MTL - Always with the Old Attack-Chapter 104 .criminal

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"What's wrong?" Qiao Tian's attention has always been on Xu Jinyi, not even Yu Guang gave Wu Yong, seeing Xu Jinyi's complexion, Qiao Tian rushed to ask.

"It's okay." Xu Jinyi squeezed Qiao Tian's long and forefinger and looked in the direction of Wu Yong, with a bad vision.

In the plot, Yang Hanlin knew that Wu Yong and Wu Qiang's idea of ​​pickling was unbearable and confessed that he could not beat them. In addition, he lost his loved ones and was desperate. In the end, Wu Yong and Wu Qiang automatically contacted the power grid before the two of them succeeded. It was coke formed by 10,000 volt high voltage electricity.

Yang Hanlin was forced to that share, and all the sinners related to it, Dou Shirong, Dou Yongchang, Wu Yong, Wu Qiang, should pay the corresponding price for this!

Qiao Tian looked in the direction of Xu Jinyi, and frowned after seeing Wu Yong with a look of shrinking expression on the top of his bald head. "Why, he has a problem?"

"I feel a little bit wrong." Xu Jinyi retracted his cold gaze and turned to Qiao Tian and then frowned, "No matter what, there is you."

Qiao Tian's heart was slightly hot, and he lowered his head and quickly touched his forehead. His soft eyes seemed to soak honey, "Well, rest assured."

Qiao Tian has been extremely low-key since he was in prison. He has not deliberately received any younger brother or eyeliner, but Scorpion is a loyal follower of Qiao Tian. His younger brothers are countless, and they can send two clever ones, so Wu Yong can stare at nothing. Crevice.

Sure enough, after the two younger brothers who sent the scorpion, Wu Yong and Wu Qiang who came in afterwards were reported meticulously.

As the two men's small movements became more frequent, their ideas became more apparent.

For example, Wu Yong secretly glanced at Xu Jinyi more than ten times while working. For example, Wu Qiang always wandered in some remote places or the dead corner of the camera. Another example is when the brothers Wu Yong and Wu Qiang secretly met each other several times, and they almost sneaked into Xu Jinyi almost every time. On this side, bad intentions are too obvious.

Qiao Tian is getting more and more angry. He originally wanted the scorpion to secretly call Wu Yong and Wu Qiang's two brothers to a remote place. He taught the two of them fiercely, and won't get the two out of bed, but waited for the two attendants to tell Qiao Tian, After Wu Qiang shouted Yang Hanlin's words in a remote corner, Qiao Tian was furious, and cracked the wooden table with one palm. He stood up and went out angrily.

Xu Jinyi grabbed Qiao Tian, ​​who would be angry in a timely manner. "Wait, I have a better idea."

Thinking of Wu Qiang's pickles, Xu Jinyi's disgusting nausea, can't wait to kick his life. But now Qiao Tian is full of anger. If he is allowed to go out, I am afraid that Wu Qiang and Wu Yong will soon be dead.

Wu Qiang and Wu Yong were alive or not. Xu Jinyi didn't care, but Xu Jinyi was worried that even if Qiao Tian was even more powerful and committed a murder in prison, it would not be easy to clean up.

In this case, it would be better to stop Qiao Tian and let Wu Qiang and Wu Yong live well, and live "painfully".

I didn't know what to think, Xu Jinyi raised his lips, his smile was dangerous and charming.

Xu Jinyi's arm was pulled. Although the anger in Qiao Tian's eyes was burning, he stopped in the end.

Xu Jinyi pulled him hard, forcing Qiao Tian to lower his head and whisper something in his ear.

Qiao Tian looked up in horror, seeing the irony on Xu Jinyi's cheek, his thin lips clenching, but a smile in his eyes, "Dare to desecrate my treasure, such punishment is too cheap for them."

That night.

After finishing the thought reform class, Scorpion and the brothers Wu Yong and Wu Qiang went to the toilet once.

The toilet's camera just broke in the afternoon and it hasn't been repaired yet.

After the scorpion was convenient, he washed his hands at the pool, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took one from the inside, and took out a lighter in the surprised eyes of the brothers Wu Yong and Wu Qiang, lit it, and sucked it in his mouth. , Look quite enjoyed.

The brothers Wu Yong and Wu Qiang watched the scorpion reinserting the lighter into the pants pocket, and stared at the cigarette sandwiched between the fingers of the scorpion. Once the scorpion exhaled a cigarette, the two scrambled to inhale loudly. The smoke was all sucked into his lungs.

There is a small supermarket in the prison. Cigarettes are not difficult to buy, but the one that the scorpion is smoking is a special cigarette that is dazzling. It is hard to see outside the prison, let alone a lighter in the hand of the scorpion.

Prisons are strictly managed to prevent prisoners from committing suicide or harming others. For example, the spoon used by the prisoner to eat is a plastic spoon, which can be cut off with a little force. Another example is that the toothbrush used by prisoners to brush their teeth is only seven centimeters. When they brush their teeth, they are worn on their fingers like thimbles. They are not enough to make weapons.

The lighter is just an ignition tool outside the prison, but it is a very dangerous weapon in the prison! Major prisons have banned prisoners from owning lighters. The scorpion's hand is still Xu Jinyi's watch. Every time he smokes, he has to work hard to imitate a log to get fire and burn tobacco. Unfortunately, it is not easy for him to smoke, so he took it from the backpack grid. Come out and throw it to him.

The scorpion received the treasure after getting the lighter, but he knew it was good. He never took the lighter out to attract others' attention. This time, he knew that the two brothers Wu Yong and Wu Qiang would not eat good fruits. .

Wu Yong and Wu Qiang were really calmed down by this lighter. It was common for them to go to jail. Some mighty jailers went to prison, but they had never seen anyone come out with a lighter.

Wu Yong Wu Qiang smiled all over the sleeves of this scorpion, "Brother, you have a lighter, but you really admire the younger brother, and you smoke ..."

Wu Qiang squeezed Wu Yong to the side, licking his lips, and gazing at the cigarette in the mouth of the scorpion. "Brother, brothers haven't tasted this taste for a long time. You let your brother take a sip, just take a sip, **** I'll pay you back soon. "

"Look at you like nothing!" The scorpion chuckled loudly, poking half a cigarette in his mouth before Wu Qiang's eyes, "na na na, let you suck!"

Wu Qiang grinned, rubbed his hands, and wiped his sleeves again, then reached out to pick up the cigarette, sent it respectfully to his mouth, took a sip gently, and his face suddenly showed a smooth expression like drug abuse. .

Wu Yong looked at his brother, swallowing saliva straight, and there was a knot in his throat as he swallowed.

The scorpion hated his poor pair and kicked Wu Qiang who was still enjoying cigarettes. "Look at him who is aggrieved and give him a sip!"

Taking advantage of Wu Yong's time to smoke, Wu Qiang came to the scorpion and wanted to say something to him flatteringly. The scorpion suddenly froze, and the smile that Wu Qiang piled up had to freeze in the future. Both arms had been twisted by the scorpion.

"Brother, what are you doing?" It can be seen that the brothers are deep in love, Wu Yong threw down the smoke and rushed over, was kicked three meters away by the scorpion, and hugged his stomach.

Qiao Tian and Xu Jinyi finally arrived late. Qiao Tian saw Wu Yong and Wu Qiang, and the anger that had been suppressed had erupted again. They strode in front of the two brothers. One of them stomped a few feet, and the straight two turned. Grimace.

"Okay." Xu Jinyi took out two broom heads from the sweeping pool and walked step by step to the two brothers. "Stabbed their pants."

Wu Yong and Wu Qiang still had consciousness. When they saw Xu Jinyi with a calm complexion, he felt a cold air rising from the soles of the feet, dragging his buttocks and moving backwards, his face panicked.

Qiao Tian gave a scorpion a face, and he took a mop head with him, "Boer, go back first."

"What's this?" Xu Jinyi didn't care about his face, and he wanted to see with his own eyes how painful Wu Yong and Wu Qiang were.

"Come on, turn around!" Qiao Tian raised his face in front of Xu Jinyi for the first time.

Even Wu Yong and Wu Qiang ate the vinegar, Xu Jinyi glanced at him, but turned obediently, his beautiful lips slowly twitched.

Within seconds, Xu Jinyi heard two screams.

Xu Jinyi turned around and peeped at him. Qiao Tian, ​​who had been on guard, had rudely pulled the pair of pants on, but their buttocks were abnormally drumming as if slamming something.

The scorpion smiled very evil, squatting down from time to time, holding the two things on the back of the buttocks and turning them twice, which immediately caused the two to scream more sorrowfully.

On the **** of Wu Yong and Wu Qiang was the broom head Xu Jinyi found. The broom head was a solid wooden stick with the thickness of a baby's arm. It was exactly where Wu Yong and Wu Qiang wanted to insert Yang Hanlin.

I went to such a thick and hard wooden stick, and I do n’t know if that part of Wu Long and Wu Qiang was leaked.

Wu Yong and Wu Qiang were rolling with pain, but did not dare to move, because with just a slight movement, some part behind them was like drilling bones to eat heart, and the pain was irresistible.

The heads of them were full of sweat beads, but they didn't dare to wipe them off. They just stared at the three Qiao Tian in horror, begging for mercy: "San Ye, Yang Ye, the little one is wrong, let us go. ! "

Seeing the three of them not speaking, Wu Yong and Wu Qiang became more anxious, and the severe pain caused them to curl up into shrimps, ugly and unsightly, "San Ye, Ye Yang, please!"

Xu Jinyi crouched down, "Do you keep evidence that Dou Shirong made you hurt me?"

The two looked pale for a moment, but they didn't want to admit it, but they were really afraid of the means of the three. When they saw Xu Jinyi's faces, they didn't care to stand up. They nodded and kept busy, "Keep it!"

Xu Jinyi really doesn't matter. Even without this evidence, he can find out other evidence of Dou Shirong in minutes. After all, Dou Shirong is very profitable, even if it is for the company and the private, he will do something unclear.

However, with this evidence, he could also save a bit of time, and Xu Jinyi finally showed two smiles. "If today's matter, if the discipline asks, do you know what to say?"

Wu Yong Wu Qiang nodded in a hurry.

"Scorpions, take them out."

After hearing Xu Jinyi's words, the scorpion reached out to take off the pants of those two people. Qiao Tian was too busy to stop, and reached out to cover Xu Jinyi's two black eyes.

The two wailed again.

The next day, Wu Yong and Wu Qiang were found to have fainted in a toilet. The two kept blood in their lower bodies and had obvious kick injuries on their bodies. However, when the disciplinary was looking for the two to understand the situation, both Wu Yong and Wu Qiang shook their heads and were firm He is gay, and in order not to **, he and his partner use "tools" to solve their needs.

The matter quickly rose to the headlines in prison, causing the inmates to laugh for half a year. 2k novel reading network

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