MTL - After Waking up Beside the Villain-Chapter 8 superstar rise 8

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"Fuck, I read that right?"

"After three months, Chu Yingdi's first Weibo post is actually going to be broadcast live!"

"Brother Chu is alive! Brother Chu is alive! The fans are crying with joy!"

Chu Yunsheng's Weibo was sent out within a minute, and was instantly captured by the Shocking Party.

The screen filled with exclamation marks and question marks took a full ten minutes before other text began to appear.

Turned out to a galaxy, all the fans ran to tell each other, hugged and cried.

"I'm working overtime, my phone vibrates, and I've been wondering for a while when I see Chu Yunsheng's three characters. Who is this who pays special attention..."

"I seem to have forgotten what Brother Chu looks like..."

“Me too…”

Chu Yunsheng Global Fan Support Club reposted Weibo ten times in a row, all crying.

For more than a year, Chu Yunsheng has not posted a single original Weibo except for the advertisements forwarded by the studio. Variety show awards ceremonies are not all over, the only place where you can see Chu Yunsheng is the tabloids and marketing accounts.

And Chu Yunsheng himself has never expressed any opinion on these matters, just as he said before, bid farewell to a period of time, study in retreat, and isolate from the world.

Of course, no one doubted what Chu Yunsheng said to the outside world, and his superficial skills were also very good, so no one found out that he was mentally ill for more than a year.

The hot search for "Sky Blue Kill" just went down for a day, and it was topped again.

Chu Yunsheng was silent for a year, and the first play he received naturally attracted much attention.

There was no official announcement before, and Chu Yunsheng Studio did not make a statement. The fans didn't take it seriously. The Buddhists eat melons. No matter how noisy people are, Chu Yunsheng's fans don't even bother.

But it's different now.

Chu Yunsheng is about to start a live broadcast, and he is finally about to show his face. The fans were very excited, beating gongs and drums to celebrate, no matter whether it is true or not, first give me the top of the hot search.

As for those sunspots, Buddhist fans have their own set of ways to deal with them.

"What's wrong with the actor, the actor is amazing? Don't you play a murderer with a mental illness? A villain is a professional. Apart from the villain, you can't play anything else. No wonder you can't get the actor Jinna!"

Fans replied: "Thank you for your opinion, Brother Chu will continue to cheer [cute]."

"Chu Yunsheng's acting skills are just like that, how can he boast like this? Which of the old actors in China is not better than him? Besides, even if his acting skills are good, his character is the same, and he is dead to the unspoken rules. Gay mixed up, tsk tsk."

Fans replied: "Thank you for your opinion, Brother Chu will continue to cheer [cute]."

"Isn't Chu Yunsheng the same male junior? What's the use of acting well, his character is rubbish, and a greasy man in his thirties still wants to eat swan meat..."

Fans replied: "Thank you for your opinion, Brother Chu will continue to cheer [cute]."

"Are Chu Yunsheng's fans sick? Copy Party?"

Fans replied: "Thank you for your opinion, we will continue to work hard to copy [cute]."


The Weibo that was baptized by Chu's repeater seems to have just gone through a mighty mudslide. The major marketing accounts have commented on them, and they are all the same. I thought Weibo was pumped.

Under the blessing of the mysterious copy party, this night passed so peacefully and harmoniously.

At six or seven o'clock the next morning, many people's alarm clocks went off.

This day is Saturday, most people do not go to school and work, but the time to get up is fast, faster than the teacher's name and the clock. These people are all fans and blacks. There are also many people who are pure melon eaters and innocent passers-by. At this moment, they all squatted in Chu Yunsheng's live broadcast room.

At exactly eight o'clock, there was a buzzing sound of an electric toothbrush in the live broadcast room opened by Xingxing Live for Chu Yunsheng.


The owner of the hand stepped back a little, glanced at the screen on the phone at random, raised his head and continued to brush his teeth, wash his face and shave in front of the mirror, without any idol burden.

Barrage: "…"

After a few seconds, a barrage finally broke the eerie silence.

"I remember Brother Chu being thirty-five this year..."

Everyone fell silent when they looked at Chu Yunsheng's handsome face, who was in his twenties at most.

Chu Yunsheng took care of himself and washed himself. He didn't look at his phone at all.

Just when Heizi tried to smear Chu Yunsheng's upbringing manners, the bathroom door was pushed open, and Yin Zheng, with a sleepy face, was wearing a rabbit pajamas with dull hair on his head, like a ghost Shake in.

"Brother Chu, good morning."

Yin Zheng cheered up and said hello, took the toothbrush and started squeezing toothpaste, glanced at Chu Yunsheng after wiping his face, and picked up the mobile phone to move him.

The mobile phone was naturally put into the pocket, and Yin Zheng did not pay attention to Chu Yunsheng's mobile phone.

But he noticed something else.

"Brother Chu, you didn't do skin care."

Yin Zheng was angry: "I've already posted one, two, three, and four for you, you can just wipe it on your face in order, it won't waste a few minutes. There will be several big nights to shoot recently. Play, you have to take good care of it, don't always try to cheat and play tricks, men need to be more refined..."

Chu Yunsheng had to go back to the mirror while Yin Zheng was talking, picked up a bottle of toner with a big "1" label and slapped it on his face.

Chu Yunsheng was chatting with Yin Zheng about the script and roles along the way, guiding Yin Zheng.

Chu Yunsheng did not forget that he was running a live broadcast, but he had never been exposed to this thing before, and Yuan Meng never thought that Chu Yunsheng would not be able to broadcast live, and he was also recently Chu Yunsheng instructed the group to turn around, and after a glance at the live broadcast, there was no major problem, so he put it aside for now.

In addition to the vague impression of Zhang Feihan, who was notified of this completely closed production crew, other people who were disconnected from the Internet were completely unaware.

The people in Chu Yunsheng Studio knew it, but they saw that Yuan Meng didn't respond, and Chu Yunsheng has always been reliable. They thought it was the effect of the show and didn't care at all.

So the effect of Chu Yunsheng's live broadcast can be imagined.

In the live broadcast room, when Chu Yunsheng gently stuffed the phone into his pocket, he was stunned. After swiping rows of question marks, he thought the anchor was disconnected.

But soon Yin Zheng's nagging came, and fans calmed down. Although they still couldn't figure it out, they could still confirm that the anchor was still there, but they were locked in a small dark room.

There is no picture, only sound, the screen is full of doubts, abuse, sarcasm, and some people express embarrassment at Yin Zheng's appearance, scolding Yin Zheng for being nosy, hugging his thighs and kneeling and licking, acting as himself who is it.

But to scold people, you have to have back and forth to have energy.

But in Chu Yunsheng's live broadcast room, Chu Yunsheng himself was pitch black, Chu Yunsheng's fans copied frantically, and the super tube of Xingxing Live was watching the processing. For the first time, the water army realized the curse. Uninteresting.

The barrage was cleaned up very quickly.

In the dark screen, the audience heard Chu Yunsheng and Yin Zheng go out, the screenwriter rubbed the car, and several people went to the set together.

The audience thought, is there anyone who doesn’t play mobile phones in the car? You're going to take out your phone this time so we can see the light of day again?

They thought happily, preparing for a barrage of drowned people to question this unprofessional anchor.

But unexpectedly, these people don't even play mobile phones in the car!

Totally closed production crew, they finally know what is the difference between the total closure of "Sky Blue Kill" and the total closure of other people's homes, "Sky Blue Kill" is really closed!

Disconnect from the Internet, return to the original life, experience the true meaning of performance, fresh and unpretentious.

Failed to wait for the light, a group of viewers had to continue listening to the sound.

Then they discovered that Chu Yunsheng and several people were discussing filming while sharing soy milk fritters.

Yin Zheng is also like a diligent elementary school student, holding on to Chu Yunsheng and asking non-stop, intertwined with two lines, like a playwright.

"Chu Yun said so much to wash Yin Zheng's floor, I don't know what's the matter."

"As expected of an actor, he can really act."

But this sarcasm is pure wink for the blind.

People outside their pockets were not affected at all. Chu Yunsheng and Yin Zheng used the time on the road to analyze today's scenes. This is their daily crew routine. Occasionally insert two sentences, a discussion.

Arrived on the set and started shooting.

Chu Yunsheng put the phone on the chair and went over to film.

The audience in the live broadcast room who escaped from their pockets burst into tears with joy, and they were all in a trance: "I can see it, Ma Ma, I can see it!"

The camera is half-backed on the back of the chair, unable to capture the scene of the filming, and the sound is a little blurry because of the distance, and there is a lot of noise. But viewers who can see the ceiling and walls of the live room are more than satisfied than being in the dark in their pockets.

"I didn't expect my requirements to watch live broadcasts to be so low..."

The barrage was lively for a while.

But filming is actually a very boring thing.

Continuously pondering and repeating, when things go well, they get tired, and when things go wrong, they are devastated.

Everyone on the set was very busy, especially Zhang Feifan, a poor and hardworking crew, who wished he could be broken into three messengers, and everyone had no time to spare. Even in the gap between filming, some people are constantly determining the scene props and doing all kinds of busy work.

Chu Yunsheng and Yin Zheng, not to mention, during the rest time, they were either watching the camera with Zhang Feifei, or interacting with each other.

In this boring, the audience in the live broadcast room was much less, but the ones left behind also had some different feelings.

The profession of an actor seems to be no different from other professions. It is the same as hard work, the same will be scolded, and the same as you must continue to learn and enrich yourself.

They will walk the red carpet glamorously and appear on various billboards, but they will also crouch on the steps without any image, changing their facial expressions like a neuropathy When encountering difficulties, I doubt myself, feel that I am not good at acting, and scold myself for being better than Luther.

The barrage is much quieter.

Yuan Meng, who finally found out that something was wrong, was about to blow up Chu Yunsheng's call, but found that the situation seemed to be okay?

Out of blind trust in Chu Yunsheng, Yuan Meng decided to wait and see.

This wait and see comes to noon.

The crew sent a box lunch, two vegetarian dishes and half a marinated egg.

Chu Yunsheng pulled over a small table and sat on the chair with Yin Zheng to eat.

After eating, Chu Yunsheng took out two bottles of yogurt, one for each person, and inserted a straw with Yin Zheng to drink.

Since he found out that Yin Zheng likes to drink yogurt, Chu Yunsheng asked his assistant to buy two boxes, freeze them in the refrigerator of the homestay, and bring a few to the crew every day.

Live Room: "…"

"What a shabby bento, I cried."

"Is this lunch box standard five dollars?"

"I heard that "Sky Blue Kill" is a poor crew, and the director has money to pile on the service, and nothing else, but I didn't expect that this box lunch..."

"No wonder my brother Chu has lost weight. Is it still time to crowdfund to buy a lunch box for "Sky Blue Kill"?"

The fans are very sad, and their emotions are very likely to overlap with Chu Yunsheng, who saw the three giants of the crew raise money to buy water troops a day ago.

Just as the barrage started crowdfunding the lunch box, Yin Zheng, who was sitting beside him with a side face, neatly packed up the garbage, and looked at Chu Yunsheng with bright eyes: "Brother Chu, come on for a while. ?"

Chu Yunsheng was used to it: "You pick."

Handed Yin Zheng a wet wipe.

Yin Zheng took it over and wiped his mouth, pointing to the last paragraph of the script, his expression changed, and he started his performance.

This short paragraph is a scene that Yin Zheng has been pondering and practicing repeatedly recently. It is a scene that is relatively difficult for him to control.

In this scene, Du Mingyao tore off a piece of skin that he loved and valued, forcing Yuan Qing to smoke opium.

Du Mingyao is a man with a strong desire to control, and he sees people very accurately, he knows that Yuan Qing may not be completely controlled by him. He needed a rope to wrap around Yuan Qing's neck. Pampering is the rope, and so is opium, which is carefully calculated.

Yin Zheng sat on the small bench, propped his arms on the chair next to him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and his momentum changed instantly.

The barrage is full of question marks.

"Yin Zheng came to show off his acting skills? Are you sure it's not funny?"

"You should change the angle of washing the floor, Yin Zheng's acting skills really don't have to be washed..."

“…is it my hallucination? Why do I feel that Yin Zheng looks different.”

Not long after the barrage was brushed, Yin Zheng spoke up.

Du Mingyao is strong and conceited, he is not willing to put on a false gentle gesture in front of Yuan Qing, so-called favor also includes coercion.

He sat in the dim light, raised his chin slightly, and said nonchalantly, "Get something small. Eat it while it's hot."

Lazy and unmistakably tough.

Yuan Qing looked at the desktop.

That's big smoke.

He spent so long in the Big Tobacco Museum, and his knowledge of Big Tobacco far exceeds that of many ordinary people.

He didn't raise his head to look at Du Mingyao, he just sat quietly with his back straight and his eyelids slightly drooping.

Looking at the stack of pastries for a while, he slowly reached out and squeezed a piece, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed.

Yuan Qing took a bite of the cake and raised her eyes with a faint smile: "It tastes good."

Du Mingyao smiled and pulled the collar of his military uniform lightly. His slack attitude had not changed from beginning to end, but it seemed that everything had changed: "You just like it."

A brief look at each other, undercurrents surging.

Yin Zheng finished reading the lines, the script smashed his face, and said angrily: "It's almost, it's almost... What's wrong..."

Chu Yunsheng handed him another apple, and began to make up for Yin Zheng with the analysis of the scene just now: "This part is a kind of psychological change and firmness for Du Mingyao and Yuan Qing. Yuan Qing had no role in Du Mingyao's eyes at first, and he would not leave the espionage personnel he had meticulously cultivated to train a half-way monk with a still-not-sophisticated voice. His mind changed little by little. The play is a relatively obvious exposure, revealing and restrained..."

Chu Yunsheng can't teach people, but it's not a problem to simply guide Yin Zheng's original performance.

As soon as Chu Yunsheng opened his mouth, Yin Zheng immediately bit the apple, listened carefully to the lecture, asked questions from time to time, questioned and refuted Chu Yunsheng, and the two had a heated discussion.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also changed in this short confrontation.

"Although I don't know what kind of plot they are playing, it's so good, the atmosphere is so tense that I can't breathe..."

"The previous one is too exaggerated, but this part is indeed a bit worrying, and the plot will definitely not be just a warm meal plot!"

"Yin Zheng's eyes are too playful, he seems to be forcing Chu Yunsheng to eat something, but it's a little different, the atmosphere is weird, I'm a little scared..."

"I didn't get too pressured when I played against Brother Chu, Yin Zheng's acting skills are okay."

"The acting is good, but the character is rubbish."

No matter what the barrage says, the life of the crew is still the same.

The live broadcast lasted until the evening, and the audience began to wonder why the live broadcast was so long and still not closed, and then looked up and saw the title of the live broadcast room "My day in the crew".

To be honest, say one day is one day.

The sincere Shadow Emperor Chu has a night show tonight. Yin Zheng didn't play, but he didn't go back. He sat next to the assistant director and studied the script, working very hard.

After filming the night scene at about ten o’clock in the evening, Zhang Feihan and the producer rubbed Chu Yunsheng’s nanny car on the way back, the phone was returned to his pocket, and the live broadcast room was pitch black again.

The audience in the live broadcast room increased again at night, but everyone was basically used to this familiar darkness. Only ignorant passers-by would make a sound of doubt when they crashed in.

The nanny car was very quiet, everyone was tired, and had no energy to speak, only Yin Zheng was still holding the script and whispering his lines.

The audience in the live broadcast room was drowsy, and they were thinking about whether to lie down and listen to the lullaby when they suddenly heard the producer speaking in Sichuan dialect: "Oh , The budget for the crew is really not enough, Lao Chu, I'm embarrassed to throw all the announcements to your studio, otherwise, let's think of a way to follow the trend, and make a CP or something?"

Barrage: "…"

We seem to have heard a big secret!

However, before anyone could speak, director Zhang Feifan Zhang refused: "This is not good, I oppose it!"

Zhang Feifei sighed: "Although our film has some basic content, but this is not the theme, don't focus the audience's attention on these things, just let everyone watch the film well. In addition, the dirty water on Xiao Yin's body has not been washed, so the hype may be counterproductive. And Du Mingyao is more powerful in our film, but in reality, Lao Chu's aura is 2.8 meters, this is not the right product! "

Producer: "That's right, this is what those little girls said about the inverse CP... I'm afraid even the hype won't be very good. Forget it, let's not kill it when the filming is over. The banquet is over, save some money and buy a hot search..."

Zhang Feifei clapped his hands: "Yes, yes!"

Chu Yunsheng: "…"

Yin Zheng: “…”

The barrage ready to be sprayed: "...What kind of silliness is this a poor crew!"

At this time, although Director Zhang knew that Chu Yunsheng was going to start a live broadcast, he did not pay attention to Weibo dynamics, nor did he know the live broadcast time of Chu Yunsheng, and he really believed that the hype was bought and bought. Sou is a basic exercise, so I don't even know that his poor face has been seen by millions of people.

Back to the homestay in the evening, Chu Yunsheng and Yin Zheng read the information and figured out the characters until twelve o'clock.

Yin Zheng warmed up the milk and handed it to Chu Yunsheng, took a shower and went to bed on time.

Chu Yunsheng returned to the bedroom with the milk, put the phone on the table, took out a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and put it on, opened the laptop and started working.

Crackling keyboard sounds.

Occasionally answering the phone, all in foreign languages, listening to the live broadcast room, I have no idea that the night life of the actor is so esoteric and difficult to understand.

Three in the morning.

Fans finally saw the gentle and scum-like man in the camera turned off the computer and climbed into bed, and said the first sentence of his live broadcast to the mobile phone: "At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, Star live broadcast, see you or leave."

Live Room: "…"

No, go!

On this night, Tao An's previous interview was released, which talked about his harassment by Yin Zheng.

Tao An responded generously, did not avoid talking about it, and did not step on Yin Zheng in a gesture of falling into trouble, but hoped that everyone would "forgive" Yin Zheng who "made a mistake".

The next day when I opened the live broadcast room, Chu Yunsheng, who saw the barrage mentioning this, couldn't help but smile.

It came.


Chu Yunsheng remembered this time point, so he chose to live broadcast these two days.

Faced with the barrage question, Chu Yunsheng didn't want to answer.

Yin Zheng's depressed and dazed face when he had a fever suddenly flashed across his mind.

He thought about it with his straight head and said, "I don't think Yin Zheng did anything to Tao An. He doesn't like Tao An."

Seeing Qing Yishui's sarcastic boos, Chu Yunsheng's voice was calm and calm, and continued: "Yin Zheng doesn't like men. Even if he does, he should like me like this... I think, I It should be the kind of gentle and infatuated attack written in the book."

Barrage: "I don't know if I should ask Brother Chu what book he read or why he is shameless..."

"For the first time I saw a star who is gentle and infatuated..."

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