MTL - All Chat Members Are Me-Chapter 2

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Bigu? Does Naruto World have this surname? Biqigu knew it himself, but Bigu himself didn't know it.

Looking at this new person, Ling Feng searched in his mind who this guy was.

Could it be someone from another world? After all, chat groups generally have members from different worlds, and it is relatively rare to have three or more members in the same world.

Qianshou: Alright, alright, we won't tease you, you listen carefully, this is a shocking secret about our chat group.

Wave wind: so much nonsense, are you really me? GKD ah!

is it really me? What's the meaning?

Looking at the message from Bo Feng, Ling Feng frowned again.

Qianshou: Okay, okay, don’t worry, let me tell you slowly, after all, this is a relatively long story.

Seeing this, Ling Feng couldn't help but go up and say something.

Uchiha: So long story short!

There will be two more changes tomorrow, weakly ask for a recommendation ticket

Chapter 3 Chat Group Members

Chishou: Cough, first let me introduce myself, me! Indra's reincarnation rival Asura's reincarnation of Senju Hasuma and Senju Tobirama's biological old father, the uncrowned king of Konoha Ninja Village, the greatest diplomat, educator, writer, painter in the history of Konoha Ninja Village - Qianshou Lingfeng.

Wave Wind: Let me introduce myself too, me! Konoha Ninja Village's Yellow Flash Fourth Hokage Naruto Minato's younger brother, the dream lover of countless girls, the life mentor of the ninja school, and one of the top ten characters who touched Konoha - Naruto Lingfeng!

Uchiha: Why are your nicknames so long!

Bigu: That's how they are. It's good to get used to it. I'm Bigu Lingfeng, a descendant of Feitian Yujianliu.

"Why does this group of people have the same name as me, they are all called Ling Feng."

Seeing the message they sent, Ling Feng rubbed his eyes to confirm that he read it correctly.

Uchiha: Are you sure you didn't type the wrong name? Why is it called Ling Feng?

Bigu: That's right.

Qianshou: Don't try it, we know what you're thinking. (You are also Lingfeng.JPG)

Wave wind: Yes, in fact, we are all Ling Feng.

Qianshou: It's all Ling Feng.

Uchiha Lingfeng was stunned for a moment, "It's all Lingfeng?"

Uchiha: Could it be that you are lying to me? By what means did you know my name, and then come to fool me now?

Bigu: We didn't lie to you, in fact, we are the same person, a person named Lingfeng.

Seeing these words from Bigu, Ling Feng felt that the worldview he had traveled through for more than ten years had collapsed.

Chiju: Do you feel like your worldview is collapsing? Haha, we all come here like this, the worldview and so on, we get used to it, it's no big deal.

Uchiha: My brain is a little messed up right now.

Ling Feng rubbed his temples, trying to sort out his thoughts.

Wave Wind: In general, we are you, and you are us. We are one.

Uchiha: Even if you say that, it's still a little hard to accept!

Chisho: What's so hard to accept!

Wave wind: Yes, it's no big deal, after all, we all know our own dark history and hidden secrets.

Bigu: What's so hard to accept? Actually, you can think of us as your shadow clones in other worlds that won't disappear. If you think about it, will it be much better?

Looking at Bigu's information, Ling Feng felt much better all of a sudden, and he would not have the same inexplicable emotion as before, feeling very uncomfortable.

Looking at Qianshou and Bofeng's answers, Ling Fengqi didn't fight at the same place, it was also himself, why is the gap so big?

So his hands quickly tapped on the phone, typed out a line of words and sent it out.

Uchiha: Why? Why is it the same person, why is Bigu's expression so much better than the two of you? Why? I now have reason to suspect that the two of you are not me, but me in the second year of middle school. @Thousands of hands, @Waves.

Senju: It's us who should ask why! Why the same person? Why is your comprehension so poor? When I listened to Bigu's explanation before, I immediately understood that, unlike you, you are shy about this and that.

Looking at the words that Uchiha Lingfeng typed, Qianshou Lingfeng shook his head, and quickly typed out a line of words on the phone with both hands, leaving behind afterimages.

Uchiha: Because the person who explained it to you is Bigu. If Bigu explained it to me, then I would definitely understand it very quickly.

Wave wind: famous scene (I hate myself.JPG)

Obviously, Bo Feng Lingfeng is a fan of posting pictures, and he can find a picture that fits the atmosphere no matter what.

Bigu: Alright, alright, stop arguing, the old rules, tell me about your world and name.

Bigu: I am in the world of Rurouni Kenshin, my full name is Bigu Lingfeng, and I am Kenshin's younger brother.

Qianshou: I am in Naruto World No. 1, my full name is Qianshou Lingfeng, and I am the biological old father of Hashima and Tobirama.

Naruto: I am in Naruto World No. 2, my full name is Naruto Lingfeng, and I am Minato's long-lost younger brother.

Uchiha: Why are there so many Naruto worlds? And in order, am I the No. 3 Hokage?

Thousand Hands: Parallel world, parallel world understand! Quickly report information in our format.

Wave Wind: (GKD.JPG)

Uchiha: I am in Naruto World No. 3, my full name is Uchiha Lingfeng, the younger brother of Madara and Izuna.

Suddenly, Qianshou Lingfeng, who was originally lying on the bed, saw the message sent by Uchiha Lingfeng, and sat up directly.

Qianshou: Then don't you want to call me uncle or dad?

Po Feng: I am my father?

Uchiha: Climb!

Qianshou: Okay, no kidding, now the meeting is over, and the newcomer assessment has ended successfully. What to do! go home,

At this time, Uchiha Lingfeng remembered that he still had something very important to say, and hurriedly typed on his mobile phone.

Uchiha: Come back first! I want to ask, we Uchiha will have a decisive battle with the Senju family in my world tomorrow. According to the plot, won't Quanna be seriously injured in the next few battles and then die? What I want to ask is how to save him.

Chisato: What do you know?

Uchiha: I can do the Shunjutsu, the three-body jutsu, and the ninjutsu that escapes anyway, but the output ninjutsu is relatively small.

Bo Feng: (It's not bad for me.JPG) I really understand the importance of life. If nothing else, first learn the skills of escaping! I couldn't believe it just now, but now I can be sure that you are me.

Uchiha: Don't blow it, just help me think about it, how can I save the soldier Izuna?

Bigu: There are our memories and skills in the group file, you can check it out. The files there will be updated automatically, and you will also upload a copy there.

According to Bigu Lingfeng's instructions, Uchiha Lingfeng successfully clicked on the group file, and then downloaded it.

The network speed of this chat group is very fast, and within a second, it prompts that the download is successful.

Ling Feng looked at the downloaded file and directly clicked the Qianshou file with great interest.

In an instant, Uchiha Lingfeng has learned all the memories and skills of the Qianshou Lingfeng from birth to the present.

After learning about it, Uchiha Lingfeng felt that he was more fortunate than Qianshou Lingfeng.

Because Qianshou Lingfeng was on the battlefield as soon as he opened his eyes, he was born in the Uchiha family anyway.

After Qianshou Lingfeng successfully survived the battlefield, he found that Qianshou Hasuma and Qianshou Tobirama were already teenagers, so he directly threw the position of Qianshou Patriarch to Hasuma without saying a word. , as a retiree.

Then Senju Hasuma really did not disappoint him, and in just a few years, he overcame the Uchiha family and established the Konoha Ninja Village.

The first update is here, and there is another update tonight

Chapter 4 I feel stable

After Uchiha Lingfeng learned about Qianshou Lingfeng's memory, he also got his chakra and the ninjutsu and taijutsu he currently masters.

What made him most delighted was the fact that he had mastered the magic power and the five-layered Rashomon psychic technique.

As for Qianshou Zhuma's immortality and Mudun, Qianshou Lingfeng has no grasp of it, so he can only ask Tobirama if he can get the Mudun from him.

After reading Qianshou Lingfeng's memory, Uchiha Lingfeng opened the file of Bofeng Lingfeng again.

At the same moment, Uchiha Lingfeng watched the memories and skills mastered by Lingfeng from birth to the present.

Namikaze Minato and Namikaze Lingfeng were born in a businessman's family since childhood. The two brothers gradually grew up. Among them, Namikaze Minato was determined to be a Hokage since he was a child, while Namikaze Lingfeng was determined to hold his brother's thigh since he was a child. .

Time has gradually come to the third ninja war. Minato Namikaze relied on the technique of flying thunder gods to be brilliant in the ninja world, while Lingfeng Namikaze relied on first-hand logistical support to ensure backup for the ninjas on the front line.

Of course, Minato in this world also accepted Kakashi, Obito and Lin as disciples. Of course, due to the existence of Lingfeng, Konoha Baiya in this world did not commit suicide, so Kakashi did not fall into a state of autism. , Uchiha Obito was not bewitched by Madara, and everything was basically developing in a good direction.

After learning about the memory, Uchiha Lingfeng also got some ninjutsu and swordsmanship of Lingfeng.

Among them, what surprised Uchiha Lingfeng the most was that he actually had Minato's flying thunder **** technique.

The reason is that after Minato had learned how to fly Thor, he asked Minato to teach himself how to fly Thor. It can be said that in the No. 2 Hokage world, Minato and Lingfeng have the fastest speeds in the entire ninja world. Fast.

After seeing this skill, Uchiha Lingfeng immediately became excited. You must know that during the fourth ninja war, Qianshou Tobirama admitted that Minato's flying thunder **** technique was faster than his flying thunder **** of.

Of course, the skills Uchiha Lingfeng acquired were not only the technique of flying thunder gods, but also the sword technique of White Fang.

As for Bigu Lingfeng, Uchiha Lingfeng also got Feitian Yujianliu's moves from him.

After reading the three people's memories, Ling Feng also uploaded his own memories and skills to the group file. What surprised him the most was that his writing wheel eyes could also be uploaded.

"Great harvest, great harvest."

Feeling that his chakra has grown several times, the corners of Uchiha Lingfeng's mouth rose wildly, and his smile gradually became presumptuous.

Fortunately, he also knew that it was night, and if he laughed too loudly, Madara and Quanna next door might come and beat him.

"According to Bo Feng Lingfeng's memory, gather chakra, write down the spell, and then feel the chakra in the spell."

Lingfeng took out a pen and a piece of paper from the drawer according to what he remembered, and then wrote the Flying Thunder God technique on the paper, and then closed his eyes to sense the chakra of the Flying Thunder God technique.

"There is."

It didn't take long for Ling Feng to sense the chakra of the spell.

Then he picked up the piece of paper and threw it into the sky, Ling Feng ran Chakra. The next second, he grabbed the piece of paper with his entire hand and appeared in mid-air.


After successfully launching the Flying Thunder God, Ling Feng wrote several more Flying Thunder God spells, and then the whole person flew around the room.

After flying for almost half an hour, Ling Feng stopped.

Now he can be sure that he has completely mastered the technique of flying thunder god, and the matter of saving Quanna in the decisive battle tomorrow has been stabilized!

"Then let's start to test the magic power."

Ling Feng put away the technique of Flying Thunder God, quietly pushed open the door and walked out.

There was no such hard rock in his room, and Ling Feng didn't intend to hit the ground with a punch like Tsunade Sakura and the others.

He wanted to see if he could crush the stone with one hand now, so that the sound would be weaker and would not wake Madara and Quanna.

After strolling around in the yard for a few times, Ling Feng found several stones that looked relatively hard.

He first took out a stone, without the blessing of Chakra, he only pinched the stone with his own strength.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, his eyes widened, and he squeezed the stones in his hand into pieces with all his strength.

Looking at the broken stones, Ling Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Then he ran the strange Chakra on his hand, and took out a stone and held it in his hand.

This time, Ling Feng grasped the palm of his hand, and before he could react, the stone in his hand turned into powder and slipped from his fingers.

"Is it so top?"

Looking at the powder gradually disappearing from his hands, Ling Feng suddenly became excited.

Now the ninjutsu that he attacks is Uchiha's fire escape, the swordsmanship has the swordsmanship of Feitian Yujianliu and Shirato, and the taijutsu has strange power.

It can be said that as long as he does not die, he will not die at all.

"Follow Quanna and the others to the battlefield secretly tomorrow, and then protect him secretly. If Madara is concerned, you don't need to protect him. Who else can't beat him except Hasuma, even if Hasuma beat Madara, it will be fine. The old silver coin in the door."

In Ling Feng's memory, Quan Na seemed to be seriously injured by Tobirama's flying thunder **** technique, otherwise Quan Na, who would not reveal flaws, would not have been injured.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng returned to his room with peace of mind, put the phone on the head of his bed, and went to bed.

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