MTL - Always with the Old Attack-Chapter 90 . And the Prince

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There was a lot of public discussion under the stage. Xu Jinyi and Sa Ri stood on the opposite side, with a distance of seven or eight meters.

Sa Ri slaps into a fist, and a click sound is heard at the joints. She proudly raises her chin and glances at Xu Jinyi provocatively. Like the audience, Sa Ri thinks that he can scoop up the thin waste in front of the earth with only one finger.

With the order of the adjudicator next to him, Sa Ri, like a mighty brown bear, bumped his head against it, and the wooden platform under Xu Jinyi's feet shook like a quake.

"Okay!" The people in the audience shouted loudly and raised their arms to cheer for Sarri.

Xu Jinyi stood still and did not move. The people in the audience thought that Xu Jinyi was frightened by the panic. He shouted even more intensely, "General Saari, take him out of office!"

Seeing that Sa Ri ’s head was only a few centimeters away from Xu Jinyi ’s chest, everyone seemed to have seen Xu Jinyi being lifted up by General Sa Ri ’s body, and then replanted under the stage, and a spit of blood was sprayed from his chest into the air. Then dripped onto the ring.

They grinned, their smiles still stiffened.

Into the eyes is a completely different picture than everyone imagined.

At the moment when Sa Ri touched Xu Jinyi's chest, Xu Jinyi was as divine as a helper, and one wrong step was three steps away from where he had just stood. He was more than three times as strong as Sa Ri, who was too late to stop and still held his head. Continue to bump forward.

Fortunately, although Sarri was physically stout, he was extremely fit, trotting with his feet, and stopping. At this point, she was only half a step away from the edge of the ring.

Instead of flying Xu Jinyi like a kick in the imagination, he lost face. Sa Ri was so angry that two adult men's nostrils the size of the belly of their fingers narrowed and panted, matching her sturdy black body, it really looked like a stupid brown bear.

Gesangen and Gesanghua yelled loudly. Among the quiet crowd, they were quite standing out.

Both Gesangen and Gesanghua are only Huyenhe's slaves. Although they are highly valued by Huyenhe and their status in the tribe is unusual, Sa Ri, who is a proud noble, did not look at his brothers and sisters .

At this moment, the two brothers and sisters acted as supporters for Xu Jinyi, and Hu Yanhe surrounded by the two also smiled, which deeply stabbed Sa Ri's eyes.

She narrowed her eyes, like an enraged brown bear, desperate to tear the enemy in front of her.

Sa Ri exhaled deeply, and this time she gave up her previous posture, posed a defensive posture with both hands, sighed, and rushed towards Xu Jinyi.

Xu Jinyi still looks like he did not take everything into account before. This time, the speed of Sa Ri is more than twice as fast. Xu Jinyi still looks like a ghost and disappears in the audience's incredible eyes.

The last second Saari was about to touch his chest, the next second he was already holding his arms and standing next to him a full three steps away from the place.

Sa Ri made another blow, and she finally stopped and turned around to see Xu Jinyi holding her arms standing opposite, landing on her, fluttering, like a playful look.

Sa sunrise is angry, and a pair of small eyes with small slits emit fierce light, and the killing intention is not concealed.

Once again, her speed was fast again, and the originally silent crowd began to cheer for her, and the high-pitched shouts continued.

"Fly him! General Sarri! Fly him!"

But she disappointed the audience once again, and when Sa Ri returned to God, Xu Jinyi still stood aside, holding her defeated high above the ground.

The tribe all agreed, and slowly lowered their fists, watching the mysterious juvenile on the field like a moon god.

Three times in a row, General Sarri, known for his bravery, was defeated in front of this small, impenetrable little prince of the phoenix kingdom.

They looked at each other with their eyes wide open, but they didn't see exactly how he took his steps, and escaped General Sagri, who was one step ahead of the horse.

How did he do that?

After that, Sa Ri slammed into it again and again and was avoided by Xu Jinyi again. It seems that in this duel, only Sa Ri who was running back and forth was the protagonist of the event.

But Xu Jinyi, a young man who always stood on the side and smiled slightly, was more eye-catching than Sa Ri, who was panting from one side of the platform to the other.

"Good job, Brother Xu!" The brothers and sisters Gesangen jumped three feet high, waving their arms, and shouted to cheer Xu Jinyi on the stage.

Although they are convinced of Hu Yanhe's words, after all, they have never seen Xu Jinyi's martial arts, and they are not very thorough. Lest a baby who has waited more than 30 years to wait will be ugly and greedy by Sa Ri Woman killed and kissed Canglong and even lost her life.

Sa Ri's eyes were red with anger, and Sa Ri's father, who was standing under the ring with the tribe, was also extremely gloomy.

Sa Ri rushed a hundred times in a row, but Xu Jinyi always stood within the range of three steps.

Finally, when Sa Ri rushed to Xu Jinyi's eyes again, for the first time, he lowered his arms, pointed his toes, and his body suddenly rose to mid-air. Before everyone was dismayed, his body turned in the blink of an eye.

The crowd only saw Xu Jinyi's toes bump against Sa Ri's chest, and Sa Ri, like a disconnected kite, flew into the air instantly, and fell heavily to the ground, the dust around his body flying.

General Sarri weighed three or four hundred pounds, and was as big as a bear. Such a heavy body was easily kicked by Xu Jinyi. How powerful was his foot?

Everyone thought so, their eyes could not help but put on Xu Jinyi's left foot, and seeing those little feet in sheepskin boots with a big slap, they could not help fighting a shiver.

Why would Khan say that the prince of Wu Fengguo was the first warrior of Huyan, and why would Khan say that the prince of Wu Fengguo was a martial artist who could protect the horse team of the Huyan tribe. At this moment, everyone standing under the stage understood.

It turned out that he was such a powerful presence!

Seeing General Sagri, who was still lying on the ground with her chest in grief, and thinking about her contempt for the prince before, everyone seemed to be slapped, and her cheeks were sore.

But now they have no heart to mourn for their cheeks, they only care about the sweat and Xu Jinyi who smile and look at each other in anxiety, begging them to forget their previous disrespect.

Xu Jinyi walked slowly to the painful and sweaty Sa Ri, and raised her eyebrows at Sa Ri's mournful Sa Ri father: Far, remember? "

Seeing Xu Jinyi's dark pair of pupils, Sa Ri heartbeat like a drum, his eyes quickly fled away, but involuntarily followed Xu Jinyi's legs and fell on his clean new lambskin boots.

The thought that it was just this foot that fluttered to her chest, kicked her off the ring, and made her chest hurt densely. Sa Ri's pupils shrank for two laps, and then he hid backward in fear, but accidentally hit the place where Xu Jinyi kicked him, and suddenly he had a heartbreaking dry cough. After a few seconds, he actually got out of his throat. There was a lot of bloodshot in the cough.

Sa Ri's father's face changed suddenly, and he knelt down on one knee, giving Xu Jinyi and Hu Yanhe the most noble kneeling ceremony of the Hu Yan tribe. "We remember that in the future, Sa Ri will never get closer to sweating."

Xu Jinyi was finally satisfied, smiled at Hu Yanhe, and left side by side.

The crowd looked at the two harmonious backs, and they did not know how to give up unprecedented respect from their hearts. They inclined their hands to their chests involuntarily, and saluted the two backs.

The so-called surrender is so.

Since the war between Xu Jinyi and Saari, no one in the tribe has disputed the relationship between Xu Jinyi and Hu Yanhe, and they are all very much in favor of Xu Jinyi and Hu Yanhe leading the team together.

The tribal horse team was packed up very early. Seeing that the day of the transaction was approaching every day, Hu Yanhe chose a sunny day and took Xu Jinyi and the others from the tribe, all the way to the southeast.

The place of the transaction was in a larger town at the border of Lifeng State and Canglong State, which was in the southeast direction of the Huyan Tribe.

The more you go southeast, the vegetation becomes more abundant, and the types of animals are gradually increasing. Everyone is used to the food of the Huyan tribe. They no longer like the rations prepared in the carriage, and instead try small animals here.

Not only did a group of subordinates scramble for the few places left for hunting every day, but even Xu Jinyi and Hu Yanhe were extremely impatient and eager to go out for a walk around to change their mood. However, because of concerns about the team's goods, the two could not leave the team for too long, and each time they came out, they could only return hastily.

Xu Jinyi is not a strong person. Only because he has a loved one who does not give up life and death, he starts to enjoy the flavor of being in harmony with his lover.

But Xu Jinyi also did not expect that he had such anxious times. Riding on the horse every day can only entangle the eyes of my lover. After a long time, I will secretly think about finding the next opportunity in the heart, what will happen when I leave the team with my lover ...

After more than ten days, the huge horse team finally arrived at Luohe Town, a town that trades goods in various countries.

Luohe Town has been the host of this trading event for several years. Hu Yanhe also had experience. First, he placed the goods in a warehouse guarded by troops from multiple countries, divided all his subordinates into several waves, took turns to take care of them, and then rented several small yards near the warehouse to the remaining subordinates. Settle here.

After the two major tasks are completed, the leisure people can move freely. Hu Yanhe immediately led Xu Jinyi out of the yard and walked all the way to the center of the town.

Although the trading activities have not yet officially started, small vendors and hawkers have begun to sell goods along the roads. The entire road is full of traffic and is very lively.

Just when Hu Yanhe held a fairly delicate workmanship of sheep fat jade pendant for Xu Jinyi around his waist, Xu Jinyi glanced at what he saw.

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