MTL - All Chat Members Are Me-Chapter 6

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"Madara, tomorrow is our meeting with the daimyo, who are you going to take to see the daimyo tomorrow?"

At this time Tobirama took out a piece of paper from his arms, looked at it, and asked aloud.

"Tomorrow, I, you, and Ling Feng will go to meet the daimyo together. Quanna stays in the village to protect the villagers."

Banana thought for a while, then said aloud.

"No, Madara, I still have something to do. You can take Quanna there tomorrow. I will stay in the village to protect the villagers, and I can also take care of the logistics of the village."

Hearing Madara say his name, Ling Feng threw a word and disappeared into the Hokage building, not giving them a chance to continue persuading.


Looking at Ling Feng's disappearing figure, Quan Na helplessly covered his forehead. He knew very well that Ling Feng had nothing to do at all, he was just lazy.

After a flying thunder **** technique returned home, Ling Feng immediately turned on his mobile phone. The reason why he just said that he had something to do was because the chat group on the mobile phone sent messages.

I saw a system notification suddenly posted on the chat group, saying that a new person was about to join the group.

Uchiha: Why did the chat group suddenly say that there will be new people joining the group, is this true or false?

Qianshou: Of course it's true. We didn't say why you joined the group so late, and we were still worried about whether you were in danger.

Uchiha: Does it mean that every newcomer will be notified before joining the group?

Haze: That's right, so we can now discuss how to tease him first.

Uchiha: This, this is not good, after all, it is all 'I'.

Qianshou: Shit, I don't know you yet? Everyone is "Ling Feng", don't think I don't know what you think, you obviously want to tease you, but you don't want to admit it.

Seeing Qianshou Lingfeng revealing his true face all at once, Uchiha Lingfeng was not annoyed, but lay on the bed and laughed twice.

Wave wind: Uchiha, think about it, how will we molest him? After all, didn't we molest you when you joined the group? Don't you want revenge?

Uchiha: One thing to say, I think.

Uchiha Lingfeng quickly typed a line and sent it up, immediately thinking in his mind how to tease the new self.

Bigu: You'd better figure it out quickly, otherwise, when the newcomers enter, you won't be able to make it up.

Chishou: Bigu, you think so too! Don't you want to?

Bigu: I really don't want to.

After several days of chatting with himself in the group, Uchiha Lingfeng also gradually got to know the characters of the three people. Among them, Qianshou Lingfeng and Bofeng Lingfeng are the ones who prefer to play, while Bigu Lingfeng is a more serious personality.

It's hard to imagine that before Uchiha Lingfeng joined the group, how did Bigu Lingfeng not get crooked by Qianshou and Bofeng Lingfeng.

Po Feng: Shall we pretend to be a middle schooler? Just lie to him that we are an ordinary chat group?

Uchiha: I think it can, but we must first find out which world he belongs to. If it is the kind of more dangerous world, we can’t lie for too long. If it is the kind of everyday world, we will lie for a while.

Chisato: I think so.

Naruto: As expected of me! I thought so clearly.

After the three discussed how to deceive the newcomer, they began to wait for the newcomer to enter.

The time gradually came to evening, and the newlyweds had not yet entered.

Qianshou: I said what happened to the newcomers this time, why haven't they joined the group for so long?

Uchiha: Will there be any danger? For example, you are fighting against someone else?

Bo Feng: Wow, after I received the notification that the newcomer wanted to join the group in the morning, I went straight back to my room and waited, and now I haven't come out until the afternoon. Damn, Minato and Kushina are both looking at me wrong now, they thought I was doing something unspeakable in the room.

Chishou: Hey, I'm different, I just stayed in the Hokage building all day and it's fine, what can Chishou say? What does Madara Uchiha dare to say? What do you dare to say?

In this way, Uchiha Lingfeng, Qianshou Lingfeng, Bofeng Lingfeng, and Bigu Lingfeng waited for three days at once before they received the notification that newcomers joined the group.

[Ito joins the group. 】

Just as the three were complaining, a newcomer appeared in the chat group.

Immediately, Uchiha Lingfeng, Qianshou Lingfeng, and Pofeng Lingfeng suddenly stopped talking and began to wait for the newcomers to speak.

In the hearts of the three of them, they had already decided that if the newcomer came late because of the battle, that would be forgiven. If it is because of other unrelated reasons, the newcomer will be ready to be fooled by the three for a lifetime.

That's right, Ling Feng is so stingy, even if he is himself.

Of course, the three of them also communicated with Bigu Lingfeng early on, and they would not easily come out and expose the three.

Ito: Um, what group is this? Why did I suddenly join in?

Ito? Looking at the newcomer's surname, Ling Feng thought for a long time in his mind, but he hadn't thought of anything about the world of Ito's surname.

Qianshou: This is a two-dimensional fan club. Generally speaking, it is not easy to invite others. If you can join it, it means that you also like the two-dimensional.

Qianshou Lingfeng looked at Ito's information, and first typed a line to test the newcomer.

Ito: Is it two-dimensional? I used to like it better, your thousand-handed name, do you like Hokage?

Chisho: Yes, I like Hokage more.

Can you not like it? I like to wear it to Naruto World, Qianshou Lingfeng looked at the phone and roared wildly in his heart.

Wave wind: Then, Ito, have you watched the new show?

At this time, Bo Feng Lingfeng also asked the newcomer.

Ito: Is it new? I've changed several jobs recently, and I don't have time to watch new shows.

This dangling is the everyday world! I'm sure!

Seeing this line typed by the newcomer, Uchiha Lingfeng has determined that the newcomer's world is a relatively peaceful world.

The first shift is completed. Well, if I have the third shift, will you give me a recommendation ticket?

Chapter 10 The Second Rookie

Bigu: Then what was your previous job, why did you change a lot?

At this time, Bigu Lingfeng, who had not spoken all the time, also asked the newcomer aloud.

Wave wind: Of course, if you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it. For example, I am a courier.

Bo Feng Lingfeng began to tentatively ask about the newcomer's work, so as to prescribe the right medicine.

Ito: My job? There is nothing to say, I used to be a student, teacher, tutor, takeaway boy, policeman, waiter, and now a courier boy.

Qianshou: You are amazing, you have done so many careers.

Uchiha: Then why didn't you do it again?

Ito: Ahem, I didn't do it for some relatively private reasons.

Just when the four were testing the identity of the newcomer, they saw a message pop up in the chat group, saying that another newcomer was about to join the group.

Chishou: Wow, what's going on these days? Why is there another person?

Wave wind: That is, we haven't even figured out the identity of the newcomer. Now there is another person, and then we have to figure out the identity of the newcomer.

Uchiha: Maybe this newcomer, like Ito, will have to wait another three days.

Uchiha Lingfeng saw that the two had spoken out, so he didn't want to hide it any longer.

Ito: Huh? What do you mean, isn't this just an ordinary chat group? Why even investigate the identity?

Just as Ito typed a line, Lingfeng's chat group immediately displayed a line of information.

[The Saiyans join the group. 】

Chiju: Are the Saiyans here this time?

Wave wind: Wow, this time is awesome, the Saiyans are equipped with a thousand-handed physique, plus the writing wheel eye and my Flying Thunder God, I feel that I can go head-to-head with Uchiha Madara.

Saiyan:? ? ?

Ito: What are you talking about? Why was it fine just now, and suddenly I can't understand it?

Uchiha: Bigu, explain to them, I'm afraid they won't understand what we explained.

Bigu: @saiyan@itao, it's like this...

Seeing that the chat group became more and more chaotic, Biguette joined the two new members of the group and began to explain the identities of this group and many people to them.

Chishou: The old rules, start reporting information.

When Qianshou Lingfeng saw that the two newcomers had figured it out, he used his identity in the chat group as before.

Ito: I am in the world of love action movies. My full name is Ito Lingfeng. I am a student, teacher, tutor, takeaway boy, policeman, waiter. I lost my job after delivering an express, and now I am a doctor. .

Saiyan: Dragon Ball World, full name Tabul Lingfeng, is a Saiyan.

After the two finished speaking, they both downloaded the group file and uploaded their memories and abilities to the group file.

After Lingfeng heard that Ito Lingfeng had crossed into the world of love action movies, the first thing they did was to open the group file and download Ito Lingfeng's memory.

Qianshou: As expected of me. And I still have a bit of chamomile right now.

Wave wind: twist the lemon fruit on the lemon tree, you and me under the lemon tree.

Uchiha: Indeed.

Bigu: Indeed.

Saiyan: Indeed.

Ito: Can't say that, aren't we alone? If I do it, it means you do it!

Chishou: Although that is what I said, I still want to know, why did you enter the world of romantic action movies? why it's not me?

After everyone finished reading Ito's memories, they began to check the memories of the Kisaiyans.

It turned out that the Saiyan Ling Feng crossed into the world of Dragon Ball and became Vegeta's younger brother, because when he was just born, his combat power was relatively low. So he was sent to an unknown planet for cultivation by King Vegeta. During cultivation, he sneaked to the earth and escaped Frieza's pursuit. Now he has been practicing with the turtle fairy on earth.

Bo Feng: @Thousands of hands, hurry up, hurry up and get some cells between the Qianshou pillars! After the fusion, we can say that we are invincible. Saiyan physique plus thousand-hand pillar cells. Isn't this invincible?

Chishou: 8 said, I will go to Tobirama later and ask him to get me some.

After Qianshou Lingfeng finished speaking, he turned off his phone and ran directly towards Qianshou Tobirama's laboratory.

"Who is it!"

In the laboratory, Senju Tobirama, who was concentrating on his research, heard a knock on the door, so he stopped his work and went to open the door.

"Me, your father."

Qianshou Lingfeng stood at the gate and let out a roar.

"Dad, why are you here?"

After opening the door, he saw that it was really his own father, Qianshou Tobirama sneered and asked aloud.

"Quick, check my body, I feel like I'm dying."

Ling Feng said nothing and dragged Tobirama directly into the laboratory.

"Dad, stop joking, I still don't know the physique of our thousand hands? As long as it's not a sudden death or an accidental death, we can live a very long life. Now that it's peaceful, where will your life be in danger, you can still live at least a few years. ."

Looking at Ling Feng's hurried look, Qianshou Tobirama couldn't help but explain.

In his impression, his father and eldest brother have almost the same personalities, and he sometimes even wonders if he picked it up.

Otherwise, why is the father and the big brother both naive, and they are much smarter than them. And the two of them are both black and straight, why did they have white hair when they came to me?

"I ask you to check, you check, what do you say? Do you want me to die sooner?"

Ling Feng dragged Tobirama to the operating room and jumped onto the operating table very consciously.

"Why are you still standing there? Check it out for me."

Looking at Tobirama standing aside, Ling Feng urged.

"it is good."

Tobirama sighed helplessly, put on his clothes and began to check Ling Feng.

It doesn't matter if you don't check, this check finds the problem.

"Dad, why are your cells different from the previous cells!"

Qianshou Tobirama looked at Lingfeng's cells under the microscope and hurriedly asked. He vaguely remembers now that his father's cells seem to have changed for the second time. It changed once a few days ago, but I didn't expect it to change again these days. If I didn't check, I wouldn't know it.

"Then what's wrong with me? Will I die suddenly? Didn't my cells change once a few days ago, so it won't affect me this time?"

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