MTL - All The Male Leads Have Blackened-Chapter 121 Little Wolf Puppy X Lady (13)

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As soon as it was bright, a street covered with blue slate began to be lively, and merchants on both sides opened their doors one after another to do business. The guy in the shop was wearing a thick cotton coat, and a white mist came out of his mouth. He put his hands in his sleeves and shivered with cold.

The shopkeeper standing behind the counter was holding a feather duster to sweep the dust. He lifted his eyes to see the dude standing there stupidly, and immediately blew his throat: "Don't hurry to clean the table, just wait for a quick meal?"

The man quickly lost his smile and nodded hurriedly.

The chatter of people came from outside the shop. The shopkeeper didn't even raise his eyes. He knew in his heart that it was not the customer, but the hawker on the side of the road. Carrying a load on their shoulders, they put it on the ground, took out the rags and spread them out, arranged the goods, and various small toys.

There is also a breakfaster next to me. Open the lid, the big iron spoon stirs in the steaming pot, and the aroma is overflowing. Those who rushed out to work in the morning, holding two miscellaneous doughnuts in their hands, chewing in their mouths, swallowing, and choked.

They smelled the scent and couldn't help swallowing. Some people had ample hands, so they stopped and hurriedly drank a bowl of ravioli.

During the cold winter months, a bowl of hot soup drank, and my body was warm a lot.

A man with dark skin and a dry face had a strong body. He swallowed the food in his mouth with a very satisfying expression and patted his stomach: "Well, I have eaten and braced again. It is inconvenient to work later. The host certainly does not scold. "

The people next to me heard straight music, and the white mist coming out of their mouths blindfolded: "Your kid just has to be cheap and sell well. Now how good the day is, eat and wear warm clothes, you still complain."

The man wiped his mouth, put on the hat on his head, and glanced at the sun. There was still a little bit of wealth before the hour when he started working, and he couldn't help but stop talking about them.

He squatted down and put his hands in his sleeves: "No, but for more than ten years, I haven't been hungry since the person sitting in the palace in the palace changed people."

Others lamented: "It's been more than ten years since I blinked my eyes. I really hope that I can stay so stable forever."

Having said that, he snorted again, shook his head, and lowered his voice: "But now this person prefers to look for beauty, and I don't know if it is good or bad. Yesterday I saw that the portrait of the person on the wall was curled, and the group The official hastily changed another one, and he didn't dare to delay it at all. "

More than ten years later, the former emperor was captured by the rebels, and the throne changed seats. They ordinary people don't care who is the emperor, they only care about the bottom of the rice cylinder and the cylinder.

But the new emperor didn't think it was a bit of conscience. In these years, many harsh donations and miscellaneous taxes have been avoided, and their lives are much better.

The people are not dissatisfied with the saints today, but they wonder why the emperor has been posting portraits on the wall for ten years.

The portrait is of a woman, who looks very long and looks very slender and charming.

The words of the two of them were opened, and the others listened to them afterwards.

"The portrait of the woman has been posted for many years, and it hasn't stopped. I heard that some time ago, it was said that the lady in Wang Dahu's house was exactly the same as the woman in the portrait. . "

Someone was curious: "So what did you do then?"

The man who just talked smirked: "Are you nonsense? If his daughter really looks like the woman in the portrait, she won't be taken to the palace soon. I see, this is the royal family When it came out, I wanted to drill in the palace. "

He looked up at both sides again, pretending to lower his voice, and his voice changed: "I have a brother, a letter that worked on the dock, and said that a woman stopped by the flower boat on the shore was also looking at the portrait. Especially like. "

"The officials also went, and they had a different attitude from that of Wang Dahu's house. They left a lot of silver for the woman to spend, and since that day, the flower boat hasn't picked up any more guests. I heard that this time someone was really found. "

There was everything that was said immediately.

This street is next to the sea. Even if the weather is very cold, the air is not dry, but it is a bit humid, with a smell of sea.

There are more hawkers in the stalls on the seaside pier, there are many carrying large bags, there is no time to go home for lunch at noon, and can only buy food outside.

From the dozens of flower boats leaning on the shore, the sound of piano and pipa came out from time to time, which was quite poetic and artistic. There is only one flower boat, which is different from the others. Looking at it from a distance, there is no figure in a long time, very quiet.

There were more than a dozen girls on the flower boat, all of which looked very beautiful. They wore veils, their skin was fair, and their makeup was exquisite. But with a rag in their hands, they were dirty and rubbed on the floor, and their brows frowned.

A girl screamed angrily, threw the rag to the ground, and stood up: "Why is Liu Yue delicious and delicious every day, I do n’t even have to pick up the guests, and we have to let her serve her. I ’m not her daughter ! "

The girl next to him sneered, "What else can make you look different from the portrait?"

They were both pick-up girls, but because of Liu Yue, who had been here a few days ago, after receiving a few passengers, they were seen to look like the women in the portrait, and falsely accused the officials.

Liu Yue is from a foreign country and has just arrived on the flower boat. Guancha saw his eyes widened suddenly, and it was clearly a person who was similar.

They hurriedly told the above, but over the years they have been happy for too many times, and they are not convinced. The official here can only allow Liu Yue to stay in good condition, let me say what the conditions are.

Because of her good looks, Liu Yue was not bullied by the sisters on the boat, and immediately asked to have these dozen girls serve her.

The quarrel and indignation grew louder and louder, and Cen Simiao, who was standing next to her, threw the rag in the water, and was particularly worried.

After triggering Golden Finger, she opened her eyes in the sea, took a few sips of water, and parked next to the flower boat to get her ashore, trying to make her stay to pick up the guests.

Cen Simao was about to leave, and the people from the government came. After listening to Liu Yue's words, she came to catch the girl and serve her.

The girls were naturally unwilling, and immediately refuted a few words. Cen Simiao was just by the side, and from the words, she understood the matter.

Guanchao still had a portrait in his hand, and before he could take it back, Cen Smiao glanced and smirked.

The woman in the portrait is good-looking, but her eyebrows and nose have no place like her. Had it not been for Yang Fuqing, she would have thought he had changed his heart in the past ten years.

The girls were so noisy that the officials had a bad temper and grabbed people directly. The scene was messy, Cen Simiao took the opportunity to mix in, and came to this flower boat together to do this kind of house cleaning and waiting for people.

The woman standing next to Cen Simiao glanced at her and raised the corner of her mouth: "I want you to say that the most unlucky person is you, who is clearly not the person on our boat, but was brought here."

Cen Simiao's eyelashes trembled.

The man said, "You look much better than Liu Yue, and you don't know what the Holy Spirit thinks. You have been looking for Liu Yue for so many years."

Cen Simiao has a headache.

In fact, Yang Fuqing was drawing with heart. At first, Cen Simiao painted seven or eight points, but it has been a long time. These notices on the wall have been changed several times.

At this time, the portrait that was posted again became a masterpiece of the local government, and the appearance of Cen Simiao was more and more deviated from it.

As soon as the man's voice fell, he heard a little girl running not far away, with a pale face and a childish look, she was particularly anxious and said to Cen Simiao, "Sister Liu Yue is calling you, go now."

Cen Simiao frowned, and the woman next to him smiled slightly, mockingly: "The surname Liu also thinks you look good, and every day I think I'll call you torture, really nothing."

Cen Smiao pursed her lips and followed Liu Xiao after the little girl. As soon as the door was opened, a tea cup smashed at her, and Cen Simao quickly avoided, and the tea cup broke on the ground.

Liu Yue's eyebrows were exquisite, with pride on her face, and she snorted coldly: "I've been calling you for a long time, and you've only come here after a while. What do you think of me?"

Cen Simiao looked up: "Be a person."

Liu Yue suddenly looked ugly, grabbed the tea cup on the table and smashed at her. Cen Simao avoided, she was impatient, but she didn't dare to refute, otherwise Liu Yue would drive her out of the boat, how would she know the latest situation at that time.

Besides, here is very close to where Li Zhixiu lives.

Yang Fuqing really kept his promise to Cen Simiao and did not kill him for the time being. It is estimated that there is another layer of meaning. He believes that Cen Simao is deeply rooted in Li Zhixiu's feelings, and he will certainly not leave Li Zhixiu alone.

As long as Li Zhixiu is alive, she may appear.

That's why Li Zhixiu is in this kind of place, without heavy guards, so that Cen Simiao can get close. He was only allowed to stab one leg, hurting spirit energy, and stayed there on his own. For a month, the government sent someone to watch it a few times.

At night, the sky became dark. The flowers are brightly lit on the boat, making it more lively. Cen Simiao quietly jumped into the water, drenched, and swam to the shore.

The cold wind shivered, she shivered and bought some food and walked to Li Zhixiu. Free and generous, without covering the ears.

She wanted to make the government aware and startled Yang Fuqing.

The door was closed tightly, Cen Simiao knocked lightly, and she was immediately alert to ask who it was. She answered loudly, and then Li Zhixiu limped over to open the door.

When meeting, Cen Simiao hooked the corners of her lips, but her eyes became red, holding back tears. Li Zhixiu frowned, his hair was a little pale, his expression was tired, but his eyes were as sharp as ever.

He looked at Cen Simiao before letting her in, impatient: "You're not here for the first time, what are you crying for?"

Cen Simiao shuddered and shook her head. She put her food on a shabby table, asked Li Zhixiu to sit down, and handed him chopsticks.

Cen Simiao's expression was gentle, but her eyes were guilty: "Man, I can't live with you. Although I escaped hard, I still couldn't live with my body."

Li Zhixiu took chopsticks and chopped vegetables, and when she heard what she said, her expression froze and sneered: "You mean that in front of my eyes, you gave Yang Fuqing something to hug?"

Cen Simiao cried in a low voice.

He lifted his eyes, remembering the painful expression on her face when she lowered her head, "I believe you were forced to do nothing but want to hold my life."

Cen Simiao bit her lower lip and heard: "How did you escape, and how did you live alone for more than ten years?"

Li Zhixiu's eyes were dark: "You have never been vague about these two points."

Her eyelashes trembled, and the cold wind blew on her soaked clothes, and she couldn't help taking a nap. He stared: "How are you doing on that flower boat?"

Cen Simiao shook her head and nodded with a cry. When she saw Li Zhixiu for the first time, she directly said that she had boarded the flower boat wrongly and erratically, but Li Zhixiu stared at her strangely for a while, letting her stay on the boat and not allowed to run around.

Cen Simiao said, "Master, can I stay with you, please? I won't go to the boat."

Li Zhixiu put down the chopsticks, laughed, and patted the clothes on his body a few times. The dirt on it was removed, and Cen Simiao was put on gently. He only had a thin lining on his body.

Cen Simao looked at him, Li Zhixiu continued to sit down to eat, and she squinted her eyes. The life progress counter of the original owner was almost full, but Li Zhixiu did not show how much she loved her.

She called Li Zhixiu.

He raised his eyes, his eyes were dark, hiding his inexplicable emotion, and moved his mouth: "When you asked him, he let me live for so many years. If you see him again, let him let me go, Even a heavy task for me? "

Cen Simao immediately tightened her eyes. The original idea, she choked, "I am the man of the grandfather, how can I ask him again? And the grandfather is free."

Li Zhixiu's eyes became fierce, and he dropped his chopsticks on the table: "Freedom? No one looks outside this courtyard, but I don't know how many eyes are staring at."

You ran to me several times, and it is estimated that it has already passed to Yang Fuqing's ears. You happen to be in the flower boat, and a woman who looks very similar to the picture appears. Yang Fuqing is already on her way here. . "

Cen Simiao's expression suddenly panicked: "No, I don't want to."

Li Zhixiu tightened his jaw, and the hatred in his eyes converged, and he smiled softly: "You can't hold me back anymore, what will you pretend to do now?"

She widened her eyes.

Li Zhixiu's voice became tender, the affection in his eyes was also revealed, his lips taunted, and his voice was deep: "I have you in my heart, but what's the point? Aren't you and I still not able to make a real couple?

Cen Simiao was about to speak, and she heard: "I'm not alive like a man. After all these years, pigs and dogs are not as good, and I can never lose my rights."

He stared at Cen Simiao: "Good, help me."

In the cold wind at night, Cen Simiao was extremely cold. Before long, she returned to the flower boat, took a hot bath, and sneezed.

She recalled Li Zhixiu's words and snorted.

In the daytime, Cen Simiao was called by Liu Yue again and asked her to comb her hair. Cen Simiao frowned while holding a wooden comb. Her buns were rolled up randomly. Where would she get these?

She accidentally hurt Liu Yue's hair. She suddenly became furious and threw the wooden comb to the ground. She pointed at Cen Simiao and shouted, "What's wrong with you is so useless. If you hurt my hair, wait for the emperor. Come and see, how is it? "

Cen Simiao's eyes became delicate: "The emperor is coming?"

Liu Yue glanced, and there was contempt at the corners of his brows.

A few days later, Cen Simiao saw the people from the government boarding the flower boat, throwing away all the colorful decorations and replacing them with celebrity paintings and antique vases, which looked much more elegant.

When she was working, she heard the comment of the messenger: "This emperor is also weird. How can I have to meet on the boat and bring people to the government?"

The other person lowered his voice: "I heard that the woman disappeared, it was on the boat. I guess it was related to this. Otherwise, I was afraid that the woman would make some tricks to escape."

Cen Simiao froze.

The flower boat began to become heavily guarded, and there were patrols on duty at night. For a while, Liu Yue suddenly let Cen Simiao stay in the room one day, which is very different from making her past every day.

Cen Simiao didn't listen to her.

The dock has been very quiet for the past few days. There are fewer hawkers and big bags. Cen Simiao walked beside the boat and looked outside.

On a boat not far away was a younger brother sitting on a boat, in a ragged suit, who had just finished work, and a woman lying next to her, crying with red eyes.

She was forced to come by. She already had a marriage contract at home, but she didn't want to walk on the street and was watched by him. She was so robbed.

My son-in-law saw Cen Simiao and immediately became interested. He had seen many girls on the flower boat, and he had never seen such a Peugeot.

Although I knew that the wind on the flower boat was tight now, he was just crying and crying by the girls around him, and he was not happy. When he saw Cen Simiao, he felt itchy in his bones.

Besides, Cen Simiao is not the same as the portrait, what can be the problem. He glanced at the boat again, and the gang had been wandering around, saying that the emperor was coming, but for so long, there was no movement.

He was so relieved that he let the boat swim past, Cen Simiao frowned, and realized that something was wrong, and turned to leave, but was caught by the skirt.

Not far away, Liu Yue came out to greet, Yingying kneeled, her posture was graceful, her brows and emotions were quite charming. The man in front of her eyes tightened, his body trembled a bit, Liu Yue slowly raised her head, and the man's eyes became cold for a moment, her expression lost.

Liu Yue's expression of shyness and froze suddenly froze. She pursed her lips and was about to shout. Suddenly I heard Cen Simiao's voice, very proud: "You let me go, otherwise I will kill you believe it!"

Liu Yue frowned, suddenly felt a gust of wind, raised his eyes to see the emperor opened his eyes wide, showing the surprise that he had recovered, without the majesty just now, his body trembled excitedly, staring closely at him, and walked quickly.

Liu Yue froze.

Ceng Simiao's skirt was quickly pulled down, anxious and anxious. She immediately slapped the man in front of him, but the man was so confused and reached out to touch her.

Cen Simiao gritted her teeth, and was about to let the system go, but suddenly the sword flashed, and blood suddenly splashed.

She froze and raised her eyes.

Yang Fuqing stood in front of him, his eyebrows sharpened a lot, and he became more calm. The emotions in his eyes were unfathomable, and it was especially expensive to wear a Chinese suit.

He stared at Cen Simao, his eyes were deep, with a smile: "You haven't seen him for a long time, you haven't changed a bit."

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