MTL - Age of Adepts-Chapter 1525 Grim's harvest

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The yarn card plane, the beast **** country.

In the temple of the beasts of Nuo Da, a sigh of sorrow suddenly sounded.

"Ontology... my body... Who killed my body?"

The Hall, who had been sitting close to the temple for a long time, stood up and stood up, and the sky was angry and embarrassed. And its awkward body began to smash and disintegrate under the ravages of violent violent forces. The entire body of God has a disintegration of power and a tendency of disintegration.

All the gods who left the avatar inside the temple could not help but open their eyes and watched the scene with a blank look.

Hall's body was killed?

Although some are unbelievable, only such speculation can explain this scene.

The body of the gods was killed, and the remaining avatars survived, leaving him with a hope of resurrection. However, the collapse of the kingdom of God and the collapse of the gods caused by the demise of the gods are not a small impact.

When Hall was out, he took away most of the fragments of the gods, and there was only one fragment of the gods in the body of the goddess A*. And a fragment of Godhead in this area is obviously not enough to withstand the huge priesthood that was transferred after the demise of the ontology.

Therefore, the Hall in front of the eyes has the danger of disintegration!

That Hall was actually killed on the battlefield by a 5th-level wizard who was far less powerful than himself. This point obviously makes it difficult for many orcs to feel uncomfortable in the presence, and is deeply disheartened in the depths of the heart.

With the brutal tyranny of the orc gods, such a useless guy is dead, and the remaining priesthood is best divided by everyone.

However, letting one of his own degenerate battlefields from God, the prestige and reputation of the beast **** A* will undoubtedly be greatly affected.

Therefore, the beast **** above the temple is standing up, and the fierce eyes of the bell-bells transmit the flame of hatred. Immediately, he waved his hand, four crystal clear, flawless fluorescence flew out of the body, and went straight into the body of Hall, who was trembled violently.

The disintegration of Hall’s avatar was initially relieved!

However, the Hall body was originally a 6th-order true god, and now it is obviously not enough to support his huge field of priests by relying on only 5 gods.

Therefore, the beast **** A* murdered, cold channel: "Who there is extra debris in the gods, give Hall a lot of 10, let him be stable in the weak!"

Inside the hall, many orc gods look at me, I look at you, and there is a bitter smile on my face.

Gods shards... This is the lifeblood of the gods!

It was hard to get it, and it went through a series of battles. Everyone was seriously depleted, and how many free gods fragments can be there!

However, the Lord God spoke, and even if the hearts were reluctant, they would have to move around.

Soon, five more godhead fragments flew to Hall.

A total of 10 gods fragments quickly condensed into a complete godhead in the body of Hall. With such a strong support, Hall's detachment was completely eliminated.

However, since then, the Hall of the Hunting God has been beaten back to the prototype, becoming a **** of the weak and so on, and the new gods who have just lifted the throne to the gods are no different. Probably the only difference is that the remaining priesthood and the legacy of the Kingdom of God are much richer than them.

But for a former 6th-order medium god, it is still more sad than joy, no half is worthy of happiness!

"Hall, what's the matter with you? Which human wizard has shot you to kill? Say his name, I will help you revenge!" The man ate a violent loss, the main **** of the orc **** A* is also somewhat out of anger.

"Yes...Yes..." Although it didn't take long before the extinction of the body, but with the instinctive connection between the souls and souls, Hall's avatar is still clear about what happened hundreds of millions of miles away. However, such a powerful ontology has been swallowed up by a 5th-order junior guy... This makes him really can't say anything.

"Why, do you still doubt the power of this adult?" The hesitation of his men will definitely make the beast **** A* angry. He screamed: "Speak his name! Whether he is a 7th-level wizard or a 8th-order bar Barra, I will give you revenge and hate!"

"Yes... a human wizard called Glim!"

"Grim?" The beast **** A* repeated this strange name. For a moment, I couldn’t remember who was named in the high-ranking wizard who I saw. So I looked around at the gods: "Who do you know this guy?"

The gods shook their heads.

Only the violent **** of the strolling in the back row, Haystock's avatar, seems to be conscious but unsure.

"He...he is a 5th-level junior wizard!" Hall was separated, no, the guy who has now become Hall's body has finally finished speaking.


The next moment, the entire temple of the beasts was shaken by a thrilling violent will.

"5th-level primary?" The roar of the beast **** A* rang through the sky: "Hall, why don't you die for me!"


Grimm is running away.

Since swallowing Hall's body, he has become the public enemy of all orc gods in the entire battlefield.

Not to mention the 5th-order gods and the orc prayers, even the 6-step one-eyed giant in the fierce battle has turned his gaze over, shaking the tall body of the top of the earth and began to move to this side.

Glim, who turned into a devil fish, turned and fled.

The body of the Hall that has been swallowed has not completely fallen, and he is in urgent need of finding a safe place to completely digest it.

Therefore, under the cover of the Ten Armed Giant and Remy, he fled straight back to the Great Rock Fortress, and then hid in the residence and never showed up again.

"Drip, get a fragment of the gods..."

"Drip, get a fragment of the gods..."

"Drip, get a fragment of the gods..."



Simple can not be a simple chip sound, but when it continues to sound, Glim's blood is boiling!

He has no intention to count the series of prompts, but is immersed in an explosion of ecstasy...

There is no better sound in the world than this!

Really willing to live forever and eternal immersion in this wonderful no longer wake up!

It took a full year for Glim to completely engulf and digest the Hall body. And what he got was even more blushing and dry.

Shenge fragments, 17...

Divinity, 463 units...

Divine power, more than 117,000...

6th-order artifact (bow) ‘the ancient guardian’ Lunrudilol...

5th-order artifact (head ring) fraudster headband...

5th-order artifact (boots) dodge boots...

6th-order weapon (dagger) Demon's Strike...

5th-level equipment (braceguard) death strikes wristband...

5th-order equipment (belt) ogre belt...

5th-level equipment (pendant) high recovery...



I have to say that as a former 6th-order medium god, Hall's equipment is definitely worthy of his identity. Three pieces of artifacts and all-in-one 5th and 6th-level equipment swayed Grim's eyes.

The reason why these equipments are ranked 5th and 6th can not be called artifacts, the only reason is that when they are built, the main material does not choose the gods fragments, but instead uses other rare resources instead. This makes them unable to form a soul resonance with the gods, and the power will weaken a lot.

However, where can the equipment that can be seen by a 6th-order **** be worse?

Such equipment fell into the hands of Grimm, and immediately made his military reserve full and full!

When Glim thoroughly digested everything and reopened the prohibition and protection outside the house, the witchy message that poured into his mind made him startled.

All are witchcraft messages that require communication, and the scope covers nearly half of the 5th-level wizard and the 10th-order 6th-level wizard. Among them, even the 7th-order refining wizard Irunwald was included!

"Come to me immediately after the customs clearance!"

The message of the Great Wall of Irunwald was so simple, but the inside was impregnated with infinite magic, which made Grim look and see, think and think, and it is difficult to make a decision.

There are more than a dozen fragments of the sacred area, and it is not necessary for a 7th-order wizard to make a sinister thing. But the world is unpredictable. The ghost knows what this Irunwald is so eager to find himself.

It is worthwhile to think that if you want to go to yourself, you will only be worthy of attention.

Glim hesitated for a few days and finally secretly connected to the great Irunwald wizard.

At the moment when the two people's spiritual consciousness was connected, Glim suddenly felt a whirlwind and the space was in disorder. When he recovered his consciousness again, he was already in the hall of a tall and magnificent witchcraft.

The entire hall was empty, only a seat was placed above a tall platform, and a sorcerer with a vague face looked silently.

"You are Grim?" The tall wizard did not move, but a grand will of the spirit was suppressed like a mountain to Grim.

Grim's face changed dramatically, and for the first time I felt the horror of the 7th-order Great Wizard!

It is said that the 5th and 6th-level wizards drive the power of the rules, and the 7th and 8th-level wizards drive the power of the world. Originally, Grim was somewhat ignorant and puzzled by this statement. However, at this moment, he personally felt the spiritual pressure of a 7th-order wizard, and he completely realized it.

The power of the world... This is the power of the world!

At the moment, the spiritual will of the other party is no less than the consciousness of the wizarding world in which Grim has felt.

Although there are huge differences in the number of the two, in essence, they are generally the same.

The same sublime! The same great! The same immortal!

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