MTL - After Waking up Beside the Villain-Chapter 5 superstar rise 5

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Tao An spent more than ten years in the entertainment industry before crossing the road. From a small dragon trick to a third-tier actor, the light and darkness of the entertainment industry can be clearly seen.

He knows the truth of cutting grass without eradicating its roots.

At Yin Zheng's clarification press conference a month ago, since he chose to step on Yin Zheng to take the top position, he must trample people to death, until they are unable to turn over and can't get up again. Otherwise, he knew very well that once Yin Zheng had a chance to make a comeback, he would definitely not end well.

And no matter how many people he has offended, how bad his temper is, or how bad his acting skills are, Yin Zheng is a person who has been in this circle for ten years. A little actor with a firm footing is comparable.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people who are friends with Yin Zheng, Tao An, who has fallen into trouble, is a bit more hateful.

After all, although Yin Zheng has a bad temper, he is by no means a star who is particularly difficult to serve and loves to make things difficult for others.

Of course, it is precisely because of Yin Zheng's dislike of straightness that many people are also shaken, and they really doubt that Yin Zheng is interested in Tao An.

These doubters include Zhou Ziyan.

Tao An is very aware of Zhou Ziyan's thoughts and will take advantage of this.

Now, the second male lead of the movie he grabbed from Yin Zheng has arranged more scenes recently, one after another. In addition, a small part of Yin Zheng's previous scenes needed to be re-shot, and the crew was pressed hard, so the task was even more arduous.

Under such a high-pressure work arrangement, Tao An still did not forget to occasionally ask an assistant to inquire about the latest news of Yin Zheng.

"You said, he went to find Chu Yunsheng a few days ago?"

Tao An sat in the nanny's car, raised her head when she heard the assistant's words, and frowned slightly.

The assistant is Tao An's cousin, Tao An didn't trust outsiders at all after passing through Yin Zheng, so after thinking about it, he called his cousin who didn't go to school after graduating from high school from his hometown Come over, let the agent Li Lin teach for a while, and arrange to be by his side.

Liu Lele is smart and diligent, and has been interested in the entertainment industry for a long time. He hopes that his cousin will take him with him.

Although he didn't quite know why Tao An kept inquiring about Yin Zheng's news and sent private investigators to investigate, but thinking about the rumors on the Internet and clarifying things at the press conference, he felt that he was still Don't ask too much.

"That's right, cousin."

Liu Lele lowered her voice and said, "Isn't the Chu movie emperor involved in the derailment of the movie queen Wang Xuan before, there are a lot of paparazzi staring at him. But then he was a three-disregard policy, After the studio issued a statement, there was no sound, and there was no work for more than a year, and the popularity was not good, so no one was watching."

"And when Yin Zheng went to see Chu Yunsheng, Guangming went there in broad daylight and brought an old man with him. Later, when the old man left, Yin Zheng also left before dark, not avoiding anyone at all. It doesn't look like something is going on either. Coupled with the fact that the popular Xiaohua has revealed her love affair in the past two days, no one like Yin Zheng and Chu Yunsheng is willing to cook."

"If I hadn't had dinner with that media editor last night and listened to it, I wouldn't have known about it..."

Liu Lele babbled, Tao An took a sip, and his brows slowly loosened.

He has all the memories of the original Tao An, and deeply hates the original body for being a fool.

Yin Zheng would yell at Yuan Shen when his temper came up, and occasionally he had a good face, and Yuan Shen would like a dog to come up to please, and Tao An was angry with him.

There is no big psychological burden to frame Yin Zheng, anyway, Yin Zheng does not take his original body as a person, and in his opinion, Yin Zheng only has traffic and no acting skills, and a bunch of brain-dead fans are licking Yan's vase is the scum of the entertainment industry. It is best to move the nest as soon as possible.

Tao An believes that under normal circumstances, after Yin Zheng is hidden in the snow, he should be depressed and let it go. If he is interested, he should quickly quit the entertainment circle and become an Internet celebrity, so that he will not be too ugly. .

But he didn't expect that Yin Zheng went to find Chu Yunsheng.

Tao An had seen a lot of Chu Yunsheng's films when he first got dressed and found his acting skills.

He really knows Chu Yunsheng's strength too well. He was a natural actor, a well-deserved actor.

Chu Yunsheng's last work before he went to study is "The Psycho", which is about a strange world. The world is made up of mediocre people, and all geniuses with high IQs and great creativity are regarded as mentally ill, and from the day they reveal their unusual characteristics, they are put in a mental hospital for treatment.

The film revolves around this mental hospital, describing countless grotesque and absurd scenes. Chu Yunsheng plays the male lead, a genius-like lunatic. He knew how to hide since he was a child. After discovering the rules of this world, he put a mediocre shell on himself and tried every means to inherit the mental hospital.

He is a patient and director of a mental hospital.

He will use his authority and mentally ill people to engage in R&D and creation, carnival like he is really crazy, and he will also be ordinary and cowardly into the mediocre world outside, without arousing anyone's suspicion.

At the end of the film, the changes in the mental hospital were discovered, people from the outside rushed in, Chu Yunsheng and the patients used technological weapons to defeat them and control the whole world.

He put these people in the mental hospital and looked at them through an iron gate. He thought he had achieved what he wanted and was free.

But the finale is not a happy liberation.

In the last scene, Chu Yunsheng stood outside the door, but suddenly remembered that many years ago when he was a child, he was only four years old, and he was standing outside the mental hospital like this, looking inside.

Now the old man has faded into the confused child, he looked at the patient inside and the patient outside, dazed.

This is a scene known as a permanent classic.

This somewhat absurd film with a bit of cool text got an unexpected sublimation because of the final ending.

It is full of irony, profound and thought-provoking, and once won all the heavyweight awards of the year.

The male protagonist Chu Yunsheng was nominated for Best Actor at the Jinna Film Festival, one of the three major international film festivals, with this film.

Although she did not really win the award, Chu Yunsheng's acting skills are absolutely beyond doubt.

Tao An does not believe that Yin Zheng will visit Chu Yunsheng for no reason. The old man Liu Lele said is probably the lead person. Based on Tao An's understanding of Yin Zheng, Yin Zheng is a small strong man who cannot be beaten to death. The sky is blindly optimistic, and it is really possible that he could go to Chu Yunsheng for help with a shy face.

He went to Chu Yunsheng to learn acting or to audition?

No matter which one, it is not what Tao An wants to see.

But Tao An didn't show anything on the surface.

He sent Liu Lele to get a box lunch, and sat in the nanny car to send WeChat to Zhou Ziyan.

Although the first meeting between Tao An and Zhou Ziyan was not good, the sincerity and ingratitude shown by Zhou Ziyan recently made him believe in the love Zhou Ziyan said.

Besides, he knew there might be something wrong with his physique - as a real man, he was pregnant.

He didn't want to be treated as a monster, and he didn't know if a man could have an abortion, so he never acted rashly.

Now that his relationship with Zhou Ziyan is getting better and better, he also feels that he may not need to abort the child anymore. With the love Zhou Ziyan has shown so far, he should be willing to accept his physique and children. But whether or not to confess, Tao An will have to try again.

Thinking like this, Tao An's voice on WeChat couldn't help but become more intimate: "Zi Yan, do you know the latest news about Yin Zheng? I heard that he terminated the contract with the company, and wanted to find a time to visit he."

Zhou Ziyan called immediately.

Tao An smiled, and when he picked it up, he heard a low and magnetic male voice coming through the microphone, the coldness in his tone was replaced by gentleness: "Xiao An, why do you suddenly remember to ask Yin Zheng? He is terminating the contract with the company. Yes, but it's a decision made by the board, he's in a bad image right now and he's violating his contract."

Tao An smiled embarrassedly: "So it is... I just don't want you to target him. After all, he didn't really do anything, so there's no need to force it so hard."

His tone showed a hint of softness towards Yin Zheng.

Zhou Ziyan heard it, her voice changed slightly, she suppressed her displeasure, and continued to say softly: "I know, Xiao An. But only hard-hearted people in this circle can live well, like you. It’s not okay to be soft-hearted.”

Tao An was silent for a while, then whispered unhappily: "Didn't you say you would protect me..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Zhou Ziyan's breathing change. Tao An didn't wait for Zhou Ziyan to say anything, and quickly said "Lele is back, I'll eat first" and hung up. on the phone.

He wouldn't let Yin Zheng get up.

On the other side, the office of President Zhou.

Zhou Ziyan stared at the extinguished mobile phone screen for a while, a gentle and helpless smile appeared on his stern face.

But after putting down the phone, his smile disappeared immediately.

He picked up another mobile phone and made a call. After learning that Yin Zheng visited Chu Yunsheng and joined Chu Yunsheng in the group "Tianqing Kill", a flash of light flashed in his eyes. ruthless.

The crew of "Tianqing Kill" nestled in a remote corner had no idea what was waiting for them in a few days.

A group of people are focusing on filming.

Chu Yunsheng, as the male protagonist, has a lot of scenes, and he has been running continuously.

Yin Zheng's Du Mingyao hasn't appeared so soon, but Yin Zheng is controlled by Chu Yunsheng, has no mobile phone and no internet, except sitting dryly on the small bench watching Chu Yunsheng's acting, There is no other way.

And looking at it, Yin Zheng's impression of Chu Yunsheng also gradually changed on the basis of a beast and a hypocrite.

Chu Yunsheng is not the original body, but his learning ability is far better than the original body. Otherwise, he would not have been a genius who dropped out of school and could develop anti-cancer drugs.

He absorbed all the experience left by the original body like a sponge, and made some adjustments to interpret the protagonist Yuan Qing in this movie in an experiential way according to his own ideas.

Before shooting, even Zhang Feifei was not very confident that Chu Yunsheng could play the teenage Yuan Qing at once, after all, Chu Yunsheng's age is here. But they are such a small and crappy crew, they simply can't invite the protagonists of the right age and good acting skills. If they can invite Chu Yunsheng, they will burn high incense, so don't be so harsh.

No one has confidence in Chu Yunsheng.

A very real sense of youth inside and out.

This kind of teenager feels pure and astringent, but not thin.

It is full of suffering, but also full of hope, stable and full of vitality, from the camera, at first glance, people will think that this is a teenager with complicated experiences , but today's life is hard but contented young people.

Yin Zheng was amazed.

A thirty-five-year-old man, acting as a teenager, he has only seen it in those old actors.

And this way of interpretation is not very respected, after all, there may be a sense of disobedience. But in Chu Yunsheng, probably because he had been well maintained and had a good grasp of his psychology and temperament, this sense of disobedience was almost zero.

In the two scenes where Chu Yunsheng killed the old man, killed the trafficker, and struggled with the children all night, Yin Zheng was even more shocked.

This is acting.

Yin Zheng had fear in his heart, and infinite yearning and fighting spirit.

"Sky Blue Kill" was not shot according to the timeline, so after two days of filming, it was time for Yin Zheng's scene.

Yin Zheng struggled for a whole day, and when the shooting was over at night, he mustered up his courage and walked into the master bedroom with the script.

Chu Yunsheng just finished taking a shower and walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe, when he saw Yin Zheng wearing a little rabbit pajamas standing at the door, his face changed, as if the Sichuan opera changed his face.

He looked at Yin Zheng's pajamas in surprise, and always felt that Yin Zheng dressed like this somehow wanted people to touch his little round tail.

But unfortunately, the pajamas printed with bunnies have no tail.

Chu Yunsheng suppressed the regret in his eyes, and said with a natural look: "Come in, is there anything?"

Yin Zheng slowly moved in, tried his best to ignore the discomfort in his body, and searched for polite words: "Mr. Chu, Chu, there will be our rivalry play tomorrow, I want to invite... Please be right with me. play."

Chu Yunsheng leaned against the head of the bed, took the script and glanced at it: "Well, it's the first time the Great Smokehouse will be filmed, first let me talk about your understanding of Du Mingyao's character , and the change in the relationship between Yuan Qing and Du Mingyao, what do you think?"

Seeing that Chu Yunsheng was acting like a standard teacher, Yin Zheng didn't consciously relax.

Of course he has done his homework. Du Mingyao's biography has tens of thousands of words, so when facing Chu Yunsheng's question, it is not true at all. After thinking about it, he said: "Du Mingyao Ming Yao is not a typical villain, nor is he an authentic warlord."

"He is paranoid, arrogant, extremely controlling, good at disguise, cruel, but very rational, can afford to let go, and has a special feeling for his family. So he plays with power , robbing territory, even burning, killing and looting. In the early stage, he also ceded land and paid indemnity, and dealt with various countries, not thinking that he had done anything wrong, but also thinking that he was doing it for the good of the country. But in the later stage, he faced the invading army, in the For the first time, the group of soft bones became tough, and they became the first person to resist and also the first person to sacrifice."

"This character is actually not complicated, but it is a little difficult for me to play his transformations and contradictions well."

Yin Zheng said frankly: "Speaking of the relationship with Yuan Qing... In my opinion, his love for Yuan Qing is like a plaything, based on interest and utilization, It's okay to give a little emotion. But if this emotion exceeds the standard, if this plaything is no longer under his control, then he can also be ruthless and destroy this plaything."

Chu Yunsheng listened quietly.

Yin Zheng's analysis is almost the same as his understanding of Du Mingyao.

If it wasn't for this character being complex but simple, with a distinct personality, he would not have chosen Yin Zheng.

In a role that is too demanding, Yin Zheng, who is improvised, is not up to the task.

"...that's my understanding."

After Yin Zheng finished speaking, he looked at Chu Yunsheng, feeling a little nervous.


Yin Zheng sat on the chair beside the bed and nodded, then he saw Chu Yunsheng in front of him suddenly change his temperament, the originally handsome and gentle eyebrows raised slightly, bringing out a trace of icy coldness ridicule, and gloomy decadent extravagant beauty.

He seemed to instantly transformed into the slender young man who was in the big smokehouse for everyone to have fun.

There was an imperceptible brightness on his depraved face.

He saw the arrogant officer through the smoke, but he lowered his eyes as if he was looking at a stone.

Yin Zheng's eyes instantly ignited a dark fire, he subconsciously hooked his lips into a smile, glanced back with his romantic eyebrows, and raised his chin casually: "That thing, Du Mou wants it ."

Chu Yunsheng's expression returned to normal, and he looked at Yin Zheng who was in a daze with amusement: "That's it. Conquer, control, transform, get excited when people like Du Mingyao first saw Yuan Qing, I wouldn't take it seriously at all, let alone use it, it's just a boring interest."

In Yin Zheng's somewhat stiff look, he glanced at Yin Zheng's legs and said lightly: "Under control, it's best not to be **** the set tomorrow."

Yin Zheng: “…”

I'm not, I don't have you, take your eyeballs back and don't look!


Yin Zheng blushed, and rushed out of the bedroom as if his **** was on fire.

The bedroom door slammed shut.

Chu Yunsheng sat on the bed, opened Taobao, and searched for a pile of plush pajamas in the shopping cart.

He has always been worried about Yin Zheng's psychological shadow of being asleep, so compensation is compensation, apology is apology, but he rarely bothers him, but now... Yin Zheng actually salutes him ?

It's interesting.

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