MTL - Always with the Old Attack-Chapter 67

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Xu Jinyi went to the Yang family.

Although Yang Yunzhe was not loved by Yang Yuntian, he was Yang Yuntian's own son. The doorman naturally opened the door for Xu Jinyi.

Xu Jinyi hasn't entered the lobby yet. The Yang family had already learned of his arrival from the helpers. The three looked at each other with a proud smile on their faces. Everyone made up their minds. Take a good look at Xu Jinyi.

"How?" Yang Yuntian first spoke. He repeatedly courted Jiang Yuanzhou in front of Xu Jinyi, but was always ignored by Jiang Yuanzhou. Yang Yuntian was deeply humiliated. But he didn't dare to treat Jiang Yuanzhou, so he had to transfer the anger caused by humiliation to onlooker Xu Jinyi, "Isn't Jiang Yuanzhou saying that you are lovers? Isn't it that you want to live a long time? This time you have an accident, Why didn't Jiang Yuanzhou give you air? "

Yang Yuntian, Jiang Yuanzhou's ability, is still convinced. If he did, Yang Yunzhe's scandal could not be so popular. Even if these scandals were posted online for more than ten seconds, they would be deleted by Jiang Yuanzhou's men. It's all clean.

It can be seen that Jiang Yuanzhou stood by with folded arms throughout the scandal.

The more Yang Yuntian thought, the more proud. Why did Jiang Yuanzhou stand idly by, not because he had disgusted Yang Yunzhe because of the scandals, and had no trace of love for Yang Yunzhe!

It is childish and ridiculous to say "love" or "lifetime".

Xu Jinyi walked into two steps and met the three of them, "What are you proud of? Why did I drag a drug, why play a woman, and even why did I like Xiao Yongnian in the end, Yang Yuntian, don't you know? Xiao Can, you are not guilty?"

"Why should I be guilty?" Xiao Chan laughed, with a sharp smile and a proud face. "My son is Yang Yuntian's eldest son. Of course, he should get all the property of Yuntian! It's too cheap for you to let Yongnian crook you. It's a pity that you didn't die when you dragged, and you didn't die when you took drugs! "

Xiao Can said such a vicious word, instead of being surprised, Yang Yuntian nodded again and again, "You humiliate me all day and humiliate the Yang family. At that time, you should be strangled to death if you were born, even if you were not strangled to death. , I shouldn't have picked you up after your mother died! "

"Okay, it's really good!" Xu Jinyi grinned, the laughter was extremely desolate, and it was sorrowful, "Yang Yuntian, you were just a poor boy who couldn't even eat enough food, if not you cheated my mother's heart Why would my grandfather marry my mother to you, if not for your vows in front of my grandfather, how can my grandfather give you money to run your business and run a company? Yang's initial funds were all given to you by my grandfather When you became Yang, you forgot my grandfather's kindness, and even secretly raised Xiao Can, didn't you? "

"What to mention the dead old man? It's so unlucky!" Yang Yuntian looked impatient. "Who made your mother so easy to cheat? Who made the dead old man so easy to cheat. Besides, although the initial capital was given by him, but if Without my ingenuity, how can Yang's develop so well? Even if the dead old man doesn't give me funds, with my talents, I can create another Yang in minutes! As for raising Xiao Can, who will let your mother Dreaming of being a princess all day, letting me please her all day long, not giving birth to my son! Isn't this breaking my roots with Yang? Or Xiao Chan is good, gentle and general, and gave birth to me early Good son. "

Xu Jinyi's face was pale and her voice was hateful. "Yang Yuntian, you were derailed in your marriage, Xiao Can, you as a third child broke up my mother's marriage, and even the two of you adulterer | Not a little bit ashamed? Wouldn't you be afraid my mother would come to ask for your life at night? "

Seeing Xu Jinyi's shocked expression, Yang Yuntian and Xiao Can were very proud.

"Who made your mother so stupid that she couldn't stand a divorce. What did she do to kill me?"

"Your mother deserves it, occupying Yuntian's wife and not moving, I just hate that she didn't die early!"

"Yang Yuntian, Xiao Can, one of you is ungrateful, one is selfish, and it really is a perfect match!" Xu Jinyi's expression gradually disappeared, and his voice was calm and dead, so that one could hear the fullness in it. Despair and sorrow, "Yang Yuntian, let me ask you one last question, did you steal those grandpa's antiques?"

"How do you know?" Yang Yuntian was very surprised, but he laughed for a moment. The elation on his face made him sick. "I didn't expect you to find it. I stole it. What happened? But those antiques have already been sold for two. For more than a decade, you ca n’t find it even if you find it. Haha, do n’t you remind me that you will soon forget it. How much do you know about those antiques? 83 million, 83 million! That ’s eight Twenties! "

Said, Yang Yuntian hummed again, "Those antiques are so valuable, but the dead old man only borrowed 100,000 of me at the time, really stingy!"

Xu Jinyi's voice was trembling, and the accusation was, "The antiques were passed down from my grandfather's ancestors last generation! Yang Yuntian, you stole them without leaving anything, and ruined the efforts of my grandfather's family for several generations. Let my grandfather die early because of guilt! Yang Yuntian, are you so ungrateful, aren't you afraid of being condemned? "

Yang Yuntian raised his head with arrogance, "The dead old man has only one daughter, Mei Ruolan, and he has no son to inherit him. Is n’t his stuff all mine? Besides, he does n’t use those antiques, it ’s better to give them to me. Let me sell! "

Xu Jinyi pointed at the two of them, and said the truest thoughts in his heart, word by word, "Yang Yuntian, Xiao Can, you will be punished!"

"Yang Yunzhe! Why do you curse my parents? The winner is the king and the loser is the pirate. Your mother and your grandfather failed because they were too stupid to easily believe in others!" Yang Zilong righteousness Ling Ran, then disdain, " Of course, you are even more stupid. My mother asked you to be friends with Xiao Yongnian, and you really took him as a good brother, followed him to drag a car and take drugs, and also felt that he fell in love with you, and you deserve it! "

Xu Jinyi glanced at Yang Yuntian and Xiao Can who agreed, and fled out.

Xu Jinyi stepped out of Yang's house, and a black business car had been parked outside the gate, which was Jiang Yuanzhou's car.

"Come up, isn't it cold?" Jiang Yuanzhou pulled Xu Jinyi's hand and put it in his arms to warm him, "How many people bullied you?"

Xu Jinyi shook his head and frowned, with an extremely disgusted expression, "It's disgusting to me."

The words of the Yang family were just bold, on the one hand because they thought that Yang Yunzhe had no fear and recklessness, and on the other hand because of the system brought by Xu Jinyi to hypnotize them.

But the system did not control the words and deeds of the three of them, but only inspired the deepest thoughts hidden in their hearts.

Those bold words were all the most real thoughts of the three of them.

Sure enough, not one family, not one family. The three of the Yang family were extremely selfish and self-interested, their desires were extremely sweet, their ingratitude was extremely extreme, and their arrogance was extremely arrogant!

It's disgusting!

Xu Jinyi talked sweetly with Jiang Yuanzhou in his mouth, and in his brain controlled the system to send the scene just now to the Internet.

What kind of upsurge the Internet would be if the three of the Yang family turned against each other, and what kind of crisis it would bring to the Yang family. Oh, they deserve it!

He Xu Jinyi is just using his own way to return to his own body.

Netizens also made a lot of criticism and reprimand under the official Weibo of Jinzi. Suddenly, a video called "Those Truths About Yang Yunzhe You Didn't Know" appeared in the sky, In a short time, it was topped on Weibo.

Netizens thought that this video was Yang Yunzhe's various unsightly scenes. With the curiosity of gloating, they opened the video one after another, and then they were dumbfounded.

What slutty? What disrespectful elders? Yang Yunzhe in the video has a desolate face, and it is clearly the bullied one.

He was still bullied by the partnership of three people, and there was even one of Yang Yunzhe's only relative in the world, his father, Yang Yuntian.

Compared with the triumphant ugly faces of the Yangs, the pale and beautiful Yang Yunzhe instantly aroused the protection of netizens.

Netizens watched the video involuntarily.

It turned out that Xu Jinyi, who was arrogant in the legend, was a thorough victim.

Drag racing drug play woman love cousin? What else do people who have watched the video do not understand? Is that all Xiao Xiaonian entrusted by Xiao Can? What a femme fatale, what a venomous trick!

Netizens were full of righteous indignation and could not help but pity the Mei family and Yang Yunzhe.

It turned out that not only did Yang Yuntian and Xiao Can secretly develop a relationship with a betrayal, but they also had a bad heart. They not only rebuked Mei Ruolan, who had committed suicide because of marriage insecurity, but also did not feel guilty. Mei Ruolan's death greeted her!

Yang Yuntian stole the ancestral antiques of the Yue family, indirectly killing his father-in-law, and he was simply a son of man! As a married woman, Yang Yuntian loved the new and hated the old, and forced his wife to divorce him, which directly led to the death of Mei Ruolan, and she was simply a husband! Yang Yuntian scolded his son, Yang Yunzhe, and let his son be judged by his step-wife. He was also a father!

Xiao Can is also a heart of the femme fatale! It is extremely shameful to destroy the marriage of others, to discuss the sons of the original match, and to compete for the property that should belong to the original match.

As for Yang Zilong, who spoke only one sentence in the video, netizens heard his "weak meat and strong food contest for the choice of heaven" speech, and they were soaked with sweat. Winner takes all, loser for Kou? Yang Yuntian Xiao Can is the winner, so they are not shameful or mean again? Mei Ruolan Yang Yunzhe is the loser, so they deserve to be innocent and poor? Such remarks make people think carefully!

What is shameless? What is meanness? What is cruel?

Netizens used to be disgusted with Yang Yunzhe. At this time, they felt sorry for him, and how angry and hateful they were with Yang Yuntian and Xiao Can.

Soon after, the news of the Yang Yunzhe scandal is that the three of the Yang family came out. The netizens were even more angry. They thought that they were used by the Yang family and made the sword of the Yang family. Yang Yunzhe.

Under the official Weibo of Jinzi, netizens have expressed their apologies, and the comments of the three people who scolded the Yang family are layered.

As for the official Weibo of Yang's company, it has long been filled with scolds from netizens. The apology and anger in their hearts have no place to vent, all falling under Yang's Weibo. These netizens threatened that they were deeply skeptical of the shameless Yang three and would permanently resist buying Yang's products!

They even went to the official Weibo of the public security organ to request an extension of the time limit for prosecution of the theft and severely punish Yang Yuntian, a shameless villain who stole his father-in-law's antiques more than 20 years ago!

Until then, who is innocent and guilty? Whoever the scenery is unlimited, but who is pointed at by the thousand husbands, can see at a glance.

What are the twists and turns? What is Earthquake Reversal?

Xu Jinyi looked at the Internet and was in a good mood. She clicked her fingers twice and sent Yang Yuntian's bribery, tax evasion, tax evasion, Yang Zilong's infringement of business secrets, illegal financing and other criminal evidence to the police station by email. The evidence was also shown in pictures The form was posted anonymously.

The scandal was unsettled, and there was evidence of crime. The three of the Yang family should also taste the scorching oil. 2k novel reading network

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