MTL - All The Male Leads Want to Eat Swan Meat-Chapter 24

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In the quiet space, the more the sound is still peaceful, but the fingers in the wheelchair seem to tighten the hearts of the two. The men in the suit and the assistants have to sweat down on the back, but the more they look at the face, the wind is still light.

He looked at Lin Jinghe quietly, as if he had to wait for his answer.

The movement here has attracted a lot of people's attention, but they are all scared off by the director.

Lin Jinghe recognized that this was the person who met in the restaurant that day and had dinner with Gu Yu. His pupil was slightly shrunk. Although he couldn't understand the true relationship between him and Gu Yu, he did not retreat. He just said: "I want to send Miss Gu back home. I don't know what this gentleman means?"

Even at this time, his words are still polite, but his tone is not very polite.

It was Gu Yu who broke this confrontation. She looked at Lin Jinghe and looked at the opposite side after he nodded.

"What is Mr. Yue looking for me this time?"

"I don't think I am an ordinary actress. What is worthy of Mr. Yue's attention again and again." Her words are unrelenting, and the face is cold and calm, like snow and ice that will not melt, cold There is no room for it.

Lin Jinghe, who was on the side, looked at Gu’s attitude towards the man. He didn’t know what was going on. He was relieved at the bottom of his heart. It seemed like he had been worried about it before, and he was slowly put down.

The more he was so cold-speaking, he was not angry. He knew that Gu Yu’s defense against him and his doubts, so he just smiled lightly and slowly said: “I know that Miss Gu is most concerned about her family. I just want to greet Miss Gu’s younger brother.”

This sentence finally called Gu Yu changed his face.

"How did he know that the original owner had a younger brother?" Gu Yu asked in his heart. The full text of the passer-by was not much. Gu Yu also saw that he had a younger brother in the original book, after Gu Yu’s death. Appeared in the cemetery.

But this younger brother has been hidden by Gu Yu, and almost no one knows, but how do you know when he hears him?

Her heart is puzzled, but the system just gives a omnipotent answer: "Host, you have to know, he is a villain."

Can the villains be omnipotent?

Gu Yu actually wanted to vomit, but after thinking about it, he finally endured it and made a threatened appearance according to the original owner.

Her rare silence, the delicate face is a bit cold in the dim light, making people feel uncomfortable. Gu Yu is always proud, but just now, although I don’t know what the man said, Lin Jinghe still obviously feels that Gu Yu seems to be farther away from him.

Farther than the indifference of the past.

What Lin Jinghe wanted to say, opened his mouth, and found that he could not speak.

"Gu senior." He was a little slow, but he saw the woman who had been coveting thinking and looked up at him.

The pair of good-looking eyes finally had his shadow. Lin Jinghe’s heart beat suddenly, and she heard her coldly saying: “The incident was a misunderstanding, Mr. Lin.”

"But, thank you."

Her polite thank you, politely opened the distance between the two.

Lin Jinghe’s fingertips paused and looked up at her. Gu Yu’s eyes are still so cold, as if the previous gentleness was an illusion, when he looked at him, the coldness was like a stranger.

His heart was somewhat lost.

Lin Jinghe looked at him and gave him a look, but he saw his face calm, and there was even a smile on his eyes, as if he had already expected this scene.

See him, I nodded slightly.

After Gu Yu said that he had not looked at Lin Jinghe again after he had misunderstood, he only listened to the car and listened to it.

Although it is the flower of Gaoling, Gu Yu can't care about her only younger brother. Besides, with her character, if I don't know what it means, it is estimated that I won't feel at ease.

Little Swan’s heart is counting, completely forgetting the male leader standing on one side.

Lin Jinghe clenched his palm, but in the end he just smiled: "I have a lot of things, and I am careful on the road." His gentle eyebrows are the calm of the strong clothes. Looking at Gu Yu, he still didn't say what he wanted to say.

Gu Yu did not find Lin Jinghe's mind, but the tone did not change, and said: "You go back first," and got on the bus.

The more I listened to this scene, the eyes were a little deeper.

"Tomorrow should have work, Mr. Lin will go back earlier." He was quiet, and the bodyguards pushed over the wheelchair and slid slightly through the quiet space.

Until the people left, Lin Jinghe Panasonic palm.

"Mr. Lin, you, you are fine." The assistant looked at his face and asked carefully.

Although the peace has been restored, the inexplicable assistant feels that Lin Jinghe is in a bad mood now. Moreover, it seems like a recent encounter with Miss Gu, his emotional ups and downs are extraordinarily larger, people who don't know, think they have something.

However, these words did not dare to say it, but the director, see the low-key Bentley left after he left, patted him on the shoulder.

"You have the courage to dare to talk to Mr. Yue." He said in his words that he felt that he was a young man.

Lin Jinghe licked his lips and covered his emotions. He casually asked: "Who is Mr. Yue?"

What is the relationship with Gu Yu.

What he wants to ask most is actually the next sentence.

Even Lin Jinghe did not know why he was so concerned about the matter. It seems that there is nothing to do with the predecessors. In the eyes of the predecessors, there may be no difference with the rest of the crew. But when she saw her returning to the cold eyes, he actually felt a little unwilling.

Lin Jinghe wants to change an adjective, but his emotions are clearly unwilling.

Not reconciled?

Not willing to help my own predecessors do not appreciate?

No, it is not like this.

Lin Jinghe’s heart was in a mess, but his face was always gentle.

The director looked at him like this, his heart moved, and he did not evade. He told the assistant to go far away and said: "Mr. Yue is the master of the city behind the city of A."

Yuejiao both black and white, especially in the bottom. Whoever dares to offend the entire A city. However, everyone thinks that the more the family is now taking care of the younger family of the older generation, the more they do not know that the real master of the family is the Yuejia Sanye.

The more repair is just a flaw.

The director said that he was snoring here. It seemed to be a bit jealous. Finally, he handed the cigarette to Lin Jinghe and raised his eyebrows: "The gentleman like you who you just saw is the more Sanye, the more he hears."

The more he heard, Lin Jinghe silently recited the name and slowly lowered his eyes.

Gu Yu didn't know what the man was thinking. After she got on the bus, she completely looked down.

Fortunately, there is a foreshadowing of the former world, and Gu Yu is very comfortable to play the flowers of Gaoling. The light inside the car reflected her snowy hair, and there was a thrilling cold.

The kind of coldness is more beautiful when it is faintly smudged, like the snow on the original mountain, dyed some secular colors.

The more he heard, the more he thought that Gu Yu was beautiful, and he was much more beautiful than the women in the entertainment circle. It was only in his previous life that he did not care about him, and he did not appreciate this beauty.

It seems that he still underestimates her.

It seems that after being born again, Gu Yu has always brought him surprises.

Because there is a cold wind in the car, Gu Yu wears a thin, at this time the original white skin is almost a little cold red, no reason to give birth to a few points / desire / color.

Even the driver couldn't help but peek out from the rearview mirror.

The more he heard the twilight, the smile in his eyes was like a warning, and the driver quickly regained his eyes and concentrated on driving.

Gu Yu did not notice the gaze of others, but when he turned his head, he saw that the suit jacket was taken off and handed to her: "Miss Gu is not going to catch cold."

The more you listen to the present, the behavior is like the first time they met, pure like a true gentleman. Gu Yan thought of his actions in the past few days, he could not help but pump his mouth.

Moved to her next door, replaced the assistant, and later investigated her family.

All this is not the same as his face.

Even Gu Yu, the little swan, had to admit in the bottom of his heart, saying that he was born by heart, but some people in human beings are simply disguised as gods.

But thinking this way, Gu Yu still can't understand what he wants to do.

For the villains, it is only a simple matter to let a person disappear silently. But what is the meaning of his own expense and finding himself and taking over his own life?

Gu Yu knows that a goose is absolutely unintelligible, and can't count on the system to reveal something to himself. So when she heard the clothes and gave her clothes, she frowned slightly and finally opened her mouth:

"I remember correctly. In the restaurant that day, I met Mr. Yue for the first time. But after that, Mr. Yue has been involved in my affairs. I think you need to give me a reasonable explanation."

"--including my brother."

She has always been ignorant, but she always looks like a cold blade when talking, and there is no fake guest. She was as proud as her proud face.

The more I heard the coquettish smile, I didn’t answer immediately.

Instead, the driver in front saw Gu Yu dare to talk to Mr. Yue, and almost scared to death. I felt that this Gu is too courageous.

Gu Yu didn't know how much shock she had caused to others. She just thought that the script only said that the villain was born again, and she didn't say that she was born again. So even though she knew that the past two people had a relationship, but in this life, Gu Yu is really hard. The first time I saw the more I heard, I would have doubts about his behavior.

Moreover, even if he treats the enemy, he is too strange in this way.

Gu Yu’s heart spit out, but the face did not flash and did not avoid the ground and looked straighter.

The more he heard the retracted hand, the still-looking face gradually appeared a very shallow smile, Gu Yu heard him: "Because, I want to invite Miss Gu to play a game."

Let me know her little by little, whether it is appearance or heart.

The more he heard, the more he was curious about Gu Yu. He wanted to know her and see if this time, with his early intervention, would she still make the same choice.

This is just a game for him, so he can stop his life.

Gu Yu’s choice will determine any step in the game. The decision is in her hands, but if some decisions are wrong, then he will help her correct it.

The more I heard the dawn of the light, in the eyes that Gu Yu did not believe, he smiled: "Because some, maybe you don't know anything yet. I invite you into my world."

"Miss Gu, you are the first one."

Gu Yu’s goose bumps are said to be straight up. Anyone who is invited by a villain to enter his world will not be happy.

Especially after these days of understanding, Gu Yu has already recovered the previous evaluation of the more he did not know what he was doing, and he felt that he was a dangerous person.

In her heart, the bells were loud, and the more the goose feathers exploded, the more the goose feathers burst up, but they were forced to calm down.

The car has stopped coming, and Gu Yu recognized the familiar house. The knuckles were white, and she slowly closed her eyes. It took a long time to hear the more: "I hate people for threatening me." ""

The more I heard the laughter, the more I didn’t speak.

He did not send Gu to go home, but came to a suburban apartment, where his brother's brother lived. Gu Yu’s younger brother was in poor health and could not see outsiders. He has been raised here.

"Miss Gu want to go up and see?"

The more you listen, the more you ask.

Although this is said, the driver has taken a wheelchair for him.

Gu Shuguang paused, coldly said: "You don't have to go up." She looked at the position of the lights upstairs, ignored the more she heard, and went upstairs alone.

“Mr. Yue?” the driver whispered a sentence.

But seeing more and more students just shook their heads slightly: "It doesn't matter, we are here waiting for her to come down."

Gu Yu was actually a little panicked after going upstairs, because she was the first time to see Gu Wei’s younger brother, and she was a bit worried that she would be recognized. But when people set up there, everyone pulled her to the younger brother's house. If she didn't go up, it would be strange to think. So she could only squint at the bottom of her heart and bite her teeth and go forward.

The system smiled softly and appeased her: "I believe in you, after all, the villains have changed. You are all over."

I have to say that the system is really very good at blowing rainbow farts. Gu Yu feels how powerful he is when he is blown by him.

The bottom of the heart filter is neglecting the tension that seems to be heard more and more, and I feel that I am not retreating against the villain power, but a younger brother is afraid of anything.

So Gu Yu looked at the door in front of him and took a deep breath to prepare to knock on the door.

In the next second, the door has been opened.

When Gu Yan was on the balcony, she saw Gu Yu, but she saw that she was still following a man, and the footsteps stopped involuntarily.

This is the first time Gu Yu has seen himself with others.

Does she have someone she likes?

The handsome young man lowered his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking until he heard the footsteps outside, and he packed his emotions and opened the door.

Gu Yuzhen recalled the original work. The original book said that Gu Yan and Gu Yu were not brothers and sisters, but grew up together in an orphanage. After that, Gu Yu went into the entertainment circle because of his appearance, but he rarely mentioned it to his younger brother. I did not even describe the appearance of Gu Yan.

Gu Yu thought that he would not be too surprised to see people at a later moment, and immediately cleaned up the expression when the door was opened.

Gu Yan thought that it was two people. After opening the door, I found that there was only one person, and I couldn’t help but smile.


He didn't call his sister. Although Gu Wei had some strange relationship between the two, he didn't say anything. He just nodded calmly. He said that he would have said that he had already prepared his speech: "Take it right here, come over and see you."

He lived in a remote place. If there is any way to pass by, Gu Yan knows that the light flashed slightly, and the original emotions were suppressed and they really became happy.

He looked up and took the bag from Gu Yu's hand. He just prepared to let her in, but did not expect Gu Yu's expression to change slightly, and then took a step back.

Just across the door, the boy lowered his head again. Gu Yu didn't see it clearly. He just looked like a very handsome boy, but when Gu Yan looked up and took her bag, Gu Yu saw his. face.

But at this point of view, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Even the shell of the flower of Gaoling was almost covered.

- Because the boy has a face that is almost the same as the man.

Eyebrows, edges and corners are very similar, as if even Lin Jinghe stood here will doubt.

Gu Yu was shocked by this fact, and it was unbelievable.

"Why is my brother's name like that of a man?"

Humans always think that the swan is the same, but to be honest, even in the swan, there are two people who are so high in similarity, just like a replica.

The system was also the first time to see this situation, hesitated: "It may be a bug."

Because Gu Yu’s identity is a passerby, many of the plot vacancies in the middle are made up by himself, and some places are unexpected and normal.

"This person has only appeared in the cemetery outside the village of Gu Yufan in the original book, you don't have to care about him." Looking at Gu Yu is still tangled, the system is not comforted.

The surprise in her eyes was too obvious. Gu Yan’s fingertips paused and he looked at Gu’s hand and avoided his hand. In the end, I just smiled and asked: "What happened? Auntie."

Even the temperament is very similar.

The same gentle, like the laugh.

Even if it is dull, such as Gu Yu, then it is inexplicable to think that the original Lord helped the man in his previous life. He was different from him. Wouldn’t it be because he felt like his brother?

Otherwise, how can a flower of Gaoling be inexplicably special to him? After all, Gu Yu is a person who even dares to offend the villains.

She thought this way, slowly returning to the voice of Gu Yan, her eyes slightly stunned: "Nothing, that is, the work is too tired recently."

Gu Yan said with a smile: "Auntie should pay attention to rest recently."

The two entered the house, and Gu Yu looked around and had some understanding of Gu Yan’s situation. It was a glimmer of light when I saw his painting in the corner.

Gu Yan saw her look at the place, and the face of Junxiu flashed a trace of Hao Ran: "Auntie, that is what I casually painted."

Casually painted?

Gu Yu always felt a little strange, how can a younger brother draw pictures like her sister. The backless dress is too big.

Seeing Gu Yu’s mind was attracted by the painting, Gu Yan could not help but some wanted to transfer the topic, so he smiled and asked: “Auntie, I saw it downstairs just like someone came with you, is it your boyfriend?”

Gu Yan laughed like a really simple boy, Gu Yu did not think much, just shook his head: "No", thinking that such an explanation may be too perfunctory, Gu Yu added a sentence: "Ordinary friends."

After Gu Yan heard it, his eyes lit up again: "I will know."

"Auntie, you must tell me later."

He omitted the middle sentence. Like a common agreement that both people know, Gu Yu can only nod and pretend to be what he knows.

However, in the face of the vacant white story, I still feel that the goose is too difficult.

She finally knew that she had always felt that something was wrong after going upstairs. She thought that the male man of this world was an angel, and the task should be completed soon, but I did not expect a rebirth of rebirth. .

This is all right, and now there are still vacancies to go. Looking at the innocent eyes of my younger brother, Gu Yu’s heart was trying to kill the self-confident self.

Isn't she a passerby?

Why are there so many plays? !

Because there is still a villain waiting for himself, Gu Yu stayed upstairs for less than an hour. Before leaving, Gu Yan was still looking at her at the door, like a puppy.

Gu Yu thought of playing with him before, although there was some helplessness, but with the status of everyone, the attitude towards this puppies was better, and he said, "Go back, I will come back to you next time."

Gu Yan nodded, but still insisted on looking up and staying upstairs.

The more I listened, quietly waiting downstairs, looking at the teenager on the balcony who was similar to Lin Jinghe’s face, smiling slightly, but it seemed to have been known for a long time.

Gu Yu didn't know his mind, because when he saw his brother, the coldness of his body was scattered, but his eyes were still cold. After I came down, I heard the opening of the audience: "Go."

The driver who was used to it early in the afternoon bowed his head. The more he heard his eyes, he seemed to have some special smiles. He looked at his face with a cold expression, and he only calmed his lips: "So, let's go home."


His technique of stealing the concept is that Gu Yu can't help but cast aside.

It’s as if two people live together, but it’s just two adjacent villas.

But these words can't be said about Gaoling's flower, so Gu Yu only maintains the person's design, and frowns: "What do you want to do for me, don't involve other people."

When she said this, there was no softness in her eyes. It should be said that even if she grew a deceptive appearance, Gu Yu was never confused.

She never left a cold path for him.

That's it, it's more interesting.

The more she heard her eyes sweeping through her snow-covered face, from the eyebrows to the nose, to the slightly cold lips, the light was a little deeper, and he was quiet, but he smiled and said: "That’s going to be Miss Gu will make the right choice."

He handed Gu Yu a wet towel and then pushed the driver into the car.

"What did he give me a wet towel?"

Gu Yu is somewhat unclear, but at this time, she will know how to listen, so the wipes just let her throw into the trash.

The more I heard the student sitting in the car and saw this scene, the eyebrows flashed a hint of inexplicable meaning.

Until the return home, Gu Yu did not open the mouth again. On the one hand, the high-cold people were not allowed to do so. On the one hand, there was nothing to say about the villains.

So she just carried the lower jaw coldly, licking her lips and looking out the window. When the car stopped, she was ready to pick up the small bag and leave.

But when I opened the door, I found that the door could not be opened, and I could not help but frown.

"What about Mr. Yue?" she asked coldly.

The next second was lifted by the mandible.

A icy kiss fell on the lips.

The more you look at the temperament of the crane, the look of a born hermit, even if you do such an action, your eyes are peaceful.

He looked at Gu Yu's eyes in amazement, slightly opened some distance, and said lightly: "Since Miss Gu is not willing to use wet wipes, then I can only do this."

Then, Gu Yi, who thought that he had finished, saw the figure and covered it again, until he felt **** on his lips.

The kiss was not gentle at all. She gritted her teeth and refused to listen. The eyes were almost cold and trembled. But the thin man just smirked and smiled, biting her neck gently, one word at a time:

"Miss Gu, this is the mark."

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