiao Changyuan.

"Why did she make me wait for her?"

Yun Pianpian thought of Zhao Rouyin's reckless rush over, and she was a little puzzled.

"What was Miss Yinyin trying to do just now?"

Xiao Changyuan remembered the picture just now, and his killing intent skyrocketed, and his whole body exuded bloodthirsty anger, but the moment his anger met Yun Pianpian, it was all suppressed and sealed in the cold In the deep ink pool.

He looked down at Yun Pian Pian.

The dark and cold eyes are as deep as a cold pool.

There was a dim light.

"She wants to hit the lady."

Yun Pian Pian's face froze.

Slightly widened her clear and beautiful apricot eyes.


Are you and your ancient mistresses so mad?

How dare you do it in front of so many people? !

Yun Pianpian took a deep breath when she heard this.

…Damn, this is too much!

Yun Pianpian took a deep breath, and shouted to the figure far away in the sky: "Just wait and see for me!"

"Jiang Yinyin! Just wait and see!

Xiao Changyuan heard Yun Pian Pian's angry words.

The killing intent in his heart was slightly reduced.

Xiao Changyuan's eyes were cold, and his pale lips were slightly raised.

Want to grab a wife with him?

In the next life.

No, not in the next life.

It is impossible to live forever.

In this way, two beautiful and moving girls, full of diametrically opposed intentions, parted in the winter.

Zhao Rouyin left Jiangjia Village with her strong love for Yun Pian Pian.

Yun Pian Pian stayed in Jiangjia Village with the anger of being provoked by her.

In opposite directions, go their separate ways.

The author has something to say:Thank you for voting for me during 2021-01-3017:30:05~2021-01-3118:42:10 Or the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 2 Axiao; 1 caramel pudding; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of light;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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