MTL - All The Male Leads Have Blackened-Chapter 117 Little wolf cub X lady (9)

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The doors and windows are tightly closed, and the room is especially quiet, even if a needle falls to the ground, the sound can be heard. It was not dark, and the light outside shone on Cen Simiao's body through the window.

Her face was crimson, and she was in a pose that she would never even think of, and her brows frowned slightly, her lower lip was clenched, her eyes were unconsciously charming, and her face was embarrassed.

Yang Fuqing stared straight, breathing worsened, and the whole person felt hot.

Cen Simiao insisted on being a bit tired, her waist was very soft, her legs could not help moving, her figure was even more attractive, Yang Fuqing's eyes tightened, he didn't hold back, raised his arms, and stretched his hands to touch.

The room was warm. Cen Simiao was only wearing a single shirt at the moment. She felt the warm palms and she was stiff. Yang Fuqing just pressed a thin layer of clothing across her waist.

Cen Simiao was so ashamed, her voice trembling: "You must not be rude."

The hands paused, and continued to press again, a little bit more force, as if trying to break her waist. Cen Simao frowned suddenly, feeling particularly painful, took a breath, and was anxious and ashamed: "Extremely, how dare you treat me like this!"

She was about to get angry and shy, her body was tense, she was very nervous, and her voice was crying. When Yang Fuqing heard it, she felt that her heart was slightly scratched, and her bones were itchy.

He smoothed the folds of Cen Simiao's clothes, rubbed his fingertips intentionally or unintentionally, and his throat was a bit dry: "Don't worry, I'm afraid you can't hold on because of tiredness, so I give you two rubs. Or we won't practice, good or not?"

Cen Simao's hands clasped the blanket on the bed, her eyes were covered with water and gas, and she was about to speak.

Suddenly, the hand that stopped at the waist suddenly moved again. This time, it was very fierce. Cen Simiao was already very tired. At this moment, he was again made like this, his arms were soft, and his whole body was stuck on the couch.

Her legs are still kneeling.

Yang Fuqing suffocated, his throat knot rolled, and the image in front of him stirred his nerves.

Cen Simiao dropped a few tears, turned her head to look at him, the flushing on her face had not faded away, and her eyes were full of water, choking, "What are you doing?"

He looked down again: "It's really bold."

Yang Fuqing restrained herself, stood next to the couch, clenched her fists, but she was still agitated, her jaw tightened, and she stared at her.

His lips moved and he said, "Where did I teach wrong?"

No matter what he was thinking at the moment, the tone of his speech was extremely serious, and he was still totally puzzled. Cen Simiao looked at him, bit her lower lip tightly, and didn't turn her head.

The repressed emotion in Yang Fuqing's eyes popped up instantly, anxious to eat her, not even a bone left.

A few days passed, Cen Simiao deliberately or unconsciously kept Yang Fuqing cold, and when he saw him, he didn't dare to look at him, and only two or three words were spoken. Yang Fuqing noticed that this time she grabbed her arm directly and Shen Shen asked what was going on.

Cen Simao was immediately ashamed, and stared at him half angrily.

This look made Yang Fuqing's heart beat a few times, only to feel that the emotions that she finally managed to restrain in front of her were provoked again.

He is not stupid. Where can I not understand that Cen Simiao is shy, but she can only choose to pretend to be stupid.

If not, Cen Simiao is afraid he will avoid him even more.

Yang Fuqing was doing his best these days. No matter how cold Cen Simiao was, he did not forget to teach her what men like.

Cen Simiao was always indignant, but she had to persevere, crying and doing what Yang Fuqing did. He stood beside him, his eyes deepened, and wiped her tears with his fingertips.

But as soon as Yang Fuqing thought about it, Cen Simiao would do so in front of Li Zhixiu, her eyes suddenly became extremely fierce, only she felt that she was going crazy.

Cen Simao accidentally looked up inadvertently, seeing his expression, startled, frowned: "What's wrong?"

Yang Fuqing pursed her lips tightly without a word.

She lowered her head again and bent her eyes. Although these days show that Yang Fuqing is being kept cold, his concern for him has not diminished in the slightest. He sometimes snores at his desk, wearing thin clothes, and Cen Simiao always takes a piece of clothes to cover him.

Yang Fuqing feels shallow, and will wake up with a little movement, raising her eyes to see the expression that Cen Simiao cares about.

His tense body relaxed for a moment, his eyebrows were gentle and domineering, Cen Simiao dropped her eyes again, showing a little shyness, and was not ashamed to see him.

This will make Yang Fuqing feel that no matter what he does, Cen Simiao will be tolerant and always be good to him.

That's why he dared to continue.

But Cen Simiao still felt that he couldn't let go. On several occasions, she almost leaned in his arms, with an expression of reluctance to welcome him, but Yang Fuqing still struggled and didn't dare to move.

Cen Simiao was wondering. She had achieved such a point. It was a matter of personal enlightenment, but how could he just be stupid.

Could it be that she would just throw him in his arms and catch his neck?

If this is really the case, even in the past ten years or so, her personal settings in Yang Fuqing's eyes will completely collapse. At that time, the favorability will not know if it will follow.

Cen Simiao could only hook him up a little bit.

At noon this day, just after eating, Cen Simiao leaned lazily on the couch, the room was especially warm, and the light outside was even better, she was a little sleepy.

Rubbing his forehead, he looked up at Yang Fuqing. He is sitting at his desk and reading intently. In this regard, he has always been the most cherished, but he never mentioned the matter of fame.

Cen Simiao didn't pick this one, but just made more money secretly, recruited more talents, and found a suitable opportunity to give Yang Fuqing together.

The rest depends on his ability.

Cen Simiao narrowed her eyes, rubbing her hands gently, and moaning lightly. Yang Fuqing heard and immediately looked up. She turned to her side, her brows frowning, as if she was in pain.

The mood in his eyes changed instantly, remembering the thin waist he had been holding hard before, Ceng Simiao choked and cried with pain.

The throat knot rolled, Yang Fuqing stood up and walked over, Cen Simiao noticed that someone was coming to her, raised her eyes, and looked at him, her expression became a bit aggrieved: "You have too much strength."

Yang Fuqing lowered her eyes, raised her arms, and pressed it against her waist, but touched the back of her white tender hand. The fingertips subconsciously rubbed a few times, but Cen Simiao didn't notice it. She retracted her hands and lay on the couch, glaring at him.

"Do you want to give my waist back to Qing?"

The tone did not mean to blame, but rose slightly, revealing the sense of hooking.

She didn't look too far, didn't look at him again, and Yang Fuqing's hand on her waist didn't let him loosen. Cen Simiao felt his breathing worse, but didn't move, his hands were still honest.

She glanced secretly, the desire in Yang Fuqing's eyes was particularly obvious, looking at her darkly, some infiltrating.

Cen Simiao rubbed her neck and snorted slightly, her voice sounding like a stream of water.

Yang Fuqing's hand on her waist suddenly tightened. She bit her lower lip and dropped her head, but he didn't continue. After a while, he let go of his hand, turned to the table, poured tea, and poured it.

Tea flowed down the rolling throat.

Cen Simiao gritted her teeth and looked at her favorability. It had already been sixty-five years ago. How could he counsel this?

She thought deeply and felt that Yang Fuqing didn't dare to break the window paper. Even if she gave him a great sense of security, he didn't dare, after all, it was not a small matter.

This time he dared to move his feet, or because he stimulated him.

Cen Simiao narrowed her eyes.

A few days later, while Yang Fuqing was away, she went to Li Zhixiu with her clothes ready. At this time, she has never looked for Li Zhixiu. She told Yang Fuqing that she would learn everything before going to Li Zhixiu to show up.

In the evening, as soon as Yang Fuqing entered the door, she only saw the girl-in-law and there was no figure of Cen Simiao.

Needless to say, it must be Li Zhixiu. He froze all the time, his body froze, the blue tendons on his forehead beating, his chest was about to explode.

It seemed that Cen Simiao was lying on the couch, stretched her body, her face was shy, and she cried softly.

He clenched his fists and turned madly away.

But just saw Cen Simiao coming back.

He was emotional, trembling, grabbing Cen Simiao, and asked sharply, "Why go to him? Who will let you pass!"

Cen Simiao just smiled when she returned, making him more irritable, holding her arms more and more hard. Cen Simiao frowned, her eyes a little angry, and her expression inexplicably: "He is my husband, and naturally he will go to him."

He looked frozen.

When Cen Simiao was not found, he took his hand away and walked over the house.

Yang Fuqing gritted his teeth, his expression was fierce, he stared at the door, stayed outside for a long while, his body was cold. His lips moved, as if to himself: "He won't be anymore."

Cen Simiao began to send clothes to Li Zhixiu again. In the first few days, although Li Zhixiu was irritable, he could see each other in the end.

But after a while, he was suddenly very busy, ignored her, and stayed with a Jianghulang who didn't know where to fight.

It is said that Na Lang has something different from ordinary people. Others specialize in seeing a doctor. Otherwise, he will also check to see if the patient's home is unlucky.

Li Zhixiu believed in him very much. He heard Lang Zhong said that the pool in the backyard was prone to disaster. He said nothing and filled it out immediately. Recently, it seems that they are tossing again, and it is said that the girls who were brought into the yard before Li Zhixiu may be able to overcome him.

Two or three have been taken away.

Cen Simao was just ridiculous when she heard about it, and she didn't even manage it. It happened to be with Yang Fuqing in the room during this time.

But he was particularly interested in Na Langzhong, and asked his followers from time to time, his eyes were dark and he didn't know what he was thinking. Cen Simiao didn't care, but gradually realized that he was spending more and more time outside.

She was suspicious.

Over the years, she has recruited soldiers and horses, raised many talented people, and sent one to follow Yang Fuqing. In the evening, the man quietly came to her house. Yang Fuqing hadn't returned yet, and Cen Simiao quickly asked what was going on with the man.

The man did not dare to conceal: "I saw him staying with Lang Zhong in Fuzhong these days, and gave him a lot of money."

Cen Simiao frowned, and her heart was a little surprised. It was long noticed that Yang Fuqing was interested in that Lang Zhong, but he did not expect that he was really planning.

Yang Fuqing is the one who has no shortage of silver and two. Cen Simiao has made a lot of money, so he has never treated him badly.

It is true that Yang Fuqing was able to arrange people to Li Zhixiu.

Cen Smiaoquan assumed that she didn't know and waited for the movement. Sure enough, after about half a month or so, Li Zhixiu, who had never seen her, had been sent to the courtyard to call her.

Cen Simiao was especially pleased. He was dressed up in front of Yang Fuqing's face, his eyes were heavy, and his lips were tightly squeezed. This time he did not say anything to stop him.

Obediently waiting for her back in the room.

Until the night, Cen Simiao opened the door in despair, and Yang Fuqing was still standing where she was before she left. When she heard the movement, she quickly passed by, and her face was full of tears.

The eyes were crying red and swollen.

Yang Fuqing's heart trembled, and she felt particularly uncomfortable for a moment. Cen Simiao jumped into his arms helplessly, crying, and holding a distressed book in her hand.

Li Zhixiu called her over and hesitated to give her a divorce, saying that Lang Zhong said that the two of them had different lives, so there would be a problem.

As long as she rests, she can recover. Li Zhixiu pondered for a long time, and gave the divorce to Cen Simiao, but also let her live at home, still in the name of a husband and wife, after all, he was the imperial court official, and the matter of divorcing his wife was not good.

Cen Simiao couldn't lift her spirit for a few days and washed her face with tears.

Yang Fuqing has been with her, patient and comforting. Cen Simiao flew in his arms, making Yang Fuqing feel that she was her only reliance.

The relationship between the two was deeper than before.

Cen Smiaoqiang raised her spirits and made a table of wine and dishes. The light in the room was dim. She held a wine glass in her hand and drank several glasses. After a while, she was upset and her face was flushed.

Sitting next to her, Yang Fuqing acted quite intimately, pinning her broken hair behind her ear, and gently rubbing her earlobe: "If you don't drink, you can't stand it."

Cen Simiao raised her eyes and cried again.

She shook her head: "I have a lot of affection for my grandfather and I have been let down to this. Fortunately, I am with you."

Yang Fuqing's eyes darkened, and she touched her side with her fingertips and said softly, "I'll stay with you forever."

Cen Simiao smiled with a bent eye, and she lowered her head and allowed his fingers to touch, took out a key from his pocket, and then held his hand and placed it on the palm.

Yang Fuqing looked at her puzzledly, her eyes very gentle.

Cen Simiao said: "I'm afraid you have no way out in the past few years. I've saved a lot of money and some people. If you want to work alone, take it."

He was surprised under his eyes, and was about to speak again, and heard again.

"That's great, you grow so big in a blink of an eye."

Yang Fuqing's hand was more gentle.

Cen Simiao smiled: "I'll tell you something to do next day. I'll be happiest when I watch your wife and children."

His motion was frozen, his eyes froze: "What did you say?"

Cen Simiao smiled softly: "I raised you from a young age to a big one. I don't need to say my feelings. Outsiders don't seem to have any relationship with me, but I have no children under my knees and have treated you as my own child."

Yang Fuqing's hand was taken off her face, his eyes darkened, he raised his head, a mocking smile appeared on his lips, Cen Simiao went to pour wine again, and her skin was more attractive under the dim light.

His mouth was still saying, "If you marry a dear, don't forget ..."

Suddenly, her wine glass spilled to the ground, and the wine inside splashed out. Yang Fuqing pulled open her collar, and suddenly a large area of ​​skin was exposed to the air. The clothes button fell off, and a faint look appeared in her slightly narrow eyes.

Yang Fuqing's eyes were dark and he yanked the corner of his mouth: "Mother, you are really white and tender."

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