MTL - After Waking up Beside the Villain-Chapter 3 Rise of the Stars 3

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In the evening, Yin Zheng's fever subsided and his condition recovered a little. From the outside, there was nothing abnormal, so Chu Yunsheng went downstairs to send him away.

The fact that Yin Zheng came to visit in the morning fell into the eyes of many people. If it was getting dark, it would be troublesome.

Yin Zheng, who had lost his fever, seemed to have finally regained his sanity. He put on a cold face that was at a distance, and smiled at Chu Yunsheng without a smile. You can see that their talk has collapsed, and the relationship is so bad that it is almost a fight on the spot.

"I'm bothering Teacher Chu today, bye."

Yin Zheng waved his hand perfunctorily, without even looking at Chu Yunsheng, he got into the car, slammed the accelerator into the dust, and sprayed Chu Yunsheng with car exhaust.

Chu Yunsheng didn't care about Yin Zheng's reaction.

When he was sorting out the plot of the original novel, he roughly analyzed Yin Zheng.

Yin Zheng's appearance is bright and flamboyant, belonging to the kind of aggressive beauty, highly recognizable, easy to remember at a glance, unforgettable.

And his character is also flamboyant and wanton, just like the dazzling scorching sun at noon, no matter where he stands, he is dazzling and focused, and he is a typical star material.

Yin Zheng made his debut at the age of sixteen and became an instant hit. The influence of his youth and fame on him is unimaginable.

On the one hand, he has a good talent. He has been held in the hands of millions of fans in the past ten years, coaxed by his agent, and developed a arrogant and willful temper.

On the other hand, because he entered the circle too early and became famous too early, he was exposed to all kinds of turbidity in the entertainment circle before he was mature. The young man's mind is very sensitive, and when he encounters an attack from the outside world, he will instinctively erect spikes to protect himself.

As a result, Yin Zheng gave most people the impression of being arrogant, irritable, and fond of playing big names.

But this is only a symptom.

He was held up very high, and it hurts enough to fall down this time.

Yin Zheng did not fall down because of this, but actively sought change. His heart was called firm and brave, much stronger than many idols who were vulnerable to a single blow. Most importantly, He has self-knowledge.

In the face of Chu Yunsheng's sleeping with him, Yin Zheng's performance was very contradictory, both strong and weak, and even in Chu Yunsheng's mild and neurotic performance, he showed an indiscernible expression Soften and doubt.

This shows that he is very sensitive to people's emotions, is a little shaken by Chu Yunsheng's good and evil, and has a bit of stupid innocence in his bones. To a certain extent, if he is deceived, he will give people money.

This is also very clear in the original plot, Yin Zheng is very easy to trust people.

Under such circumstances, Chu Yunsheng was willing to let him go and pull him up, which was precisely because of his naivety.

And Chu Yunsheng knew that, whether it was Yin Zheng who was naive, or Yin Zheng who had the upper hand after the fever subsided, he would not refuse his help.

Because he wants to get up and this is his best chance.

After sending Yin Zheng away, Chu Yunsheng returned to the study and called the director.

The director's surname is Zhang and his name is Zhang Feifan.

When he heard that Chu Yunsheng was willing to take the show, Director Zhang was overjoyed and kept laughing: "No problem, no problem! Teacher Chu hasn't picked up the movie for a long time, here I am. In fact, I didn’t hold out much hope. Now it’s a pie in the sky, isn’t it just to bring more people into the group, no problem, even newcomers, most of my crew are newcomers, just bring them together…”

"Not new."

Chu Yunsheng's voice was low and laughing, completely different from when he faced Yin Zheng, "You should also know Yin Zheng, who just terminated his contract with Hanhai Entertainment. He has a good relationship with my mentor, and he came to me today. , I think he also has talent, so I want to take him."

Director Zhang was surprised: "Yin Zheng?"

His tone was hesitant: "Mr. Chu, it's not that I refute your face, but Yin Zheng's salary is sky-high, even if he is involved in the scandal now, my crew invites you, I'm afraid I won't be able to invite him..."

Chu Yunsheng smiled: "Director Zhang, don't be nervous, Yin Zheng and I are willing to perform this play for zero pay."

"Zero pay?!"

Chu Yunsheng said: "Yes. But I hope that when filming this film, Director Zhang can put more attention on Yin Zheng, teach him, and hone his acting skills. Director, I choose to take on this drama. One is that I like the script very much, and the other is that I like Director Zhang's ability to train actors. As long as Director Zhang doesn't mind the recent news..."

Director Zhang held the phone and almost thought he was dreaming.

He quickly weighed the pros and cons in his heart, quickly gritted his teeth, made a decision, and said with a smile, "This is Teacher Chu trusting me. Okay, since it is a person whom Teacher Chu values, I am sure Gotta grind hard!"

Chu Yunsheng: "Thank you Director Zhang. But I hope this matter is kept secret to avoid unnecessary trouble."

"No problem, Mr. Chu, I am very strict." Director Zhang agreed simply.

Although this kind of thing is a gimmick, it can attract the attention of all parties. But in general, the harm outweighs the benefit, and Director Zhang prefers to film in a quiet way rather than a **** storm. Otherwise, he would not have been tepid for so many years.

Zhang Feifei has a good reputation in the industry, and he is not a person who reneges on his promises, even if this matter is settled.

The two exchanged a few more words and hung up the phone after confirming that they would join the group a week later.

After making the decision, Chu Yunsheng dug out Yin Zheng's number, sent him a message, and informed him.

Yin Zheng naturally did not reply.

Chu Yunsheng didn't care either. After dinner, he sat back at the table and began to read the complete script sent by Zhang Feifan.

He decided to take advantage of the week before joining the group to study and use the acting buff on the original body, and strive to reach a normal level.

In addition, he checked the deposit in the original card. Between acting to make money and continuing to develop his medical career, he hesitated and chose to start a company.

If you want to change Yin Zheng's fate, it is not enough to teach Yin Zheng to act.

Zhou Ziyan's status as the president of Zhou's is destined to be much higher than that of ordinary stars. Under the attack of power and money, his famous acting skills cannot even last a minute.

The news that Chu Yunsheng helped Yin Zheng spread, Zhou Ziyan would definitely be angry.

Whether it is for Yin Zheng or himself, Chu Yunsheng must have the ability to deal with Zhou Ziyan.

He's experienced, he's just starting from scratch, nothing.

Recalling some experimental inventions that he had done in his spare time, Chu Yunsheng turned on the computer and made a few calls.

In the next week, Chu Yunsheng was completely busy as a spinning top, starting a company, applying for patents, and taking time to travel abroad.

Yin Zheng didn't look for him during this time, and he didn't have time to contact Yin Zheng. Until the day before entering the group, sitting on the plane, the two did not meet the second side.

Yin Zheng is alone.

He just terminated the contract with Hanhai Entertainment and paid a large amount of liquidated damages. The agent left and the assistant did not invite him. He just carried a small suitcase and boarded the plane. Sitting in your seat and looking down on your phone.

When Chu Yunsheng saw him, Yuan Mengzheng, the agent next to him, whispered in a low voice, his tone was full of resentment: "I said Lao Chu, you are too casual. I know that sometimes you want to You can ignore everything in acting, but for such a big thing, you are still so arbitrary, we have been friends for so many years, that is, I can put up with you..."

Yuan Meng scolded with anger and anger.

From the manager's point of view, he didn't want Chu Yunsheng to get caught in Yin Zheng's muddy waters, and starred in small production films with zero pay, only asking the director to guide Yin Zheng. Coupled with Yin Zheng's recent reputation as an unspoken assistant and homosexuality, Yuan Meng is very clear about what will happen when the news spreads.

But from a friend's point of view, Yuan Meng has read the script and has to admit that this male protagonist is indeed different from all the previous roles of Chu Yunsheng, and it is an opportunity to seek a breakthrough in acting skills.

The development and tempering of acting skills has always been Chu Yunsheng's paranoia.

Although with Chu Yunsheng's status, there are many good characters, you can choose casually, but Chu Yunsheng, the actor, also has shortcomings. Most of the characters I have played are villains who are warm in appearance but not very normal in psychology. It is not that they have never played other roles, but those who have won awards and are outstanding are all such roles.

His screen image is somewhat solidified, and most directors prefer him to continue to play such roles, so most of the scripts sent are like this.

Chu Yunsheng wants to break this situation and seek change, which is normal.

And Chu Yunsheng's decision is not something he can easily change.

Yuan Meng sighed resignedly, found a seat, and was about to sit down and continue talking, when he turned his head, he saw Chu Yunsheng actually crossed the seat and walked forward.

Chu Yunsheng stopped behind Yin Zheng and glanced at Yin Zheng's phone screen.

Yin Zheng is on Weibo.

There is an almost one-sided trend on the Internet.

Marketing accounts and some 18th-tier stars are also forwarding, some imply that Yin Zheng is not good enough, harass male stars privately, and some step on Yin Zheng to show his innocence of.

Yin Zheng looked down at the comments, his fingers swiping on the screen trembled with anger.

"Don't watch if you don't want to."

Chu Yunsheng swiped Yin Zheng's cell phone, turned it off neatly, took out the phone card, and threw it to Yin Zheng: "I'll keep the phone for you."

Yin Zheng didn't seem to have expected that Chu Yunsheng would be on the same flight as him. He was robbed of his mobile phone and was stunned for a moment before he reacted and glanced around, seeing that no one was paying attention, he pressed down On fire, he said, "It's none of your business! Give me your mobile phone, you know it violates your right to privacy?"

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed it.

Chu Yunsheng stuffed the phone into his pocket, grabbed Yin Zheng's hand, pressed it back, and added a bit of sternness to his plain tone: "I'll join the group now, and concentrate on acting. Don't worry about this. You didn't bring an agent assistant, so I have something to ask Yuan Meng these days."

Yin Zheng couldn't understand what was stuffed in Chu Yunsheng's head.

He felt like he was going to explode as soon as he met this person.

"Are you sick?"

Yin Zheng lowered his voice and gritted his teeth, "Why do you care about me? Don't think that I agreed to come to the crew as a compromise with you. If you dare to do anything to me, I will..."

"Well, you castrated me."

Chu Yunsheng patted Yin Zheng's head, "The dark circles under the eyes are very heavy, so get some sleep."

After he finished speaking, he ignored Yin Zheng's reaction, turned around and left, and sat back in his seat.

After taking a seat, Chu Yunsheng tilted his head and said a few words to Yuan Meng, and looked down at the script, his expression as usual. Yuan Meng looked at it with a probe, and his eyes were strange.

Yin Zheng looked at the back, so angry that he almost jumped up and beat Chu Yunsheng to death.

But he didn't move.

He froze in his seat for a few minutes, only to find that Chu Yunsheng didn't look at him any more, and then slowly relaxed his body and squatted on the seat, looked confused for a while, and closed it tiredly Eye.

Framed, hidden, scandal, contract termination...

The agent left, the company gave up, and the media poured dirty water.

During this period, Yin Zheng fell into an unprecedented low point, and everything in his life seemed to be full of malice towards him.

He didn't dare to think about these things, for fear that the strength he had finally accumulated would completely collapse under this crazy blow. He has been insomnia for a long time, no one cares about him, and the only person who is willing to help him is a pervert.

Yin Zheng thought drowsily, tilted his head and fell asleep.

Shortly after takeoff.

Chu Yunsheng noticed Yin Zheng's quietness, thought about it, put down the script and walked over, and sure enough he saw Yin Zheng frowning and falling asleep restlessly.

He is much thinner than a week ago, and he is quite haggard.

It should be warm.

Chu Yunsheng didn't understand the feeling of distress.

But Yin Zheng's appearance made him a little unhappy.

Yuan Meng watched his series of operations from behind, and was surprised: "Old Chu, you are single until now, you shouldn't really..."

"Don't think about it."

Chu Yunsheng glanced at him lightly, but did not explain much.

Although Yuan Meng has been friends with the original body for many years, Yuan Meng does not know much about the original body, at least the spiritual world of this actor, Yuan Meng is not very clear.

Before the plane landed, Yin Zheng woke up. Seeing the blanket and the milk with the right temperature, he didn't seem to think too much. After drinking the milk, he sat down and looked out the porthole.

Zhang Feifei's play is called "Sky Blue Kill", and the background is in the period of the Anti-Japanese War in the Republic of China.

The main filming location chosen by the crew is a small town in the south. The buildings of the Republic of China are quite well preserved, and there is also a warlord's mansion, which has a strong sense of age.

The story of this play is mainly developed in Shanghai Beach, but the current Shanghai Beach poor crew is afraid that they can't make it, so they can only settle for the next best thing and come to this small town to make do.

Although the architecture of this small town is not as good as that of Shanghai Beach, it is worse than the prototype, and there are not many tourists. There is also a small film and television base nearby for the shooting of the Republic of China drama. It's the perfect choice for a good price.

When Chu Yunsheng and Yin Zheng arrived, almost all the production staff were there.

The crew will start the production in five days. The reason why Chu Yunsheng chose to join the crew now is to take Yin Zheng to participate in the script seminar these days. He just happened to be eavesdropping.

The original body is an actor after all, and the memory in his mind is complete. Chu Yunsheng has gained some confidence in acting these days.

However, imagination and practice are different. Moreover, the original body has never tried this kind of role, so Chu Yunsheng must not be taken lightly.

Since you are determined to do one thing, you must go all out. Chu Yunsheng has always been such a person.

The residence of the impoverished crew of "Sky Blue Kill" is a long-term rented homestay with a limited budget. Originally, only one suite was vacated for Chu Yunsheng, but now Yin Zheng is here again. There is no room, Zhang Feifan, the director, is still crowded with the screenwriter.

Director Zhang made the decision, replaced the big bed in Chu Yunsheng's room with two single beds, and stuffed Yin Zheng inside.

In the bedroom, Yin Zheng looked at the two pitiful single beds less than one meter apart, his face sinking like water.

Chu Yunsheng went out to see Yuan Meng.

Yuan Meng just met with the crew and arranged an assistant for Chu Yunsheng, and would not stay.

Chu Yunsheng glanced at the haggard Yin Zheng before leaving the room, and said, "You take a shower first."

The voice paused, remembering his slight cleanliness, and instructed again, "Wash it up."

Then the door slammed shut.

Yin Zheng turned his head and stared at the door, his face instantly turned red and green, green and red, just like a human-shaped traffic light.

In a few minutes.

Yin Zheng took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves, and dragged the single bed to the small living room - who the **** wants to be in the same room with the person who swells his chrysanthemum?

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